When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 384: dragon boat

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Li Xiu had never entered this door of trial, nor had he seen any information about it.

In fact, this place has always been in a closed state, and no testers are allowed to enter.

After Li Xiu appeared in the trial field, he immediately understood why it was closed.

Half of the ancient Roman arena-like proving ground has collapsed, and half of the light screen in mid-air seems to have been smashed by something, and the remaining half is squeaking and flashing with lightning, like an electric leak. Same signboard.

In the remaining half of the light screen, there is a black vortex, just like the vortex opened by the admission ticket.

Li Xiu was a little shocked. You must know that the proving ground is almost indestructible. Human beings in the proving ground are like toys controlled by the police. Who on earth has such terrifying power to destroy this place? proving ground.

"Is it the president?" Li Xiu turned his head to look at the president beside him. If this is really what the president did, then the president's strength may be stronger than he expected.

The president didn't turn his head to look at Li Xiu, but directly jumped towards the black vortex in the broken screen, and disappeared in the vortex.

Li Xiu followed, and before falling into the vortex, he glanced at the dilapidated trial ground, wondering what he was thinking.

Strangely, after entering the vortex, Li Xiu didn't see the familiar stone table and longevity lamp. It was pitch black, only a little light in the distance.

Li Xiu called the president a few times, but no one answered him. After pondering for a while, Li Xiu walked towards the bright place.

As Li Xiu moved forward, the light in front became bigger and bigger, from a small point to a small circle, and from a small circle to a sun-sized light cluster, the closer Li Xiu walked , the light is bigger and brighter.

When Li Xiu walked in front of the light group, the light group was already the size of a floor-to-ceiling window. When Li Xiu stepped into the light group, the scene in front of him changed rapidly.

When his eyesight returned to normal, Li Xiu found himself standing in a port-like place, and the president was standing on the pier, looking at the boundless black sea in front of him.

Li Xiu glanced back, and saw the ball of light hovering behind him like a white vortex.

"What are you waiting for, the boat is coming soon," said the president.

"Is this the black dead sea outside the black dead city?" Li Xiu came to the president and asked looking at the depths of the sea like a void.

"That's right, it's the same sea. Although it's farther from here to the Sea of ​​Heaven, it's more convenient." The president squinted his eyes and said, looking at the sea.

Li Xiu didn't know what it meant to be more convenient, but seeing that the chairman didn't mean to explain, he didn't ask again.

It's just that as far as he could see, he couldn't see any ship at all, and he didn't know where the ship came from that the chairman said was coming soon.

"After boarding the boat, there are three conditions that cannot be done. The first, if someone knocks on the door, you must never open the door; the second, you are not allowed to eat anything on the boat; the third, if I do not allow you to do, never You can touch it," said the president.

"Understood." Li Xiu asked again lazily. If the president wants to say something, he doesn't need to ask, the president will say it; if the president doesn't want to say it, it's useless to ask.

While Li Xiuxiu was thinking, he suddenly heard a crashing sound. Beside the pier, the sea water was surging, and a large ship rose from the sea water.

The strange thing is that the ship is not something similar to a submarine, but a three-sailed ship with white canvas and black hull.

As the three-sailed ship rose, the black water flowed down from the sails and the hull like small waterfalls.

In a blink of an eye, the three-sailed ship had completely surfaced. It was strange to say that there was so much water flowing on the ship, but none of it remained on the deck, not even a trace of wetness.

"Old man, hurry up and get on board, the Longevity is about to set off." A strange man with gray hair and rags in tattered clothes shouted at the president from the bow of the ship.

The president didn't say a word, just watched the big boat pull aside silently, until the strange man put down the plank, he called Li Xiu to step on it together.

On the plank a big ship.

"Who is that man?" Li Xiu could only see the strange man's back all the time, but couldn't see his front, and he couldn't feel the breath of the demon spirit from him, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

Li Xiu had seen before how powerful the water in the Dead Sea was, even steel could be directly corroded into slag, and the strange man rose from the sea with the three-sailed ship, and he was not damaged at all in the sea water, which was a bit surprising.

"A person who is already dead," said the president.

