When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess

Chapter 27 - CHAPTER - 6: A NEW BOND


When, I woke up, I heard someone speaking to me. Asking me how I was feeling? It was so soothing, that I wanted to know more about this person. It was the same lovely voice that promised to save me, and it did happen. So was I really saved by her?

For the first time, I understood the words of someone and someone understood mine. It was such a great indescribable feeling. I wanted to talk more. But that had to wait, because I wanted to know about my current situation.

When I saw the demon lord's face again. I was first confused and strange thought started crossing my mind. Maybe my delusional nature from previous life took over. Isn't it the correct moment when the character has to speak, 'You can have my body, but you will never be able to make my heart yours.' Well I could see that I was lying on a bed, and he was ostentatiously looking at me.

But wasn't I still a young girl. My age is one, a complete one. So I tried to take guard behind the lady who appeared to be acquainted well with him. I don't know of their exact relationship, but to protect myself I was even ready to blast off the demon lord.

I prepared several magic attack spheres just in case, but then I fell short on magic power. I sank to the ground, but the lady just caught me in time. I looked up at her to thanks her for saving me. But I couldn't muster up the strength to speak when it mattered the most.

My sense of speaking had been distorted since I hadn't talked to anyone for real. But when I looked at her, she had such a peaceful expression, that my racing heart skipped a beat and then slowed down.

She was such a gorgeous lady and had a charming face. Her skin appeared to be so bright and glistened in the light, while mine was cold and pale white.

She laid me back on the huge bed, but I did not resist. I had neither the strength to fight, nor any motivation to lift my sword to fight against him. She then said something in a foreign language to make the demon lord leave.

Her voice made it looked like she took delight in conversing with me. I too had been rearing to hear someone talk to me. And all I could do was response in a yes or no. I was tired, and then I fell asleep in between that talk.


///////////////////// AT THE DINING TABLE ///////////////////////

From what Caroline, explained to me. The circumstances were too simple and yet complicated knots were there plus the loose ends. The Gods had absurdly decided to take initiative and reincarnated twenty human kids from her previous world accompanied by one God each. Their mission was to save the world. But isn't it too vague, to understand - from what?

And I, a kind soul like me, who had given up on fighting several years ago became a victim of this misunderstanding. According to her world's logic, a demon lord is supposed to be the root cause of all trouble and evil spread across the world. Isn't that too presumptuous to brazenly make such ȧssumptions.

A demon lord's job is to look after the demon kingdom, just like a king rules over the human kingdom. That's it, where is the tyranny, destruction, wickedness that comes around in their minds.

But wasn't this mindset needed in the first place to start a war between races. It's not that the Gods didn't know. Or rather they didn't tell, but pretended to look the other way. Just what are they playing at?

If another war occurs then it will be on a scale much greater than the Great Wars and this world will be surely destroyed. But this world is one of the most ancient and largest worlds among all the existing ones. They just cannot go around and end it. Could Almighty World God have another motive regarding this reincarnation plan?

Now, that I think about it isn't she too unfortunate to be reborn in this hell. All the monsters that were too strong for this world to support were pushed to the brink of extinction during the Great Wars by the Gods and were forced to live here. I still cannot believe it, that she traveled 80 floors, by subjugating all those ancient monsters. Their abilities and strengths defied world logic, for which even shook the Gods themselves.

But isn't she herself an exemption. Born in a monster body, turned into human race and even though having a human body of a fifteen year old, the status only shows her to be one year old. She can use all attributes, including the conflicting ones. Her light magic has advanced to the divinity of Gods and at the same time her dark magic has evolved into dark matter magic.

Does she herself realizes that how much strong and powerful she can become later on in the future. She was a challenge for me even then, but later I might not even be able to stand up against her in a proper fight. It's too embarrassing for me to accept this, but facts are facts. Though with experience I do have tricks and strategies of my own to defeat a more powerful opponent than myself.

I laid out the plates on the table and called out for Caroline, who was searching some books on basic language of this world, to help her communicate in this world.

Caroline came through the door and quickly took her usual spot near the part of the table where the pickle plum jar is usually kept.

'I have already told Sachi, yes that's what her name was supposed to be…to join us in dinner.' Caroline though to herself.

"So what have you made today? I would have loved to help in the kitchen, but you know things came up…"

"You don't need to make excuses. I was fine on my own. Since a guest will be joining, I made rice and curry." I pulled the chair and sat beside her.

"Nothing for the desert?" She tried to sound so innocent and demanding at the same time.

"Fine I will look into it; if something unique and easy clicks me then I will prepare the dish."

But something suddenly caught our attention. A young girl quietly standing stock-still at the entrance.

"Why don't you come in?"

Again listening to that foreign language, she walked down and took a seat two meter away from us. Maybe she is still keeping a distance, because she is not sure whether to trust us or not.

She was wearing her usual white dress. Her skin was white almost as if it was transparent and her red eyes, reminded me of the red spider lilies that grew in the lake of the royal demon palace. She was a lovely girl, to the point where I was afraid that if I touched her as gently as I could, I might end up hurting her. It was impossible to believe that few hours ago, we had a battle to death and now we are eating on the same table. I am not against the idea, and this was not a first time for this kind of situation to transpire.

However, those eyes which during our battle were beaming with joy were now awfully hollow. It was to the point where one could describe it as expressionless.

Perhaps because of the tension her expression was stiff. She didn't seem to be focusing. She kept on starting at the food, as if she was seeing it for the first time. It was suspicious whether or not she could even see us or the food.

No before that I couldn't even sense a will within her.

Isn't this calmness…a bit strange? Just what exactly happened to her?

