When I Got Reincarnated As A Spider With My Goddess



"Food is ready…" My mother came in from the back where the kitchen was supposed to be as I was eagerly waiting for the dishes mother had specially prepared for this occasion that is me.

It was as if I received an epiphany and was now able to comprehend my father's doubts. His weird looks, thoughtless expressions and biting his own lips from time to time.

Times like these even if you get used to it, you wish to disappear from this world for a moment.

Something incomprehensible was laid out in front. While my mother was smiling and waiting for us to start eating, I thought it would be nice to know the contents of the food first. I won't have a problem because I had devoured monsters before, and this was the food prepared by mother. I could never say no to it.

But the problem lied with the taste-buds of father. His reaction was enough to un-telepathically convey me that it's not only the way the food looks but something might be even wrong form the inside.

"Dear why don't you go first? I know you have been waiting to try my new dish."

"What are you talking about? You made a new dish. When did you have time for that?" The demon lord appeared to be flustered.

"You forgot, didn't you always entered surprisingly into the kitchen and asked me what I was doing."

"You always said that you were just taking out some snacks for yourself."

"Wrong, I lied to you. After all, my new dish was going to be a surprise for both of you."

"What?" Father made an expression of a guy who had been tricked by a fake lottery ticket sponsor into a foreign trip package and extorted money and went by himself and of a man who was cursing himself just because he let his guard down around his wife.

"Is there a problem, why not move your mouth and try my dish? Or just try to guess what it is first."

"That I can do." Father's face which was tensed up until now, lightened up a bit, as the creases on his forehead reconfigured themselves. His load had been reduced.

But he failed to anticipate that it was one of the tests conducted by righteous wives – a test of courage, wisdom and patience. Much tougher than conquering the unconquerable character of a dating-sim game or finding a house for a lost puppy. Because you always end up with more puppies later than you started with. I guess it's one of the paradox and urban legend which even the geniuses failed to solve.

Father properly went through the three plates put in front of him. Each had an otherworldly texture and incomprehensible smell. You cannot say its good but stating it bad would be an understatement.

"Yes, your question." For some reason it felt like it was slowly turning into a live show pop-quiz.

Father excitedly picked up the fork and sticking it inside the bowl with one of the most complex and violent looking food lifted up a chunk of black mass. At some regions it appeared to be spongy and at some places rock-hard. It was a mystery, indeed.

"I think there is a piece of charcoal in my plate. It must have come here by mistake." Father made an expression as if he had gotten rid of trouble finally.

But the dark clouds of calamity were soon to befall on him, blame his poor luck.

Mother's smiling expression cracked and turned into a grim reaper's face.

"That is not charcoal – it's steamed potatoes. It seems that your eyesight has deteriorated Zyl."

Now her broken looks were that of doubt and anger. A single word might have fixed the mood but a wrong step and you might fall into an overflowing dam which was about to break.

"Wait – how did you burn something this badly while steaming it." Dad sounded so innocent and curious to know the secret technique. I would prefer to know too, but it is not right for children to speak when ȧduŀts are having a serious talk. I had realized the hidden truth in those lines; old men sure knew to play their hint games well.

Seeing mother suddenly in a dark shadow and overflowing with magic particles in her vicinity, he soon realized his mistake. But it was already too late. Or rather he was doomed the moment he took a seat on the dining table.

But even the most knowledgeable saints and loyal worshippers can't stop the wrath of gods to befall on earth.

A knife flew by father's face at an incredible speed grazing through some of his hair strands and landed on the other side. Unfortunately that day a portrait of a chicken was mistakenly beheaded.

"Ohhh! My bad, my hands slipped." It was another rare event happening from my fantasies, and I could somewhat guess what was to follow.

Father was now sweating bullets, while mother's hands were reaching on to a second knife.

That time I realized that the conversation was slowly heading to a very dangerous and ȧduŀthood R - rated stage that I would be unable to handle and keep my hands off of it. So before things escalate….

"I AM COMING FROM THE KITCHEN." I rose from my seat and picked up all the dishes, while forced mother and father to wait there, before they could get off their seats and follow me.

After 15 minutes…

I walked out of the kitchen alley with a huge tray, much bigger than my hands could carry was miraculously well balanced over it. I carefully placed it on the table, and laid new dishes in front of the two members of my new family. And a third set where I was sitting.

During the time of preparation all I could hear was them discussing what I was actually doing. While all my father did was supplement a yes to every statement of mother. Is that how family is supposed to work?

