When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess



"Do you have any idea what is happening to our dear daughter Zyl." I was now standing a bit far away from a huge white cocoon, in which Alicia was wrapped up inside.

"When you look into her status window and her condition, I would say its type of an evolving level up. But this is somewhat still fundamentally different. There is more to it than just leveling up. Just look at the flow of magic power in our surrounding. Those white threads are special. They are first absorbing the raw magic power from the environment, ȧssimilating it and finally transferring it to her."

"But, how long do you think she will stay like this. Parting so soon just after, it's kind of sad."

"I know I feel the same. By the way do you have those five Teneo stones with you?"

I took them out of my side pocket at the end of my shirt and passed it to him. I wonder what he was going to use them for. They were now just ordinary stones but a very high density magic field is trapped inside. Usually it takes more than four years to prepare a single stone and the materials required to form it alchemically is extremely rare with a sophisticated process of production involved. It was one of the most sought for weapon during the Great War and was used by both the sides on an extensive scale.

If you are not able to handle the sealing magic properly, the condensed energy will go berserk and the explosion would kill you. But after sealing it properly, then breaking the energy free from the stone and reusing it is still an unachievable feat.

I watched Zyl carefully as he then brought them close to the white cocoon like thing and those normal colourful stones started glowing. Vast amount of magical power started flowing from them and into the white webs.

"But….How is that possible?" I couldn't hold back my curiosity. I wanted to know, and the only person who could answer my question would be the great magic emperor Zylon.

"Who knows?"

"Wait you cannot tell..."

"Maybe…or maybe not."

"I see you are still upset from before. You are still unable to figure out what kind of spell construction she used."

"I don't know what you are talking about?" He hurriedly spoke and turned around his head ignoring me. Pretending like I was not here.

"Fine then I will tell you, but first you need to tell me what is going on with her."

"Really…. You see I think it's because she possess all six basic magic attribute and at the same time can perfectly use all their derivatives. Her level does not appear in the status window, which means they are maxed out. Her compatibility is perfectly in sync with our surrounding which contains all the six attributes. So it does not bother her if she directly absorbs them without using a filter."

Well that's true, if someone with five attribute directly tried to absorb magic from the surrounding, his body might suffer several injuries at spiritual level. Since he does not possess aptitude for the sixth attribute the other attributes antagonist component will repel it, which in turn will destroy the mind of the magician. It's almost similar to - only people with the same blood group can donate to people having the same blood group. But AB+ blood group can accept blood from all.

"But is that really all Zyl, I think there is really more to it than that."

"I have another theory, what if her natural attribute is not the six basic attribute after all. Just the thought of having all six is bizarre. Specially possessing the dark and light element together. You do realize it's something even Gods cannot achieve even if they dėsɨrė. So for a human body it's unthinkable even if she has gained immortality title. There is another explanation for such a thing to happen. But I am not sure. I will have to think more about it."

Zyl then took out some sort of a magic measuring device and holding its two small thin silver rods in hands started waving it around the room.

Outside the window, at the door, below the chair and bed, over the cocoon, over my clothes, over my face…. Hey watch it!!

"So what did you find? Any luck?"

"Her body constitution is amazing. But in the least if her status shows human, I doubt her origin is a human."

"Didn't she tell us that she was born as a spider? Though spiders are one of the weakest races in this world even if they are of monster category."

"No, that won't suffice. It's not that she was a spider. It was just that her actual body was replicated as a spider."

"She does possess an uncanny title: Legacy of Goddess Arachne. She said it was her first title, she had."

"Wasn't Goddess Arachne your side's Head Research Developer or something along those lines. Engineering soldiers who could fight for a prolonged term with the undead army of the devils. Do you think she has to do anything with her body's origin?"

"Well, I did hear she was obsessed with making beings that could survive all extreme conditions a body can be subjected too. I did hear that since her own divine body was weak, she eagerly wanted to join the battle. So she used to speak of creating an ultimate body for herself that can evolve and get stronger to adapt to any situation. But she died in an enemy invasion of the base and was killed by one of the Devil's General…"

"So what if…. What if… she succeeded and then hid her achievement and waited for it to grow. Though she couldn't see it the end."

Then I gave some thought to the process involved in reincarnation…

"It is said that during the reincarnation process by Gods the actual use of the magic circle is to lay strip the soul of the previous body and find a new one in the new world. Seeing how mysterious her power is, that would explain her ending up in such a soulless body…. And went through this hell."

