When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 386: trick boat

The latest website: Longmailing: Evolvable monsters.

Level: **** position.

Quality: Aurora.

Oversoul upper limit: 100%.

Light pulse: 58.

Casting Spirit: The Third Form.

The light of truth: the light of the dragon veins of heaven and earth.

Innate skills: luck of heaven, luck of earth, luck of people, lucky strike, 100% sure to be beheaded.

Li Xiu was not surprised that Long Mailing was promoted to the **** position, but Li Xiu was surprised that it was not a **** position. But after reading Longmailing's information, Li Xiu was still a little surprised, because its quality had been upgraded to Aurora.

This is the third time Li Xiu has seen the quality of Aurora, the first time it was himself, the second time it was the bride-to-be, and the third time it was the Longmailing.

It's just that this Dragon Vein Spirit is even more strange, it actually merged with the strange mist and dragon shadow, and its quality has been improved again, from brilliance to aurora.

The light of the dragon veins of heaven and earth is a light of truth that can draw on the power of the dragon veins of heaven and earth, which is similar to what Li Xiu had guessed before.

The black dragon refused to leave the Dead Sea because of the power of the dragon veins in the Dead Sea. The endless light of truth was also able to reach that level because of the blessing of the dragon veins in the sea.

It's just that Li Xiu has not figured out exactly what the dragon veins of the heaven and earth refer to and where they can be blessed. He only knows that such blessings can be obtained in some special geographical locations. For example, mountains, rivers, oceans, etc. Generally speaking, places with mountains and waters can get some blessings, it’s just a question of how much blessings are given.

The blessing given to the black dragon by the Dead Sea is obviously great. In another place, the black dragon may not be so fierce.

"It's a pity that nothing was left behind after the black dragon's death. The black body is just an empty shell like garbage. I don't know whether it is really dead or fake death." Li Xiu was secretly depressed.

Of course, Long Mailing was very happy to be promoted to the **** position, but the plan to obtain the **** position gem failed again.

Back on the boat, Xiaoyue was the only one waiting for him at the bow. The president and the weirdo had disappeared, and they probably went back to the cabin.

"Mr. Xiao is so powerful. To kill such a terrifying demon spirit is like picking something out of a bag..." Xiaoyue looked at Li Xiu with admiration, and her expression was not fake.

"Take me to the room to rest." Li Xiu saw that there was no wind or waves in the Dead Sea, and he didn't know when he would encounter the devil again. He planned to recover the lost light energy and physical strength first, so that he could continue the next battle .

Hearing from the president, if he wants to reach the Sea of ​​Sky, he needs to drive on the Dead Sea for at least half a month, and he still hopes to use this time to hit the **** position.

Xiaoyue took Li Xiu to the room to rest. The size of the three-sailed ship was comparable to that of an aircraft carrier. There were two floors on the ship. Besides the lobby, there were many rooms, but Li Xiu followed Xiaoyue all the way, but there was not even a single figure I didn't see them, even the girls who were with Xiaoyue before, I didn't see their shadows.

"Xiaoyue, is there no one else on this boat besides us?" Li Xiu asked after Xiaoyue.

"No, besides you, we are the only ones on this boat." Xiaoyue replied. "Why didn't you see your little sisters?" Li Xiu asked again.

"The rooms above are for the guests, and we live below." Xiaoyue took Li Xiu to the door of a room, pushed the door open, stepped aside and said, "Mr. Xiao, this is your room. If you need anything, just call my name anytime."

"Who were the guests before us?" Li Xiu still wanted to know something about this big ship.

"The guests before you..." Xiaoyue tilted her head and thought for a while, then said with a smile, "Isn't it the gentleman who came with you and another little gentleman?"

Li Xiu's face changed slightly, he frowned and looked at Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue's answer made him feel very bad. "Is the other little gentleman you mentioned named Guan Qingzhai?" Li Xiu stared at Xiaoyue and asked slowly, his gaze was like a knife blade, as if he wanted to see through Xiaoyue's brain.

