When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 390: Summon the ancestral spirits

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There were bursts of rumbling sounds, and the faint blue light floated between the sky and the earth like a wandering soul, and the ribbon-shaped dim light gathered towards some of the mountain peaks.

Li Xiu took a closer look and found that the peaks where the gloomy light gathered were the six peaks he was going to go to next.

At this time, the six mountain peaks are like six pillars of light connecting the sky and the earth, and the light extending to the cracks in the sky naturally comes out of the ancient gate.

"Boy, don't you really like to kill? Go ahead, the monster behind is waiting for you." The unicorn monster said with gritted teeth.

"What is that?" Li Xiu didn't immediately go to the next mountain peak as it said, but pointed to the ancient gate in the sky.

"Do you know why this place is called Sky Sea? It is because of the existence of that gate, which is the Gate of Sky Sea." The unicorn demon said coldly: "Only when the gate of Sky Sea is opened, is Sky Sea considered The real Sky Sea, over the years, that old guy has brought so many humans, this is the first time you have opened the Sky Sea Gate, you are proud enough."

"Does it mean that the difficulty of my game has increased?" Li Xiu said, staring at the second peak in front of him, which was full of gloom.

"You can also understand it in this way." The unicorn monster snorted coldly.

"Is this within the rules?" Li Xiu asked again.

"The rules are set by me, Sky Sea, what do you think?" the unicorn monster said disdainfully. "I'm just asking casually." Li Xiu said, walking towards the stone steps behind the first peak, and walking along the stone steps towards the second peak.

Now the entire sea of ​​sky is like the nether world, full of deep blue light everywhere, especially the remaining six mountain peaks, the light is already so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Li Xiu knew that he had angered Tian Zhihai, but he didn't care. No matter what the president had planned or what Tian Zhihai was planning, his goal had always been simple, which was to be promoted to the **** position.

To be promoted to the **** position, you need the **** position gem. Since the other party wants to kill him, there is no reason why he can't take the other party's **** position gem.

"For the remaining six peaks, there should be six mutated demon spirits, right? Maybe I won't need so many **** gems, and I can be promoted to the **** position." Li Xiu thought secretly.

The guardian of the second peak of Tianhai is obviously not as ostentatious as the golden king. It wasn't until Li Xiu climbed the second peak that he saw its existence.

The second peak of Tianhai is covered with flowers all over the mountain, and there are countless flowers along the way, but there is not a single flower on the top of the mountain, only a big tree like a canopy standing on the top of the mountain.

On the big tree, a humanoid monster sat cross-legged, his whole body was covered in red armor, like a human mecha.

On the brow of his helmet, there is a strange symbol with a faint blue halo. The symbol is obviously only flashing a very faint light, but for some reason, it makes Li Xiu feel the soaring light on the second peak, That strange symbol is its source.

"The Guardian of the Second Tianhai Peak, Vajra Fury Buddha." The demon sitting cross-legged under the tree slowly stood up, opened a pair of fiery red eyes, stared at Li Xiu coldly and said, "You use the power of death to Just kill the Golden King, I will break your light of death, and kill you in the same way, are you ready?"

"To be honest, I'm really not ready. Why don't you tell me what the symbol on your forehead means?" Li Xiu said casually.

"It doesn't matter if you're ready or not, you just have to die." Vajra Rage Buddha raised his metal arm and pressed against Li Xiu's void.

The crimson light on the arm formed a halo, like a ring of fire, and it fell on Li Xiu in an instant, and it was strangely placed on Li Xiu, and Li Xiu didn't even have a chance to dodge.

Although Li Xiu was also a little surprised, he already had the awareness to face the risk, and directly released the light of the evil spirit of death. The blue brilliance suddenly bloomed from his body, blocking the crimson circle of light like a ring of fire.

After the crimson halo came into contact with the light of the evil spirit of death, it was frozen by the light of the evil spirit of death, and did not continue to shrink, forming a blue halo around Li Xiu's body.

Li Xiu clapped his hand,

He wanted to shatter the frozen halo, but in the end, the frozen halo was indeed shattered.

