Latest website: "Are you Xu Fu?" Li Xiu looked at the strange man in surprise.

Although it is just a sentence, in the thousands of years of human history, there is only one person worthy of this sentence, and that is Xu Fu, who was ordered by Qin Shihuang to lead thousands of boys and girls to sea to find the elixir of life. , No one can afford such a sentence anymore.

"Could it be that Xiaoyue and the others are the virgins who went to sea with Xu Fu? Those sleeping in the coffins are those virgin boys and girls?" Li Xiu connected many things at once.

But there are still many doubts. Xu Fu should be a human being on Earth. Even if he really went to sea to find the elixir, it should be on Earth. How did he get to the Dead Sea in the kingdom of demons? And how could they stay above the Dead Sea for thousands of years? What did he mean when he said Xiaoyue and the others were not human?

The strange man smiled and said, "It seems that you have also heard the story of Xu Fu going to sea, but the story I will tell you today may be somewhat different from the story you have heard."

Li Xiu saw that the strange man did not speak. He really wanted to know what kind of story the strange man would tell.

"Do you know the origin of the theory of longevity?" the weirdo asked with a smile.

"Isn't it a hypothesis put forward by the alchemist?" Li Xiusi asked.

"Alchemists were originally a group of people who pursued the way of immortality. Seeking immortality and seeking longevity is indeed what alchemists did. But who proposed this matter must have a source." The strange man said.

"I really haven't studied this before." Li Xiu shook his head and said.

The strange man smiled and said: "Pangu created the world, Nuwa Fuxi created man, Kuafu chased the sun, Houyi shot the sun, in ancient mythology, human beings just played the role of being saved, until the era of Emperor Yanhuang and Chi You, human beings were still alive It’s just a supporting role in the world, if you want to say who gave human beings the belief in seeking Taoism and becoming immortals, maybe everyone has their own answer, and my answer is the emergence of Taoism.”

"Taoism?" Li Xiu pondered.

"You can say Taoism, not Taoism, so it can be seen that you have dabbled in this aspect, so my story will be easy to tell."

The strange man looked at the sea in the distance, and said quietly: "This story of mine will start with a person who has enlightened."

"Tao has never been a religion. There are countless religions in the world, but no matter which sect, there are gods and demons. Human beings can only pray for the protection of gods and demons. Only Tao pursues the laws and principles between heaven and earth. The Taoists It is not an exaggeration to be a scientist in ancient times. In ancient times, there was a young man who wanted to establish a school, create a theory, and be the originator of the mountain that will be handed down forever. However, there were many masters in that era. There are some talents, but compared with everyone at that time, they are still much inferior."

"Although the young man knew that it would be impossible to stand on his own with his talents, he was arrogant and refused to give up no matter what, until he met a person, a person who should have died long ago. "

"Who?" Although Li Xiu had vaguely guessed who was who, he still wanted to hear the answer from the strange person himself.

The strange man didn't answer him, but continued: "The man took the young man to a world that he couldn't imagine in his dreams, even if it was a fairy world, it was nothing more than that. Like that young man, he has to admit that compared with this world, his previous thoughts are all childish and ridiculous.”

"After returning from that grotesque world, the man told the young man that he would soon have a great opportunity. As long as he could grasp the opportunity, he would have the opportunity to ask for longevity and achieve the avenue of eternal life. But the man said There are a few things that young people must complete, otherwise it will be hard to get immortality.”

"Sure enough, not long after, when the young man accompanied the emperor at the time to inspect the seaside, they saw the scene of a fairy mountain emerging from the sea. The scene shocked everyone, even the supreme emperor in the world was also shocked by the scene jaw-dropping..."

The weirdo spoke slowly. Li Xiu knew that the incident mentioned by the strange man should be the mirage that Qin Shihuang saw on the seashore. Legend has it that Qin Shihuang sent people to the sea to search for the immortal mountain in search of the elixir of life.

"I know what you're thinking

Well, I can tell you for sure that what they see is not a mirage. Do you think that the one emperor who swept the world and wiped out all the wastelands through the ages would not even know about mirages? Even if he didn't know, hadn't seen, with so many strange people under him, how could no one know what they are? "

The strange man laughed and said: "When the young man saw the vision, he knew that the opportunity that the man said had arrived, so he boldly told the story of his experience in that incredible world, which moved the emperor, and according to the few things the man said, I asked the emperor to go to sea to find the elixir of life, and according to the man, I built a boat out of wood, and took the virgin boys and girls as sacrifices to the sea.”

"It turns out that the boys and girls from Xu Fu's kelp were used as sacrifices. No wonder people say that Xiaoyue and the others are not human." Li Xiu thought to himself.

"The young man is very ambitious. He thinks that after going out to sea this time, he will surely gain immortal fate and become the existence that will be sent back above the emperor in the world. At that time, let alone start a sect, even if he is standing on the emperor's head and shitting, the world will How can I get him? But after he really took the boys and girls out to sea, he realized that everything was wrong...and the mistakes were outrageous...This is a decision that is enough to make him regret his whole life."

