When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 392: You win if you marry

Chapter three hundred and ninety second married to win

When God Restarts to Evolve Main Text Volume Chapter 392 Only You Can Win if You Marry Li Xiu stared blankly at the beautiful woman, not quite understanding what she meant. The beautiful woman didn't explain, she just dragged Li Xiu to Tianhai Palace, followed by the gentlemanly man like a butler.

Bu'er looked at Uncle Xie at a loss.

Zu Ling brought Li Xiu to Tianhai Palace, never expecting such a thing, which made her not know what to do.

The old evil uncle said lightly.

Hearing Uncle Xie's words, Bu'er breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes became firm:

While the two were talking, the beautiful woman had already pulled Li Xiu to the front of Tianhai Palace and walked up the stone steps.

The noble lady Zu Ling looked at Uncle Xie and said with a smile.

The old evil uncle said indifferently.

The lady Bellona looked at the old uncle Xie without giving in, and said with a smile on her face.

Uncle Lao Xie said contemptuously: Bellona let go of Li Xiu's hand, and walked slowly towards Uncle Lao Xie. As Bellona moved forward, the space in front of Tianhai Palace seemed to be distorted. Li Xiu only felt that the whole space seemed to be distorted into a ferocious face of evil spirits. Swallow it in one gulp.

Li Xiu recognized Lao Xie, that is the demon spirit who gave him three lights in the Haitian Proving Ground, when he was trapped in the metal coffin, he was released by himself.

Li Xiu didn't know how strong Lao Xie was, but now he was deeply impressed by Bellona's terror.

Bellona just walked forward step by step, but the space was distorted and incomprehensible. With Li Xiu's strength, she felt as if her body was imprisoned by an incomprehensible force, making it difficult to move.

This is because Bellona didn't target him, facing Bellona's old evil head-on, the pressure she received was many times greater than that of Li Xiu.

Li Xiu secretly thought.

As Bellona moved forward, Li Xiu discovered even weirder scenes. The flowers, plants and trees around Tianhai Palace were all changing in a weird state.

The branches and leaves of the towering giant tree shrunk, the blooming flowers restrained and turned into flower buds, and the vines that covered the mountain wall gradually became smaller and smaller, as if time went backwards, or a video was played backwards.

Li Xiu felt that his body and the strength in his body were actually declining. He circulated the light of evil spirits and the light of taboo, trying his best to contend with Bellona's strange power, but he was still unable to resist.

There is no doubt that this is peerless power, and only by going beyond the rules can such heaven-defying things be done.

The gentleman walked to Li Xiu's side, and Li Xiu suddenly felt the pressure on his body disappear, and he was no longer affected by that strange force.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the gentleman man beside him was shimmering and smiling at him. Li Xiu secretly thought.

Suddenly, Lao Xie snorted coldly.

Just with this cold snort, the space distorted like the face of an evil ghost suddenly disappeared, and all the weird time reversal phenomena also stopped.

Bellona was slightly startled, looked at Lao Xie and said: Lao Xie said lightly:

Bellona was not angry, she still smiled, pointed at Li Xiu and said:

Old Xie couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

Bellona said calmly.

"Humans, are you really worthy of your trust? Don't you have forgotten the lessons learned from the past?

? " Lao Xie said coldly.

Bellona said mockingly.

Lao Xie looked at Bellona and said:

Bellona was categorical.

Lao Xie said coldly.

Bellona pointedly glanced at the direction of the beach.

The old evil said expressionlessly.

Bellona said.

Lao Xie knew that this was Bellona's bottom line, so he glanced at Li Xiu and said:

After all, Lao Xie looked at Bellona again and said:

Bellona didn't say much, returned to Li Xiu, and said with a smile: Li Xiu asked with a frown.

Bellona wondered.

Now Li Xiu is eager to know what is going on.

Bellona glanced at Lao Xie and said:

The old evil said indifferently.

Bellona ignored Lao Xie, turned to Li Xiu and said:

Lao Xie suddenly snorted coldly, as if he was very disdainful of Bellona's words.

Bellona glanced at him and smiled slightly:

Li Xiu had heard some from Dusk before, and now he can probably guess that this old evil spirit should be one of the four evil spirits suppressed in the spirit suppressing stone.

The old evil uncle sneered. Bellona ignored him and continued:

Li Xiu had already guessed that that person was the president, but he didn't quite believe that the president had such a strong power. There are sixteen ancestral spirits guarding the Zhenling Palace, all of them are peerless, plus three Zhenling beasts, although the president is very strong, it is impossible for him to defeat so many terrifying existences by himself , and then destroy the town spirit stone.

Bellona said:

Li Xiu asked.

Bellona sighed.

The old evil mocked.

Bellona pouted and continued:

The old evil uncle laughed.

Bellona gave the old evil uncle a blank look:

The old evil uncle said lightly:

Li Xiu asked puzzledly.

Lao Xie seemed to be very shameless about that person's methods, and he didn't even want to mention it.

Li Xiu vaguely guessed one point, if the person they mentioned is the president, then he has been to Longevity Island, and gave birth to Li Ming'er with the Zhenling Beast on Longevity Island.

As for how the president obtained the spirit stones of Sky Sea and Bottomless Pit, Li Xiu had no way of guessing, and it wasn't some glorious means.

Li Xiu had to sigh, the president is indeed a ruthless person.

This is to make an enemy of the whole world with one person's power, and the key point is that he took advantage of it.

Of course, it's just that the means are not very glorious.

The old evil uncle snorted coldly and continued:

Li Xiu said.

When the old evil uncle said this, his tone became a little annoyed:

Li Xiu thought to himself: "The president is really powerful, making these peerless demons suffer again and again.

The pit fell several times. "

Seemingly seeing through Li Xiu's thoughts, Uncle Xie snorted coldly:

Li Xiu looked at the old evil uncle and said.

Uncle Xie smiled~www.readwn.com~ Li Xiu asked.

Bellona said.

Now Li Xiu finally understands why before he came, the president has been emphasizing that using brute force is not the only way to win.

It's just that Li Xiu still doesn't quite understand why only the little princess who married Tianzhihai can get the Zhenlingshi fragments, and what is the necessary connection between the two.

Seemingly seeing Li Xiu's doubts, Bellona continued:

Li Xiu looked at Bellona strangely and said:

Bellona looked at Li Xiu with a smile and said:

The old evil uncle said with a cold face.

Bellona retorted.

Li Xiu's heart moved, he stared at Old Evil Uncle and asked.

Both Xiaobuer and the people in City of Love were killed by the God of Killing in Tianzhihai, and the little princess of Tianzhihai was also called Buer, so Li Xiu had to think about it. There might be some relationship between the two. maybe.

The old evil uncle said coldly.

Bellona reminded.

Li Xiu nodded, but his eyes did not move away from Old Xie Shu's face, he stared straight at him and said:

The old evil uncle frowned.

Li Xiu stared at Old Uncle Xie, and asked word by word.

Since Uncle Lao Xie is the peerless demon spirit of Tianzhihai, according to the King of Unrivaled World, the Killing God should be his avatar attached to the tablet.

Uncle Xie's expression changed, and he immediately said with a cold face: Li Xiu asked back.

Li Xiu asked back. The expression on Old Xie's face changed, and it took a long time before he said in a cold voice:

Li Xiu said lightly.

Old evil uncle looks miserable

Bai, as if he heard something horrific. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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