But in the next second, another crimson halo appeared outside Li Xiu's body and began to shrink again. Li Xiu flew up, trying to get rid of the scarlet light circle, but who knew that the red light circle seemed to be in sync with his body, no matter where he moved, the red light circle was in the same position, since he was using the evil spirit of death The light froze it and could not shake it off.

"You have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, and you must accept the salvation." Vajra Angry Buddha said, pointing his hands at Li Xiu, as if turning into two light circle emitters, one light circle blasted out quickly.

Those circles of light were indeed very strange. After leaving the Vajra Rage Buddha, they were directly set on Li Xiu's body, and there was no possibility of dodging.

One halo after another appeared on Li Xiu's body. The light of the evil spirit of death on Li Xiu's body kept freezing the halo, but it didn't shatter.

He has already realized the problem. After these circles of light are shattered, they can still be regenerated. After regeneration, they need to use the light of the evil spirit of death to freeze them. After the spiritual light froze, the aperture temporarily had no effect. It's just that there are more and more frozen circles of light, and the circles of light outside Li Xiu's body have become a cylinder, completely blocking Li Xiu's figure inside.

"Uncle Buddha's Transcendent Buddha Ring is too strong. Maybe he can kill that hateful human without using the power of the Gate of Heaven and Sea." Bu'er was overjoyed when he saw that Li Xiu was helpless and trapped.

Uncle Xie nodded and said: "The Buddha's ring has the power of cause and effect and reincarnation. There are not many powers in the world that can break these two kinds of light energy. Although the death light of that person is powerful, it can only Freezing the Buddha ring, but it can't prevent the recasting of the Buddha ring. If he doesn't destroy the Buddha ring, even if the Buddha ring is frozen by the light of death, he can't get rid of it. If the Buddha ring is broken, the Buddha ring will be recast. There are more and more buddha rings, even if you have great ability, you can't deal with such a strong light energy. If Li Xiu has no other means, I'm afraid this battle will be very difficult. "

"What else can he do? Just wait for death." Bu'er said.

"Have you forgotten, as I said just now, he has the Forbidden Spear on his body." Uncle Lao Xie just finished speaking when he heard dense gunshots from over there.

blah blah blah blah blah

The circle of light that was already like a cylinder was shattered by light one by one, and Li Xiu's figure was revealed in the shattered beams of light.

I saw Li Xiu holding the taboo gun in Gatling's state and shooting wildly at the beam of light formed by the Buddha ring. Because of the light of death and evil spirits attached, Gatling's muzzle continuously spewed out blue light. The Buddhist ring was continuously shattered, and the entire beam of light was completely shattered in an instant.

"No matter how many you break, so what? The Buddha ring has the power of karmic reincarnation, it will continue to recast, and track your location, even if you escape to the ends of the world, the recast Buddha ring will appear in your On the body, never die."

The unicorn monster said coldly that it had decided that Li Xiu must die.

The faster Li Xiu destroys the Buddha rings, the more Buddha rings will be recast later. At that time, Li Xiu's light energy will not be enough to freeze so many Buddha rings at the same time, and he will have to die in the end. But when the recast Buddhist ring appeared, the unicorn monster was a little dumbfounded.

The buddha ring that had been locked on Li Xiu all the time, now looked like a drunk alcoholic. He couldn't even recognize people, flying around crookedly, and one of the buddhist rings almost flew up to the unicorn. The unicorn monster was taken aback by the monster's body, and quickly backed away.

Fortunately, it retreated fast enough, the Buddha ring just brushed the hat on its head and flew over, turning the hat into flying ash in just an instant.

"Da Zhuang, what the **** are you doing? Don't take advantage of the chaos to kill me? There's no door," the unicorn demon muttered.

"Get out, do you think everyone is like you?" Vajra Anger Buddha was furious, but he didn't have time to settle accounts with the unicorn monster, because Li Xiu had already rushed over.

The unicorn demon spirit also saw that something was wrong, and the Buddhist rings seemed to be flying out of control. Li Xiu rushed towards the Vajra Wrath Buddha while shooting wildly.

king kong

The Buddhist ring released by the angry Buddha's hands was first frozen and then shattered after being hit by the bullet. To Vajra wrath Buddha himself.

