When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 391: are friends

Chapter 391 are all friends

Li Xiu stared blankly at the existence known as the ancestor spirit. No matter how he looked, it looked familiar, but it seemed that it didn't match the shadow in his impression.

The ancestral spirit has completely walked out of the light hole. It looks like a very beautiful woman with the love of a virgin and the compassion of a Bodhisattva. The only fly in the ointment is that she is bald.

Master Zu Ling, please give me strength. The Vajra Fury Buddha saw that the ancestor spirit had actually come, and he was already ecstatic, and worshiped the ancestor spirit again.

But the ancestral spirit didn't look at the Vajra Wrath Buddha. It looked at Li Xiu with a pair of eyes that seemed to contain the love of the world, and walked towards Li Xiu slowly.

Is Zu Ling going to personally kill Li Xiu? Bu'er was surprised.

Something is wrong! Old Uncle Xie frowned. He felt more and more that there was something wrong. The eyes of the ancestor spirit did not seem to want to kill Li Xiu.

Seeing the ancestor spirit approaching Li Xiu, the demon spirits in Tianzhihai clamored for the ancestor spirit not to let Li Xiu die so happily, and to avenge the golden king.

It is your honor for Master Zu Ling to send you on the road in person. The unicorn demon spirit thought that Li Xiu must die this time, so he said firmly.

Li Xiu watched the ancestral spirit approaching, but did not start a fighting stance, and even lowered the taboo spear in his hand.

The ancestral spirit walked in front of Li Xiu, when all the demon spirits thought she was going to kill Li Xiu, they suddenly saw the ancestral spirit salute Li Xiu at ninety degrees.

For a moment, the demon spirits in the entire Tianzhihai seemed to be petrified, and there was no other sound except the sound of the waves.

What's going on here... The ancestor spirit actually saluted that human being... What's going on here... The unicorn demon spirit is about to stare out, wondering if he's crazy to have such an absurd hallucination.

really you? Li Xiu looked at the beautiful bald woman Zu Ling, and finally confirmed who she was. At the beginning, Li Xiu just felt that Zu Ling was very similar to a bald woman emerald doll he had seen on the little train in the emerald passage.

It's just that the emerald doll is just a doll after all, and its body proportions are different from the ancestor spirit in front of it, but it is very similar. In addition, she is not holding the child now, so Li Xiu was not sure it was her just now.

Seeing her bow like this, Li Xiu was sure it was her. When those jade dolls left, they all bowed to Li Xiu like this.

Zu Ling smiled slightly at Li Xiu, but did not speak, but turned to look at Vajra Fury Buddha.

You will give him whatever he wants. If he wants your life, you should kill yourself. Don't let him get tired. Zu Ling said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, all the demon spirits in the Sky Sea turned pale with shock.

It is hard for them to believe that these words came from the mouth of the ancestors. Their own children, let others kill them casually, but they can't fight back, and even kill themselves. How can there be such ancestors in the world?

The unicorn monster has completely lost its mind now, staring blankly at Li Xiu and Zu Ling, feeling like a fool.

In the end what happened? Bu'er's face was extremely ugly.

She asked Uncle Lao Xie to open the gate of the sky and the sea, originally to allow the Vajra Wrath Buddha to summon the power of the ancestors to save his life, but she never thought that this would be the result.

Master Zu Ling, why is this... King Kong's anger Buddha asked Chi Zu Ling angrily, he could die for the ancestor spirit, but he couldn't understand why he did so.

This is what I owe him. Zu Ling said lightly.

This statement even shocked the demon spirits of Tianzhihai. The majestic ancestor spirit actually said that he owed Li Xiu. .

What is the origin of that human being... Bu'er's expression was extremely complicated. After hearing Zuling's words, Buddha of Vajra Rage didn't say anything, and went directly to Li Xiu and said loudly: "Since Master Zuling owes you, then I will pay you back. If you want my life, just take it away."

