When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 397: live instead of me

【When God starts to evolve again】【】

The mysterious man saw the change in Bu'er, so he picked up the stone tablet and threw it at Bu'er who was suspended in the air.

Li Xiu had seen the power of that stele before. A single blow could almost destroy the city. It was invincible and nothing could stop it.

But when the stele reached Bu'er, it was held down by Bu'er with one hand, no matter how hard the mysterious man tried, it was difficult to drop it any more.


The gray light above Bu'er's palm exploded like a volcanic eruption, and directly blasted the mysterious man and the stone tablet together. The terrifying light rushed directly across the entire street like a torrent. The stone slabs on the street were instantly shattered, and the buildings on both sides were also smoothed by the light. After the light passed, the street became a deep ditch leading directly to the city gate.

The body of the mysterious man was blasted into the nearly half-collapsed city gate, and the God-killing stone tablet fell beside it. Bu'er stared at the mysterious man with endless hatred in her eyes. As the light in her eyes flickered, torrents hit the mysterious man repeatedly, like a replay of the previous blow.

However, the wounds on the mysterious man were not replayed, and every bombardment caused his body to suffer greater damage.

"Can Bu'er's power be used like this?" Li Xiu had always thought that Bu'er's power could only be used to counterattack the opponent's attack, but he didn't expect that even her own attack could be repeated repeatedly. This is a little too scary.

In other words, as long as you get hit by Bu'er's attack, you will never be able to get rid of it, you will always be attacked, and it is impossible to hide or block.


The city gate couldn't bear the bombardment again and again, and was finally torn apart by the bombardment, shattered into ruins all over the place.

"It's really strong, Bu'er is much stronger than when he fought in Tianhai Palace before,

What is the reason? "Li Xiu was secretly startled.

Although Li Xiu was not at the peerless level, an attack of this intensity was estimated to be infinitely close to the peerless level. Although the **** person was powerful, he didn't seem to be at the peerless level, so it should be impossible to withstand such continuous bombardment.

"I don't know if little Bu'er will remember me after she becomes Bu'er? If she only has Bu'er's memory," Li Xiuxiu was struggling when he heard the sound of clattering from the ruins of the city gate. The mysterious person who was bombarded with horror like Liabu'er crawled out of the ruins again.

What shocked Li Xiu even more was that the injuries on the mysterious man had completely disappeared in such a short period of time. It seemed that he was not injured at all.

Seeing this, Bu'er's face darkened, and he raised the wooden gun in his hand, which turned into a Gatling state of the forbidden gun, and shot wildly at the mysterious man.

Li Xiu could clearly see that the raindrops of bullets contained the power of the seven taboos.

The mysterious man still didn't even hide, stretched out his hand to grab it, and the stone tablet returned to his hand automatically, smashed the stone tablet to the ground, and blocked it in front of him.

All the bullets hit the stele, but they failed to leave any marks on the stele.

The wooden spear in Bu'er's hand changed again, and turned into the taboo cannon used by Li Xiu again, blasting a terrifying beam of light at the mysterious man.

The mysterious man still didn't dodge, grabbed the stone tablet with one hand, and swung it towards the terrifying beam of light.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】


The stone tablet smashed the beam of light to pieces, the light scattered and splashed, and big holes were formed in the surrounding buildings.

The mysterious man was also thrown backwards by the terrifying light energy, and his body dissipated strangely.

It stands to reason that the mysterious man's clothes should have been torn apart by such a strong light energy damage.

But now the clothes are like a part of the mysterious person's body, the clothes are broken and dissipated together with the flesh and blood, even if the mysterious person is injured, it is difficult to see his true face.

What's even more frightening is that the injured body of the mysterious person will heal in an instant, as if he had never been injured before, and his combat effectiveness will not be affected at all.

Bu'er and the mysterious man fought crazily in the city, and the entire City of Love was shattered in an instant, and the nearby sea and mountains were unobstructed, and were even destroyed during the battle.

Mystery Man looks plain

Unsurprisingly, there has been almost no explosion of powerful light energy. If it weren't for his terrifying and infinite fighting power, Li Xiu even felt that the realm he showed was not even as good as a god.