"What are you talking about; it is this hell that has made her stronger. It is indeed an ultimate creation. A new life-form. Just think initially her body was extremely weak. But then by consuming the monsters here she took their raw energy and makes it her own. Then during this evolving up process she draws magic power directly from this dungeon's inner walls. A highly dense magical area where such strong monsters with exceptional magic powers lived. She has no limits. She will keep on growing and gaining strength. Unlike us who have finally reached their limit in leveling up."

"A being with boundless power. That's so cool. Our daughter is awesome in all ways. She is a beauty and also going to be super strong."

"That's another way to put it. It won't be long before she would surpass us."

"Or, she might already have, but cannot use her full strength efficiently."

"That was obvious during our fight. She lacks swordsmanship skills. And even with only magic she has no control over efficiently storing in and drawing it out at a single point. And other finer details."

I then saw Caroline lost in thought, so I just reminded her in case.

"So, tell me what she did to cast that destructive spell."

"Yeah sure, I will tell you, after she wakes up."

"Wait… what….why not now….you promised."

"Of course, I will keep my promise, so I will tell you. But after she wakes up."

I had been betrayed and cheated by my own wife. I forgot she never mentioned when she was going to reveal the secret. I cursed myself for my foolishness as I banged on the floor and ashamed of the fact that my own wife outwitted me in a deal.

"You are evil, I will never forget this." All I could do was cry and run out of the room but that would be too pathetic. So I again just stared back at Caroline, who seems to have come up with a new dish of idea.

She smiled and coming closer to my face,

"So how about we two train her, in our own respective fields."

"That's sound interesting to have such a special student. But you do realize the consequences. Being trained by the best swordsman in the world and the best magic user in the world. I don't know whether she would be able to keep up with the training or not. But she will become so strong that no one could handle her."

"I have faith in her and that's why before anyone else lay hands on her and corrupt her, I want to see her blossom in all good ways. It's just that… BECAUSE OF HER EXTRAORDINARY POWERS I DON'T WANT HER TO BE EXPLOITED AS A HERO OR BE FEARED AS A DEMON LORD."

"Caroline… you truly care for her that much."


I exactly understood now how she felt, we were on the same boat going downstream, and there was no turning back now. But she still has a chance, to live her life with all the freedoms, she wants to. How could we allow our daughter to meet the same horrible consequences and suffer a terrible fate…

"I understand. I will give her all my knowledge and skills which I have learnt and honed it to its maximum in my life."

"…And then there are those mindless Gods who think they can do anything whenever they please with this world. I will not let them control my daughter. She will possess a will that will far surpass what even those stupid Gods cannot fathom at the top. She will not yield her will to others, and unlike us be strong enough to walk on a path she believes is right. Isn't that right Zyl…"

At that time when the true demon lord looked at Caroline his heart skipped a beat, seeing his wife happily smiling it reminded him of the day they first met on their travels to get stronger, achieve their dreams and realize their true potential….


////////////// A MEMORY FROM THE PAST – ZYLON ASHBORN - POV ///////////////

I was travelling in the northern forest of the human territory at that time. I had to keep my identity as the prince of the Royal Demon Family and at that time being a true demon lord candidate a secret. As a Royal member I had the ability to shrink my horns and make them invisible, though every time I did it, it made my head tingle and my hairs would always get messed up.

Horns being one of the most sėnsɨtɨvė and arousing part of a demon is no joke. Mind it…

I wanted to explore a newly appeared dungeon whose boss monster was supposed to be a three headed serpent. The magical stone embedded in its head was reported to be abnormally huge. This information even though was kept extremely hidden, only the powerful of those would have known and ventured for this exceptional item. I needed it to increase my magical powers and make alchemy based potions and weapon enhancers.

At that time even the two continents were not at war, but everyday conflicts had sent deep-rooted hatred in between both the species. Since I was from the royal family I did not knew much about the mechanics of the outside society and so I always use to keep to myself. Away from the people who wanted to use my authority, gain my favour in every wrong way possible. At that time I was just around 27 years old and that's fairly young for a demon. It would be around seven years later that the Great War broke out after an entire country was wiped out mysteriously.

As usual I continued to walk on the route to the dungeon entrance while wearing a black robe, which even though plain was magically enhanced for defense from surprise attacks and keep my senses unaffected from any hazardous environment. I always used to live on the edge.

