When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 385: too early

The latest website: The Forbidden Spear turned into a cannon, and an orange-red beam of light blasted across the sky towards the black dragon on the sea.

As soon as the cannon was released, the strange man's eyes widened immediately, and his face was full of inconceivable surprise: "What's going on? I can't be mistaken. His body is definitely not at the level of a god. Why is the deed a **** level instead? Weird , it's really weird."

On the surface of the sea, the black dragon breathed out mysterious light, which collided with the forbidden light.

The Forbidden Light blessed by the No Sacrificial Bullet skill was only as good as the Xuanguang, and no one took advantage of it. The terrifying light explosion exploded on the sea, causing huge waves.

"Tianzhihai's god-level deed... What the **** is going on? I took the forbidden deed of Tianzhihai as my life deed, and instead of being promoted to the **** position, the deed was promoted to the **** position instead!" The strange man was even more surprised, and couldn't help but look at President.

The president smiled and said, "Do you know the method of planting light?"

"What kind of light technique? I've only heard of a kind of spiritual technique." The strange man frowned.

"The method of planting light is a method of concentrating light created by himself. It should not be regarded as the method of concentrating light. It is a brand-new method of planting light..." The president recounted Li Xiu's creation of the method of concentrating light.

Hearing this, the strange man was amazed: "What a kind of light technique, excellent talent, this son's talent is probably higher than Guan Qingzhai, such a talent, why hasn't he himself been promoted to the **** position, shouldn't it be?" "He didn't before Not a trial person, the time to really start entering the trial field is about a year at all times." said the president.

"One year?" The strange man stared blankly at Li Xiu, who was fighting the black dragon in the distance, and said with a complicated expression: "He only entered the proving ground for trials when he was in his twenties...a year to create a light method...the deed of life is absorbed You... old man... are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"Otherwise, why do you think I chose him?" The president narrowed his eyes and said.

"Isn't it because of his looks and temperament?" said the weirdo.

"That must be able to catch people's eyes with his ability." The president said lightly.

"That's right. In this way, you have invested a lot of money in him, and you have pushed him to this level in a year."

"Hehe, you may not believe me when I tell you. I really haven't given him any resources. It has little to do with me that he can achieve what he is now. The biggest benefit I gave him was to bring him into Changshengtian. I gave him the jade token," said the president.

"Is there really such a gifted and talented person in the world?" The weirdo couldn't believe it.

"It's too early for you to sigh." The president said with a smile.

The weird man thought that the chairman meant that Li Xiu must have some flaws in such a quick way, so he nodded and said: "Such quick success, and the use of immature seeding methods, some flaws are inevitable, and there should be opportunities to make up for it in the future. Complete."

The president smacked his lips and said nothing.

Li Xiu soared into the air and fought the black dragon in the air. His strongest attack skills could not hurt it without throwing bullets, and his ability was even more weird and unpredictable.

The black dragon has not completely left the sea. Its power seems to be endless, and it is getting stronger and stronger. It has already forced Li Xiu to dare to collide with it head-on.


The mysterious light spit out by the black dragon is already like a stormy sea, so majestic that it is unimaginable.

Li Xiu was horrified in his heart. He had never seen such a terrifying light of truth. Even if the top gods he had seen were as strong as the three immortal corpses and Guan Jinghao, they were not as powerful as the light of truth. The black dragon is terrifying.

And the Black Dragon's Light of Truth is still getting stronger, it seems that there is no upper limit at all.

"Li Xiu is indeed talented, but he is still too young to fight the Dragon King. Is it you or me?" the strange man said while watching the battle.

"No hurry, let's see." The president didn't seem in a hurry.

The strange man said: "You also know that the Dragon King's ability is almost invincible in the Dead Sea. If Li Xiu did his best after the first blow, he might be able to pose some threats to the Dragon King. There is no chance, so what's the point of watching?" The president smiled without saying a word, just calmly watching the battle on the sea.