We cannot stay quite like this, I know….. this would surely work.

"Is the curry not to your liking? If you want then I can play flying aeroplane spoon game." I tried to put up a smile. This trick always worked on Lili and then she would always finish the dish.

However, unexpectedly the girl's expression did not change. She suddenly started crying, and speaking something I cannot understood.

Caroline pinched me tightly on my right hand and I let out a shrill scream "AHhhh…"

"What was that for?"

"You forgot!"

Ah! I remember she cannot understand my language, and even though she is one year old she is not a kid to fall for the flying spoon act. After all aeroplane is a thing which is from her world, so it wouldn't sound too amusing for her. In this world we only had space-balloons for air travels or tamed griffins or wyverns.

I used to be proud of knowing all the languages of each species and every other ancient language of Gods, but other world language was a space-case for me. Just how many times will my pride be shattered today.

"So, what exactly did she understood?"

"She is asking for mercy, because she thinks that you are feeding her for the last time before killing her. How shameful! And you look creepy with that smile."

I think I heard something cracking in my heart. I had screwed up, my life is over. This is what I get for showing kindness. Just what kind of fiendish picture she has of me in her mind. I am not that bad looking, am I. No, I am the ȧduŀt here. I must act calm and smart over it. But even my smile was rejected by a young girl.

Does Lili find my smile to be creepy too? I was at my wits end, as if I was taking damage of being verbally self-abused and on being misunderstood.

After Caroline was further able to explain my position, she quieted down and quickly finished the food. Then Caroline took her back to her room so that she could recuperate.


////////////////////////// SACHI KONDO - POV /////////////////////////////////

I was lying on a huge bed and thinking back how I ended up here…. I considered myself fortunate to meet such kind people. The demon lord decided to spare my life and the female hero, is also a previous reincarnate like me. Though I am not surprised, I was concerned with the fact that why such an information was not disclosed to us in the divine realm. Even some of the facts of the Great Wars which she described were quite different from the history books I studied in the library of the Pantheon.

Though I find it quite amusing how, the True Demon Lord and True Hero fell in love with each other on the battlefield. They self resigned from their post, while faking their deaths and thus bringing a close curtain on the war. From where I see, it's the usual trope where they were unwillingly used as pawns by those people in power to instigate conflicts which later unexpectedly turned into some sort of world-war.

I too told them everything about the reincarnation plan and who my god in contract was. We were told to keep it a secret, but if the other party is themselves able to conclude that I was reincarnated then the promise is not considered broken. Also as a fellow reincarnate, I should be thankful to her for lending me these books of this world's human language and feeding me curry. It was surely to die-for.

I read through them carefully and using Analyse skill I made sure to remember them. It was as if the whole new language was installed into me like a computer program. Though it took me two hours, learning a new language this way is quite easy.

Now that I remember, for some reason hearing Athena's name she looked astonished. Or, maybe I am still feeling a bit dizzy in the head. They did say that I won't be able to use magic for a while, but I think I have regained half of my strength.

Now they are living a peaceful and happy life here. I am so happy for them to have such a nice environment of living that it makes me jealous.

She had a home, people she cared for and they loved her too. I too wanted to be a part of such a loving relationship.

I too wanted to reunite with people I know or I cared for. I wanted to get back to Lady Athena. If I stay here any longer, then I will only cause trouble for them. Because now I know that people around me always end up getting hurt. So I must leave.

This is for the best.

It was nighttime. The hallway seems to have quitted down. I have not travelled through the house, so I knew I would get lost in here.

So I decided to jump from the window, I was on the third floor. Even though it's high, using wind magic or even a direct jump won't put a scratch on me. But to keep the noise down, I need to become one with the air.

I slowly descended down to keep even the nocturnals from waking up. I saw the huge two gates, right in front of me, though we were far apart. I looked back and a huge stunning mansion was towering in front of me.


I was now standing outside the gate. I then passed through floor 80, while I found floor 81 and 82 empty.

They must have cleared the monsters before hand to stop them from trespassing on floor 80. Well that makes it quick.

I soon will be out of this nowhere land and free from this dėsɨrė of hunting and killing monsters. I knew I was changing, but whether this changing was good or not I didn't knew.

On floor 83, I was swarmed by five hundred DRACO ROADIES. They were some kind of lizard men with nasty faces, long spiked tails and a huge built body. Each of them was almost 10 feet tall. Possessing super strength and wielded Magitite maces. Some even had spears which they threw at me at an incredible speed. They were arranged in flanks with some magician class monsters at the back. It was like a small national army on a parade of demonstrating their military strength.

"But it matters not. I don't have time for your slow tactical games of war."

I was now going to play with my own rules.

My arms flashed blue and with speed that seemed to race with light, I hacked through their flesh.

For far-away monsters, I used -


My eyes started glowing red and slowly all the lizard were wiped out.

After clearing all the mob monster, the boss character appeared which was their chief tribe. Without hesitating I drew my dual blades and made my way to the next floor.

Unlike the previous floor this floor but had a single monster. Frost Queen.

The whole floor was covered in ice. I saw my own reflection in the mirror like frozen water, but I did not respond to it. Above several icy steps a huge ice throne was implanted on which the queen sat with a manic laugh.

Several ice spears of different lengths and thickness came at me from all sides. I used my advanced magic sense and started dodging and blocking them with my swords. Even from above and below, ice spikes would appear without any warning. Had I not been able to sense the change of magic flow in nature in advance then I won't have been able to avoid them.

In midst of all the chaos, I leapt towards the queen, directly aiming at her neck, but my swords only were able to cut through a shield slowing down its momentum and were blocked by another silver sword which the ice queen was holding in her hands.