I was not yet strong enough to rule over the whole demon continent and other non-human races. I always thought that to get strong I would have to keep on working hard alone so that no one else held me back. Or rather I was afraid or I knew that if I work with someone then due to my weakness I might lose them. I had to get stronger to protect my kingdom, my people and end this upending war before it happens, all on my own.

Just before I could reach the entrance of the dungeon, a trap magic activated which sealed me off inside a barrier. Suddenly from everywhere fire magic arrows were launched at me.

"Such petty tricks won't work on me, fire in my hands and devilish be my voice – fireburst stream."

A huge fire typhoon engulfed all the arrows and melted them away. But my spell should not have been under-estimated as it broke down the whole barrier in a single contact.

Five people with swords came running at me, while more arrows were launched at the same time. As I dodged the first swing by bending my body downwards and making him fall off by sliding my right leg in a half circle, in that position I moved forward and from inside my long robe drew out a black dagger, made of an ancient dragon's tooth.


Yellow sparks flew by as the second intruder's sword went soaring high in the air. I kicked in his abdomen and as he went flying I put up an ice barrier to my left to stop the incoming arrows. The second man landed on the third and knocked him out.

But at that time who would have thought, that the fourth attacker would throw his sword at me. Producing a shrill sound the sword carried itself straight in air and headed for my neck. I had just casted my magic so there was no time left to chant for a second spell. My one of the legs was still in air, while my right hand held the dagger. I thought I could block it. But then my hands stopped moving. I was late to realize that I had been hit by a paralysis spell, and since its casting was long, quickly nullifying it was a no go.

I am so pathetic, had I been more good at my footwork or had more physical strength as a knight, I might have spinned around and dodged. But not out of the paralysis poison, but out of fear my eyes were strictly attached to the flying blade.

Who would have known in that movement a young human girl would swoop in and cut that sword in half with her own sword.

It was beautiful.

The speed at which her sword moved, the whole strike as if was visible in a straight single stroke line as clear to leave a marking in open space.

She turned around, while I was still nullifying the paralysis spell, my eyes still looking ahead.

A woman maybe around seventeen years old holding a weird looking flashy sword with a curved, single-edged blade turned around. She had a concerned looking eyes and at the same time had a constant smile which glowed under the sun. Her emerald green coloured long hairs rippling in the wind as she flexed her long body and a beautiful tall looking human girl almost same size as me but with a much brilliant aura asked…

"Are you fine? Do you have any injury?"

By now I had dispelled the paralysis spell and putting back the dagger inside the scabbard hidden under my robe I answered while my head was down.

"No I am fine now."

"Good." A joyful voice carried a simple word shot through my ears.

Something jumped out of the bushes and at a breath-taking speed a light slashed through the air and knocked off the fourth and the fifth ȧssailant.

At the end of the light stream, there stood a tiny little girl with a much mȧturė face and posture but was clouded with an expression of doubt and anger.

"At least you should be thanking her instead of turning around your head from your saviour under that robe." It was a bit of a stingy sound but the truth.

"Master." Called out another manly voice from the bush and out came another young human maybe around 22 years old. Holding two people in his hand, his thin built falsified his own true strength.

"I have caught their magic archer and mage." He continued.

"Excellent job my apprentice." She gave a thumb up to that man. Maybe they had a master-pupil relationship of some sort. But why is that young girl the master.

"Hey, you…you the one under the hood. You haven't said thank you to us yet. These days the adventurers have grown to become so haughty." It was that same stingy voice.

Where were my manners? Or was I too complacent to say thank you to a human for helping me out. Or was it because it was a girl. I am sure I had talked to girls when I was studying at the demon academy. Or was it because there was something different about her, we met for the first time and yet the way she talked to me felt like she and I were close acquaintances.

That being said why did I let my guard down around these guys. All I could know they might be another group of attackers, or the same group with some conflicts. But now I just can't bring myself to get my daggers out. After seeing that the ȧssailants were tied up and taken care of, I thought my work was over.

So I started walking away, thinking that was the best course of action, hoping to never see them again. But then I was stopped… unexpectedly… or I could have just walked away ignoring them, but I turned around to the voice calling out to me….

"Hey, wait… you haven't introduced yourself. And why were they attacking you."

After a long pause, I had decided on what words to speak…

"I don't know who they were."

"Is that so…." For my long though question-cum-answer that was a quick response.

"Hey don't trust this guy; he took an awful lot of time to come up with that response. He is weird and suspicious." That same stingy voice.

But I had bit my own finger as my timing and thinking miss-fired back at me.

