When God Begins To Evolve Again

Chapter 398: Promoted to God

【When God starts to evolve again】【】

Such a huge amount of energy poured into his body, Li Xiu didn't even have a chance to refuse, his whole body was filled with terrifying light energy, his body was already unbearable, but if it was excreted,

Bu'er's death will also become meaningless.

Li Xiu gritted his teeth and forcibly operated a light technique, guiding that terrifying power into his ultimate light.

Li Xiu didn't know if this kind of energy could replace the **** gem and push his ultimate light to the god. If not, his current body would definitely not be able to withstand such a terrifying light energy.

As Bu'er's light energy was guided to merge into the ultimate light, the ultimate light became stronger and stronger without encountering any obstacles.

Bu'er's light energy is so inclusive that it almost doesn't need much effort to convert it into the ultimate light.

Naturally, Li Xiu didn't know that a large part of Bu'er's light energy came from the Zhenling Stone. The Zhenling Stone is the source of the world and will not reject any power in this world.

With the transformation of light energy, the ultimate light became stronger and stronger. The stele that was about to crush Li Xiu was held up by Li Xiu forcibly. The stele pressed against Li Xiu.

The stronger his oppressive power is, the faster the light energy will be integrated, and the stronger the ultimate light will be.

Li Xiu's body had completely disappeared in the transparent flame. From a distance, the stele seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall, stopping in mid-air.

The ultimate light became stronger and stronger, but still failed to be promoted to the **** position. Li Xiu felt that his body was about to be melted by the ultimate light, turning into a light body.

Li Xiu knew that this was a sign that his body's endurance had reached its limit. If he continued to transform light energy and failed to advance to the **** position, no one would know what the consequences would be.

The reason why human beings need a **** gem to advance to the **** position is because human beings do not have the seed of the light of truth. They need the **** gem as the seed of the light of truth to make the body change again.

This is actually the same principle as the method of planting light. The difference is that the method of planting light can use any light energy as a seed, but to be promoted to the **** position, you must have the seed of the light of truth.

Li Xiu couldn't continue to be promoted to the **** position for a long time, but his body suddenly lost a lot of light energy.

"That guy finally moved." Li Xiu breathed a sigh of relief. He originally planned to use the demon larvae in his body to absorb part of the light energy, otherwise his own body would not be able to hold the endless light energy.

It's just that I didn't expect that the demon larva would hold its breath so heavily that Li Xiu almost gave up.

Li Xiu could clearly feel that the light energy in his body was being devoured by a large amount.

As the light energy was devoured by the demon larvae, white particles gradually appeared in Li Xiu's already invisible body. Those particles seemed to be Li Xiu's cells, and more and more of them emerged, exuding white fluorescence. .

There are more and more white particles, gradually connecting together, forming bones and flesh, but the bones and flesh are not human flesh and blood, more like a kind of porcelain.

Even Li Xiu felt incredible, he was still here, but inside his body, another body was born, the two completely overlapped, but did not affect each other.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

Not long after, the white particle has completed a complete human form, like a humanoid monster wearing a snow-white porcelain carapace.

The monster's figure is exactly the same as Li Xiu's, but there is no gap in the carapace, and there are no facial features on the face, which makes people feel creepy.

With a slight effort, Li Xiu gradually lifted up the stele. With his body movements, the white monster-like body also made the same movements. Li Xiu could feel its existence and feel its presence in his body. The inner is omnipresent, but the two are not one. This feeling is wonderful and terrifying.

The mysterious man seemed to realize that he had encountered a threat. He roared and exploded with strength, and the stone tablet was pressed down like a mountain.

However, Li Xiu, who was holding the stele with one hand, did not intend to be oppressed at all. The palm wrapped in the snow-white carapace was as motionless as a rock.

No matter how hard the mysterious man exerted himself, it would be difficult to shake him in the slightest.


The transparent brilliance on Li Xiu's body rose like a fire erupting, forcefully knocking the mysterious man and the stone tablet away.