Sounds of frozen metal banging against each other reverberated and echoed in that blinding ice-storm. The temperature was below minus forty degree Celsius. But my body was not responding to the absence of heat. It was all fine, I thought. But since my status window cannot explain their exact values, I was oblivious to the magic particles I had in my possession currently. Maybe because of the sealing spell they used on me, the magic replenishing veins were deeply affected by it.

I could slowly feel my consciousness slipping out of my grasp. My movements slowed down. The attack power and the weight of each of my sword strike became lighter by second. My vision narrowed and finally turned hollow.


Several ice spears were thrust through my abdomen. Blood spilled out from my mouth and gushed out through the opening in my stomach. It was definitely painful and more effective than an alarm clock placed directly under my ears to wake me up.

I cannot fall asleep now. I wouldn't die of cold, nor excessive loss of blood and neither by the hands of this monster queen. But due to my own foolishness. I thought I could handle everything on my own. I didn't need to depend on anyone, or so I thought. I came alone in this world and maybe I will die alone…. this time I was not sure.

I think that to happen every time but for some reason, I always wake up.

Maybe I was counting on to that. Maybe I wanted to stay in that warm indoors a bit longer. It was peaceful talking with that lady.

I did not even say anything before leaving. How rude of me, to hurt her feelings like this. After she had been so good to me, I ended up ignoring her. Did I even thank her?

I don't remember doing it. I am so inconsiderate of other's feelings and oblivious to my own responsibilities.

I wanted to be saved. To be told that it would be fine, if I stop and rest for a while. Even if I hurried I knew I was not prepared to face the outside world, when I couldn't even make up my own mind of what to do with this new life.

This time if I woke up again, then I would surely accept the kindness of the people who are good to me.





AGE : 5000 YEARS


LEVEL : 6000

HP : 60,000

MP :1,00,000

SP : 90,000



///////////////////// CAROLINE ASCALON ASHBORN - POV ///////////////////////

I was resting inside my bedroom, waiting for Zyl to come. Today, I learned so many things that have changed back in my previous world. But the more I hear, the more I wanted to know.

My favourite anime ended in exactly the other way around of what I had initially thought of. The main character, put a bullet in his own head and transferred his heart to another dying person, later regaining back his memories and proposing to the girl he loved the very next day. And the girl without any explanation understood what had actually happened. How perceptive of her…. I even feel embarrassed to say that I ever liked such kind of show. Just who directed the ending and created such a tragic mishap? Wouldn't it be nicer, if the person who was donated heart also loved the same girl? But no, he went for the heroine's twin younger sister, and now the two of them are in conflict. Thus the second season has been put on hold. Now I will never know, who ended up with whom. Young relationships can be so complex sometimes.

I took a deep sigh and thought of the previous life background which she explained to me in short. She lost both of her parents at a very young age and was not properly taken care of by her guardians.

I feel sorry for her, to end up in this hell, all alone. But now that she is here, I will definitely look after her. The state I find her is similar to that of me when the Great War started and I witnessed the first battle between the Gods and the Devils. Humans, demons, elves, beastmen and all other races were just fodder and pawns for them. Some ventured to gain power, some wanted glory in vanity, and some wanted to swim in riches while others wanted to command authority. No wish is completely and inherently good or evil and this war was a means to fulfill their wishes. But what they lost in there, were they really able to afford the heavy price.

But who would have thought that out of all Gods Athena, was willing to come back to Isleguard and that too as a reincarnate. It was probably that kid, who was able to change her mind. She must have meant a lot more to her, if Athena was willing to go this far.

I still remember the day, when she was just a little kid, almost two hundred years back. During the final battle, her father who was the Strategist for the war and her mother another war planner and looked after the supply chain unit and research over new magical spells used by the enemy.

During the last wave of enemies, when the Excidium Tower was discovered to absorb all the energy from the world core and the final plan to compress all that energy and destroy the world. They took it on themselves to go to the tower and stop the process mid-way. I was their escort, while Master Urza was leading the main army to finally subjugate the last enemy main base.

We reached the top floor of the tower after facing several difficulties, but it was already too late. They asked me to leave and in return to carry Athena to safety. Even though they would be able to stop the world core from self –destruction but according to the Eidos system, the energy released from the already absorbed core, needs to be suppressed and even then the whole area would be caught up in the after wave of the explosion.

Someone was needed as a brain filter to control the explosion and not let it spread to the battlefield. They tricked me and secretly teleported me to the nearby base where Athena was staying on probation waiting for her parents to return.

That day, I lost two important people in my life. But at the same time millions of life was saved that day; it didn't matter whether they were good or evil. Or whether they were on our side or a part of enemy's forces, it really didn't matter to them. They sacrificed their life to protect everyone.

They were Gods and even then they couldn't be resurrected back in divine realm. The reason being that the explosion involved the breaking down of the Ichor's blood which destroyed their Soul Core and they were lost in the war forever.

But how, a mere human like me could ever hope to explain myself to a child Athena. Even though that time she acted mȧturėly, and held back I knew it was hard on her. She knew the consequences of her parents joining the war and never to return, but she was kind and finally forgave me. I still remember her words, of how she told me that her parents were so happy that they could meet a true hero who saves all like me and they would surely have no regrets if they were able to save so many lives.

That day she returned back to the divine realm, but I knew she was weak at her heart. That wound which the war left on her would haunt her eternally. And I was to blame for it.