I don't know. But the atmosphere of the room is lively for sure.

"Alicia did you prepare, this food."

"Yes." I tried to smile back at her, ȧssuring that everything is fine.

"Did you really manage to make these dishes in that less time."

"You don't like it."

"NO – of course it's not that. I will eat anything you cook for me."

'How can I refuse that charming smile of hers?' Caroline thought to herself.

"Thank you for the food." All of us said at once.

The next moment mother and father kept staring at the food again, but after nodding to each other started eating again.

The menu was potato salad, rice, hamburger, bread and soup with seaweed. Well all of the items were just thrown around in the kitchen. Maybe keeping the kitchen clean is out of the syllabus for mother.

"Let's eat it at once before it gets cold."

"Y-yes." Father followed the example of mother.

While I too started eating slowly, I watched them finishing their food first.

Both of them savoured the food silently, but a smile escaped each of their faces. They couldn't help but grin and I took that as a good sign.

By the time I realized they both were now stunned while sitting in front of their empty plates.

"How did you make all of this Alicia and you were so quick with it?"

"Well, I used magic. First I peeled the potatoes to remove the charred part and then used magic to turn it back to a state, which would best suit the food. As for rice I just knew a trick to prepare it faster. While I multitasked cutting vegetables and cooking other dishes. I couldn't come up with much because I don't know much around the kitchen here."

Actually I used my eye of being and bio-engineering skills to increase the content of sugar in potato which was gone because mother had overcooked it. As for cutting vegetables with telekinesis and at the same time cooking it directly using fire magic made it less time-consuming.

"No- its super awesome you came up with so many good dishes. I didn't know you were such a good cook. You must have been very popular with your cooking."

"No,…. I think you are the first ones trying my cooking firsthand. So I never knew how it tastes for other people without knowing their preferences. Back in my world, I have been cooking for myself since I was just ten years old."

"Why don't you too commend your daughter for her hard work, Zyl?"

Father has been awfully quite during our conversation, but when we looked at him, his face could be described as heart-breaking.

"For the first time I was able to eat food at ease, without choking myself. For the first time the white rice was really white in colour and the vegetables were peeled. And the meat is so juicy instead of being dry and rock-hard. Until now I only knew to cook curry and somehow survived on that. But finally the dark ages are over."

Both mother and I were astounded by such a loud melancholic soliloquy. The outburst of his true feelings was too loud.

But he soon realized he did something again that was not good for his health. In distress he quickly stuffed his mouth with more of white rice.

Like a squirrel with both cheeks puffed out he appeared to be a victim of a beat down on his face till they were swollen up to its limit.

"I will let it slide for today…"

"Huhhhh…" father heaved a sigh of relief, as if life returning back to him, he gulped down the bolus in his mouth.

"…But of course I am going to use it later. Please look forward to the future revenge."

It was a loud and clear announcement of a family war. The demon lords who are known for their dreadful death-traps to set-up in the dungeon, had to now beware in his own house not to falling in traps set by his own wife. Sounds like he had it rough, from the first day.

I never realized that during this time, I had taken only a single bite from my plate.

"HAAAAA….HAA..." I was laughing so loudly, that it drew attention of both of the gluttons in front of me. And they started laughing too.

Mother then suddenly held my hand and said something which no one had said to me before.

"The food was very delicious, and I would like to try more of your dishes."

"…Umu…" I for some reason again made that childish yes. I never remember if I used to talk like this. It was as if I had really become a child again.

"And we want seconds please." Both of them said in unison.


I already, knew how my food would taste, and yet when I took the second bite, its taste was elevated to a devilish degree. It was mesmerizing and felt so comfortable. It was not the fact that I was eating human food after one year, but it lied in the fact that it was for the first time I was sharing and eating, and that too with my own family.

Something I thought would never come true and had given up on those things was now happening right in front of my eyes.

I could have cried right now, but I won't. There is no need any more for that kind of sentimentality. I just cannot pretend to be grieving about the past when I am this happy.

It doesn't mean that my sad past, when I had to sit and eat alone or cook food all the time by myself, doesn't matter to me anymore. It is more important that I go beyond that and experience things that make me and people around me truly happy.

Mother and father were beyond doubt pleased and enjoying the food I had prepared for them. I made up my mind that from now on I will be cooking for them.

Hearing someone praise my cooking is really a blissful experience. I had made up my mind to prepare new dishes whenever I would be struck by an idea and make them fall in love with my cooking.

