Su Heng wanted to deliver the lunch to Qin Qian's office first, but he left empty-handed, and was told by Lu Ziyu that Qin Qian took some leaders to meet an important client today, and he might not be able to come back at noon.

Su Heng was a little disappointed after hearing this, but he still handed over the lunch box to Lu Ziyu, so that she could have a chance to hand it over to Qin Qian. If she eats well, it doesn't matter if the lunch she cooked is poured out. But if you are too busy and don't have lunch at noon, you still have to eat this lunch to fill your stomach.

"Okay, I got it, I will thank you for Chairman Qin." Lu Ziyu looked at Su Heng with a smile on his face.

She felt more and more that Qin Qian's vision is really good, this man is really impeccable.

After Su Heng left, he drove to Zhu Hou Yue's place.

The place where the two met was still the Guofeng Building, but this time it was not a private room, but an open seat.

After arriving at the Guofeng Building, as soon as Su Heng entered the door, he saw Zhu Hou had already ordered the food and wine, and he waited for him.

"It's early enough!" Su Heng walked over carelessly, but it was obvious that Zhu Hou was a lot more haggard than before, his fat face was unshaven, and his not-so-good face looked greasy a lot of.

Zhu Houqiang laughed and poured Su Heng a drink, while he poured himself a glass of beer.

"I've only been here for a while, and I won't let you drink today. You must have come here by car, right? I'll drink by myself, and you accompany me with drinks. Is it particular enough?"

Su Heng frowned slightly, then stretched it out, and pointed to Zhu Hou's wine glass: "I came here by car, didn't you?"

"Hehe, I sold my car." Zhu Hou smiled bitterly, "I took a taxi today."

The car is sold?!

But Su Heng remembers that Zhu Hou’s Audi a6 seems to be newly bought, how can I sell it?

Su Heng could see that the matter seemed to be really serious. Just as he was about to speak, Zhu Hou took out an envelope from his pocket and slapped it in front of Su Heng: "Come on, brother, this is what you gave me last time." I will return the money to you. The money can only be given to you in cash, and I am a bit inconvenient to use other channels, forgive me!"

Su didn't touch the envelope for a long time, and his face became serious: "Zhu Hou, what's the situation in your family, why do you feel that it's quite serious?"

"If you don't explain this to me clearly, I can't get the money!"

"Isn't it two different things? You take the money first, I can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars!" Zhu Hou frowned, and was about to put the money on Su Heng, but his strength couldn't compare to Su Heng's, The money was slapped on the table by Su Heng again, with the attitude of "if you don't tell the truth, I don't want the money".

In desperation, Zhu Hou could only tell Su Heng about his family affairs first.

In fact, the matter is very simple. Zhu Hou's winery has been in business for more than 20 years.

However, in the past two years, the winery business has been particularly difficult. The main reason is that people in Shanghai now pay attention to quality, and foreign brands such as Lafite are the first choice when drinking red wine. Although Zhu Hou's winery's wine quality is excellent, not inferior to foreign imported red wine, but people don't recognize it at all.

If the price is reduced, the winery will lose money, because the winemaking process of the winery is very strict, which is no worse than that of foreign big wineries, and the cost is very high.

Therefore, the positioning of this winery is very embarrassing, neither high nor low.

After Zhu Hou took over the winery in the past two years, he intends to change the direction of the winery's development, develop towards high-end, compete with big foreign brands, and compete for a foothold. Ever since, he bought a batch of advanced machines, bought high-quality grapes as raw materials at a high price, and brewed a batch of high-end wine.

The few bottles I brought for everyone at the party before, Su Heng can also drink it. The quality is indeed very high, no less than that of foreign brand red wine.

However, the impact of domestic brands on high-end, just like luxury brands, is difficult. After all, this is how Chinese people perceive it, and foreign ones are the best. Although this is a fact in most cases, it has to be admitted, but if they are not even given a chance to compare, how can domestic brands prove that they are not inferior to foreign brands?

Because the price was too high, Zhu Hou's batch of red wine was basically sold out. Up to now, 90% of the supply is backlogged in the winery and cannot be sold.

If the goods cannot be sold, there is no way to withdraw funds. There are huge problems with the funds of the winery, and there are countless loopholes. Bank loans, workers' wages, and even the final payment for the purchase of grape raw materials cannot be settled.

...0 for flowers...

Originally, Zhuhou planned to find a way to sell the batch of red wine in his hand, and then settle the money, but the orchard farmer couldn't wait anymore, and directly sued the winery with a lawsuit.

Now Zhu Hou's whole family is on the dishonesty list. If they don't pay off the money, they may be struggling [even the high-speed rail.

.....The situation is like this. Human beings, there are ups and downs. I have been unrestrained for half my life, and it is time for me to taste what a hard life is like. "Zhu Hou drank the wine and suddenly laughed again, "You can't say that. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how poor I am, I'm still better than ordinary laborers. Don't you think so, Su Heng?" "

After hearing what happened to Zhu Hou, Su Heng felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

After being silent for a while, he asked: "Then what is your family going to do next? According to you, your family owes almost ten million yuan in foreign debts, right?"

"Almost?" Zhu Hou rolled his eyes and thought for a while, "It's nothing. I discussed it with my dad yesterday, and it's not like there is no way out. He worked so hard for so long before, at least he managed to get the winery down."

"We sold the winery, and all the debts can be paid off. As for the future livelihood, we will think about it at that time. It is really not possible. Our house can be sold for some money. At worst, we can change to a small place to live. How can we live?" Pass?"

Speaking of this, Zhu Houchang sighed: "It's a pity, Fluffy, I haven't had a good life for a few years, and I will suffer with me. Oh, by the way, I have to go to Xinghewan Elementary School in the afternoon , Do the withdrawal procedures for Rongrong."

"Xinghewan is too expensive. At first, I thought about gritting my teeth and giving up the fluff, but now, my teeth are broken, so I might as well transfer to an ordinary elementary school. Turn around, tell your sisters, Don't make them sad, I'll take Fluffy to your house to play with them if it's okay."

Su Heng fell into silence again.

Zhu Hou looked up at Su Heng, grinned and said, "What are you doing, kid? I'm not going to die. As for this expression? Didn't I say it? The sale of the winery is over. I'll find someone later." Good work, next time we get together, he will be another hero, and I will still brag with you!".

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