But I wonder if her wounds were patched up by this girl, then I could not be more than grateful to her. She is filled with youth and talent. It shines with both kindness and strength and basks in compassion and respect for those who are honest to their own lives. Maybe she is the salvation I was waiting for these years, the lamp that I needed after my long stay in the depths of despair. The light that will shine no matter how old and dark it gets. For it eternally gets brighter and brighter. And I the ex-True Hero wanted to see it grow and bath in it.

I received a strong signal from my Domain boundary.

Did she really think, she would be able to escape my Agrice Domain Sword Technique? It's a single hand sword technique in which the user expands his consciousness to a large range and perceives information in a single beat. Even a small change is registered in slow motion which allows the user to defend and later attack the enemy simultaneously.

But I can also use it for surveillance. Since it's a soul martial skill, hiding magic doesn't work. It is actually set-up to detect the intention of soul and its movements. And right now she is in a lot of distress and her mind is jumbled up. Doesn't she realize her body condition and how it's holding up? I can't believe she would try to run off in a high feverish state and that too while she is unable to recover or use magical powers.

Just how desperate is she?

I walked out of my room and tried to quickly follow her, but I needed to put on some light clothes first.

So, she can even use long range advance teleport. Even I have the ability to only use the short range ones. She is not to be underestimated. To think that she was self-taught in magic. Thought her six-attributes might have been a big help, but to corner the demon lord in a magic battle was a feat to be reckoned with. It's impressive to see magic of this world and science of our world to be combined in such a spectacular way.

Maybe it's true after all, people are able to break through the wall that they have set-up to limit themselves, when there is no one to say that 'you cannot do it.'

I was on floor 83, but she was nowhere to be found around. Wasn't there supposed to be around five hundred lizard-type monsters of SS-class with a catastrophe class boss. But all I could see was blood spilled all around. There was no monster corpse or any sign of living being present.

"PHANTOM SOMNIUM" I unleashed my unique skill. This part of my ability specifically allows me to see the things that happened in the past here.

A small blue hazy screen appeared over my palm and as I said the monsters were alive a few minutes ago. But then she entered the floor. Her expression was grim as usual.

But what happened next was beyond my expectations. I thought Zylon told me everything about her powers but I think even he couldn't evaluate her powers properly.

Her hands were surrounded in blue laser like plasma, and moving in a single line-up flash she chopped through the monster like running a knife over melted buŧŧer. It was smooth like the flow of a gentle stream that could carve a ravine in a huge rock.

For far away opponent I saw her eyes glowing in deep red and with my expanded senses I saw the life force inside the monster expand in a peculiar single lines. Suddenly the body of the monster expanded and burst open with blood scattered all around like a crimson flower blooming in spring.

And she was able to use such a dangerous ability continuously. Even though the scene was so gruesome, I could see the faint light of pŀėȧsurė in her eyes. The ecstasy of fighting. But it also brought her true character to light; of enjoying the bloodshed .The faint glimpse of delight in her eyes, her beaming smile which bloomed naturally on her face. And yet she might have been unaware about it. She was too busy fighting the monsters to even take notice of herself.

She fights recklessly, with too many openings. Just having a good healing spell doesn't make it okay to sustain pain and get on being hit, if you can make your enemy pay back in return.

Then after defeating the final reptile, the boss monster came forth. He was five times bigger than his troops and his skin was reinforced with magic to the max.

Her dual blades appeared beside her waist and she unsheathed them in a flashy manner. She sure likes to shine; I now had a nice comparison of her to someone.

Her lips rose up to catch a small breath and a single strike flared in front of my eyes. Leaving behind a bright black and white trail the blades bisected the enormous giant lizard body.

Not even leaving his enemy the strength to cry in pain, she silently stood there with her blades tightly clenched between both her hands. She submersed in the blood rain which formed from the falling of such a large monster.

Then all the monster corpses were engulfed in black webs and then disappeared. So she has a relatively similar skill to my own Phantom Materialisation.

"She is a beast, clothed in her innocent childlike beauty." I could clearly see why the principium weapons chose a human. The true mark of being born in her clan and inheriting its powers. I had no doubt about it; she had to be from Master's lineage.

But I needed to hurry, even though she was somehow able to recover some of her magic, she won't last long like this.

My fears came true on the next floor, where the fallen Demon God was trying to hurt her.

Seeing her in pain, made my blood boil. As if I was burning from inside, I could not forgive the person who tried to hurt her. I unsheathed my own two blades. While one of them was much wider and longer than the other. The another blade had a much sharper edge.

I glided like a hawk, mid-air towards the Frost Queen. Sensing my bloodlust approaching her, she tried to block my thick blade, but that was the second biggest mistake of her life she could commit after hurting her, and I was going to make her realize it soon.

While her sword shattered under the great pressure of my first strike, my other sword, quietly sliced and went past through her neck.

The ability of these swords was for the broader sword to double its defense on the exact damage taken, while at the same time the attacking power of the thin sword is made twice.

Impressed!! I know quite a special ability, isn't it!

My Phantom ability activated and the corpse of the Frost queen turned into black mist. It actually fused with my ability where it is materialized like a phantom soul which I can later imbue it in my blade.

I tried to break free her from the spikes by shattering the ice in a single punch. She fell in my arms. She was so light weight that felt like carrying a bag of feathers. I could carry her back home even like this. I looked at her deep wounds, which healed in a single blink of an eye. Even her clothes grew back and the blood stains vanished.

Even in sleep her faced looked so peaceful and her body felt so cold, as if she had been sleeping for a very long-long time. All I could hope was that when she woke up she would be finally able to make up her mind of what to do next. All I wanted was to see her smiling. Always…


/////////////////////// FLASHBACK {SACHI KONDO - POV} /////////////////////

"Sachi look this way, don't turn your head away."I was hearing this voice for the first time. But it felt like I had been hearing it from the start of my world. A voice that was etched in my heart deep within, every time I heard it calling me it made my breathing heavier. The more it called out my name, the more I wanted to look, to open my eyes and see it for myself.