"It seems to be the name. The little gentleman doesn't like to talk, and he is a bit withdrawn. I heard the gentleman call him

Qing Zhai. "Xiao Yue recalled.

Li Xiu really couldn't see signs of lying on Xiaoyue's face, but if what Xiaoyue said was true, it would be even more weird.

The president took Guan Qingzhai to Tianzhihai. It was already 60 years ago. Xiaoyue was only a little older, so how could he pass Guan Qingzhai.

What is even more unacceptable is that this big ship will only pick up guests when the president is going to the Sea of ​​​​Sky? Where was this big ship during the sixty years in between? Where are the weirdo and Xiaoyue?

"Could it be that this is a ghost ship? The weirdo and Xiaoyue are both ghosts?" Li Xiu looked at Xiaoyue in front of him, and it was really hard to connect her with the ghost.

Xiaoyue is so lively and lovely, full of curiosity about everything, and so kind and sincere, how can such a fresh life be a ghost.

No matter how Li Xiu looked at it, Xiaoyue was made of flesh and blood, with the temperature of a normal person and the shadow of a human being, so it couldn't be a ghost.

"Mr. Xiao has no other instructions, so I will go down first." Xiaoyue turned and left, and disappeared at the end of the passage after a while.

Li Xiu looked at the rooms on both sides of an aisle, all of which had their doors tightly closed. Only relying on his hearing and sensory abilities, he could not sense any trace of life or movement at all. Li Xiu didn't enter his room. He went to the next room and held the doorknob. He tried to push it, but the door didn't move at all, it should be locked.

It was useless to try again, Li Xiu returned to his room, closed the door, and lay down on the bed to rest.

The layout of the room is very simple, there is only a very beautiful bed, Li Xiu seems to have seen such a bed there, this thing should not be called a bed, it seems to have another name in ancient times, he should have used it on the computer I've seen it before, but I didn't notice what it was called. He closed his eyes and rested. Before he fell asleep, he suddenly heard knocking on the door, very rhythmic. After knocking twice, he waited for a while and knocked twice again.

"Who?" Li Xiu still remembered that the president said that when he was on this ship, no matter who knocked on the door, he must never open the door.

"Dong dong..." No one answered the door, but there was another knock on the door.

"Who the hell?" Li Xiu frowned.

"Dong dong..." There was no answer, but the rhythmic knock on the door kept ringing, knocking twice and stopping for a while, knocking twice, and stopping for a while.

Seeing that no one answered, Li Xiu simply ignored it and closed his eyes to sleep. Seemingly knowing that Li Xiu had no intention of opening the door, the knock on the door disappeared, which instead made Li Xiu a little curious.

"Why did the president say that the door cannot be opened if someone knocks? Could it be that this is really a ghost ship, and the person knocking on the door is a ghost?" Li Xiu didn't hear the sound of someone leaving, and was very curious in his heart. He really wanted to open the door and have a look. , what the **** is out there.

However, Li Xiu still held back the impulse in his heart, rested with his eyes closed, and fell asleep not long after.

Li Xiu dared to sleep too much. He estimated that he had slept for about six hours before waking up and calling out "Xiaoyue".

Originally, he thought that Xiaoyue would not be able to hear his voice, but he didn't know how long he heard footsteps coming from outside the door. After a while, the footsteps came outside the door, and then the door was pushed open, and Xiaoyue also walked in.

"Sir, what's your order?" Xiaoyue asked respectfully.

"Has there ever been a demon outside?" Li Xiu asked.

"I met a few demon spirits, but they have all been dismissed. Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, generally

The monsters can't get on the boat. "Xiao Yue thought that Li Xiu was worried about danger, so she quickly explained.

"Is it a god-level demon spirit?" Li Xiu didn't hear a sound, and didn't sense the fluctuation of the battle, feeling a little strange in his heart.

Although this ship is big, if there is a battle, with his current keen sensory ability, he shouldn't be unable to feel it at all.

"That's right." Xiaoyue shook her head and said, "It's just some ordinary monsters."