The strange man was puzzled: "His natal contract is indeed very powerful, and it has bottomed out. He can't hurt the black dragon, and his body is only a casting spirit. How can he fight? Use demon spirits? The black dragon is most afraid of Wei Ou , it is impossible to win with a god-level monster.”

The overwhelming mysterious light was like a layer upon layer of huge waves, rushing towards Li Xiu from all directions in the sky and the earth, leaving him with no way to escape.

The black dragon is like a monster dragon making waves, bringing forth boundless mysterious light, and its majesty has reached an unimaginable level.

At least Li Xiu has never seen anyone whose Light of Truth can be as majestic as this black dragon, with almost no upper limit.

There was no way to avoid it, Li Xiu's whole body was trapped by the monstrous mysterious light.

"Are you really not going to make a move? I'm afraid it will be too late." The weirdo said with some concern. "No need." The president said firmly.

The weirdo wanted to say something, but suddenly saw a touch of blue bursting out of the mysterious light like a huge wave.

The mysterious light like ocean waves was frozen layer by layer above the sky, and the blue light quickly spread along the layers of mysterious light, and all the mysterious light was frozen in the sky in a blink of an eye, like a frozen sea suspended in the sky.

The black dragon stopped emitting mysterious light and dived under the Dead Sea, only then could it avoid being hurt by the blue frozen light, and a large piece of blue ice was also frozen on the surface of the sea.


The frozen sea in the sky shattered, and Li Xiu's figure flew out of the sky, with a strange blue brilliance blooming on his body.

"That's... the casting spirit of the **** position contract... he must be a double life contract, right?" The strange man's eyesight was so vicious, he immediately saw what was going on with Li Xiu.

"I said, you sighed too early." The president narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Only at this time did the weirdo realize the true meaning of the president's words just now. It turned out that it was not that there was a problem with Li Xiu's promotion, but that there were more things worthy of his admiration.


The sea water erupted like a volcano, and the black dragon broke through the water, with white light in its eyes.

Li Xiu stood in the sky, picked up the taboo cannon without hesitation, aimed at the black dragon, and fired another cannon.

This time, the beam of light was dyed with a layer of ice blue light, and after it came into contact with the light of the white eyes, it immediately froze the light of the white eyes in the air.

But in the next second, the light of the white eyes became stronger and stronger, and the freezing speed of the light of the evil spirit of death couldn't keep up with the bursting speed of the light of the white eyes.

This is like extinguishing a fire. Water can indeed quickly extinguish the fire and cool it down, but if the fire is strong enough, even if a river is drained, it is just a drop in the bucket.

I don't know what the origin of this black dragon is. The amount of its light of truth is so much that Li Xiu has never seen before. The light of death and evil spirits can restrain it, but because its amount of truth is too much If there were too many, Li Xiu's death evil spirit light would not have much effect.

"Such a genius, I think he should be satisfied, don't let him take any more risks, or should I take the initiative to expel the Dragon King?" said the strange man.

"Don't ask me, I don't care, I'm afraid that you will drive away the Dragon King, that kid won't like it." The president curled his lips and said.

The strange man was a little stunned, staring at the president in disbelief and said: "Could it be that he really wants to kill the Dragon King? You don't think he can kill the Dragon King, do you?"

"Then who knows." The president was noncommittal.


Another red light appeared in the sky, and the two red and blue beams met the black dragon's white eyes, forcibly holding back the advancing momentum of the white eyes.

"Double casting spirits..." The strange man was a little numb, and Li Xiu's abilities exceeded his expectations time and time again.

Li Xiu's Evil Spirit Card and Forbidden Spear fully exploded, but they only delayed the attack of the light of white eyes.

A moment later, the light of the white eyes rose again, and more light of the white eyes surpassed the light of the evil spirit of life and the light of the evil spirit of death, and rushed towards Li Xiu.

"In this world, there really is a demon with endless light of truth? Then isn't it invincible?" Li Xiu frowned and looked at the black dragon whose eyes were shining like ghosts.

He naturally does not believe in the world

If there is such a existence in the world, if there is such a reality, it should not be just a god, at least it should be peerless, and it can even be said to be the creator of the world. It is impossible for a **** level to have infinite energy, Li Xiu knows this very well.