The image of my parents.

But I knew if I open my eyes then there will only be blank faces.

I hate it, the thought that I forgot about my own parents. Even when I see their pictures, I cannot seem to remember them. So they never fit in my dream frames.

The only way to solve it was, as I thought it to be, was to remember them on my own. But this was the first time I heard their voices, so I obediently followed it. I was scared but, when I removed the hands covering my small phoenix eyes of my kid form, cheerful voices sprang in my ears. They were loud, but they sounded so happy. The scenery was vivid as day even when the sun was about to set.

That day before leaving the carnival, in front of the huge Ferris wheel, we took together a family photo.

"Sachi what's the matter, why are you crying? Did something go inside your eye? Tell mama…" Even though I was not in control of my own body I think my overwhelmed feelings affected my nervous system to induce such a forced reflex.

How I wish I could hear her call my name a thousand times more. To burn this image deep within my eyes. To settle with a vow to never forget such fond memories again.

Under that beautiful sunset, my father was holding me on his head, while my mother clicked the photo of three of us. On that small screen, the big smiling faces of my parents appeared so bright to me…

How could they be so happy, when they were about to die, the next moment after leaving this place. I wanted to warn them, but my own body was not under my control. I wanted to scream, but all I could do was make another stupid selfish request.

"Mom, Dad let's come here again tomorrow."

"Tomorrow….that might be difficult dear."

"But I want to come here every day, with you all."

"And what will you be doing here coming every day, aren't you too young to work here."My father replied in a sarcastic tone, while trying to sound funny by fȯrċɨbŀƴ speaking through his nose.

I pouted as a way to show how angry I was. My whole-hearted request denied so easily on the spot, was not something I liked. Didn't mom say, I was her little angel, so why won't come with me here to play every day.

"But I want to come here, or, I will again start writing on the tables and walls."

"Now, now don't be impatient. If you really want to play then you should come here next time with your friends."


"Yeah friends, that you make in school or other children whom you play with in the park." My father again said something which I could not have understood that time.

Finally my mother made an effort to make things clear for me.

"Yes, Sachi you should make lot of friends and come with them here. Then you will be truly able to enjoy this amusement park. Friends are those who are almost about your same age and you can trust. You wish to be with them whenever you are sad or happy."

"Then mother and father won't be my friends."

"We are your friends, but the more friends you make, the happier and easier your life becomes."

After hearing those words…At that time I said something that made my mother and father happy, that they couldn't stop laughing.

Who knows I might be serious about it and yet was able to crack a joke for them, or what I said was so ridiculous to them that they couldn't stop laughing.

But their smile was all that I needed.

I think I knew what I wanted. What I had to do next, to achieve my goal.

I wanted to head out on a journey and this time instead of hiding wanted to explore this new world. To see everything this magical world had to offer that I was not able to see previously.

Magic can truly work miracles. I had got a new life and this time I wanted to dedicate it to myself and to people who believed in me. To make new friends and live without any regrets. I wanted to live a happy peaceful life and no one should interfere in it.


////////////////////////////// SACHI KONDO - POV /////////////////////////////////

A warm sensation enveloped my body. I was confused.

Just a minute ago I was writhing in intense pain in my stomach of being pierced and dying? Just what in the world was happening now?

The pain had magically disappeared and my muddled mind had finally cleared up.I was supposed to feel sad? Maybe?

But for some reason I felt extremely light and happy. As if a huge weight or doubt had been lifted from my mind.

My eyes were still too heavy to open by themselves, but I could hear a sweet melody playing along by. Someone was singing.

Happy dreams come together

Walking on ropes forever

Millions of dėsɨrės flow down the river

Lets forge our paths altogether

To the bed of flowers of wishes forever.

To fall from a cliff

Or fly off with the wind

I roll down under the stairs

Oh no, I just woke up from a dream

But first I must return home

To a treasure more valuable than all.

And then we shall be on our way

{*Aureatelo – referred to as the place where dreams become reality.

To the land of Aureatelo.}

"So you woke up. Tell me how you are feeling?"

"Sorry! For interrupting…I…I...Feel fine now."

"…I see. It's just a family song which my mother used to sing to me back on earth."

I was feeling so embarrassed to say this, but I finally did say. Though it might have sounded a bit rude, seeing that I was being done a favour.

"But why am I being carried."

Caroline, the hero was giving me a piggy back ride. And we were heading in the direction of the mansion when we just shifted to a path on left which drifted us to a totally new location. One could not have possibly guessed that such a place existed here.

We were now walking through a forest where the foliage from the densely packed trees seemed to spread out overhead like a ceiling. It was a forest where even the light of day was obstructed, not that I would know because it was almost night here.

Using magic to implement a day and night system, was periodically set here. It was so advanced that one could even see the seasons and weather changing alternatively or so I have been told.

My cheeks were red with embarrassment. I felt that I could walk on my own now, but I did not interrupt her, or asked her to stop and drop me. I was enjoying the ride; I wanted to be like this for a bit longer. So I tightened my grip, while in response Caroline pushed me up a bit to make the surroundings a bit clearer. She was really a tall woman and I notice now that she has rather peculiar long ears. And from up-high I could surely say that the scenery looked a bit much more appealing than when walking on the ground.