The stone tablet, which had gone through an extremely terrifying battle without any damage, was shocked by this force, and cracks appeared. The clothes on the mysterious man were also torn, and the wounds on his body continued to bleed.

The mysterious person who seemed to be able to recover immediately from any injury, but now the injury on his body showed no sign of recovery, and blood continued to flow out.

Along with the transparent brilliance, there is also that snow-white brilliance. In the snow-white beam of light that soars to the sky, a monster-like humanoid monster, with its arms open, seems to be silently roaring upwards, and at the same time, its body is undergoing strange changes.

The mysterious man got up, grabbed the stele, and stared at Li Xiu coldly. After the beam of light gradually dissipated, he finally saw clearly what was inside.

The monster with a snow-white carapace has a pair of butterfly-like wings spread out from its back. The wings are thinner than paper, almost transparent, but have the same texture as a carapace.

On the face that had no facial features, a pair of purple hazy eyes slowly opened, and there were only eyes, and the rest was still a smooth curved visor.

The mysterious man jumped up, leaped high into the air, grabbed the stone tablet with both hands and crazily suppressed it. Li Xiu stood there without looking at the mysterious man or the stele. When the stele was about to hit his head, he punched out against the sky.


The God-killing stele was blasted into pieces by his punch, the broken stones scattered and flew out, and the body of the mysterious man flew upside down, hit the wall of the big pit heavily, and sank directly into it.

Li Xiu fluttered his wings behind his back, and appeared in front of the mysterious man almost as if teleporting. He reached out and grabbed the mysterious man's neck, and with the other hand, he wanted to open his covered face.

He wanted to know who this mysterious man was, even though he was just Xiaobuer's fantasy...

But as long as he knows who he is, he will be able to find him in reality. He has to ask that person why he brought Bu'er out of the City of Love, and why he wants to kill another little Bu'er in the City of Love...

Since Bu'er gave him everything, Li Xiu felt that he had the responsibility to give Xiao Bu'er an explanation.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

The mysterious man struggled desperately, but he couldn't break free from Li Xiu's palm. Under the oppression of the god-level ultimate light, the mysterious man had no ability to resist at all. Even if he was just a fantasy, it was difficult for him to resist the ultimate light.

The moment Li Xiu was about to wipe away the true face of the mysterious man, the whole world suddenly shook violently.

The mountains and rivers are collapsing, the sea is pouring back, and the ruins are rapidly disintegrating. This world is actually collapsing.

Li Xiu was slightly stunned, and the mysterious person caught in his hands also disintegrated, turning into dust and ashes before Li Xiu wiped away his true face.

"Is it you, Xiao Bu'er? He killed you again and again, you are already dead, and you still do this kind of thing? Who is he? Is it worth it for you?"

Li Xiu understood at this moment that Bu'er didn't lose just now, she won, and she also knew who the mysterious man was, that's why she was so disheartened, she didn't even have the belief to live.

Thinking that this mysterious person must be someone extremely important to her, that's why when she saw the true face of the mysterious person, she felt ashamed and determined not to live anymore. What kind of despair was that. At the moment when the world collapsed, Li Xiu felt the scene in front of him change. When he saw the scene in front of him clearly again, he found that he had already returned to Tianhai Palace.

"Where's Buer?" Lao Xie rushed in front of Li Xiu, staring at Li Xiu with red eyes, like a wild beast that wanted to eat someone.

"Old Xie, calm down first." Bellona and the gentleman Zu Ling also rushed over, stopping Lao Xie who wanted to rush towards Li Xiu.

"She's dead." Li Xiu said calmly.

"You killed him?" Lao Xie's body trembled, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he stared at Li Xiu.

Li Xiu didn't answer, his eyes were a little cold: "The mysterious person who slaughtered the city of love, is it you?"

"What kills the city of love

Mysterious man, what nonsense are you talking about? Who Slaughtered the City of Love? "

Lao Xie's eyes were full of pain.

"It's not wrong that you are the evil spirit of the sea of ​​heaven, right? I heard that you made the God of Death Tablet. This should be true, right?" Li Xiu stared at Lao Xie and continued.

