When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 396: Fight Mysterious Man Again

【When God starts to evolve again】【】

"Hey, uncle, I'm asking you something, why are you in a daze?" Xiao Bu'er stretched out her small hand, shaking it in front of Li Xiu.

"Are you Xiao Bu'er?" Li Xiu looked at Xiao Bu'er and asked.

Of course he knew that this was Xiao Bu'er, but why did he come to the City of Love? He was clearly fighting Bu'er, and when he was about to subdue Bu'er, he came here.

Up to now, anyone can guess that there must be some connection between Bu'er and Xiao Bu'er. Li Xiu is just not sure whether the person in front of him is Xiao Bu'er, and where did Bu'er go?

He had scanned the surroundings just now, but he didn't find Bu'er. Whether Bu'er didn't come here with him at all, or for some other reason, Li Xiu still didn't know.

"You, a foreigner, have heard my name?" Xiao Bu'er was a little proud, and said proudly with her chest out.

Seeing Xiaobuer's tone and demeanor, Li Xiu felt that she must be the real Xiaobuer.

"Of course I've heard of your name, you are very famous." Li Xiu was talking, looking around constantly, but he still didn't find Bu'er.

"It's strange, I just felt that it was Bu'er's strength that pulled me in here, she should have come in with me, why didn't she disappear?" Li Xiu thought to himself.

"Am I really famous? Where have you heard of me?" Xiao Bu'er looked at Li Xiu suspiciously.

"I came from Tianzhihai, and I heard your name there." Li Xiu tried to figure out the relationship between Xiaobu'er and Tianzhihai's Bu'er.

"Are you from Tianzhihai?" Xiao Bu'er was full of surprises: "You have heard my name in Tianzhihai, did my father tell you?"

"What's your father's name?" Li Xiu looked at Xiao Bu'er and asked.

"Didn't you hear my father mention my name?" Xiao Bu'er looked at Li Xiu vigilantly and asked.

"No." Li Xiu shook his head slightly.

"Then how do you know my name?" Xiao Bu'er asked suspiciously.

"Everyone in Tianzhihai knows that there is a little princess named Xiao Bu'er in the City of Love. I really don't know who said it first. It turns out that your father is in Tianzhihai. I think it was him who said it for a long time. Right." Li Xiu said with a smile.

"My father must have said it." Xiao Bu'er was very happy: "My father always remembers me, why didn't he come back and take me away?"

"I don't know who your father is yet, how can I answer your question?" Li Xiu said. At this moment, Xiao Bu'er was eager to know the news about his father, so he said without hesitation, "My father is..."

"Xiaobuer." Just as Xiaobuer was about to say her father's name, she was interrupted by a voice. I saw Father Wu walking over with a cold face, pulled Xiao Bu'er behind him, looked at Li Xiu coldly and said, "Who are you?"

"Father Wu, he is from the Sea of ​​Heaven, he may know about my father..." Xiao Bu'er struggled to get out from behind Father Wu, but was held down by Father Wu.

"Are you really from the sea of ​​heaven?" Father Wu's eyes became sharper, as if he had already decided that Li Xiu was a liar.

"That's right." What Li Xiu said was 100% true. He really came from the sea of ​​heaven.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

"Hmph, the waterway between the City of Love and the Sea of ​​​​Sky has been cut off long ago. How did you come to the City of Love from the Sea of ​​​​Sky? Boy, what are your plans? Tell me honestly, otherwise I will Squeeze your head off." Father Wu said, glaring at Li Xiu viciously.

"What's the point of talking to him, arrest him first and let me torture him once, and he will tell you everything honestly." The blind tailor came over and said grimly.

Li Xiu knew that it was useless to explain to these people. He had experience before, and it was better to solve the problem directly than to waste words with them.

In the next second, Li Xiu directly summoned the Forbidden Spear, aiming the gun at the blind tailor.

"Handsome guy, you'd better not play with guns in front of me." A coquettish and coquettish voice came, and the proprietress of the tavern came over with a swaying appearance in a bright red dress. As she walked, she lifted up her skirt, revealing her slender legs and suspenders

, and a holster over the thigh.

