When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 383: The strongest magic suit

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"What the **** is this!" After putting on the magic costume, Li Xiu looked down at the magic costume on his body, the corners of his eyes twitching.

He can't be regarded as a real obsessive-compulsive disorder patient, and his aesthetics has not reached a very high level. He can accept ordinary looks, even those tattered clothes, and he can accept them calmly.

But now this magic costume on him made Li Xiu feel that his heart was covered with a layer of shy dirt.

This magic suit is not a traditional armor style, it looks like a set of clothes, but this set of clothes is connected together, including shoes, hats and goggles.

Li Xiu can accept all these, even if you give him a whole set of Kamen Rider props, he can accept it calmly.

The key is that no matter how you fix it, you have to have a whole set that looks like a masculine style. What does it mean that your whole set is similar to Sailor Moon or Ba La La Xiaomoxian?

Of course, this magic costume doesn't show thighs, and the whole body is covered, but it is obvious that there are knee boots and long gloves. What does this mean?

It is indeed a bit too much to say that it is similar to Sailor Moon, at least this thing has no skirt, the lower body is boots and tights, the outer skirt looks the same as the skirt, the tights between the skirt and boots, No matter how you look at it, it looks like that, and there is something like a scarf around the neck.

The only thing that comforted Li Xiu was that the style of the hat was somewhat similar to that of a motorcycle helmet. Generally speaking, this magic suit was like a female version of Kamen Rider costume.

The pure white magic costume, when viewed from different angles, shows different whites, which is very strange.

Li Xiu took a look in the mirror, and immediately removed the magic costume, allowing it to return to the style of the bracelet.

"Why did you take it off so quickly? Haven't started the test yet?" The old official hurried forward and said. "Old officer, I have confirmed for you that the magic costume is usable, and you can study the rest yourself." Li Xiu really couldn't go out wearing such a feminine magic costume.

"I'm researching shit, no one can activate it except you, how can I test it?" The old official got a little angry.

"Then I can't help it. You made me swear at the beginning that you would never have any ideas about your magic outfit." Li Xiu said hastily.

The old official didn't know that Li Xiu didn't take the oath seriously at all, otherwise he wouldn't have been so quick to test the magic outfit in the first place.

"Li Xiu, let's talk alone." The old official knew what the problem was, and patiently pulled Li Xiu into his own office, closed the door, and closed the shutters.

"Old official, I really can't help you..." Li Xiu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the old official waving his hand.

The old official looked at Li Xiu with a serious face and said, "Do you know why this magic suit looks like this?"

"How do I know this? I remember that when it was a semi-finished dress, it was obviously a masculine dress. How did it become like this?" Li Xiu said.

"When I completed this magic suit before, the situation was very dangerous..." the old official slowly described the situation at that time.

When Li Xiu heard that the magic equipment and the light energy furnace were almost about to explode, he could also imagine how bad the situation was at that time. Once this level of light energy exploded, the entire research institute would be destroyed in an instant. The Longevity City will be affected.

"I am already at this age, and I will die when I die. After all, this is my work, and I am willing to die for my work. But if something really happened at that time, everyone in the research institute would follow me Funeral, that is a result I cannot accept, I don’t want everyone to die, and I still owe so many favors that I can’t pay back... Fortunately, there was someone who stood up at that time.” The old official’s expression changed when he said this. Very heavy.

"Even you can't figure it out, who has such great ability?" Li Xiu was a little curious.

"When the situation was about to get out of control and the solar furnace was about to fall, Thrush stood up and used her magic costume and flesh and blood to block the solar furnace that was about to fall, and forcibly supported the magic costume until it took shape , the light energy in the light energy furnace is completely input into the magic outfit..."

The old official sighed and said, "The most

After the magic costume was completed, the thrush's life was gone. "

"Thrush?" Li Xiu couldn't help being stunned.

He still remembered Huamei, she was a magician who came out of the town of death, and she was also one of the few magicians with special spiritual knowledge.