Vajra anger Buddha felt heart ashes, condensing the light of truth was about to hit his head to end himself


Uncle Buddha! Bu'er was startled and angry, but she wanted to stop it but was unable to stop it. Due to the rules, she couldn't leave Tianhai Palace to seek the Vajra Wrath Buddha.

never mind. Li Xiu casually opened King Kong's angry palm, turned around and bowed slightly to the ancestral spirit and said: "Thank you for your help, we are clear."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiu turned around and walked towards the stone steps leading to the third peak.

Li Xiuben was such a person, he didn't want others to shout and kill, the more ferocious the enemy was, the more energetic he was, and in such a situation, he couldn't make a move.

The ancestral spirit seemed to have expected this to happen a long time ago, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he silently watched Li Xiu leave, until after Li Xiu walked away, he walked back into the light cave and disappeared, leaving only one sentence in the ear of the King Kong angry Buddha Resounded in the middle: Tianhai's breaking the ban is a foregone conclusion, you can follow him in the future.

Master Zu Ling, you think too highly of that human being. Even if he can pass my test, he can't pass the remaining five peaks. Tianhai can't break the ban. Vajra anger Buddha muttered to himself, but he was still not convinced.

Yes, it is impossible for Tianhai to break the prohibition. He was lucky enough to recognize an ancestor spirit, which is already a **** luck, and there is absolutely no chance of another fluke. The unicorn monster also spoke.

Naturally, Li Xiu was not in the mood to listen to what they said. In fact, he couldn't hear them anymore. He had already reached the third peak.

The guardian of the third peak is a giant dragon wrapped in lightning. With its wings spread out, all kinds of lightning extend out, and the sky is affected by its lightning power, constantly shining with lightning. Li Xiu originally thought that the guardian was going to launch a thunder strike, but who knew that it didn't launch an attack at all, just like Vajra Buddha, and began to summon the ancestor spirit.

Can you not summon the ancestor spirit? Li Xiu looked at the dragon and said.

Are you scared now? It's a pity that it's too late, you will die today, I'm not the blood of that ancestor spirit, I won't be aggrieved like the Buddha, and I will surely turn you into ashes with the power of the supreme ancestor spirit. The dragon roared.

Li Xiu smiled wryly and shook his head. He was not afraid of the dragon summoning the ancestral spirit, but he was afraid that after the dragon summoned the ancestral spirit, it would be difficult for him to kill the dragon if someone he knew again.

Since the bald woman is the emerald doll on the train, could the other emerald dolls on the train also be ancestral spirits?

In case the giant dragon summons another emerald doll, how can he kill the demon spirit and **** the **** gem. The giant dragon and the demon spirits of Sky Sea obviously didn't know what Li Xiu was thinking, they thought Li Xiu was afraid.

Soon, the giant dragon made a light hole similar to the previous Vajra Rage Buddha, and then saw a figure walking out of it.

Soon, an old man with a pipe in his mouth came out of the light hole. His figure was extremely majestic, and he exuded thunder and lightning all over his body, as if the **** of thunder and lightning from the **** world, somewhat like Zeus in myths and legends.

The only weird thing is that he has no ears on either side of his head.

After the terrifying ancestral spirit descended, he went straight to Li Xiu, and then gave Li Xiu a big hug in the eyes of many demon spirits in disbelief, and said with a smile: "Brother, it's so good to see you again." up.

Stupid, all stupid.

Julong looked at Li Xiu who was embraced by the ancestral spirit, and felt as if he had become a clown. He fought Li Xiu to death, but his ancestors actually called Li Xiu brothers and sisters.

What the **** is going on with this human being? The unicorn monster opened its mouth wide, but didn't close it for a long time.

Everyone in Bu'er was stunned. It was a great fortune for a human being to recognize an ancestor spirit. Li Xiu actually knew two of them, and the relationship seemed to be very good.

You must know that even if it is a god-level demon spirit, it is very likely that you will not even see an ancestor spirit in your life, let alone have a relationship with the ancestor spirit.

Only those with relatively pure blood can have the ability to summon the ancestor spirit, and generally it is only the blessing of the power that can summon the ancestor spirit, rather than the ancestor spirit descending in person.