"A person who died a long time ago?" Li Xiu looked at the strange man in astonishment.

The weirdo finally turned his head, but the hair in front of him was as thick as the beard on his face, and it was almost impossible to see what he looked like, only a pair of bright and deep eyes could be seen. "Old man, I haven't seen you for many years, so you don't have to curse me as soon as we meet?" The weird man said with a strange smile, obviously not angry.

"Aren't I right? What's the difference between you and a dead person?" The president said while taking a sip of dry tobacco and puffing out the smoke.

"That's right." The weirdo didn't care, and asked instead: "Old man, if I'm not mistaken, at this time, you should go to the Sea of ​​​​Sky, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you hadn't calculated the time for me to go to the Sea of ​​​​Sky, why would you come here." The president said and went to the cabin on his own.

The strange man glanced at Li Xiu, smiled, showing his white and neat teeth, and then walked quickly in front of the president, leading the way.

Li Xiu frowned slightly, his teeth were neat and white, obviously very beautiful, but for some reason, Li Xiu felt a little creepy when he saw it.

Although this ship is a wooden ship, it is surprisingly big. It is really hard to imagine that a wooden ship can be built so big, and it is probably not inferior to an aircraft carrier.

The weirdo pushed open the door of the cabin, and the president and Li Xiu followed in. The interior was even more gorgeous than Li Xiu had imagined, and it can be described as magnificent and magnificent.

In the gorgeous hall, there are some furniture that Li Xiu doesn't know the name of, let's call it a table, which is smaller than ordinary tables and has no table legs.

It is not right to say that there are no table legs. There are indeed four legs underneath, and the shape is very beautiful, but it is too low. Even if you are sitting on a children's stool, you have to bow your head and bend over to reach the things on it. .

Soon Li Xiu discovered that these extremely low tables were not equipped with stools at all, but sat directly on the cushions behind them.

The president didn't wait for the weirdo to greet him, he sat down directly on a cushion, pointed to the low table next to him and said, "Sit there."

Li Xiu had no choice but to sit next to him. The weird man smiled, sat down opposite the president, and clapped his hands.

After a while, there were rows of beautiful little girls bringing up delicious food and wine. After a while, the low table in front of the three of them was filled with good wine and good food.

A few beautiful little girls walked up to the three of them, one on the left and one on each side, serving tea and wine for the three of them very skillfully, and even directly put the vegetables in their mouths.

Li Xiu still remembered that the president said that the food on the boat could not be eaten, so naturally he didn't dare to eat or drink, so he just sat there motionless.

The two little girls beside him persuaded him a few times, seeing that Li Xiu was unmoved, they stopped persuading him and stood behind him like that.

The weirdo sat on the ground, showing no taboos at all. He held the jug in one hand and the wine glass in the other, poured himself a glass of wine, raised his glass to the president, and said, "Old man, I haven't seen you for many years. This is a glass to celebrate our celebration." Meet again."

Li Xiu originally thought that the president would find an excuse to shirk, but who knew that he picked up the wine poured by the little girl and drank it straight away.

"Didn't you say that you can't eat the food on the boat?" Li Xiu secretly cursed in his heart.

The president didn't drink too much, and he also took food at will, enjoying the food while drinking with the weirdo, looking very happy.

"Old man, will this trip come true?" The weirdo drank another glass of wine, put down his glass and looked at the president and asked.

"People are here, don't you know how to see for yourself?" The president rolled his eyes, raised the empty glass, and asked the little girl next to him to give it to him.

He fell back up.

Then the strange man looked at Li Xiu, looked up and down, and smiled after a long while: "This little gentleman has a full sky and a round house, his nose is like a bright star, and his eyes are like bright stars. He looks blessed, and he will surely succeed in this trip." I wish."

"You say it. If you don't, I'll smash your wrecked ship when you come back." The president spoke mercilessly to this weird man, and it could even be said to be a bit harsh, which seemed to be a little different from the president's usual way of handling things.

The strange man was not angry at all, and said with a smile: "Okay, you can smash it if you like, if you don't like it, I will smash it with you."