"That's right, I made the God of Death Tablet." Lao Xie was slightly taken aback, then nodded.

"Why did you make the God of Death Tablet?" Li Xiu continued to ask.

"What does this have to do with you?" Lao Xie's eyes flashed coldly: "Tell me, did you kill Bu'er?"

"Looking at Lao Xie's appearance, it doesn't look like a fake. It seems that the mysterious person in the City of Love is really not him." Li Xiu wanted to say something, but saw a figure walking into Tianhai Palace through the gate, stepping on the sea. . "It seems that you have lost." The president walked over with a smile.

"Li Boyang, you don't even let your own daughter go, even if the lowest demon spirits don't eat their children, even if you win and get the town spirit stone, can you really feel at ease?" Lao Xie stared at the meeting Long said.

"I just need the result." After finishing speaking, the president ignored Lao Xie, turned his head to look at Li Xiu and said, "It seems that you have obtained the Zhenling Stone, that's good, let's go."

But Li Xiu didn't move, looked at the president and said, "President, is Xiao Bu'er really your daughter?"

"That's right." The president didn't deny it, and nodded.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

"Are you the mysterious person who slaughtered the City of Love?" Li Xiu stared at the president and continued to ask. "What do you think?" the president asked indifferently.

"Is it really you?" Although Li Xiu had guessed for a long time, but after hearing such a cruel answer, he still couldn't help feeling sad for Bu'er.

Little Bu'er in the City of Love died over and over again, but she never forgot to look for her father. She forgot everything, but she still remembered this father.

But no matter what, she never imagined that the one who killed her over and over again was actually her biological father whom she had been thinking about day and night, even if it was her death over and over again.

If Li Xiu was Xiao Bu'er, it would be difficult for him to accept such a cruel fact.

"Li Boyang...what did you do?" The murderous intent in Lao Xie's eyes was like eternal ice, staring at Li Boyang firmly.

The president smiled lightly and said: "Among the four evil spirits, you are the only one who has too many things to do. You actually figured out a way to bring Bu'er out of the Time Tunnel, so that the town spirit stone and Bu'er can be integrated. This method is indeed very clever. I took back Bu'er from the City of Love, and I couldn't get the Zhenling Stone, but do you think this will prevent me from taking back the Zhenling Stone?"

"No matter how powerful you are, you are nothing more than a beast with no wisdom. You don't understand what the Time Tunnel is like. Do you think that if you take Bu'er away, the City of Love will only lose one Bu'er? It's so stupid and naive."

The president mocked: "The Time Tunnel is the junction of reality and illusion. Everything there has its own foregone conclusion. As an outsider, he forcibly takes away the things inside, which changes the process of reality and illusion. , so that the city of love in reality has been implicated, eroded by illusion and turned into a black city of death, the person who caused all this is actually yourself.”

"How could I not know what you said, that's why I left the God of Death Tablet in the City of Love, it is enough to suppress the City of Love and prevent the real world from being affected." Lao Xie said.

"That's why I said, you are nothing more than an uncivilized animal with weak intelligence." The president said disdainfully.

"Don't argue, no matter how eloquent you are, you can't deny that you killed Bu'er, and I will make you pay for Bu'er today." As Lao Xie said, the aura of unknown evil rose from his body, In just a split second, the entire Tianhai Palace was filled with unknown evil aura.

One after another, the unknown evil spirits turned into light and shadows like fairies, flying like fairies and fierce ghosts, and devoured towards the president, like the punishment of the gods.

The president looked at the fairy ghosts all over the sky, but he didn't move like a mountain, allowing those ghostly ghosts to pounce on him and bite his flesh.

"How many times have I told you that your strength can't hurt me." The president stood among the immortals and ghosts. No matter how they bite, it is difficult to hurt his body.

"It's too early for you to be happy. I haven't lived in vain for so many years." Lao Xie's eyes flashed fiercely, and he grabbed something with his backhand and stood it in front of him. It was the blue metal coffin that Li Xiu had seen before. . "Li Boyang, this is the coffin of repentance I prepared for you. For the rest of your endless life, please repent properly."