Dude, I can't breathe. Li Xiu was so hugged by that majestic body that it was hard to breathe, and his heart was even more depressed.

Sure enough, what he thought

Similarly, this old man is also the emerald doll on the train, and his plan to kill the dragon to get the gem of the **** is about to be shattered again.

Sure enough, after Zu Ling let go of Li Xiu, he said with a smile: Brother, for my sake, don't care about that little thing. In the future, I will be useful to my brother. you

Li Xiu secretly sighed in his heart, but he could only nod his head and said, "I will listen to you, brother. I will finish the matter first, and then we will catch up on the old days."

Go ahead, they're all waiting. The old man's words almost made Li Xiu feel depressed. Now Li Xiu can be sure that if the demon spirits of the remaining four peaks are summoned, they will probably be those emerald dolls.

The old eighth's calculations are really **** accurate! Li Xiu couldn't help but sigh, Ba Ye really has something, he said that there must be friends to help in this line of work, and there are really many friends who help.

However, Li Xiu still felt a little lucky. If those ancestor spirits really fought against him, he didn't know if he would be able to persevere until the end.

I don't believe it, you have friendship with all the ancestors. The Guardian Demon Spirit of the Fourth Peak also directly used Summon Ancestral Spirit, and it was too late for Li Xiu to ask it not to be used.

Not surprisingly, the ancestral spirit summoned by the demon spirit is the emerald doll that Li Xiu knew. It was a blind old lady. As soon as she came out with a walking stick, she smashed the monster to the knees in front of Li Xiu, and said angrily: "See clearly, this is our benefactor. If he is missing One hair and you little brats don't have to live

Crazy, all crazy.

Now those demon spirits look at Li Xiu as if they are looking at a little boy who eats soft food, but this little boy is also attracted to a terrifying boss, and there is not only one.

What the **** did he do? How could so many ancestor spirits treat him like this? Bu'er couldn't understand it anymore.

The unicorn demon spirit was even more incomprehensible. For those ancestor spirits who existed so high and were almost invincible, what could a little human like Li Xiu be able to help?

Why should a human being solve things that even the ancestor spirits can't solve?

Could it be that he is hiding his secrets, but is actually a more powerful existence than the ancestor spirit? The unicorn demon spirit couldn't help but have such an idea in his mind, but he quickly denied it.

How could a human being be so strong? Even the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom, who swept the Demon Kingdom and almost unified the world, could not be stronger than the ancestor spirit.

Uncle Xie, what should we do? Could it be that he is related to all the ancestral spirits?

Bu'er looked worriedly at Li Xiu who had already gone to the Fifth Peak, feeling a little panicked in her heart. With three more peaks, Li Xiu will be able to come to Tianhai Palace. Judging from the current situation, Li Xiu is likely to be related to all the ancestor spirits. If that is the case, no one can stop him from coming to Tianhai Palace.

Li Boyang was really good at calculating, and he was able to find such a person to fight for him. Although I don't know what he did to make those ancestors treat him like this, but this person is really interesting, you may wish to think about it carefully, maybe he is the opportunity for you to leave Tianhai Palace. The old evil uncle said.

I will not be with such a person, he killed Uncle Lion, I must avenge Uncle Lion. Bu'er said immediately.

If you really don't want to, it's not impossible. The old evil uncle smiled.

any solution? Bu'er hastily asked.

The guardians of the Fifth Peak and the Sixth Peak, they should not be sure to defeat Li Xiu, and they will also be scruples about Li Xiu getting acquainted with their ancestor spirits, so they will definitely summon the ancestor spirits first. If Li Xiu knows those ancestor spirits, this Two levels can't stop him, if he doesn't know each other, then naturally he can only stop here.

But it doesn't matter, even if the guardian of the seventh peak does not summon the ancestor spirit, then Li Xiu is probably not an opponent. He just needs to kill him directly without summoning the ancestor spirit. The old evil uncle said.

That's right, why didn't I think that Uncle Qijue would be able to kill him to avenge Uncle Lion. Bu'er's eyes lit up when he heard Uncle Xie's words.