Soon, the forest cleared up and a huge circular open area showed up. But my eyes were rolling upward across the huge black sky dotted with a stream of beautiful glittering dots. It was a river adored with shining pearls, from which the light exuded radially in all directions, attracting attention from far and wide in the cosmos. It was breath-taking.

So, she brought me here to see this. She put me back on the ground so that I could see the full sky from the advantage point.

"If you think this is amazing, then the stars in the outside world are much more stunning than this."

"I would love to see those." Maybe this was the first time when I answered so openly, without holding up anything.

"I can look and tell that you have finally made your decision."

"…I am still not sure. There is so much to do and think for. I have to learn so many things. About reading, writing and speaking, common sense of this world, currency system, politics, controlling my power and abilities. Things that needs to be eliminated from this world and the things I had to protect."

"Then I am sure, that you have already all figured it out. It's just that you are now in a phase of preparing for your happy future that you have envisioned for yourself."

"I want to get strong enough to eradicate all of my enemies in a single gaze. I don't want someone to disturb the peace of this world which will be my new home. I wanted to make myself happy and the people around me happy too." I tried to make myself clear, though the more I think the vaguer I sounded.

I don't know a single thing about what's happening in the outside world. Where Athena is? What about my other classmates what are they doing for this world? How strong are they, since they must be leading a good life and being trained by their respective Gods. I am sure, the whole picture and the wish I have are much difficult to achieve, than I make it sound.

Impossible, that's what it would appear in a critic's eye, but that made it look like a thing I wanted to do the more. An endless pursuit, which you get done by first taking small steps and achieving small victories.

"I have a proposal for you, why don't you stay here with us. You can learn so many things from us, and when you think that you are ready to leave… then…"

Caroline stopped after putting forth such a unique request. To me it more appeared like it was a first point of contact of happiness for me.

Maybe I wanted to stay. Maybe I can learn so many things here. Meeting these amazing people I realized that knowing others is not so bad.

You get to feel so many types of new emotions.

And right now I was so happy but a little sad and worried at the same time.

The feeling of being attached to someone. To respect the person, and try to become just like them. To be loved and love them in return. To be looked after and worry for others. To learn by sharing thoughts and performing actions that helps you to become more capable.

But my hands were steeped deep in blood. I didn't know what was happening to my psyche myself. I was turning something into a non-human. Or rather I tried to forget that I was born a non-human, a monster. My violent tendencies had intensified. I craved fighting. I was no different than those monsters.

"But am I allowed to have such happiness." Happiness doesn't appear without a reason you need to think carefully. Whether you deserved it or not. Whether its rightfully yours or not! Whether you are making others to force themselves to behave in a certain way. At the end you are the one getting hurt. Because afterwards the other party would surely leave you behind, when they think they had enough of you.

"Keeping true to your ambitions when it could mean life or death… that isn't something just anyone can do. Even when you were fighting the demon lord, weren't you thinking of how you can save this world."

"But people near me always get hurt. I cannot bear to see something happen to them. If something would have happened to you on floor 84, while rescuing me then I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself."

"Don't forget that we are the strongest in this world. There is nothing that can actually hurt us. You get it right." Caroline under the silver light of the stars appeared so confident with those words that I wanted to stay with her. I admired her for saving me twice. She understood how I felt and what I really wanted from the start. And yet she patiently waited for me to arrive at an answer by myself.

I wanted to stay here not just because I had no other choice to go anywhere else but, because I wanted to stay.

And now more than anything I wanted to be with this person, to know more about this person. To become a part of her life and make her a part of my own.

To form a connection – a bond.

Caroline then knelt down a bit leveling her head and eye sight with that of mine. She then slowly brought her head across my own and her lips near my ears.

Hugging me lightly, I silently stood there, unable to move.

"You know, it's okay for you to stay here. As long as you want. You don't need to be alone, because I want you to stay with me."

I knew I was crying, but I did not make a sound. I moved my head forward and hugged her tightly in turn by enlarging the open area which my arms could cover.

I did not want her to see my crying.

How could I, when those words were so strong and fulfilling, that I thought I could achieve anything in this world.

"I would love to." I hurriedly said in a light tone, trying to still hide the fact that my eyes were filled to the brim now. If I moved or spoke any further, I might not be able to hold them in. It was such a blissful occasion. How could I make others feel sad just because I got overwhelmingly happy?

Suddenly my body was lifted in her long hands which emanated extra-ordinary strength and affection at the same time. She put me at her back again and started walking.

"THANK YOU!!! FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE UP TILL NOW FOR ME." I finally said what I wanted to.

"There's no need to say thanks when we are a family."

"FAMILY…???" Now there are those words, which I didn't expect to pop-up.

"Yes, family, since we are going to live together for a long time. I am sure you will love living here. It might feel like we are cut from the outside world, but it is a paradise that he and I created for ourselves to have a loving happy life. And I want you to be a part of it."




Silence fell for a long time as she continued walking, while I carelessly tried to move around my head, pretending to observe the plants and small nocturnal animals, in a vain attempt to hide my eagerness and awkwardness.

"Then, let's go back home. You need to rest a lot and punishment is in order to leave without saying anything."

"Waitttt…. What?"

While she laughed with a hearty smile, I was left in awe and wonder.


///////////////////////////// A FIRST MORNING /////////////////////////////

I was lying in my bed, because of the exhaustion from the excessive magic drainage and inability to absorb magic, which normally my body was able to do before.

Since I was a monster, without magic my body gets excessively weak than it should have been. But fortunately my fever had subsided. While Caroline was telling the demon lord what had happened.

I though the demon lord would shout at me for putting everyone in danger, but instead he scrubbed off his hair and smiling at me he calmly said, "I am glad that things got settled before you condition could have taken a worse. And I am surprised to see that you picked up this world's language so fast."