"The problem should be on the Dead Sea, right?" Li Xiu had actually seen some clues. He guessed that the black dragon should be able to obtain the power of the Dead Sea, otherwise it wouldn't have stayed in the Dead Sea forever, and never fully rushed out of the Dead Sea to fight him.

It's just that Li Xiu hasn't understood how the black dragon obtained the power of the Dead Sea.

Li Xiu is also good at absorbing other people's power for his own use, but even with his current physique, it is impossible for him to absorb so much power like the black dragon and use it at will.

With the power of the black dragon, it is more effective to **** in a super bottle.

"This boy is indeed a heavenly figure, does he have other means?" The strange man looked at the president and asked, now he was already looking forward to Li Xiu's endless means and surprises.

"Don't ask me, how do I know so much, I didn't teach him, I just picked up a ready-made bargain." The president laughed.

"You're so cheap...you're getting too big..." The weirdo smiled helplessly as he looked at the well-behaved president who was so cheap.

Seeing that the light in the white eyes was already hard to resist, Li Xiu did not back down, hanging in the air, frowning and staring at the light in the white eyes.

If the mysterious light emitted by the black dragon before was the waves, then the light of the white eyes is the waves now. The mysterious light is fierce but the white light is soft. The fierce force can be broken, but the gentle invasion is difficult to defend against. What's more, this endless gentle light, even the mountains and rivers, cannot escape the danger of being submerged.

"Whether it is fierce or soft, in the final analysis, it is still the power of movement. In fact, there is no difference, but the form is different. No matter what form it is, as long as it can be stopped, it is no longer a threat." Li Xiu's mind emerged. The scene of stormy waves crashing on the shore.

The huge waves smashed against the rocks, but the rocks were not broken, and the waves broke into flowers, submerging the boulders.

But the root of all this is not the huge waves, nor the spray, nor the storm that caused the huge waves, but the fluidity of the sea itself.

Seeing that the light in his white eyes had flooded in front of Li Xiu, Li Xiu suddenly withdrew a palm, and the crimson light of life and evil spirits no longer bloomed, and his whole body glowed with blue light, but unlike the previous ice Compared with the blue brilliance, the brilliance this time is a bit dim, not so dazzling, and even a little lifeless.


The taboo cannon blasted out the light beam again, and the lifeless blue light beam touched the light of the white eye, making it freeze in the air.

It's not frozen, but still, the light of the white eyes is like a painting, still in the air.

What's even more frightening is that this stillness seems to spread, and all the white eyes are equally still for an instant.

Even the black dragon whose eyes glowed with white light was frozen there, like a picture of a dragon going out to sea.

The sea surface in the nearby sea area is completely still, the waves stop, and the waves freeze in the air, calm and weird.

"This is... the absolute stillness of the ice-bone Yinling beast... no... the absolute stillness of the ice-bone Yinling beast is not really absolute stillness, but it can stop the particle movement to a certain extent... how does it look like... like..." The weirdo seemed unable to think of how to describe it for a while.

"Death." The president slowly said a word beside him.

"Yes, it is death. It seems that everything is dead. The Dragon King is dead. The sea is dead. The sea is dead. Even the air is dead. But how is this possible? Time is a bit difficult to understand.

"This kind of power comes from purgatory." The president said softly.

"He...he passed the test of the gate of purgatory..." The strange man lost his voice in shock.

"He is the only one who came out of the gate of purgatory with a deed unscathed." The president said with a smile.

"Such a person, why are you willing to let him go to the Sea of ​​​​Sky?" The strange man watched Li Xiu fall from the sky with a complicated expression and rushed towards the still black dragon.

"If he doesn't go, who else can I go to?"

Long sigh.

"If he goes to Tianzhihai, you really won't regret it?" The strange man also sighed.

"I have no choice..." The president looked at Li Xiu with burning eyes.


The huge static body of the black dragon was directly smashed by Li Xiu's punch, and its endless light of truth could no longer play a role.