Sure enough, as the old evil uncle expected,

When Li Xiu was at the fifth and sixth peaks, the two guardian demon spirits summoned the ancestor spirits, and the result was the same. Those ancestor spirits knew Li Xiu and took great care of him. Passed easily.

The demon spirits in Tianzhihai are already paralyzed, completely unable to understand how a human being can befriend so many ancestor spirits, and it seems that the ancestor spirits have all been favored by Li Xiu.

The unicorn monster followed Li Xiu dejectedly, completely without the pride and arrogance it had at the beginning.

It didn't dare to be arrogant anymore, even the ancestor spirits called Li Xiu brothers and sisters, maybe its ancestor spirit also received Li Xiu's favor, so it really didn't dare to provoke Li Xiu anymore.

Don't you summon the ancestral spirits? Li Xiu came to the seventh peak, but saw that the guardian spirit of the seventh peak did not directly summon the ancestor spirit like the previous demon spirits.

You don't have to wait, anyone who comes today can't save your life. The demon said coldly.

Li Xiu was overjoyed, and then carefully looked at the guardian demon, and saw that his carapace was like jade, and he was carrying a knife box on his back, with seven jade knives, large and small, inserted in the box.

What do you call it? Li Xiu is in a good mood, and finally he can fight again. This is the last guardian demon spirit. If he doesn't kill him, there will really be no **** gems to take. You just need to remember my knife. Qijue Daogui directly pulled out a jade sword, pointed at Li Xiu and said coldly: "This sword is called the Sword of Absolute Killing. When you use the sword, you will kill it. No one in the world can stop it. Remember, you will die under this sword." .

As he said that, Qijue Daogui slashed out with his sword. The sword was not fast, it could even be said to be very slow, but this sword was as heavy as a mountain, and the light of the sword seemed to cut through nothingness at the same time.

Holding the taboo gun, Li Xiu was about to blast the forbidden light at Qijue Daogui, but suddenly saw a flash of lightning from Tiantianhai Gate.

The electric light bombarded down, like a thunder that opened up the sky and the earth, the terrifying power made the mountain peak tremble, and the aftermath of the explosion scattered the Qijue Sword Demon's sword light.

Qijue Daogui took several steps back to stabilize his figure, but he saw two figures appearing where the lightning struck.

Master Zu Ling... Seeing those two figures, Qijue Daogui had no choice but to prostrate himself to the ground, feeling extremely resentful in his heart.

how so! Bu'er stared blankly at the two lights and shadows on the mountain~www.readwn.com~ so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

It's okay for the ancestors not to protect their own blood descendants, but now they take the initiative to protect a human being, Bu'er really can't figure out why things turned out like this.

The only good thing is that because of the appearance of these ancestral spirits, Li Xiu only killed one golden king.

As I said, we will meet again. One of the two lights and shadows smiled at Li Xiu.

One of the two lights and shadows is a beautiful woman in a gorgeous palace dress. The strange thing is that she has no mouth, and where there should be red lips is smooth skin. The other one was a gentleman-like man, and it was the beautiful woman who spoke, and it was unknown where her voice came from.

Naturally, Li Xiu recognized them, they were the ladies and gentlemen on the little train, and they were also the last emerald dolls to get off on the little train.

Alas, it seems that it is impossible to get the **** gem today. Li Xiu sighed inwardly, and then said to the two ancestor spirits: I never expected to meet you here.

The beautiful woman has a weird smile, she obviously has no mouth, but people can feel that she is smiling, those soul-stirring eyes are crescent-shaped when she smiles, it looks strangely beautiful, but it also makes people feel that she is smiling. Creepy.

The beautiful woman walked up to Li Xiu, held out Li Xiu's hand, ignored the Qijue Daogui who was kneeling beside her, and still with that weird smile, she pulled Li Xiu to the stone steps behind and said: Come on, sister Take you to Tianhai Palace to marry a wife.

What! Get a wife! Li Xiu's eyes widened, wondering if he heard it wrong.

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