For some reason, I was first happy to hear those words but from inside a voice cried out that this was not how a true demon lord should behave. Even though he is self-retired, but he should have acted more violently. He might have destroyed his own room or punched open one of the walls. Or could have threatened me for making a mistake and punish me.

So another feeling arouse from inside that I needed to make him behave like a demon lord, otherwise my mind and heart won't be able to take it anymore. I cannot let my hard research work in fantasy novels go to waste. Since I cannot change my prior knowledge I had to try and come up with a way to change his ways.

"Sachi listen…" Caroline called for me.

While I directed all my attention to her she continued.

"Since your status window doesn't show a name, we have decided to give you a new name."

"But isn't Sachi just fine." I tried to see the situation from her point of view and realized what she was getting at.

"I know, but it would not be good if you move around in the outside world without a name in the status window, it's not normal and will attract suspicion towards you identity."

"I see, so how are we going to this. Is it just as simple as that you give me a name." Because individually I had already thought and done so many things previously to get a name issued on my status but none worked. For example I tried carving my name on the dungeon walls, and then I tried to use my own blood to write it. Then I tried to use monster corpses to form a big name sign of mine. But there were no changes observed.

"Well it is indeed simple. Just an extra requirement. So we both have decided to adopt you and will be your mother and father from now on."

"Wait, I was not told about this, isn't it out of the blue. Please think carefully about this. I don't want to interfere in your life. You know that I will be leaving after sometime, so wouldn't the fact that you both are alive might be revealed."

"Didn't I say before, that we are going to be a family and family members trust each other. You are going to be our sweet little daughter. You are so cute and little, how could I resist the temptation when the seat is open. You are just one year old and someone needs to look after you, because of your reckless behaviour. Now be a good girl and do what your mother tells you. There aren't going to be any yes'sss or no'sss."

I am still worried whether this decision is good for us or not. I tried to ransack my brain to think of the consequences…

"Zyl, do you have a problem."

"No, not at all. I think the house will become much more lively with her around."

I see…she had been planning to do this from since then. FAMILY.

I looked outside the window and it was already morning. The artificial sun and sky prepared by the automatic weather system felt more charming and lively than the morning of the busy city life.

I looked outside the window and a pair of a typical squirrel species of mother and baby was playing on the branch of a nearby tree.

There is no need to think of complicated stuffs like consequences and planning. I wanted to be happy and right now I could only feel joy when I accept being a part of such a loving family.

The daughter of a true hero and a true demon lord

"…Mamma….and Papa please give me a name." I hurriedly uttered the line trying to hide my hesitation. I might have never sounded so much confident in my whole life after being reincarnated. This was my best decision in this life I have taken up till now.

And I just know it. I wanted to be happy and this as the best way to experience how it feels to be loved by someone you hold dear too.

"So, Caroline have you thought of a name, or do we need to come up with one on the spot…" The demon lord inquired, or rather I should say father.

"Don't worry dear I have thought this through. I have already a name in mind. And all of you are going to like the sound of it."

After a moment of pause the name vibrated through my ear drums creating a delightful sensation. It had such a nice ring to it. More importantly it was a name my mother choose for me. The second precious thing in my possession in this world after my dual swords.


"From now on your name is ALICIA ASCALON ASHBORN. The daughter of the true demon lord Zylon Ashborn and true hero Caroline Ascalon Ashborn."

I had lost my smile because I was stunned and moved by the dreadful beauty of hell. But with this new identity I just might be able to know why was I born in this hell. Why I had to endure up until now? And was I really that special to end up with such happiness.

"I love my name. Alicia."

'Sooo cute and beautiful." Caroline thought to herself as she saw her new daughter smile under the bountiful glow of fresh sunlight. She couldn't control herself and leapt on the bed tightly hugging her. Rubbing her cheeks alongside her glowing soft small tender developing cheeks.

Amidst that happiness, something interrupted my happy reunion with my new family.


I looked at my mother with a concerned look because of what was going to happen. I was worried. What if all of this vanished after I woke up. What if all of it proved to be my imagination. I did not want to be alone again. I did not wanted to go back to sleep when I can be with my own family now. Why now of all times.

Caroline, my mother looked at me affectionately, even though I haven't told them, she was able to get a gist of it of what was going to happen.

She kissed me on my cheeks, while my panicked mind returned to its initial peaceful state.

This time I did not wanted to leave things like this. I did not have time to explain. I wanted to return these feelings in a mere single moment.

So how would a person like me who grew all alone, did all things alone and never expressed her true feeling to anyone can pull this off.

The answer to how to convey your feelings… there was no answer.

If you loved someone deeply enough, then your own feelings would surely get across to whom you wanted it to - unconditionally.

It just happens, so naturally that you can only admire that such a beautiful feeling exists in this world.

I kissed on my mother's cheeks passionately.

"I love you…" with those words I let go off her and white threads started covering my entire body, till I was completely engulfed by it.

With light fading in front of my eyes, I went in deep slumber. Knowing that I was not alone anymore, because someone was watching over me. Protecting me. I could rest easy and for the first time sleep without having any fear in mind.


//////////////////// DIVINE SYSTEM ////////////////////////////////////


















"…Am I awake now. My head feels so heavy." My head felt like it was over-burdened. As if blood has collected in one of the areas and was bothering me.

"Is that whole leveling up thing over? What a weird way to level up. Just how many days has it been?"


"I see it has been 10 days…..Wait was I hearing things right now." I looked around and I was still in the dark.

Why can't I move?