The proprietress drew out a pistol, held a pistol in each hand, aimed at Li Xiu and said softly: "Handsome guy, put down your gun, or I will break the gun in your crotch together."


Li Xiu shot directly, and the proprietress' expression changed drastically. The two guns in her hands fired, and bullets sprayed at Li Xiu.

It's just that those bullets collided with Li Xiu's light bullets and were immediately bounced off, and the taboo bullets hit the proprietress directly in the chest.

"What a boy, you dare to do something in the City of Love." Father Wu and the blind tailor were furious, and at the same time they rushed towards Li Xiu.

Li Xiu fired one shot at a time, and the light bullets hit Father Wu and the blind tailor one after another, sending them flying. The surrounding residents of the City of Love rushed over immediately. The down-and-out violinist flicked out sonic light blades; the obese cook swung a kitchen knife and slashed down on the head.

The power of each inconspicuous resident is no less than that of Papa Wu and the blind tailor. It's just that their power is very strange, it seems to be very powerful, but its power is not very strong.

Li Xiu can't control so much now, he directly turned the Forbidden Spear into a Gatling state, turned his body 360 degrees, and fired wildly, sweeping away the residents of the City of Love who rushed up from all directions. A large area suddenly fell down on the streets and squares.

Looking at the large group of people who were brought down, Li Xiu couldn't help frowning slightly.

The strength of these people, in front of Li Xiu today, is indeed no threat, but the strange thing is that after being shot, they quickly got up again and rushed forward again.

Li Xiu was very clear that the taboo gun did not harm them. The bullets he used were not murderous bullets, but they were all unaffected by the seven taboos, which was a bit strange.

Not to mention their level, even ordinary gods, it is impossible to ignore the effect of taboo bullets.

It is reasonable to say that one or two people can be immune to the effects of the taboo bullet, but now that everyone is not affected, something is not quite right.

"Could it be that..." Li Xiu thought, and the Forbidden Spear fired wildly again, knocking the residents who rushed up again to the ground.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

The result was the same, they were not affected by the Taboo Bullet at all.

This reminded Li Xiu that when he came to the City of Love, he also tried to fight the mysterious man. The mysterious man was also not affected by his power. At that time, Li Xiu thought that the mysterious man was too powerful. Now it seems that this is not the case, maybe everyone in this city of love will not be affected by his power.

Sure enough, when Li Xiu tried to hurt the residents of the City of Love directly, he found that his power really couldn't hurt them, even if he used the light of the evil spirit of life and death, it seemed that his power had completely lost its effect here, and he couldn't do anything People do harm.


There was a gunshot, and the white-glowing bullet passed through many spaces and arrived in front of Li Xiu. Li Xiu turned around to avoid it, only to see that it was Xiao Bu'er who shot at him.

Holding the gun in both hands, Xiaobuer glared at him, "You are not allowed to hurt them."

Li Xiu thought: "Even if I want to hurt them, I don't have that ability."

"When did I hurt them? Don't you think they are all well? They insisted on rushing up by themselves." Li Xiu said with a smile.

Xiao Bu'er was slightly taken aback, she had already found out that Father Wu and the others really didn't have any injuries. "Who are you?" The proprietress of the tavern stared at Li Xiu and asked, the crowd surrounded Li Xiu, but they didn't rush up again.

"As I said, I'm from the sea of ​​heaven." Li Xiu said.

"Fart, the passage between the Sea of ​​Heaven and the City of Love has long been cut off. Even the king of heaven, I can't come across the Sea of ​​Heaven. What are you?" Father Wu roared angrily.

"It's you who insist on asking me where I came from, and you don't believe me when I tell you, so what can I do?" Li Xiu spread his hands and said.

"If you are really from the Sea of ​​​​Sky, then you should know what is the most precious thing in the Sea of ​​​​Sky?" Xiao Bu

said suddenly.

"There are so many precious things in Tianzhihai, what do you mean?" Li Xiu asked back.

"Hmph, you don't even know what the most precious thing in the Sea of ​​​​Sky is, how dare you say that you are from the Sea of ​​​​Sky?" Xiao Buer pouted.