The president seemed a little surprised when he heard the words, looked at the strange man and said, "You know him?" "No." The strange man shook his head.

"You don't know him, how do you have so much confidence in him?" asked the president.

"I have confidence in you. Guan Qingzhai was almost done sixty years ago. With your methods and scheming, old man, I'm afraid you have already made up your mind. I believe you will be able to achieve your wish this time." The weird man raised his glass and said loudly : "This cup, I wish you all wishes come true, old man."

"You are old-sighted, you can see clearly." The president smiled and raised his glass and drank it down. Li Xiu was sitting on the side, unable to eat or drink anything, listening to their chat, there was no real content, they were just playing charades, obviously he didn't want Li Xiu to hear what they were talking about, it was very boring.

"I'm going for a walk." Li Xiu got up and said.

The president only said that the food on the boat cannot be eaten, and the door cannot be opened if someone knocks on it, and he did not say that he is not allowed to stroll on the boat. Li Xiuxiu took this opportunity to see the true face of the Dead Sea.

Hearing what Li Xiu said, the strange man seemed a little surprised, and looked at the president.

"Look at the fuck, young people nowadays have their own ideas, I can't control that much. The boat is your boat, it's up to you whether you let them see it or not," the president said lightly.

"Xiaoyue, show this little gentleman around." Hearing the president's words, the strange man still had doubts on his face, but he didn't say anything, and just called a girl to guide Li Xiu. "The Dead Sea is not peaceful, Mr. Xiao should be careful." When Li Xiulin went out, the strange man said again.

"Thank you for the reminder, I will pay attention." Li Xiu said, opened the door and walked out.

When he came to the deck, Li Xiu couldn't help being slightly startled. When he was in the cabin, he didn't feel the ship move at all, and he thought the ship was still docked at the port and didn't move.

After coming out, I found that the port had long since disappeared. The three-sailed ship was sailing on the Dead Sea, and the speed was not slow at all. It was hard to believe that such a huge sailing ship could be so fast.

This boat is really too big, Li Xiu walked slowly, and it only took a few minutes to get to the bow.

Only then did he see that at the tip of the bow, there was a statue of a dragon's head, which was ferocious, yet solemn.

This is not the point, the point is that the statue of the dragon head seems to be alive, Li Xiu even saw the eyes of the statue of the dragon head moving.

"Could this ship be a demon?" Li Xiu couldn't help talking to himself.

"Mr. Xiao, the Longevity is not a demon. It is made of a piece of building wood." The girl Xiaoyue answered from the side.

"Jianmu? Is it the legendary sacred tree in the Classic of Mountains and Seas?" Li Xiu asked in surprise.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao." Xiaoyue nodded.

Li Xiu has only heard the name of that kind of legendary thing, and has never seen the real thing. The key point is that Jianmu is something in the myths and legends of the earth. How could it appear in the kingdom of demons?

"Could it be that there is also the Classic of Mountains and Seas in the Kingdom of Demon Spirits?" Li Xiu thinks it's wrong. How can it be such a coincidence that they are also called the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and they also have the legend of Jianmu.

"Xiaoyue, what's that person's name?" Li Xiu asked.

Xiaoyue is not stupid, she knew who Li Xiu was asking, but she shook her head and said: "The servant girl dare not speak the name of the adult, please forgive me, Mr. Xiao."

Li Xiu wanted to say something more, but suddenly he heard a long howl resounding beside him. The long howl sounded like a dragon's chant and a tiger's roar, right next to his ears, and it made his eardrums hurt.

Turning his head, he saw that the one making the sound of dragon chant was the dragon head statue on the tip of the boat.

"Sir, there is danger ahead, let's go back to the cabin quickly." Xiaoyue's face changed slightly when she heard the dragon's head's long whistle, and urged Li Xiu to go back.

"What's dangerous?" Li Xiu asked, looking at the sea water in front of him, but he didn't move.

"The dragon's head is a warning. There must be a terrifying demon ahead. Mr. Xiao, hurry up and follow me back." Xiaoyue tugged at the corner of Li Xiu's clothes, signaling Li Xiu to go back with her, her little face was full of anxiety.