Is this a 'answer my question' quiz show going on? It felt like whatever question I thought just gets answered by someone. Wait, isn't that exactly what's happening.

Since I was meeting a new person, proper introductions are in order.

"Hello my name is Alicia Ascalon Ashborn. I am one years old and I like to create new magic spells." Now that's how you give proper introductions. I had been wanting to use my name to introduce myself to someone after getting a new one. I waited for a reply but then a worried mechanical voice spoke to me.

[I already know about that!]

My dream of giving proper introduction shattered and it was all this voice's fault. If I knew where he was then I would have surely burned him in my black flare.

"And do you mind explaining how do you know about me and you haven't introduced yourself yet." I tried pointing my finger upwards since the voice appeared to be coming from there.


"That's just creepy, why a voice of an old computer is buzzing inside of my brain."

[That's just rude. You should more importantly call me at least a supercomputer. In your world I would be more properly referred to like an artificial intelligence – an AI for short.]

This voice suddenly sounds like it is suffering from an identity crisis and is desperately trying to clear the allegations put on him.

"That confirms it, you are definitely me. It's like I am in my subconscious this dark empty space, where I can only see myself in the light. So tell me what your other half is made of."

Sure, there won't be any complications if I converse with half of myself inside this new empty space.


"That's amazing, so you really are an AI, fitted inside my brain. Don't tell me you implanted a chip inside of me."


I see so it's more like using the hidden potential of my brain as a skill.

"So what use are you, or rather that can wait. Do you know how to get me out of here?"


"That's simple. I think I already have thought of two names. How about Super Deluxe Iron Machina Mark I Processor."

[I am asking to name a part of yourself and not a toy series which is to be put up on sale. And if you would rather keep it short.]

"You sure are choosey like me. But aren't computers named that way just how I did."

[…. So, what is the second name choice?]

"Yeah it's rather short, as you demanded. But how about simply calling you 'Al'. Is it to your taste now?"


"I see you need a job too, then since I am living in a family now, someone needs to look after things…fantasy world…how about a guardian. Since you are half me and half made up of divine system."


"Fine now let me out. I quickly want to meet my new family."

[Yes, before that but could I please know, what should I call you.]

"Since, I gave you a name, I think it's fine if you decide it by yourself what you should call me."



"Wait!! What kind of memory file you are reading without my permission. Stop it and let me out of here."


"N-NOOOOO. How could you invade my private thoughts? Wait aren't you already a part of it…. but even so it doesn't make fine to make it the more conscious to me."



"…..PRINCESS…. did I really wanted to be called a princess. It might be when I was young. But now it looks silly. Wait… why the place is falling. No we need to reconsider what you are calling me. Come back here. Super Deluxe….Junk…Iron Machina Mark I Processor."


Don't turn your head away and 'huh' me. Aren't you my guardian!

"I am sorry Al, I was just joking. Don't get angry with yourself. AHahhh…"

Light flashed in front of my eyes and I finally woke up.






LEVEL : 20













/////////////////// INFORMATION BROCHURE ////////////////////////


Allows the user to have a mind link with the divine system's consciousness.

Allows users to affect the thought waves that directly link the brain of living beings with the creation genesis. These thought waves are capable of causing various phenomenal changes that appear as magic. Hence amplifying the thought waves in turn makes the magic abilities more powerful. Can also create parallel egos for separate data handling.

This ability is also able to carry out several orders made by the user, which lessens the user's mental load. It boosts the growth and learning process of the user.


/////////////////// INFORMATION BROCHURE ////////////////////////


The holder of the title is immortal and cannot die due to body destruction, mental attacks, body ailments, curse or disease.

However destruction of soul core, would mean deletion of existence from the divine system and the authority of the title will fail to function – causing death.

Holder becomes neutral to body fatigue, sleep, hunger and other unnecessary feelings that may inflict pain.

Downfall is that it messes with the biological clock of the body. Hampers personality development because the sense of time and life span changes. Observed to be more severe in cases of reincarnates.

NOTE : However these sensations can be artificially recreated by using Al.

/////////////////// INFORMATION BROCHURE ////////////////////////


Web magic which have an advanced divine attribute.

The webs can now be produced from any point existing in space.

These webs are indestructible. {Except for principium weapon and high class advanced divine magic or black matter magic}

These webs have the ability to cross dimensions, time and even world barriers and still remain intact.

/////////////////// INFORMATION BROCHURE ////////////////////////


Allows user to devour soul, physical body, raw energy, magic power and life force directly and transfer it to the soul core of the user.

Can also create copies of souls by using analysis skill over the devoured souls. Hence the skills are transferred intact by gaining relative information on the target.

Can absorb magic even from greater distances. Can isolate various substances after devouring the mixture composition.

/////////////////// INFORMATION BROCHURE ////////////////////////



In this world there are four title regarding the demon lords.

These are with their authority level :-

Demon Lord candidate < Demon Lord < True Demon Lord Candidate < True Demon Lord

True Demon Lord belongs to the Royal Demon Clan of noble blood. He has supreme authority over not only the demons and other demon title holders but also over all the other non-human species like vampires, dwarves, beastmen, elves…..

A True Demon Lord Candidate also belongs to the Royal Demon Family and has supreme authority to an extent over the demons and other clans. They are next in line to declare their candidacy as 'True'.

A Demon Lord serves under the True Demon Lord {also referred to as the Demon King}. They belong to the various powerful clans of the demon tribe. They also serve as the Demon Generals of the demon army.

{Note : after the previous True Demon Lord was declared dead in the Great Wars, no one was able to ascend to the title of True Demon Lord and so his throne still remains empty.}

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