"I really don't know who they were & I don't see any reason why I should state my purpose of being here." Short and precise, I thought. That would keep them quite, now I can finally leave. Yeahhh…, or so I thought.

"Maybe we should capture him too. Hiding his face, he must have a huge bounty on him. Might as well hand over this criminal to the knights of chivalric order." That same shorty stingy voice, kept on ruining my day.

"Don't be so hasty Mal, he seems to be in a pinch that is why we decided to help him. Branding him as a criminal now will be wrong."

At least someone is level headed in this group.

"No, no Karol you shouldn't be easy going with this ungrateful kid who needs a woman to step in and save him."

That pimp, I will crush her.

"Maybe first we should ask that guy, about his situation."

I think I should leave soon, or things might get ugly. I understand they saved me, so they would surely like to know a little about that person, obviously. But someone was crossing the line here.

"Carol, you are still so innocent and a pure hearted it is people like these that try to destroy the loving world you dream of. Just look at his dark robe and that thin dagger. Cheap things and scrawny appearance – I am sure his appearance matches to a purse snatcher on the highway, whose wanted poster I saw in the empire. Let's hand him over to the knights. Justice shall prevail."

I quietly walked to the person spouting nonsense about me and holding her petite body high in my hands…

"Hey what are you doing..hey ..hey…put me down….you mongrel…"

I gently put her down.

"I knew you were weak….Ah….AhhhhAHHHHhhhhAhHHHH…"

She was now sitting on a thick raised platform of freezing ice which I specially created using magic. She would obviously yell as her buŧŧ gets freezing cold in a blink. And I had fȯrċɨbŀƴ stick her to it using magic, so it will be awhile before the ice melts and she breaks free.

Serves her right. How could she call a prince like that? It was best if she got executed had she been in the demon territory for disrespecting me. And I wouldn't interfere to save her then. Hehehe…

"Mal, are you okay."

"That piece of trash, Ahh… how …ahhh… he dares do this…Hhhhhh."

"It's your fault for picking up on him. Sir I am sorry if she bothered you."

"No, Karol you shouldn't be the one being sorry….AHHHH..AHHH. Damn it all."

"Mal, at least behave of your age. Now then, I think it's better to introduce ourselves first. My name is Karol, she is my companion Mal and this is my other companion Mukka."

Being left no choice I had to explain myself.

So, I slowly walked to the front and taking off my hood displayed my manly charms. Even in the demon kingdom I am considered the most eligible and handsome bachelor according to the surveys. But I always wondered what good these surveys were doing for our kingdom.

"My name is Zyl and I am not bothered at all. You see because I am not scrawny and neither someone suspicious." I usually used this alias to travel around while keeping a low profile.

'He might have cool looks, but it is obvious that he is clearly bothered by it. That puts him off. But that means that he is a good person at least and not someone we should beware of.' Karol {Caroline} though to herself as she saw the man in front of him taking off his hood.

"Hey, tell us why you are here at least." That tiny girl was now somehow miraculously free of that sticking magic. She must be pretty strong, wait is she a dwarf. That would explain her foul tongue and rude behaviour towards innocent guys like me.

"I think those people were some ordinary hunters who wanted to hunt people who come out of the dungeon after they had conquered it. But seeing me alone, they thought it was better for them to attack me now."

"I see, then that means we two parties saved each other."

"Hey Karol, what do you mean by that? It's clearly obvious that we saved the guy. He is the one who owes us and not the other way around."

"Just think, Mal had he not been attacked, after we had conquered the dungeon, we might had been tired and getting attacked by those bandits after that would had been bad. We might not have gotten out of it unscathed. So you have our thanks in return mister for getting attacked first."

I was dumb-founded at her conclusion which she so brazenly arrived at. It was totally ridiculous and too optimistic to be true. Though it was quite blunt of her saying that I was some kind of a decoy or it was my bad to begin with getting attacked by them and all. She is messing with my commonality. And for some reason I ended up…thanking her.

"Thank you for saving my life. Now I will have to take my leave for some urgent matter I had to attend to. Next time we meet I will make sure that your debt is payed." I thought this time for sure it was over.

But the ideas of this human girl knew no bounds and rationality.

"I think you can pay your debt even now."

"What do you mean by that?" Didn't I just explain her I had an urgent matter to attend to?

"Aren't you too aiming for the dungeon?"

"I don't think it's any of your concern."