But it was so strange that the mysterious man who seemed to be very ordinary in every move was able to fight against such a powerful Bu'er.

Even because of his infinite self-healing ability, he gave way to a disadvantage.

Suddenly, a bullet from Bu'er hit the mysterious man, and the bullet burst out with a strange blue light, freezing the mysterious man's body instantly.

This was obviously Li Xiu's light of the evil spirit of death, but the frozen mysterious person only shook his body, and the light of the evil spirit of death shattered.

Bu'er's eyes were full of murderous intent, one hand condensed the gray chaotic light, and the other hand actually condensed purple fluorescence, which was the light of Li Xiu's evil spirit of life and death.

Bu'er held the wooden gun in both hands, the gray and purple light energy merged into one, and shot a bullet that distorted space directly from the wooden gun.


The moment the mysterious man blocked the bullet with the stone tablet, the bullet turned into a hollow, sucking the mysterious man and the stone tablet into the hollow.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't understand how powerful the void was. The void created by the power of the two already possessed peerless power, capable of destroying the original rules and order. It is a peerless powerhouse who is sucked into it, and it may not be able to come out alive. Bu'er can even easily simulate his light of life and death evil spirits, and can also use the light of life and death evil spirits and her own light of truth at the same time, and fuse them into one. People feel horrible.

But in the next second, Li Xiu saw a horrified scene. A hand stretched out from the hole, grabbed the edge of the hole, and crawled out little by little.

The mysterious man crawled out of the hollow, and the clothes on his body kept shaking, but even the hollow couldn't damage it.

Bang bang bang!

The gunshots continued, and Bu'er fired one after another hollow bullets, but this time, he couldn't even **** the mysterious man into the hollow.

The mysterious man's body was twisted strangely, passing through the gaps of the hollow bullets inconceivably, and kept approaching Bu'er.


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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

The first time Xiao Bu'er was injured after becoming Bu'er, he was punched to the ground by a mysterious person, and then kicked heavily into the ground.

Such a powerful Bu'er was suppressed by the mysterious man again, almost unable to fight back after being beaten.

"Bu'er, you have to believe in yourself. This is your home and your territory. As long as you believe in yourself, you are invincible." Li Xiu shouted at Bu'er.

Although Li Xiu has not fully deduced the truth of the whole incident, he already has a rough outline.

He is already sure that this City of Love should be like a happy hometown, whether it is the mysterious person, or Father Wu and the others, they are all just fantasies created by Little Bu'er, and are not Not real people.

Of course, their deities must exist, but they should be somewhat different from these fantasy things.

Just like Father Wu, as the Fifth Heavenly King of the Demon Kingdom, Father Wu's strength will never be so bad. The reason why his ability is so poor is probably because in Bu'er's memory, he imagined him as this appearance, so he only has this level.

But the mysterious man is just the opposite. In Bu'er's memory, he is a strong and invincible existence, so no matter how strong Bu'er is, and how weak he looks, Bu'er is not his opponent.

Unless Bu'er's own thoughts can be changed, Bu'er can't change the ending of the mysterious man killing her.

Bu'er, who was being attacked crazily, looked at Li Xiu with complicated eyes. From her eyes, Li Xiu saw the shadow of Xiao Bu'er.

Li Xiu can now be sure that Bu'er is definitely not the Bu'er of Tianhai Palace before, or not exactly the Bu'er of Tianhai Palace. She already has the memory of Xiao Bu'er, but she doesn't know how many Xiao Bu'er she has. memory.

Li Xiu was anxious and wanted to save

She is useless, his power can't kill Bu'er's fantasies at all, and the only one who can kill these fantasies is Bu'er himself.

What's more, Bu'er had already used his strongest light of life and death evil spirit just now, and he couldn't kill the mysterious person. Before Bu'er's thoughts were changed, it was useless for him to do it himself.


The mysterious man directly smashed the stone tablet on Bu'er's neck, which fell to the ground. The ground centered on Bu'er's neck, shattered like a spider's web, and smashed out a huge pit several times larger than the City of Love. The nearby mountains and rivers were directly shattered and collapsed, and the sea was pushed back dozens of miles by the sea water.