Li Xiu had gone to her before, hoping that she would stand by his side and help him stabilize the technician team.

But Huamei refused at that time. Li Xiu had a relatively ordinary impression of Huamei at that time, thinking that she was just an ordinary female witch costume, and he didn't have much other impressions.

Unexpectedly, Thrush would sacrifice herself to help the old officials and the others complete the magic outfit, which was different from the Thrush in Li Xiu's previous impression.

"Because of Thrush's sacrifice, we were able to complete this set of magic outfits. Otherwise, when the light energy furnace fell down, everything would have been over, and it would be impossible to find so many materials to start again in the future. To be honest, I secretly kept some of the materials you gave me before for the manufacture of this magic suit, and it is almost impossible to find substitutes for those materials..."

The old official sighed and continued: "You didn't see the tragedy of Thrush at that time, the magic costume was damaged, her flesh and blood were stuck to the light energy furnace, and when it was finally pulled off, her body was already scorched. In fact, I don't know why the magic costume turned into the current form, but I think, maybe it's because Thrush made this magic suit with her own life, and this magic suit already has spirituality, so it becomes The way it is now."

"Why did she do this?" Li Xiu really couldn't figure out why a person like Thrush would do such a thing.

The old official said seriously: "When Huamei rushed up, she already knew that she might not come back this time, so she said something at that time."

"What did she say?" Li Xiu asked.

"She said that you are the benefactor of the murlocs in the town of rebirth, and also the hope of the magician. With you having this magic suit, the magician will be able to stand on the same level as the testers in the future. The town and the murlocs have it." I hope I won't be inferior to others." The old official said slowly.

"Is it necessary?" Li Xiu closed his eyes and sighed slightly.

"It's not necessary for you, but for Thrush, who was born as a murloc, she is willing to sacrifice everything for it." The old official looked at Li Xiu calmly and said, "I've already said what I need to say, are you willing?" Use this magical outfit, you decide for yourself.”

Li Xiu closed his eyes and recalled the appearance of the thrush, but he never looked at the appearance of the thrush carefully, and he never even took her to heart. At this moment, he couldn't remember what she looked like. A more delicate woman.

After a long time, Li Xiu opened his eyes and said, "Go on."

The old official nodded slightly: "Then let's continue, everything else is easy to talk about, the most important thing now is that you have to try it out to see if this magic outfit can enter the trial field."

Li Xiu didn't say anything more. Thrush didn't even want his own life for the murlocs in Rebirth Town. He was wearing a somewhat strange magical outfit, which was nothing compared to it.

Putting on the bracelet, Li Xiu and a group of researchers went to the town of death, and soon came to a trial gate.

Li Xiu looked at the old official and Professor Xu, and both of them nodded to him. Li Xiu activated the gemstone bracelet again, put on the magic costume, and then walked towards the trial door that had been opened by the researcher inlaid with gemstones.

After Li Xiu entered the trial gate, the old official and the others stared nervously at the slowly closing trial gate. If they succeeded, it would be a historic moment. If they failed, they would have to start over again. I have been here before, I don’t know when and what month, I will be able to have such an opportunity to be close to success again.

At the age of old officials and the others, I am afraid it will be difficult to wait for that day in my lifetime. Li Xiu appeared in the trial field. He looked down at his body and was immediately overjoyed. "Successful!" Li Xiu looked at the magic costume that had not disappeared, and was also happy for the old official and the others.

A lifetime of hard work has finally paid off.

"The old official really did it. This is a cross-age achievement, enough to be recorded in the annals of history." At the beginning of the trial, Li Xiu subconsciously tried to control the magic outfit.

The light on the magic suit is bright

When he got up, he flew out with Li Xiu's body.

Li Xiu's shock was no small matter. Being able to bring the magic outfit into the trial field was already a great success, but the power of this magic outfit can be used in the trial field, which is a bit too strong. You must know that even the deed rewarded by the trial field cannot be used in the trial field. The magic outfit can be used in the trial field, which is undoubtedly an advantage for other trialists.