"But I think we can have your help. You see we three too are aiming for that dungeon in front of us. And we three are close combat fighters."

"What are you exactly proposing?" I had no idea what that human mind of her's is thinking.

"As a mage please temporarily join our party. And consider your debt paid."

"Hey, Karol, are you sure of this. This guy is a pain. Just look how weak and thin he is. He doesn't even have a muscle or hair on his chin. He will surely slow us down." Guessed so, she is a dwarf. You stupid dwarfs…

"Now, Mal you surely remember his fire spell. Weren't you yourself surprised by it? It would be nice to have him on this raid. I am sure he will handle himself just fine and won't slow us down."

"I see Master, your point in this. He might be a good safety measure after all."

"Hey Mukka you should be supporting me and not him."

"Yes I might be aiming for the dungeon. But I have no reason to share the spoils. So I would rather do it myself." I tried making my intentions clear. Now they would surely leave me alone.

"Yes its fine. Keep it all."

"You see. So goodby…. Wait what…. You are fine giving me everything."

"Yeah, our purpose here was to clear the dungeon to stop the monster break and level up a bit at the same time we were at it."

I then thought about the consequences. The three looks pretty strong. But the three headed serpent is a formidable monster and carelessness may be our doom. If one of the members makes a mistake or is lacking in ability, another person can suffer. But then I remembered her speaking how she was confident of clearing the dungeon. She might actually be strong to say things like that without an ounce of hesitation in her eyes.

And ….. and maybe I wanted to see her swordsmanship too.

"You don't need to be hesitant. If you find the situation dangerous just run away."

"Yeah, make sure to run and don't piss in your pants." That stingy voice again and her filthy Dwarven language. Had she known that one day I would be her king, I doubt even then she would show some restrain. That time I am sure it will be fine if I pass an order to execute her.

"Fine if the conditions are as you put it, I am ready to form a temporary party with you."

That day even I don't know exactly what made me to accept their invitation. But that was my first time meeting her that changed my life and outlook of this world forever. Her thoughts and ideas had a great effect on me and brought in me a change – a good one. That I was able to realize my dream of becoming the greatest demon king and inherit the title of True Demon Lord later in the future.

It was because no matter what I did, she did not let go off me and continued with her pestering. But in truth I never got annoyed with it. It was more like I was always looking forward to it in some way or another.

It was because of her that I could make my mind to make my own allies with whom I could trust my life like Geld, Leon and Elenor. Comrades who would never betray me and stay with me not because I am someone important or powerful but because they wanted to . They saw me as an equal, a friend and a comrade.

That's what I had always wanted. Maybe that day it was because what she told me after we slayed the three headed- serpent together.

"Zyl, I think you would make a fine friend, so you should trust more people and let them help you when you are in trouble. I too would like to be one of them." These words may not be that complicated or too big a demand but I wanted for it to come true for a very long time.

I still remember the brilliant smile on her face as she wished for my happiness from the bottom of her heart. We were no more than acquaintances; she had the heart of a true hero. One who resolved everyone's problem knowingly or unknowingly and unconditionally.

But this was not our only fateful encounter but more of them were about to come at unexpected events whether being chased down by an army, or being caught in a monster outbreak or protecting people from natural disasters or infiltrating suspicious mansions. Unforeseen meetings bound by strings of fate always brought us together somehow. And I always looked forward to those small meetings.

And today again, I wish that I can always see that smile every day. If she wishes that for our daughter then I will make it come true no matter what.


//////////////////////////// SACHI KONDO - POV //////////////////////////////

The world cracked in front of me as I woke up from a tiring conversation with myself which implied I had still to learn a lot.

I tore through the white cocoon, as it easily came falling apart as I gently slid my fingers through where the webs appeared to be joined.

Light shone as I jumped out and was suddenly in arms of someone, as if they had been waiting for me all this while to come out.

I did not try to move my head, because I knew who that person was. It was my mother. Even though she did not give birth to me in this world, she accepted me and treated me like her own child. So it would be wrong of me to not return those feelings. And most important of all because I wanted to.

"Welcome home." An embrace so warm and words so sweet that I might not get enough of it even if I get used to.

But then something felt wrong with my head, not only that but my back feels a bit weird too. And that uneasiness kept on growing, till I no longer could hold back my curiosity.

I lifted up my head and by shifting my eyeballs to the top, I spotted an almost circular horn protruding out of my head and hitting mother's cheek.


"Hah…" Mother cried too in astonishment.