And while I am at it, I could learn more about the ingredients in this world, because when I taste-tested some of the raw vegetables they had a bit of a different taste. Maybe I can find something new, and make my dream come true of making a legendary dish of my own.


Al's voice rang in my mind, as it seems I had totally forgotten about him. I could tell mother and father later about it.

But at this moment I was truly enjoying myself. It must have been like the time when the protagonist is asked about how the food can taste so good and he says that the main ingredient is love after all.

But the feeling of cooking for your loved ones is truly heavenly.


//////////////////// CAROLINE ASCALON ASHBORN - POV ////////////////////


I had never eaten such delicious food; or rather no one can cook this kind of meals. Even though these were normal dishes you can find in any family restaurant, but the secret lied in her way of cooking it and Zyl must have realized it too.

I think I will for now keep it a secret from her, while her cooking skills are the real deal. No one can deny that. She even did not waste the food items from my own dish and used it in her own, how thoughtful of her.

My daughter is really kind; she is just like an angel. I can't help but feel like keep her all to myself, seeing that how adorable she looked when she smiled while finishing her food.

Okay, then….

It's time for some mother and daughter's bonding, and I know the best way to do it.

"Alicia have you taken a bath."

"No, but I can do fine just without a bath."

"Wait, how do you do that?"

She suddenly started glowing and radiating white light of great intensity. It was the divine element but why is she using that. Just as the light slowly died out, I saw her skin had started glowing more than before, which I thought was already at its peak and also her dress was now shining, her hairs all neat and tidy. It was not only her, but the whole area where the light strike was returned to its former glory when the mansion was made. Also the plates and other utensils on the table were now clean as new and didn't appear to need washing anymore. Well that relieves us from the maintenance work, but that's not the issue now. How should I put it......

"You see mom, I use this spell, to clean myself, while I was travelling down the floors. It was a relief knowing a nice healing spell."

There was no doubt about it. How could she, does….she even understand what she is doing...….

I gripped my hands around her shoulder, a bit strongly and looked directly into her eyes.

"Alicia don't use a God-tier healing spell for a simple purpose of cleaning yourself. You should always take a bath and behave like a normal girl."

"…..O-okay, mother." She obediently accepted it and went to make preparations.

I think there's lot to teach her about common sense, since she doesn't even know how powerful her magic is and where it stands.

Maybe I too was a bit jealous, because even with my own divine element my healing spell is a bit lower level than her. On the other hand, Zyl can't use light magic, so there's no point in reasoning with him over this.

After 10 minutes….

In bath….actually it's an artificially created hot spring. Magic has its own perks after all. Everything is at the tip of your finger.

"Haaaahh, it always feels this great!" even my voice got a bit sloppy as energy itself got drained from my body.

It was so relaxing, in the warm alkaline water where I could rest all day and no one would complain. It has been a little more than two hundred years, and under the pretext of recuperating from war I warm myself here every day. And it never gets boring.

I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps heading my way. A girl in a loosely fit, short white yukata without a belt walked in. Alicia must have picked one up from the outside wardrobe.

"I didn't know there was a hot spring here." A cheerful voice leapt out of her mouth. She seems so excited just by seeing it.

She undressed her robe and after washing herself, took a dip inside, a loud splash was heard. Though the water surface doesn't seem to be bothered by her presence, it was as peaceful as ever.

"So, this is how it feels like in a hot spring. The water is so warm." Her voice seemed even more cheerful than before. Should be!

"Wait! This is your first time in a hot spring, Alicia." I came from behind her.

She first turned to my side and seeing my face closer to her, yelled.

"Yeeeeyeeeee..." She took a step back, and tried to pull herself inside the water.

Is there an enemy monster she is hiding from?

Losing her balance as she was about to fall, I caught her hand and pulled her to the side.

"Are you okay, did water enter your nose or something else is bothering you?"

She still did not respond and started looking down, while bubbles surfaced on the top. I wonder what's wrong with her.

"This is my first time in a hot spring. The school did plan a trip but my guardians back then didn't allow me to go." She finally spoke after a while.

"I see. How about I teach you to make your own personal hot-spring anywhere with magic if you want."

"Really!" she almost jumped out of the bath, but then suddenly lowered her body inside water.

"What's the matter?"

"This is my first time sharing a bath with someone." She is still flustered and her cheeks started getting red.