Lao Xie stretched out his hand and opened the blue metal coffin. Countless celestial beings and ghosts flew out of it, rushing towards the president like a tide.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

The Tianhai Palace, which had already been destroyed, was directly collapsed by this terrifying force, exposing the black sky outside.

The lights and shadows of countless celestial beings and ghosts, like infinite vengeful spirits between heaven and earth, entangled the president, forming a vortex of light and shadow connecting heaven and earth, pulling the president's body, and dragging him into the blue metal coffin At that moment, countless celestial beings and fierce ghosts also rushed into the blue metal coffin. "The rest of your life, just spend the rest of your life in eternal repentance." Lao Xie glanced at the president and closed the metal coffin.

"This thing seems to be the coffin of taboo, but it seems a little different, old evil, where did you get this thing?" Bellona asked in surprise.

"This is indeed a taboo coffin, but it has been refined for thousands of years by using the light of nirvana and the light of innocence and innocence that I have collected through countless painstaking efforts. , the four lights have merged into one, even with peerless power, they cannot break it and escape.”

Lao Xie gritted his teeth and said: "I pretended to be tricked, and imprisoned myself in the taboo coffin, refining the taboo coffin for thousands of years, waiting for this day, even if he is immortal, he can't escape."

"I didn't expect you to have such calculations." Bellona and the gentleman Zu Ling both beamed after hearing this.

The three inexhaustible lights of nirvana can destroy everything in the world. The pure and true self wishes the light to be pure and true, plus the old evil spirit light of unknown evil and the light of taboos. Any of the four kinds of divine light is the ultimate The strong power, the taboo coffin tempered by these four kinds of light, is also helpless if they are replaced by them. Chapter 398 Promotion to God

Although Li Boyang is physically invincible, but after all, he is only physically strong, and his real strength is only on par with them. If he can't be killed, it's good to trap him.

Li Xiu watched everything happen, stood there without moving, frowned silently looking at the taboo coffin.

"Li Boyang is definitely not a kind person. He doesn't even care about the relationship between father and daughter. You don't have to worry about him, it's not worth it." Bellona said.

Li Xiu didn't say anything, instead, he looked at Lao Xie and asked, "You made the God of Killing Tablet. Did you keep the will in him?"

"That's right." Lao Xie sighed, "I also know that the City of Love in the Time Tunnel is an unpredictable place. I took Bu'er away~www.readwn.com~ It's hard to guarantee that there won't be any changes there, so I took the murderer away. The God Tablet was left there to suppress the City of Love, and I was afraid of accidents, so I kept a wisp of my divine consciousness inside to deal with possible situations.”

"Is it possible that there is a problem with your spiritual consciousness left in the killing **** tablet, and you have forgotten a lot of things?" Li Xiu asked again.

"No, the killing **** tablet is the treasure of Longevity Island. It can guarantee the indestructibility of spiritual consciousness. It is the treasure of heaven and earth that began in the Zhenling Palace and was born with the Zhenling Stone. In addition, my spiritual consciousness is based on endless The water is imprinted on it, there should be nothing in the world that can affect it, it is an immortal and immortal thing that even I cannot destroy, otherwise I would not rest assured to leave it in the City of Love." Lao Xie is very sure said.

"That is to say, no one can affect the God of Death Tablet, even the president?" Li Xiu frowned and thought.

"Hmph, after all, Li Boyang came from outside the world and was naturally rejected by the world. His abilities and means are very limited. If he is not physically invincible, he is not qualified to fight me at all. If he has such means, he will not look at me. Seeing that Bu'er, who is integrated with Zhenling Stone, can't do anything." Lao Xie said disdainfully.

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【When God starts to evolve again】【】

After hearing this, Li Xiu fell into deep thought, as if there was something difficult to solve.


Suddenly, everyone heard a crack, and their faces changed immediately. They couldn't help looking at the taboo coffin, and found a crack appeared on the top of the taboo coffin.

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