"Oh." Li Xiu nodded, looked at Xiaoyue and asked again: "Just before I went to sleep, someone knocked on the door,

Do you know who is knocking on the door? "

"Knock on the door? Why would someone knock on the door? There are no other guests on this boat except you and that gentleman. The gentleman is still in the cabin. We can't come here without your call. There should be no one. I will come to knock on your door." Xiaoyue looked confused.

Li Xiu frowned secretly, but seeing Xiaoyue's expression, he knew that he would not be able to ask any more questions, so he thought about it, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyue, can you take me to where you live?"

"This is not good, you are a distinguished guest, how can you go to a place like ours..."

Satsuki said hesitantly.

Seeing that Xiaoyue didn't directly refuse, Li Xiu smiled and said, "This ship will sail at sea for at least half a month, it's really boring, just take me around."

"Okay, if Mr. Xiao doesn't mind, just come with me." Xiaoyue didn't refuse any more, and took Li Xiu out of the guest room.

The place where Xiaoyue and the others lived was not the same entrance as the client, so they walked around the deck, and Xiaoyue entered a door with narrow stairs going down, which were also made of wood.

The whole boat was made of wood, and Li Xiu didn't even see a single nail, it seemed to be all mortise and tenon structure.

Going down the narrow stairs is a long passage. The walls on both sides are inlaid with beads like night pearls at intervals. There are no electric lights, not even oil lamps. In the dark passage, all Illuminated by the shimmer of these beads.

Fortunately, Li Xiu is not afraid of the dark at all, and has the ability to see things in the dark, so he doesn't feel anything. The passage was very long, and after turning a corner, it was still the passage. If it wasn't for the door in the middle, Li Xiu doubted whether he was walking through the same passage.

After turning a few turns, Xiaoyue stopped in front of a door, and said to Li Xiu with some embarrassment: "Mr. Xiao, this is where we live. Do you really want to go in?" Alright, let's go in and have a look, do you need to say hello to your little sisters first?" Li Xiu asked after thinking about it.

After all, it was a place where some little girls lived, and he was afraid of seeing some bad pictures. "No need." Xiaoyue shook her head, reached out and pushed the door open.

As the wooden door creaked and slowly opened, Li Xiu also looked over, curious in his heart, what the place where these little girls lived looked like.

But when he saw the situation inside clearly, his expression changed drastically.

Inside this door is a larger space than the previous hall, which is supported by wooden pillars. It is completely different from the dormitory Li Xiu imagined, and it looks like a warehouse.

The reason why Li Xiu's face changed drastically was not because the place was so big, but because in this warehouse-like room, there were rows of black lacquered wooden coffins. many.

What kind of little girl's boudoir is this? To say that this is a Yizhuang is too much to beautify it. It is impossible for Yizhuang to park so many coffins, and why put so many coffins on a boat?

"You live here?" Li Xiu looked at Xiaoyue with a strange expression.

If Xiaoyue lives in such a place, is she a human or a ghost?

"That's right...that's where I sleep..." Xiaoyue walked to a coffin that was very close to the gate. The lid of the coffin was opened at a slant. Xiaoyue said embarrassedly:

"It's the first time someone wants to see where we live, so I'm a little embarrassed.

Li Xiu walked to Xiaoyue's side with a strange expression, and looked inside the coffin, but there was nothing inside, nothing.

"Can I see the other coffins?" Li Xiu looked at Xiaoyue and asked.

"If you want to see them, just call their names, they will come out by themselves, how dare you bother you, Mr. Xiao." Xiaoyue said.

"It's okay." Li Xiu said casually, and pushed the coffin next to him away, and there was a little girl lying in the coffin, who looked about the same size as Xiaoyue, and she was lying on the coffin with a ruddy face. Inside, she seemed to be asleep, but Li Xiu didn't hear her breathing, nor sensed her heartbeat.


Li Xiu pushed the coffin lid away so loudly, the little girl was not awakened, and remained motionless inside.