Li Xiu immediately tried manipulating the magic outfit and using various magic outfit skills, but there was no restriction. The more Li Xiu tried, the more he liked this magic outfit.

"It's really strong!" Li Xiu probably tested the burst of light energy that this magic suit can emit while completing the trial, which is not inferior to the power of the **** level. Wearing this magic suit, Li Xiu even I feel that I can fight Guan Jinghao who is in a fallen state of God.

Li Xiu didn't continue the test. He knew that the old official and Professor Xu should be extremely nervous. At this time, they are more entitled to enjoy the joy of success.

Taking off the tester's bracelet, Li Xiu left the test field.

"How is it?" Seeing Li Xiu coming out, the old officials and the others immediately surrounded him, with longing and a little fear in their eyes, as if they were family members waiting outside the operating room for the super-difficult operation to end. "It's done." After Li Xiu said these two words, a group of researchers with an average age of over 70 years old shouted and shouted like children in excitement, and even jumped up.

"It's done...it's really done..." On the contrary, the old official stayed there for a while, just repeating this sentence for a long time.

"Mr. Guan, you succeeded, you really succeeded..." Professor Xu's eyes were a little red, and he wiped them furtively.

Looking at a group of old people who looked like children, Li Xiu seemed to be infected by them, and his mood improved a lot.

"Li Xiu, give it a name. If you want to continue to use the name of the Speed ​​of Light series, I can guarantee that this magic suit will never die at the speed of light." The old official said suddenly.

"This is your magic outfit, the name is only for you." Li Xiu shook his head and said.

He is just a driver, the old officer and the others are the creators of this magic suit.

"If you ask you to name it, you can do it. Don't you know that I am a waste of names, old man? I will let you name it for me, and you are not allowed to shirk." The old official said stubbornly.

"Then call her Thrush." ​​Li Xiu touched the magic costume on his body, and secretly decided in his heart that he would cherish the thrush magic costume and never let her be easily damaged.

The old official was slightly taken aback, and gave Li Xiu a complicated look, then nodded and said, "That's fine, let's call it Thrush."

Li Xiu originally wanted to go back to the research institute to chat with the old officials, but unfortunately, he ran out of time. Lao Jia came with the president's order and asked Li Xiu to go to the city lord's mansion.

Li Xiu knew it was time to go to Tianzhihai, so he had to say goodbye to the old officials and the others, and followed Lao Jia to the City Lord's Mansion.

"It's time for us to go, do you need to bring anything else?" The president looked at Li Xiu and asked. "I want to go back and say goodbye to them," Li Xiu said.

"Then there's no need, I've already had someone notify them to see them off at the Gate of Trials," said the president. Li Xiu thinks about it, he is not a person who likes to face parting.

"Before you go, there are a few words you should remember." The president continued, staring at Li Xiu.

"Tell me." Li Xiu listened calmly.

"On the way there, you have to listen to me for everything. When you arrive at Tianzhihai, you need to play by ear. You don't need to stick to rules or face. You have only one goal, and that is to win. Nothing matters," said the president.

"What do you mean?" Li Xiu felt that the chairman meant something.

"You will know when the time comes. You just need to remember that brute force is not the only way to solve problems." The president was unwilling to say more.

After the president asked people to prepare some things, he took Li Xiu to the town of death.

Sure enough, in Zhisheng Town, there were already many people waiting to see him off. From Changsheng City to Zhisheng Town, there were people seeing him off on both sides of the road.

But Changsheng City and Tuoluo Mountain

They are basically people from major families and other Longevity Six Groups. In addition to the murlocs from Xiangsheng Town, there are also members of the technician group.

"Chief, when you come back, I hope to fight with you." Jing Li came back from the trial gate he was guarding, obviously to send Li Xiu off.

"Okay." Li Xiu nodded and agreed.

"Chief, you can go at ease, if you really can't come back, I will take the position of the chief of the technician team." Jiu Xiaoyun said with a smile.

"From now on, it's all up to you." Li Xiu also laughed.