"HAAAAAhhhhhhh…" While I screamed out of surprise the very next moment.

But mother, instead of being surprised she looked more excited about this but on the other hand father standing on the other side of the bed had a look of inquisitive temperament. As if he was about to conduct an extensive research after observing his experimental object.

I looked at my back and two black wings were shaking uncontrollably. Just what is happening with my body, even the dress I am wearing has turned black, except that my hairs are still white and eyes red with a much deeper colour than before.

Suddenly mother started rubbing her fingers around my horn and had a bewildered expression on her face. This was more than I could take, as a peculiar sensation wrapped around my head, which was getting unbearable by every second.

My breathing somehow got heavy and I wanted to stop her.

"I knew horns are one of the sėnsɨtɨvė portion of demons." Mother seems to be happy by confirming her prerequisite doubts.

But if you already know that now, then stop it. But instead she gently started rolling her hands across my wings too.

So I was a demon now. How did that happen…right the status did mention about evolving and scanning father. So don't tell me it tried to replicate his features and alter my genes to a demon.

What the hell, I did not give permission for this. My life was over, first there was language problem and now don't tell me I would be stuck with this appearance problem.

Then I glanced back at my mother, my eyes in the dark because of her shadow over me, I could see a smile curled from one ear to another. Don't tell me she is enjoying seeing me behaving in such an arousing manner. The sensation of having a horn was a first for me and I did not know exactly how to react.

By instinct I kicked on the ground and drifted myself back till my back was touching the wall.

'Someone help me' I wanted to cry out loud. But falling a victim to my own mother's evil acts where I am being ȧssaulted inside a dungeon, just who would rescue me.

That's when father came behind mother, whom I thought to be my saviour.

"Caroline stop…"

"But I was enjoying it. We already had ascertained that such a thing was going to happen. So it's fine…"

"No I am telling this is not the way you do it."

WAIT! What is he even speaking? Didn't he jump in to save his daughter? How did I not foresee how my parents could have been a weird in their own ways? Even though they were strong, they were the biggest shut-ins I had ever met who had stayed here for at least two hundred years. They beat me…

After all they are strongest and it's common for them to have a fanatical nature and weird quirks.

He suddenly bent down and as if watching every inch of my horns and wings, he stopped at my face.

"There is no doubt about it, her curved horns and black wings are identical to a female of the royal demon family. And even her face has changed a bit. She exactly looks like my mother back in her youth."

"I would say her jaw line somehow is matching with yours and has the same coloured horns. She is definitely your daughter."

"She must have used her analysis skills on me during her fight and when she leveled up, she used that data to turn into a demon. So that's the secret of 'Legacy of Goddess Arachne' title."

I was confused, and just awkwardly stared at them. Without knowing having much information, they had exactly figured out what I was and then they properly explained things to me.

My parents are so reliable as they explained how things were and what exactly I might be.

"So you both are saying that I have the ability to evolve and change into any species if I want to. And by defeating enemies I can absorb their power and get stronger." I exclaimed as I stood from my fallen position, leaning on the wall.

"Exactly, that's what your father concluded." My mother confirmed the facts.

"So, am I going to stay like this?"

"No, I think you should be able to take any form. Why don't you try thinking of reversing back to your human form?"

I don't know whether that will work or not, but there is no point in thinking about it if I do not try.

I tried to remember back my human form and suddenly tendrils of white and black web in a mix started tracing their way around me and in a second I returned back to my human form.

'Yes.' Or so I thought as I was then asked to practice this. I turned myself again into a demon, and every time I did mother greedily stared at my horns and wings with ŀustful eyes. According to her thought they might look stiff but were actually soft to touch.

So, instead of complaining and being pushed down to ground and be embarrassedly violated by my mother I went through the experiment.

"So, now I have full control over how I can change form. And now I know how I can easily do it."

Then mother clapped her hands to draw everyone's attention.

"Fine then, since we could not hold our welcoming party for Alicia that time, so we are going to do it now."

"Really." A party…I realized someone has never did such a thing for me. Even my own uncle and aunt never wished or let me purchase a birthday cake on my birthday. As for friends I had none to invite or celebrate with.

"And, guess what, I will be cooking food and you are going to love it."

"Umu. I would actually love to try your cooking." I thought I should go with the flow. But I was actually very excited about it. Wait did I just make a child like sound, nah… never mind.

But my suspicions rose when my father's face spoke otherwise. Though I couldn't comprehend what exactly it meant.


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