"This... this is the forbidden light... that kid's natal deed... turned out to be the supreme divine light of my sea of ​​heaven..." The unicorn demon finally recognized the power of the forbidden spear used by Li Xiu, and suddenly turned pale with shock .

The Vajra Rage Buddha also recognized the power Li Xiu used, his heart was shocked, and his body suddenly changed strangely.

Metal arms appeared from behind him, and in an instant, countless arms formed a metal disc behind his back.

The Vajra Wrath Buddha formed a seal with one hand and a formula with the other. On the arm disc behind his back, circles of Buddha rings bloomed.

Different from the previous Buddha ring, the light of this Buddha ring is more intense, and it is faintly composed of strange symbols, and it is constantly rotating.

"You have a predestined relationship with the Buddha. Today, the Buddha must surpass you..." As the Buddha roared in anger, the bergamot disc behind his back shot out a terrifying beam of light, blasting at Li Xiu who was rushing forward. During the mad rush, Li Xiu carried the Forbidden Spear on his shoulder with his backhand. In that instant, the Forbidden Spear turned into Forbidden Cannon.

Circles of light patterns lit up on the taboo cannon, and orange-red and blue beams of light also shot out, colliding with the beams of light emitted by the Buddha light disc.

The terrifying light burst was like the sun, shining in the sky above the second peak of Tianhai, piercing the eyes of people who were almost blind and could hardly open them.

After the light faded, everyone saw that the big tree on the top of the mountain had been blown to pieces. Li Xiuhao stood there leisurely, while the Vajra Wrath Buddha was half kneeling on the ground, with cracks appearing on the metal body. An arm was also missing.

If you look closely, you will find some crimson granular debris on the ground.

click click click...

The bergamot disc behind the Vajra Rage Buddha suddenly shattered, and metal bergamot hands fell down, all over the ground.

"It's hateful... He actually used the taboo light of our Sky Sea to hurt Uncle Buddha. Opening the Gate of Sky Sea is really the right decision..." Bu'er said happily.

Uncle Lao Xie's expression was a bit complicated: "It's surprising that the young man who couldn't even hold the forbidden gun has been promoted to such a level in such a short period of time."

Li Xiu didn't have the leisure to talk nonsense like them, and fired a second cannon at the half-disabled Vajra Angry Buddha.

Although the most destructive non-sacrificing cannon has already been used, this second cannon with the light of death evil spirits added is enough to kill the half-mutilated Vajra Wrath Buddha.

The strange thing is that the Vajra Rage Buddha, who was half kneeling there, did not choose to resist, as if he was stupid, he just watched the beam of light from the taboo cannon blasting in front of him, and the light of truth did not burst out to resist.

Li Xiu frowned slightly, feeling that things were not that simple.

Sure enough, when the light beam of the taboo cannon blasted in front of Vajra Rage Buddha, the weird blue symbol on his forehead burst into a strange light.

The brilliance that seemed to come from the netherworld actually sucked in the taboo light with the light of the evil spirit of death directly into it.

No, it should be said that there was originally a hollow there, and the cannon shot by Li Xiu went right through it without any waves.

The symbol on the Buddha's forehead of Vajra Rage has now turned into a strange hole of light, as if opening a passage to another world.

"Human, if I were you, I would commit suicide right now, so as not to face that terrifying existence in the future." The unicorn monster shouted arrogantly from the side.

"Do the rules still allow you to call helpers?" Li Xiu said lightly.

"You know what a fart, this is not called a helper, and we Tianzhihai don't bother to call it a helper." The unicorn demon immediately retorted.

"Then tell me, what is this?" Li Xiu pointed to the light hole like a ghost channel.

Before the unicorn monster could answer, the Vajra Wrath Buddha stood up slowly and said, "This is me.

Summon the Ancestral Spirits with the ultimate power of our demons"

"Summon ancestor spirits?" Li Xiu was slightly taken aback. He had never heard of summoning ancestor spirits. He only knew that the strongest demon spirits in the world were the four peerless ones who escaped from the town spirit stone. monsters.