"Xiao Bu'er, believe me, you can do it, as long as you believe, you will definitely win. Have you forgotten? I told you, I will take you to the sea of ​​heaven, to find your father, you can't lose , must win." Li Xiu desperately wanted to give in to Bu'er to realize that she could win.

Bu'er's neck was twisted, blood was all over her face, but her eyes gradually brightened. When the mysterious man raised the stele and smashed it down again, Bu'er supported the stele with one hand, and as the stele was slowly lifted up, Bu'er, covered in blood, also stood up, and her distorted body returned to normal.

The mysterious man frantically pressed down on the stone tablet, but he still couldn't stop Bu'er's power. The gray-purple light energy exploded like the sun.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

If Bu'er's light of truth and the light of evil spirits of life and death can create a void that swallows everything when they merge, then when the two forces meet, the force produced is like a big bang when a planet is annihilated.

Li Xiu watched a gray-purple sun rising from the ground, and there were more and more of them, so he could only retreat quickly, and at the same time gather the strength of his whole body to resist the terrifying big explosion.


Li Xiu only felt a huge force coming, as if his body was hit by a hammer, he flew upside down for more than ten miles and fell into the sea.

In the center of the terrifying light explosion, the armor of the mysterious man was directly evaporated, and at the moment when his body was also evaporated, Bu'er saw his face.

Bu'er was stunned for a moment, and desperately raised the light explosion and threw it towards the sky. The light energy like the self-explosion of the sun illuminated the whole world, but it was difficult to illuminate Bu'er's cold heart at this time.


Forcibly reversing the terrifying power she cast, Bu'er suffered a backlash, and blood spewed out of her mouth. Before she could recover, the mysterious man's punch had already hit Bu'er's chest heavily, sending Bu'er flying.

"Why..." Bu'er's eyes were full of puzzlement, anger, despair and disbelief.

When Li Xiu got out of the sea, he happened to see Bu'er fell on the beach, staring at the mysterious man with ashes.

Li Xiu was stunned and didn't know what happened. He clearly saw that Bu'er had got rid of the demons. She should be able to kill the mysterious man. Why didn't she kill the mysterious man, but seemed to be about to be killed by the mysterious man? killed.

"It's not right...it's not right..." Seeing the mysterious man cross the distance between the two of them step by step, and the stone tablet slammed into the helpless Bu'er, Li Xiu gritted his teeth and rushed in front of Bu'er like a phantom , the light of the evil spirit of life and death burst out, and he punched the God-killing stele violently smashed.


The ground cracked, gravel flew and sand rose, and sea water poured into the sky.

Li Xiu really felt what absolute power is. This mysterious person didn't even use the light energy. It was just the power from the stone tablet, which shattered the oppressive light of life and death evil spirits, and even the self-contained small world couldn't function.

The mysterious man stared at Li Xiu indifferently, and the stone tablet was pressed down little by little, so Li Xiu had to resist with all his strength. If he let go now, he might not even have time to hide, and he would be smashed into meat paste by the stone tablet.

Li Xiu tried his best to eat milk, and used all his strength, and finally even used the ultimate light. Unexpectedly, it was only the ultimate light of casting spirit level, but it actually played a little role. There were light white marks left on the stele.

Li Xiu was overjoyed. He originally thought that his own power would not be able to hurt these imaginary things, but he didn't expect that the ultimate light would have an effect. Unfortunately, the level of the ultimate light is too low to have much effect.

if end

Ji Zhiguang can reach the **** level, maybe he can use the ultimate light to kill the mysterious person without Bu'er doing it himself.

Naturally, it is impossible for the ultimate light to be promoted to the **** position now, Li Xiu could only complain secretly, his flickering body was sinking continuously under the terrifying power of the mysterious man, and he was half kneeling on the ground. "Bu'er, believe in me, believe in yourself, as long as you want to win, you will definitely win." Li Xiu thought that Bu'er hadn't completely got rid of her demons, and wanted to wake her up.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

He originally thought that as long as he blocked the blow of the mysterious man, gave in and recovered his strength, and then persuaded her to believe in him, he could defeat the mysterious man.

