While Fang's face was proud, Brother Yang's design was scrolling on the big screen.

A group of designers looked at it for a while, and several experienced designers couldn't help frowning.

This design...seems average...

In terms of design skills and inspiration, it can be seen that it was designed by a capable designer.

But this design doesn't seem to be very thoughtful, and some details are handled... It can be said to be quite rough.

Perhaps, this design draft is worth polishing, and it is not difficult to participate in the exhibition and win a finalist award.

But if you tell me that Sundi Group has spent millions to invite a team of top craftsmen for this design draft, I will definitely think you are bragging.

No matter how you look at it, this design draft is not worth using such a good craftsman team!

But these words, several old designers hesitated, did not dare to say it.

In the end, a veteran couldn't help coughing lightly, and said cautiously: "I think... this design is not bad, but there are also flaws. The details of the patterns on a few pieces of jewelry are a bit sloppy and ruined. The overall beauty of the jewelry. This plan still needs to be carefully considered, and it is not recommended to invest too much money and energy....."

When Fang Lian heard this, his complexion suddenly became a little ugly.

Just kidding, the plan I put so much effort into, you actually think it’s not working? Bragging 610, a company as big as Shengdi Group plans to invite top craftsmen to create this set of jewelry. Can there be a problem with the design?

Are you an undercover agent for the enemy to break into our company?

"Team Leader Cheng, I think you should take a good look at this design drawing!" Fang Lian pulled his face down and pointed at the design plan with a laser pointer, "Look at these details, can you say he is sloppy? I think it is quite Exquisite!"

"Designing this thing, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. It is difficult to satisfy everyone. However, based on my experience in this industry for many years, I think this design is quite brilliant, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is ingenious!"

"Look at the lines, look at the colors... right!?" Fang Lian wanted to praise the design, but he couldn't think of when to say it, so he was vague.

"In short, I think this design is completely feasible, after all, no one knows jewelry better than me."

When this veteran designer heard his boss say that, what else could he say? Contradicting the boss, isn’t that just looking for a fluff?

Ever since, the only one who dared to tell the truth also shut up.

Fang Lian saw this, and asked several other designers to express their views by name.

Some of the designers who were named were concerned about the face of the boss, and some of them really couldn't tell if it was good or bad, so they just let it go.

"The boss is right. I think this design scheme is full of randomness in the rough design. It seems random, but in fact every line has its own meaning!"

"Yeah, maybe the theme of this set of jewelry is not clear, but in fact, no theme may be the biggest theme of this set of jewelry. From simplicity to depth

High! Really high!

"No, it should be said that our boss has a high level! Such a profound design concept can't escape our boss's insight, and the clues can be seen at a glance. What does this mean? It shows that our boss's level is really high!

"Although the boss is not a thousand-mile horse, he is definitely a bole. Whether a jewelry design plan is successful or not, can it escape the discerning eyes of our boss?"

A group of people inexplicably flattered them, not only raising Brother Yang's design to a very high level, but also complimenting their own boss by the way.

Now, when the designers present look at Yang Ge's design again, it seems that... it really is so powerful...

I used to think that this design was average, but it turned out to be because I was not good enough, but now the boss and the seniors challenged it, and it immediately became clear.

What is good design?!

This is it!

Ah, me!

Everyone looked at Brother Yang's design more and more pleasing to the eye, felt that the realm was extremely high, they all nodded secretly, and discussed in a low voice that he is indeed the famous top four of the Sundi Group, that is really amazing! (daae)

No wonder Sundi Group spends a lot of money to invite international craftsmen to polish jewelry for his designs, they have strength!

If Brother Yang was here, he would probably go crazy laughing.

What’s the matter, I’m throwing a big snot, you all think this is glass water? What kind of vision is this?!

Seeing that the meeting was getting better and better, Fang Lian was also very pleased that no one doubted Brother Yang's design level. That being the case, what else is there to say? Spend money to hire a craftsman!

Hence, Fang Lian immediately decided to spend two million to invite a group of oriental craftsmen to cooperate with the craftsmen of his own company to polish this set of jewelry as soon as possible, as the main promotion item, to participate in the Ferma International Jewelry Design Competition.

As for when the Sundi Group finds out that they have stolen their designs, that's fine.

What? Your design? Sorry, it's mine now.

You have no proof anyway.


Therefore, this jewelry company secretly made Yang Ge's design the main project of the whole company, just for the sake of being a blockbuster in the design competition.

Soon, it was noon.

Su Heng stretched his waist and prepared to take a break at noon. He delivered a meal to Qin Qian, and then the two of them had a meal in the president's office.

It just so happened that Qin Qian hadn't added his letter so far, so Su Heng went up to force the palace himself this time to see how Qin Qian was still hiding from him.

However, at this moment, Su Heng's cell phone rang, and when he opened it, he saw that it was a letter from Zhu Hou, asking Su Heng if he had time at noon, and he was treating a guest to a meal.

Not only did Su Heng think that there seemed to be some problems with Zhuhou's winery before, but it has been two days now, and he doesn't know if the problem has been solved.

Su Heng can't push this meal.

So he closed the computer, turned around and said to Brother Yang: "Brother Yang, I have something to do, I have to go out at noon, I don't know when I will come back in the afternoon, can you give me a leave of absence?"

As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Liu and other elder sisters on the opposite side were taken aback, and they all gave Su Heng winks.

Brother Yang is depressed, if you ask him for leave at this time, wouldn't that be hitting you in the gun?! If you don't give leave, it will be light, and maybe you will be scolded.

However, they completely underestimated Su Heng's status and how shameless Brother Yang was.

Originally, Brother Yang was still dark-faced, but when Su Heng spoke, his face immediately changed, and he was extremely amiable: "Oh? Do you want to ask for leave? No problem, no problem. If you leave, I will approve it."

"Hehe, thanks, Brother Yang." Su Heng grinned, took his lunch box and went out.

Xiaoliu and the others on the side were stunned for a moment, and then looked resentfully——Hey, you old licking dog, don't you just restrain yourself? Have you ever considered the feelings of ordinary employees like us I10

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