"Sure enough, as I thought, it only borrowed the power of the Dead Sea, not really possessed the power of the Dead Sea, nor did it really absorb the power of the Dead Sea for its own use. As long as it cut off its connection with the Dead Sea, it would be It's just a god." Li Xiu was a little happy in his heart.

Although the black dragon caused him some troubles, it also allowed him to understand more about the subtleties of the light of evil spirits and the light of taboos during the battle.

Especially the comprehension of the light of the evil spirit of death has raised it to a higher level.

The body of the black dragon was shattered, and strangely, a dragon shadow like a dreamlike mist flew out of its body.

After the mist-like dragon shadow appeared, it disappeared like a stream of light, and rushed in front of Li Xiu at an incredible speed.

Li Xiu was startled, he didn't know what it was, it seemed a little familiar, but he couldn't tell where he had seen it before, and he didn't have time to think about it, so he burst out the light of the evil spirit of death again to protect his body.

But before the light and mist dragon shadow rushed in front of him, a magic ring on Li Xiu's finger suddenly lit up, and it flew away from his finger to meet the light and mist dragon shadow.

Li Xiu watched helplessly as the magic ring collided with the light mist dragon shadow, and then saw a surprising scene.

The mist and dragon shadow actually merged into the magic ring, making the light on the magic ring stronger and stronger.

"What's going on here?" Li Xiu stared blankly at the demon ring, thinking about various possibilities.

"Why is that thing in his place? Isn't it supposed to be in the hands of that person?" The strange man couldn't help but startled slightly when he saw the roaring light and shadow in the demon ring, and looked at the president.

The president sighed: "How do I know, it seems that this kid should have seen that person, and got that thing from him. It's his luck, I didn't even get something, and let him take it." Here we go."

The strange man said with a strange expression: "That's right, if you knew that the Suihou Pearl was in his hands, you would have already figured out a way to get it, and you wouldn't let him hatch."

"You really understand me." The president smiled.

"Now you only have the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, without the Suihou Bead. After all, it's a little worse. Now that the Suihou Bead is one with spirit and spirit, you don't want to forcibly deprive him of his Suihou Bead, do you?" the strange man looked at the president and asked. "You really understand me." The president narrowed his eyes, staring at the mutated demon ring.

Li Xiu finally knew why he looked familiar with the mist and dragon shadow. It was very similar to Longmailing, but slightly different, so Li Xiu felt familiar. As the light mist dragon shadow merged into the demon ring transformed by the Suihou Pearl, the demon ring gradually changed from the ring to the appearance of a dragon spirit.

It's just that at this time, Longmailing is shining brightly, and the power of the light of truth is so terrifying that even Li Xiu feels a little afraid.

"What is the origin of the black dragon? It seems that it has a deep relationship with the Suihou Zhu. No wonder it can borrow the power of the Dead Sea. The dragon vein spirit itself has the ability to use the fortune of the world~www.readwn.com~ And the black dragon, Obviously it's not as simple as just relying on luck..." Li Xiu guessed the origin of the black dragon, but he couldn't guess the real identity of the black dragon.

The light and mist dragon shadow has been fully integrated into the body of Longmailing. At this time, the dragonmailing is surrounded by light, and the light seems to disappear like fog. It's almost impossible to look directly at.

The sky, the earth and the sea seemed to faintly echo the spirit of the dragon vein, the sky was thundering, and the sea rolled up waves.

The thunder became more and more dense, and thunder and lightning intertwined in the sky, like thousands of silver dragons flying intertwined.

The waves in the sea are getting more and more turbulent, surging in the direction of Longmailing from all directions, creating a huge wave of 100 meters, like a dragon coiling around.

In the next second, Long Mailing uttered a dragon's chant that resounded through Haitian, and Haitian became silent following the sound of dragon's chant.

The thunder and lightning dissipated, the sea returned to calm, Long Mailing's body condensed and turned into a dazzling demon ring again, flew back to Li Xiu, and automatically returned to his finger.


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