The strange man's face was almost blocked by the messy hair and beard, but the tangled and painful expression on his face could still be seen.

"He didn't get the fate of immortality?" Li Xiu asked.

"Come on, but that's not the longevity he wants. If he could do it all over again, he would rather face death than have that kind of longevity."

The weird man sighed and said: "If a person has immortality, but can only stay on the boat for the rest of his life, sailing alone in the endless world, there is no end, and it will be difficult to get off the boat forever, do you want this kind of immortality? "

"I don't know." Li Xiu shook his head slightly.

"Of course you don't know, because you have never experienced that kind of loneliness." The strange man took a sip of wine, then threw the jug to Li Xiu and said, "The young man has immortality, but what he wants now is just death. , such a simple wish, the ability that any ordinary person has, but he can no longer achieve it.”

Li Xiu caught the jug, but didn't drink. He still remembered that the president said that you can't eat anything on the boat.

"You are Xu Fu who went out to sea to find the elixir of life. Who was that person you met?" Li Xiu stared at the strange man and asked.

"Who are you talking about?" The strange man asked back with a half-smile.

"President?" Li Xiu said.

"Did he tell you that you can't eat anything on the boat?" The strange man didn't answer, but said this sentence suddenly.

Li Xiu didn't answer, just looked at the strange man.

"Don't worry, he's in the guest room and can't hear anything from outside," said the weirdo. "Whether I can hear it or not doesn't make any difference to me," Li Xiu said.

"Really? If I told you that if you don't eat the food on the boat, you will never get off the boat, would you still think that way?" The strange man looked at Li Xiu and said with a half-smile.

"Why?" Li Xiu frowned.

"Because you are the one he sent to replace me. Your future fate will be the same as mine. You will never grow old and die, and spend endless lonely years on this dead sea..." The strange man's voice was like a ghost, and Li Xiu heard The hairs on his body stood up.

"Your words are a bit contradictory. Since you are already immortal, what replacement do you need?" Li Xiu naturally didn't believe what the strange man said.

"Because he can no longer get what he wants from me, he must find an obedient person to take control of the ship instead of me. He has done these things before, but he just didn't succeed. But you are different, you have the ability to replace me. I."

The weirdo continued with a sneer: "You don't really think that he wants to take you to the Sea of ​​Heaven, do you? There are many ways to go to the Sea of ​​Heaven. Why do you have to take this boat and drift on the sea for such a long time? Then It is because, only when you stay on the ship long enough, you can become a part of the ship. Even your soul will be imprinted on the ship, and you will never be able to leave. This wine can resist the erosion of the big ship. Only after drinking the wine, Only then can you not be assimilated by the big ship, and you can disembark. If you think about it carefully, he will not let you eat and drink

, Why does he himself desperately drink and eat meat? "

Li Xiu thinks about it, and it is true. To go to the Sea of ​​​​Sky, you can use the door of trial directly to the Sea of ​​​​Sky. It is really unreasonable for the president to stay on the Dead Sea for so many days.

"What does he want from you?" Li Xiu looked at the strange man calmly and asked. "What else, of course, are those sacrifices." The weirdo replied.

"You mean Xiaoyue and the others?" Li Xiu was slightly taken aback.

The weirdo laughed and said, "What do you think he tricked me into taking virgin boys and girls out to sea? What he wants are those virgin boys and girls. Those are the best bloodlines among human beings. What he needs is that."

"With his ability, it shouldn't be difficult to grab it directly. It shouldn't be so troublesome." Li Xiu said.

"Didn't I tell you just now that Xiaoyue and the others are not human, at least not completely human? The blood of ordinary people is useless to him. The Eternal Life has been in the Dead Sea for thousands of years, and Xiaoyue and the others have been eroded by the power of the Dead Sea." , are no longer ordinary human beings, and now they are what he needs." The weird man said with a strange smile: "I've finished the story, believe it or not, the wine is in your hands, it's up to you to drink it or not. Getting off the ship is also your business, you choose it yourself."

After that, the strange man turned around and walked towards the cabin. When he reached the cabin door, he suddenly turned his head, showing his white teeth, and said to Li Xiu: "If you don't believe me, when you are sleeping, someone knocks on the door and you Just open the door and have a look."

"Who knocked on the door?" Li Xiu asked with a frown.

"Those people who didn't eat anything in the boat before." The weirdo said and entered the cabin.

Li Xiu frowned and said nothing. Although there were many flaws in what the weirdo said, it was not completely unreasonable.

"This matter is getting more and more interesting. According to the strange man, he is Xu Fu. The person who gave him the chance is the powerful president..." Li Xiu looked at the ups and downs. The sea, on the contrary, feels more and more interesting.

After a while, seeing that there was no response from the dragon head, no demons approaching the big ship, and the president did not come out, Li Xiu went back to his room to rest.

Not long after he lay down, there was another knock on the door.

"Who?" Li Xiu sat up and looked at the door of the room and asked.

There was no answer, and there was still a rhythmic knock on the door. Li Xiu looked at the door in a daze, and couldn't help but think of what the strange man said.