"Ignorant human beings, although there are tens of thousands of demon races in the demon kingdom, these thousands of demon spirits actually originate from sixteen ancestor spirits, and those sixteen ancestor spirits are the earliest ancestors in the world. The blood of these sixteen ancestors flowed in all the demon spirits that were born. It’s just that in the process of continuous reproduction for hundreds of millions of years, the blood of the demon spirits mixed with each other, and the blood of most of the demon spirits has become more complicated. .

Only a very small number of demon spirits with relatively pure blood can have the ability to summon the ancestor spirits and get the blessings of the ancestor spirits. That is an invincible power in the world... Even if you have the taboo light of my sea of ​​​​the sky, it is difficult to resist the ancestor spirits. Power, with the blessing of the power of the ancestors, Da Zhuang can crush you with just one finger," the unicorn monster shouted.

"Isn't this just looking for a helper? Or the old ancestor..." Li Xiu said with a smile.

"Hmph, you can scream as much as you want now, you won't be able to scream in a while." The unicorn monster snorted coldly.

Li Xiu looked at the blue light hole, and seemed to faintly see a figure coming out of it, but he couldn't see clearly.

He couldn't help touching the bracelet on his wrist, staring at the faint blue hole of light.

He didn't know how powerful the blessing of the ancestral spirit was, whether it could reach a peerless level, and if it really had a peerless level, Li Xiu didn't know whether he could go back alive.

"Strange, why the power of the ancestral spirit has not come down for so long?" Bu'er looked at the light hole in front of the Vajra Wrath Buddha, showing some doubts.

In fact, the ancestral spirits had been unable to descend a long time ago. No matter how pure the bloodline was, the ancestral spirits could not be summoned.

Only when the Gate of Heaven and Sea is opened, demon spirits like Vajra Fury Buddha can use Summon Demon Spirit, and even Bu'er doesn't know why.

Not only Bu'er was puzzled, but Vajra Wrath Buddha, the Unicorn Demon Spirit, and the entire Sky Sea Demon Spirit were also wondering why the ancestor spirit had not come for so long.

"Here we come!" The unicorn monster's eyes suddenly lit up, and a crystal-like jade palm stretched out from the light hole.

That hand is so beautiful that it is so perfect that it may be difficult to find such a perfect hand in the world.

When Li Xiu saw that hand, he felt a little strange: "The Vajra Fury Buddha is obviously made of metal, so why is his ancestor spirit made of flesh and blood?"

"Master Ancestral Spirit... please give me strength..." Vajra Fury Buddha knelt down again and bowed to the light hole.

Throughout the sea of ​​sky, many demon spirits bowed down to the perfect palm protruding from the light hole. Of course, most of these demon spirits are those with the blood of this ancestor spirit in their bodies. The blood in their bodies gives them a sense, and the purer the blood, the stronger the sense.

First it was the palm, then the arm. Amidst the prostration of the Vajra Wrath Buddha, a figure gradually passed through the light hole and appeared on the second peak of Tianhai. All overshadowed by it.

The president on the beach by the sea~www.readwn.com~ saw the ancestral spirit coming out of the light hole, his face was obviously shocked, and he muttered to himself: "How could...it shouldn't be."

Not only the president, but even the old uncle Xie who opened the gate of Tianhai, was surprised when he saw the ancestral spirit: "The ancestral spirit has descended in real body... what's going on... why did it come in real body?"

"Uncle Lao Xie, what's wrong with this?" Bu'er looked suspiciously at Lao Xie Bu who was muttering to himself. In fact, she had never seen the ancestor spirit come.

"As early as thousands of years ago, the ancestral spirits no longer descended in real bodies, at most they descended in avatars. Why did they actually descend in real bodies this time? This has never happened in the past few thousand years." The old man Uncle Xie looked at the ancestral spirit descending on the second peak of Tianhai, exuding a strong holy light and said.

"Wouldn't it be better to come in real body?" Bu'er murmured.

"In theory, it is indeed better, but I don't know why, but I always feel something is wrong in my heart." Old Xie said


It wasn't just these demon spirits who were astonished, Li Xiu couldn't help being stunned when he saw the ancestral spirit.

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