No matter how bad it was, after Bu'er was rescued, he should also help him deal with the mysterious man, but who knew that after Bu'er was rescued by him, there was no movement, as if he had lost his soul, lying on the ground without getting up.

"Bu'er, wake up, all of this is just your own fantasy, believe me, as long as you are willing, all of this will disappear at any time..." Li Xiu shouted loudly while resisting the power of the mysterious man.

"Uncle...I believe in you...but I really can't do it...I'm sorry...Uncle..."

Bu'er's voice reached Li Xiu's ears, and her body also came behind Li Xiu, sticking to his back, with her arms around her chest.

Li Xiu didn't know what happened to Bu'er, and when he was wondering, he suddenly felt a soft and boundless power coming from Bu'er who was holding him.

This power is almost endless, but there is no turbulence, just like a quiet void, which seems to be able to contain everything.

"Bu'er, what are you doing?" Li Xiu didn't understand why Bu'er suddenly injected her light energy into his body.

"Uncle, it's really hard to live...I'm not supposed to be alive. I can only bring too much misfortune to this world. Maybe only when I die can everyone be happy." Bu'er murmured talking.

"What silly words are you talking about? No one will be happy because of someone else's death. Only by being alive can we create happiness for others..."

Li Xiu couldn't feel the strength, and Bu'er's body was disappearing. As Bu'er's light energy poured into Li Xiu's body, Bu'er's body, which was no different from a real person, gradually turned into an illusion like a ghost.

"Uncle, what you said is right, only by being alive can we create happiness for others, but I am not a living person, I am just someone else's fantasy, how can a person who has never lived at all live to bring happiness to others?" "Happiness" Bu'er's voice was trembling, as if she was holding back her tears.

Li Xiu's body trembled, and after hearing Bu'er's words, he suddenly understood everything.

Originally, Li Xiu thought that the City of Love and Little Bu'er were imagined by Bu'er, but now he understands that this is not the case at all.

Bu'er is also a fantasy. She also belongs to the City of Love, but she was taken out of the City of Love by some unknown method.

"That is to say... the little Bu'er in the Black Dead City is the real Little Bu'er... Only in this way can it be explained why the City of Love exists, and the existence of Bu'er can be explained... But if the little Bu'er in the Black Dead City After his death, someone arrived in the City of Love and brought Bu'er out, so why there is still a small Bu'er in the City of Love, and the small Bu'er in the City of Love will affect the dead Xiao Bu'er in the Black Death City Ghost?"

Li Xiu immediately realized that there was a possibility that everything could be explained.

If Xiao Bu'er in the Black Dead City hadn't experienced the killing in the City of Love, she didn't actually die, but because someone entered the City of Love, just like Li Xiu entered the happy hometown, and killed the little girl in the City of Love. If Bu'er~www.readwn.com~ in turn affects the death of Xiao Bu'er in the Black Dead City, then everything makes sense. It's as if someone went back to the past and changed history, causing the living to die. The ghost of Xiaobu'er in the Black Dead City should exist like that.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

It's hard for Li Xiu to decide whether the Happy Home is going back to the past or not. Although the older sister there is fake, those barbecues have real energy, which makes it difficult for Li Xiu to understand.

Now Li Xiu can only speculate that someone entered the earlier Black Death City, that is, the City of Love, and took away a small step, which is the current step of Tianhai Palace.

He killed another little Bu'er, turning the City of Love into a city of black death. As for why he took Xiao Bu'er away, Li Xiu probably already figured it out. Why did he kill another little Bu'er? He couldn't understand it.

"As long as you feel that you are alive, then you are really alive." Li Xiu said firmly, "Bu'er, listen to me, don't do stupid things."

Bu'er's body trembled, but a smile appeared on her tear-stained face: "Uncle, you are right, as long as I feel alive, I am really alive, but Uncle, I am really tired from living, I don't want to go on anymore, uncle, just work harder and go on instead of me..."

Li Xiu didn't feel right. Regardless of the oppression of the mysterious person, he forced his head to look at Bu'er behind him, but only saw Bu'er's smiling face, which was instantly shattered and turned into countless dots of gems. into Li Xiu's body.

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