"Is that so, then you surely need to learn something about group baths."

Suddenly a strong wind blew, and the water shifted to one side of the bath, while two females stood stark nȧkėd on the other side.

"Wahhhhh" Alicia led out another loud yell, as water splashed all around and returned back to its normal contained state.

Even though the magic I used was to make Alicia feel a bit embarrassed and that did go accordingly, but the one who was really surprised was me.

I didn't realize that her hairs had grown even longer than before. Her beautiful porcelain coloured skin glowed even in this almost white foggy environment. The wind exposed the nape of her neck, only served to increase her charms. She had a perfectly nice body, which I couldn't see before because of the usual dress she wore covered her whole body except for hands, feet and head.

But this kind of anatomy was on another level. Does it even exist…?

The sight of her nȧkėd body was so perfect that she almost seemed divine and seductive even for her small age.

Well, I was at a complete loss of words now. I could feel my hands reaching for something that should not be done by a mother to her child. But it's fine; she is just a one year old kid. But that would be just like taking advantages of facts. After all she is mentally much older and her body size is surely not of that of a one year old.

But there is nothing wrong if a mother hugs her child or tickles them as much as they want.

There was not a single blemish on her plain skin and her proportions were too perfect to be true. I would doubt even royalty could stand against such godly beauty.

"Alicia. It's fine. I won't do it again."

"Really…" her voice so pummeled in itself and her reddened face, it was more than I could take. Then she scooted over next to me.

To be honest if any other women from far would have seen the two of them then they would surely call them a close pair of mother and daughter.

Maybe as a mother, I think I need to warn her, because she herself seems to be unaware about it.

"Listen, Alicia, you should prefer not to take bath with any others. There might be chances of an accident happening."

"..Umu…I will remember."

She didn't ask me why, but in a very childish tone faithfully accepted what I said. She is such a nice daughter to have around unlike the other trouble-maker Lili.

Maybe someone's position in family was about to drop.

But her being overly serious and overly shy was a perfect combination of bashfulness and seductiveness.

The question is would I be able to control myself. These hands of mine surely moves on their own, I hope even if I end up some day ȧssaulting Alicia she would forgive me. Because it will be purely out of love and not ŀust. Isn't it her fault to be born with such an attractive body and cute face?

So, I tried to change the topic and remove my mind from dirty little thoughts, I asked the still flustered Alicia.

"What do you plan on doing first, Alicia? I think you should take it easy. You have been working so hard, fighting those dangerous monsters."

"No, its fine. It's something I had to do to reach the bottom. And I am glad that I never stopped going down because otherwise I would never have been able to meet you two."

Alicia stop saying such kind of things, otherwise I will really end up ȧssaulting you and laying you down on the floor as I tickle you bȧrė skin, so stop saying such embarrassing lines with a bashful face like that. My thoughts were something along those lines hearing it….

If you say I was having fun, then I will surely agree.

"Then how about your father and I have decided to train you in both sword art and magic. From basic to all we know. We will teach you everything. And then you can make your dream come true with that power."

"Wait – but why?"

"What do you mean? Isn't it normal that the parents would want for their child to know everything they can teach them."

She then turned her face away and in a hushed voice said,

"I wanted to be the one asking you to teach me swordsmanship and magic."

At that time Caroline thought that her daughter was just trying to be nice. But in truth from Alicia's point of view it was one of the fantasy tropes where the character has to ask someone strong to teach him the art of fighting and drill it in his soul. So it's the student's job to present an offering or a request. So she got a bit upset. That is all!

"Your father and I have decided to start teaching you from the next week. Until then why don't you try to learn more about the outside world and its history? Well this place is itself a history, seeing that it hasn't been updated for around more than two hundred years."

"Mom, I want to learn all the languages of this world."

"Wait – all of them. There might be more than hundred languages. Even for your father it took him more than hundred years to do such an unscrupulous task. I would have preferred him to do house chores but he just wanted to satisfy the quorum for being a demon king and play the know it all guy."

"Because I didn't knew the language of this world. I ended up fighting father. Had you not interfered then and saved my life …"

"Don't worry about it, knowing you that you are strong, you would have survived either way."

How could I have told her that the real problem was that if the blast went off then the whole labyrinth would have been destroyed and thousands of world-disaster class monsters would have escaped? The world in itself would have been over, before you went to save it.

"But wouldn't it take an awful amount of time to learn all those languages."