"I really don't know about this." Li Xiu looked at Xiao Bu'er and said, "Why don't you give me a hint?"

"If you don't know, you don't know. I don't care where you come from. Leave the City of Love immediately. You are not welcome here." Father Wu said coldly.

"Okay." Li Xiu actually turned around and left, which surprised Father Wu and the others. "Are you going to let me go or not?" Li Xiu looked at the person standing in front who hadn't reacted yet and said.

"Let him go." Father Wu yelled, and those people reacted and moved out of the way. Li Xiu walked towards the city gate leading to the Sea of ​​Love, where the mysterious man came from. He wanted to confirm one thing.

Everyone watched Li Xiu walk out of the city gate, Xiao Bu'er looked at Father Wu with some doubts and asked, "Father, could he really come from the Sea of ​​Heaven?"

"Impossible." Father Wu said firmly.

"Is it really not possible at all? Then why was my father able to cross the sea of ​​love?" Xiao Bu'er looked at Father Wu and asked.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

"Your father is naturally different, how can that kid be compared with your father." Father Wu said.

Outside the city, Li Xiu saw those sea turtles, and punched them directly. The red light of life evil spirit on the fist directly burned a sea turtle to ashes, and a magic core fell out. "My power is completely useless to the people inside the city, but it can kill the demons outside the city." Li Xiu picked up the demons and looked at the boundless sea in a daze.

This made him a little puzzled. If the City of Love was just a phantom, so he couldn't hurt Father Wu and the others, why wouldn't the demons outside the city be affected?

While Li Xiu was killing sea turtles on the beach, he was waiting for the night to fall. Since he couldn't find Bu'er, he would wait until night to see where the mysterious man who slaughtered the City of Love came from.

"Hey, did you really come from the Sea of ​​Heaven?" Little Bu'er came to the beach at some point and shouted at Li Xiu from a distance.

"I've said it before, you don't believe me and why are you asking me?" Li Xiu laughed.

"If you are really from the Sea of ​​Heaven, then tell me, have you ever seen a man named Emperor of Heaven?" Xiao Bu'er hesitated and said.

Li Xiu was slightly taken aback when he heard Xiao Bu'er's words, looked at Xiao Bu'er complicatedly and said, "Is the Heavenly Emperor you're talking about the Devil Kingdom Heavenly Emperor? Is he called Li Boyang?"

"I don't know what the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom is, and I don't know Li Boyang either. I only know that my father is the Heavenly Emperor." Xiao Bu'er said.

"This little step, can't it be the president's seed again?" Li Xiu's expression became more and more complicated, and he also thought of many things in his heart.

If Xiaobu'er's father is really the president, many things can be explained, but there are still many things that cannot be explained.

"Xiao Buer is the president's daughter, and the president is the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom, so it makes sense that Father Wu and the others will protect Xiao Buer. But if Xiao Buer is really the president's daughter, then Buer and What's her relationship? If Bu'er is Xiao Bu'er, then how could she not know the president and still regard him as an enemy?"

Li Xiu seemed to be enlightened for a while, and then seemed to have more doubts. "I only know the Emperor of the Demon Kingdom, if your father is not him, then I don't know."

Li Xiu said.

"What does the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom look like?" Xiao Bu'er asked.

"It's a wretched... old man..." Li Xiu originally wanted to say that he was a wretched old man, but thinking about it, if Xiao Bu'er is really the president's daughter, it seems a little inappropriate to say this in front of his daughter. I took it back again.

After Li Xiu described the president's appearance, Xiao Bu'er immediately shook his head and said, "No... No... Father Wu and the others said that my father is a very handsome and manly man... How could it be what you said... "

"How long has your father been away?

will grow old. " Li Xiu said. Xiao Bu'er couldn't help being slightly startled, and asked with some doubts: "Do people grow old?"

"Everyone will grow old," Li Xiu said.