"The one knocking on the door is really someone who has never eaten and drank on a boat before?" Li Xiu had the urge to open the door and take a look.

However, Li Xiu suppressed the impulse in his heart, lay down and continued to sleep, ignoring the knock on the door.

For several days in a row, Li Xiu went to bed hungry every day, because he had never encountered a **** monster, and he had no interest in killing ordinary monsters.

Although the monsters that can survive in the Dead Sea are at least at the light-based level, it is a pity that Li Xiu has no interest in the light-based monsters now.

When seeing the strange man again, the strange man didn't even look at Li Xiu. After that time, the strange man never talked to him again, as if the last conversation never happened at all.

The president was the same as before, he didn't care about eating and drinking, and didn't say anything to Li Xiu, just let Li Xiu rest more and conserve his energy.

Every time when Li Xiu was sleeping, there would be knocking on the door, but it would not last too long. Most of them were just ten knocks on the door rhythmically. If Li Xiu didn't open the door, the knocking sound would disappear.

Time passed day by day, gradually, Li Xiu had a strange feeling, he gradually seemed to have a sense of this big ship.

This kind of induction is very strange. Once when Li Xiu returned to the room, when he was thinking about opening the door, before he reached out to push the door, the door opened by itself.

At that time, Li Xiu thought that there was something in his room, and he searched around but found nothing. Later, he found that there was nothing in the room at all. The reason why the door opened was because of his consciousness.

Li Xiu did some experiments and found that he could use his consciousness to order the door to open, and he could also make the tables and chairs come to him automatically.

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, he could even sense the warning dragon head on the prow of the big ship.

When he was in the room, he sensed the warning from the Dragon Road. At first he thought it was his own illusion, but when he went out to the deck, he found that the dragon's head really responded, and a **** monster approached the big ship. This made Li Xiu have to rethink what the weirdo said to him, and couldn't help looking at the jug of wine on the table.

That **** monster is far inferior to the black dragon. Li Xiu only used the taboo spear to kill it and snatched its magic core. Unfortunately, nothing exploded, not to mention the **** gems, not even the talent gems. .

Li Xiu dragged the demon's body onto the boat. It was a god-level material, and it was brought back to the old official to make magic equipment.

Day by day, Li Xiu's sense of the big ship became more and more sensitive, and he could even sense the fluctuation of the friction between the big ship and the sea water. Whenever a monster approached the big ship, Li Xiu could sense it without the need for a dragon's head to warn.

Even the shape and level of the demon spirit can be sensed clearly, which makes Li Xiu somewhat puzzled.

When seeing the president again, Li Xiu decided to listen to what the president had to say.

Taking advantage of the fact that the president had eaten and was smoking dry cigarettes alone, Li Xiu walked over. Before Li Xiu could speak, the president said with a smile: "You don't need to say anything, just remember what I told you before you came here."

Li Xiu was stunned for a while before laughing: "How long will it take to reach the Sea of ​​​​Sky?" "Soon, there are four more days at most, and we should be there." The president smoked a long cigarette, looking Some dignified.

"Guan Jinghao told me one thing." Li Xiu continued.

The president turned his head, looked at Li Xiu and said with a smile, "He said I'm not human, right?" "Are you?" Li Xiu met the president's eyes without giving in.

"From his point of view, he is right." The president's answer surprised Li Xiu. "Where are you from? Demon Kingdom?" Li Xiu asked again.

"You guessed half right." The president said with a smile.

This answer caused many thoughts to flash through Li Xiu's mind. He stared at the president with a complicated expression and said, "You founded the Demon Kingdom?"

"Smart." There was a hint of approval in the president's expression.

"Are you the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom?" Li Xiu was a little surprised even though he had already guessed the answer. The president smiled and said nothing, it was a tacit agreement.

"So, you are not from the Demon Kingdom, but from the outside world?" Li Xiu looked at the president with a complicated expression.

"It's nothing unusual, your sister is from the outside world, isn't it worth your fuss?" the president said with a smile.

"You know my sister?" Li Xiu was startled.

"Lao Ba gave me a test of the heavens, and found out that I died because of my spirit. Your sister is Han Ling'er. People are afraid of death when they are old, so I will go and find out." The president exhaled a smoke ring and said nonchalantly. "So?" Li Xiu stared at the president and asked.

If the president wants to harm Han Ling'er, even if he risked his, he couldn't let the president succeed.

"I told you that you might not believe it." The president said lightly.

"How do you know I don't believe you if you don't tell me?" Li Xiu asked back.

"If I say that your sister is not qualified to take my life, do you believe it?" The president stared at Li Xiu and said with a half-smile.

Li Xiu saw that the president didn't speak, but he didn't really believe it. Although the president was very strong, Li Xiu felt that Han Linger should be stronger, at least that's how the two of them felt to him.

"You think your sister is very strong. That's right. She is indeed very strong. She is so strong that even I am a little surprised. But in the final analysis, she is not different from you in essence, but I am different."

The president said slowly.

"What's different?" Li Xiu stared at the president and asked.

"She is a human...and I... am a god..." the president said with narrowed eyes


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