Only the two of them could understand the true meaning of Jiu Xiaoyun's words.

People who had good friends with Li Xiu stepped forward to say goodbye, but Li Xiu didn't see Li Ming'er and Li Qingyi.

"It's fine if you don't come." Li Xiu sighed inwardly.

When he arrived at the gate of trial, Bandit suddenly walked up to Li Xiu and said, "Are you serious about what you said?"

"What?" Li Xiu was slightly taken aback, but didn't react for a while.

"Whether you take it seriously or not, I take it seriously, and you will give me the answer when you come back." The bandit turned and left without waiting for Li Xiu's answer.

It took Li Xiu a while to realize what the bandit meant, and his face suddenly became weird.

"Chief, it's okay to see that you are usually silent." Sha Chu said with a smile. "Why are you back?" Li Xiu was slightly taken aback.

At this time, Sha Chu should be in the City of Light, and Li Xiu didn't tell her when he was going to the Sea of ​​Heaven. She rushed back at this time, obviously someone had notified her in advance, but she didn't know who it was.

"I'm here, don't worry." Chu Jun came back from behind Sha Chu.

Li Xiu couldn't help frowning secretly, almost all the people close to him came back, if it was the president who informed him, it would be a bit intriguing.

Wan Chaochun brought Wan Chaoxin and came to see him off with Ba Ye. They first saluted the president and then chatted with Li Xiu.

"Fourth brother, don't worry, this trip will surely turn bad luck into good fortune..." Ba Ye said with a smile.

Wan Chaochun didn't say anything, but just told Li Xiu to be careful, there seemed to be hidden worries between his brows, but he didn't want to show it.

The six presidents and vice president Han *** also came to see him off, but they mainly sent off the president, and Li Xiu was only incidental.

Surprisingly, after saluting to the president, *** Han walked up to Li Xiu, and said with a smile, "You must come back."

"Don't worry, I will keep what I promised you." Li Xiu said.

Han *** said solemnly: "I really want that thing, but you may not believe it when I tell you. Even if you don't have that thing, I hope you can come back alive."

"Why?" Li Xiu was really surprised.

"Without you, this Longevity Day would indeed be less fun." Miss Han said with a half-smile, not sure if she was telling the truth.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Li Xiu and the president walked to the door of the trial, but the president didn't order anyone to use the trial badge to open the door.

"Is the president waiting for someone?" Li Xiu asked suspiciously.

"It's really waiting for someone, it should be here soon." The president said lightly.

Li Xiu had no choice but to wait. After a while, he saw a stream of light flying towards him in the sky. Li Xiu looked closely and found that it was a broken knife.


The broken knife was stuck in front of Li Xiu. Li Xiu looked at the broken knife, then raised his head and shouted loudly in the direction where the broken knife was flying: "Old knife, what do you mean by sending me a broken knife when I go out? This is Do you want to break up with me?"

"Break your head off, old man, I don't like to give away. The knife is like a human knife. Come back and talk to me if you have anything to say." The old knife's voice came from the sky.

Li Xiu smiled ~www.readwn.com~ and didn't say anything else. If a person like Lao Dao had no feelings, he wouldn't come here to see him off.

Only then did the president let people use the trial badge to open the trial door. When they swiped the trial door again and again, Li Xiu's target

Guang Guang swept through the sea of ​​people who were seeing him off, and looked at the familiar members of the technician team, one by one the magician.

Suddenly, Li Xiu's eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Your sister...Old official..." Li Xiu almost scolded on the spot.

In the last row of the magician's camp, Li Xiu saw a female magician. Although Li Xiu had forgotten what the thrush looked like, he immediately remembered that face when he saw that face. The female magician was clearly a thrush, she stood there perfectly, without any injuries on her body, and looked pretty good.

"It's definitely a thrush!" Li Xiu glared at the old official viciously, but the old official turned his face away and didn't look at Li Xiu at all.

Li Xiu still wanted to say something, but he was dragged into the door of trial by the president.

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