"I don't think so. I learned the common tongue human language within two hours using my skills. And according to Al, it would take me only five days to learn all the languages. Besides I love reading."

Whenever I see Alicia talking about things she likes, her smile is the brightest. I hope that she finds new things to do in the outside world too which can make her happy.

Because I need to protect her from ruining her life because of the effect of the two swords. I am sure I will be able to tell Alicia one day about it.

Am I even a good mom to keep this many secrets from her and not explain her power. I keep on telling it's for her own sake, but is it really true. Am I not terrified myself to know just how powerful she can really be, if she learns about her true strength and control it.

But something always tells me that I can believe in her. That she will not make the same mistakes I and Zyl made to lead to another war. She will definitely be the one to protect the innocent and the weak and at the same time not lose the sight of her goal.

All I need to do is stand by her side and watch her as she decides for herself what is right for her. I have faith in her that she will make a decision which even I and Zyl couldn't make or understand when we had the chance to.

As for her, the fact that her consciousness has merged with the divine system is truly no joke. Just what kind of unique skill did she inherit from Athena? It's totally unheard of even for me and Zyl. At first we might have pretended not to believe her, but knowing Alicia she would never lie.

Since our appraisal fails to indentify 'All seeing eyes of the Gods' –we could not determine its true nature - it's truly a mystery. There are not many skill out there which is unrecognized by a maxed out appraisal skill level 10.

I wonder just what Almighty World God was thinking to accept such an elaborate and yet incomprehensible reincarnation plan. Honestly, it's unreasonable to think of what a God wants to do or not. It's because they are the creators so we actually – cannot classify any of their actions as good or evil. Right and wrong varies from each of their perspective. But that just means we have to simply oppose them for what they are doing.

Suddenly my eyes went to Alicia whose head was rotating circularly, maybe it's because her first time she could not handle the heat.

I tried to pull her towards a bit more on my end and push her out of the bath. But I soon realized that she was unconscious, so she wouldn't mind or rather she wouldn't know, so she wouldn't mind.

Just what kind of a mother I am to b bewitched by her own daughter, but really her other world beauty makes the gender barrier seems so unfair.


/////////////////// ZYLON ASHBORN - POV /////////////////////////

I was in my study place, arranging books according to the genre and at the same time pulling out books that I wanted to re-read. Reading a good book is always fun and no matter how many times you read a good book it always remains good.

From my childhood, I have started reading at a very young age, because magic interested me a lot. For me it was something fascinating and I fell in love with it the first instance when mother started reading me books at night before sleeping. But because of her royal duties and death in a war, I considered books as the only thing that connected me and her.

From there on I started my journey to know all kinds of magic, to unlock its secret, different kind of utilization techniques, special magic of each races, their common base and laws and mechanics which governs and influence the entire magic system.

Over these years I ended up learning and reading each kind of book. At the end I also ended up with a hobby to collect ancient and rare book artifacts and other legendary stuffs. Then suddenly alchemy and blacksmithing caught my interest too. It wasn't since long because of my passion – I ended up with vast amount of knowledge which no had until now acquired and ȧssembled at one place in this world.

And this work place of mine was a living proof of that. And I am proud to be its owner.


The voice at the door released me from re-immersing myself in my past exploits in search of unraveling secrets behind magical phenomena and the genesis of this world.

I put down the thick book I was holding on the table and dust simmered out like thick smoke – just how old was that book.


"I see, Alicia you came to visit."

Alicia was standing there in her usual white combat suit. I wonder does she have anything else to wear. I will later talk about this to Caroline.

She was twisting her right leg in a clockwise manner and looking down on the floor. Realizing that I have opened door she directly stared at my face.

I knew she was beautiful, but up close it turns into something you can only keep staring and wonder how it is even possible.

"Do you need something Alicia?" I straight went to the main point; of course she would like to know more about this place. But to choose my place for her first visit was something I did not expect. Rather I thought Caroline would take her to the training grounds.


"Yes." I don't know why she stopped in between, but maybe she still feels a wall between us, because we fought at that time. But it was not something new for me, ending up in a fight where both parties misunderstood each other was rather common. I really don't mind at all, instead I think it was fun fighting with such a strong opponent after such a long time.

She then again changed her tone and desperately fumbled in her vocabulary to search for the right words….

"…Dad. I want you teach me all the languages of this world." She ended it as quickly where she started it.

"You mean all of them. All existing languages of this world." I was at a loss of words because I had never heard such a ridiculous request before.