Li Xiu only felt his scalp tingling, and this situation made him wonder if he had broken into the vampire's lair.

"Xiaoxue, Mr. Xiao is here to see you." Xiaoyue softly called out to the little girl in the coffin.

The little girl who was obviously not breathing and had no heartbeat opened her eyes miraculously after being called out by Xiaoyue, and her breathing and heartbeat also seemed to recover.

Seeing Li Xiu and Xiaoyue, the little girl immediately sat up, crawled out of the coffin, and saluted Li Xiu in a panic: "I don't know how rude Mr. Xiao is, please forgive me."

"It's okay, I interrupted you." Li Xiu glanced at the other coffins, but he didn't have the urge to open them again.

"Xiaoyue, are all your companions here?" Li Xiu asked again.

"Yes, everyone is here." Xiaoyue nodded.

Li Xiu didn't ask any more questions, and let Xiaoyue take him out of here.

"What's the matter with this big boat? Are Xiaoyue and the others human or ghost? Who is that weird person?" Li Xiu had countless thoughts flashing through his mind, but it was still difficult to get the answer.

Xiaoyue and Xiaoxue seemed to be real people. If they hadn't appeared on this boat, if they had met outside, Li Xiu would never have any doubts about their identities.

But here is really strange, they are obviously living people, but when they are in the coffin, they are no different from dead people.

"Xiaoyue said that the guests she saw last time were the president and Guan Qingzhai. Could it be that they have been sleeping in that coffin for the past sixty years?" The more Li Xiu thought about it, the more strange it became. How could human beings live without eating or drinking? Sixty years of sleep in the coffin?

Don't say that ordinary people can't do it, even Li Xiu, who is now comparable to a god, can't go without food and sleep for sixty years, let alone sixty years, six years or even six months.

Back on the deck, Li Xiu was still thinking about the scene of those coffins. On the huge ship, there were only strange people and these non-human and ghost children sleeping in the coffins. What is the origin of this big ship? Li Xiu walked towards the hall, but when he reached the entrance of the hall, he heard a weird voice from the bow: "My old man drank a little too much, and he has already gone to the guest room to rest. Is Mr. Xiao interested?" Talk to the old man?"

Li Xiu remained expressionless, turned around and walked towards the bow of the boat, and sure enough, he saw that strange man sitting on the railing of the bow, holding a jug in one hand, and holding something in the other, continuing to drink while the sea breeze was blowing.

"What should I call your Excellency?" Li Xiu walked up to the strange man and said.

"I've already forgotten my name. You can call me uncle if you like, or old man if you're not." The strange man said sassyly.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Li Xiu frowned.

He refused to even say his name, which meant that there was no sincerity in the conversation.

Seeming to see what Li Xiu was thinking, the weird man smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Xiao, it's not that I don't want to tell you my name, but I really forgot it."

Knowing that Li Xiu didn't believe it, the strange man continued: "It's normal if you don't believe it, but if you are left alone, wandering alone on the sea for thousands of years, no one talks to you, no one is with you, you can only look at this Katakai, you will also forget a lot of unimportant things.”

"Isn't there still Xiaoyue and the others on this boat?" Li Xiu heard the flaw in the words ~www.readwn.com~ and said directly.

"They...are not human..." Li Xiu never expected that a strange person would say such words.

Although Li Xiu also felt that Xiaoyue and the others were not human, they would not say that in front of Xiaoyue, but the strange person said it so straightforwardly, which made Li Xiu feel a little too cruel.

Turning her head to look at Xiaoyue beside her, she saw that Xiaoyue's eyes seemed to be lost, completely out of focus, as if she was a walking dead, turning mechanically and walking towards the way she came from.

"Sir, although I don't remember my name, I can tell you a story, after you heard the story

thing, should be able to know who I am. The weirdo took a sip of wine, wiped his mouth and said.

"What story?" Li Xiu looked at the strange man and asked.

"A story about one person going out to sea to find longevity." The strange man said slowly, looking at the endless sea.


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