"You go back first, I just want to see how terrifying the monsters in the Dead Sea are." Li Xiu was still counting on the monsters he met on the road to get the gems, so how could he go there.

"The monsters in the Dead Sea are not comparable to ordinary monsters. The roar of the dragon's head also shows that this monster is very terrifying. Mister Xiao, you should go back quickly." Xiaoyue urged again.

"You go back first." Li Xiu's tone was calm, but very firm.

Seeing this, Xiaoyue didn't dare to persuade Li Xiu anymore, but she didn't dare to go back alone, she could only grit her teeth and stand behind Li Xiu tremblingly.

"Why don't you go back?" Li Xiu saw that Xiaoyue was very scared, but she didn't go back, and knew that there must be a reason for it.

"If Mr. Xiao doesn't go back, I can't go back, or the adults will be unhappy." Xiaoyue said pitifully.

"Then you can stay here and watch with me." Li Xiu looked at the sea in the distance, and there was a huge shadow moving under the black water.

Obviously the sea water is already black, but the shadow is darker than the color of the sea water.


The sea water receded in waves, a huge body protruded from the sea in front, and strands of black light continuously rose.

"That's... the real dragon..." Li Xiu looked at the huge monster rushing out of the Dead Sea, his eyes full of curiosity.

It was a real black dragon with a length of hundreds of feet. It was full of mysterious light, as if black clouds and mist were swirling around it. A pair of dragon horns were as deep as black diamonds, but the dragon eyes were white and pupilless, as if they were blind.

"I met the Dragon King just after going out to sea... This is not a good omen..." The president and the strange man appeared on the roof of the cabin at some point, and the strange man looked at the black dragon and sighed.

"Is this little black dragon the one from back then?" the president frowned.

"Which one can it be? How could there be a real dragon in the Dead Sea? Even if it is outside, it is the only one in the world." What the strange man said seems to be somewhat contradictory.

"After so many years, you haven't killed it. It seems that you are quite nostalgic." The president sneered.

"When people get old, they have some superfluous thoughts that shouldn't be there, and they always want to keep them in mind." The weird man laughed and said, "This delay, I didn't expect it to become a climate, you still let your little one think about it." Apprentice, come back, if you are injured by the Dragon King, wouldn’t it be a big mistake.”

"Do you think that little black dragon can hurt him?" The president narrowed his eyes and said.

The strange man said speechlessly: "It's not that you don't know the origin of the Dragon King. Except for the Jade Seal of the Kingdom that you took away, who can suppress it? I dare not say anything else. The Dragon King is now Even if it is Guan Qingzhai back then, I am afraid that he is no match, I think you, a little apprentice, are still a little worse than Guan Qingzhai back then."

"In this case, how about we make a bet?" The president said with a half-smile.

"How to bet?" The weirdo looked at the president with interest and asked back.

"We'll bet on whether he can kill the Dragon King. If he kills the little black dragon, you can lend me your thing. If he can't kill him, I'll give you the Jade Seal of Chuanguo." The president said flatly.

"You're not going to help him?" the weirdo asked.

"If I make a move~www.readwn.com~, I will lose." The president said.

"You won't give him the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, will you?" The weirdo still felt cheated.

"Anything I give him is considered my loss." The president smiled and said, "You are still narrow-minded as always. As I said, if he has the ability to kill, he will kill him. If he is unable to kill him, then I will lose."

"I really don't believe it, so I bet

Bar. "The weirdo looked at the president, but he couldn't hold back after all. The weirdo has already seen that Li Xiu is not a god, so he said that he is not as good as Guan Qingzhai. How can a person who is not even a **** can kill the Dragon King.

Not to mention that the casting spirit level cannot kill the dragon king, even among the **** level, there are not many who can fight the current dragon king.

The Dead Sea is extremely dangerous, and there are many terrifying demon spirits inside. Many of them have reached the peak of the light of intuition, but as long as there is an area where the Dragon King is, no other demon spirits dare to approach. From this we can see the horror of the Dragon King .

The weirdo couldn't believe that Li Xiu, who was at the casting spirit level, could kill the Dragon King, even if he had a demon spirit.

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