"No, how do people get old? You lied. Why don't Father Wu, the blind tailor, and the proprietress grow old like you said?" Xiao Bu'er looked at Li Xiu as if he was looking at a big liar. Li Xiu sighed secretly. With what Xiaobuer said, he was basically sure that this City of Love was definitely not a real city, and the people inside were probably not real people either.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

Lao Xie said that the City of Love is a place that does not exist. Now Li Xiu has two guesses. The City of Love is either a fragment of time and space or a man-made illusion, just like the happy hometown he went to by train.

Li Xiu has even begun to suspect that the City of Love is the happy hometown he encountered, and everything here is born of the real Xiaobuer's fantasy.

Only in this way can it be explained why the City of Love is so unique.

Seeing that Li Xiu didn't speak, Xiao Bu'er said again: "Then tell me, what kind of person is that Demon Kingdom Heavenly Emperor?"

Li Xiu chatted with Xiao Bu'er casually, and the time passed by, and night fell quietly.

Li Xiu has been observing the sea surface, but he has not seen any big ships appearing.

He calculated the time, and it should be almost time for the mysterious man to enter the city, but there is not even a boat on the sea, how did the mysterious man come to the city of love? Could it be that the mysterious person still has the ability to teleport through space, directly teleporting to the City of Love?

"No, no, the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom you mentioned is not the same person as Father Wu and the others." The more Xiaobuer listened, the more he felt that what Li Xiu said was not true at all. There was nothing about the person he mentioned. like her father.

"I didn't say that the Heavenly Emperor of the Demon Kingdom is your father, you asked me to say it." Li Xiu looked at the sky, the time had passed, but he didn't see the shadow of the mysterious man.

"Xiaobuer, let's go to the city to have a look." Li Xiu seemed to have thought of something, and walked towards the city gate. "Father Wu doesn't allow you to enter the City of Love again..." Xiao Buer chased Li Xiu and said.

Li Xiu ignored her, came to the city gate, opened the closed gate, and the sight he saw immediately changed his expression.

The city of love is brightly lit, and there are corpses everywhere. In the huge city of love, there is almost no living person to be seen.

At this moment, they saw the mysterious man grabbing the proprietress by the neck and lifting her up in the air. "Boss lady!" Xiao Bu'er screamed and rushed over.

"Small... step... er... quick..." The proprietress tried her best to support herself, and said in a hoarse voice intermittently, but before she could finish her sentence, the mysterious man directly pinched her neck and threw it away, like throwing garbage. aside.

Xiao Bu'er was so angry that his eyes were about to spurt blood, he took out his wooden pistol and shot at the mysterious man crazily.

It's just that those bullets hit the mysterious man's body, but they had no effect at all.

The mysterious man appeared in front of Xiaobu'er in a flash~www.readwn.com~, and stretched out his hand to grab her neck.


A beam of purple fluorescent light bombarded the mysterious man across the air, forcefully knocking the mysterious man back a few steps.

Li Xiu rushed behind Xiao Bu'er, reaching out to hug Xiao Bu'er, but it was still too late. The taboo cannon with the light of the evil spirit of life and death didn't hurt the mysterious man at all. When he stretched out his hand to grab it, the little Bu'er disappeared strangely, leaving Li Xiu in vain.

Looking up, I saw that Xiao Bu'er had already been caught by the mysterious man, holding his neck and lifting it into the air.


Li Xiu watched Xiaobu'er's neck broken by the mysterious man, and sighed inwardly, thinking that this trip to the City of Love would fail again.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

But Li Xiu soon discovered that after Xiaobu'er's death, he was not teleported out of the City of Love like last time, and he was still in the City of Love.

"Could it be that it wasn't the God of Death Tablet that sent me in, so I couldn't leave the City of Love?" Li Xiu's face changed slightly.


Intertwined beams of light in black and white

Soaring into the sky, the mysterious man was shocked back abruptly. Xiao Bu'er, whose neck had already been pinched by the mysterious man, was suspended in the air. With the rise of black and white flames, strange changes took place.

In the blink of an eye, Little Bu'er had already turned into Bu'er's appearance, the black and white brilliance on his body merged into a gray chaotic light.

"Little Bu'er is indeed Bu'er!" Li Xiu stared at Bu'er who looked like a witch, his expression fluctuating.

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