Learning a new language was no joke. For me it took almost about hundred years, the reason being I have a long life span and a knack of discovering beyond the plethora of knowledge.


"Then why don't you come in." If that's what she wants and we have already decided before to teach her everything we know. So it would be better explained if she comes to my workplace.

She quietly walked inside at my invitation as I shifted to the right side of the door to give her some space to stand.

She was shocked and speechless, or better put thunderstruck. Anyone will have that kind of expression, if they come here for the first time. I built this place myself using alchemy and magic. From an outside point of view it would just look like a simple two-storied commoner's house who is getting well through his life.

But form inside it's a huge extra-dimensional space, with no limits. There was no top, but a clear blue sky, with a huge observatory telescope attached to the side. Well I cannot use it anymore because we are inside a dungeon now. Looking at an artificial made sky is nothing comparable to the real vast azure blue sky where at night the stars would rally across the globe.

The whole building was round like a big can of frozen peas and stood taller than the magical tower in the human continent – a total of a ten–storied building' height. The interior was full of thousand of shelves packed with books circulating along the inside perimeter of this building. Then there were several doors leading to different small rooms, but in actual they led to huge spaces built underground. They included alchemic lab, summoning room, magic practice hall, research lab, meditation room, storehouse and for other important vocational purposes.

For a new-comer the whole place was like a maze of literature who would wonder how to reach the top of the tower to pick up the books at the greatest of heights if there are no ladders around. And they weren't, of course. Otherwise it would be just like a normal library. But that is a mystery I would later leave for her to figure out.

As for the number of books there were a little more than a million.

From ancient history, to general knowledge, from basic magic spell books to forbidden knowledge, alchemic books, books on potion making, books on flora and fauna of this world and also included some novels for my pastime. There was no book left in this world I did not have in my possession, till I was on the surface. Even for a single existing book, I used money, power or influence to get a hold of it.

But when I saw Alicia roaming around the library waving her arms in the air as if she was about to jump in all that excitement of hers that had clearly surfaced on her face. I was too caught up in that expression of her, that I was enjoying myself seeing that this place made her happy. Unlike the other twerp, Lili whom I had to force to come here and study all the time.

I was then suddenly lost in thought. I thought people form Caroline's world liked fighting just like her. So she would too go down that path. But rather it seems that books are too her liking. So just to confirm…

"Alicia do you like books."

"I like reading books would be an understatement. I used to read only books all the time in my previous world if I was not cooking or studying at school. That was the only thing that kept me busy and around."

"Then why don't you look around a bit more."

"Really can I read the books here? Whatever I pick."

"Of course you can pick any book and come here anytime. After all this place now equally belongs to you too and so these books are now yours as well. If you need any help then you can call me."

She walked straight up and quickly tracing her finger through the titles she picked up a book labeled "Magic Control & Instant Spell Casting Speed".

That's a good pick and she does realize things that she need to know to improve herself. Maybe it would really be fun having her around here. Now I would not be the only one here doing research alone. There might be chances that she would too like the pursuit of inventing new spells and potions.

"Alicia should I help you in finding a much better book that will help you to combine different attributes in a magic spell."

"Yes, thank you, for taking out your time for helping me."

"I am going to teach you everything about magic from now on and every magic spell that I have learnt, including all the magic spell that has been used in this world. This place contains information of this world, all of it." It feels awesome to brag about your own collection and achievements.

"…Umu…. I am ready to learn anything you teach me."

I thought things are going to get pretty interesting and though teaching such complex things to a person who is new to magic would be tough, I will try to not blow up myself. Or that's what I thought to be the case...


///////////////// ALICIA ASCALON ASHBORN - POV /////////////////////

It has been almost three days and it feels so normal here.

I don't need to kill monsters on a regular basis anymore.

I have a place to call home where I can rest. Though it's so big that I sometimes lose my way around. The feeling of moving from a single cramped room into a big mansion is a change which is more heavy than I can handle on my own.

Even the way to the bathroom, it takes me more than twenty minutes to figure out, or I have to take ȧssistance from mother. Though she is always ready to help but I have to always beware of my steps.

I have people around me who consider me a part of their family and I love and respect them from the bottom of my heart. I am very grateful to them for providing me such a peaceful life here. But I know someday I will have to leave, but it's a thought to which I have given some rest.

For now I want to learn more, more about this world, about how to use my powers effectively, to become strong enough to find Athena and save this world. I wonder what is out there, which threatens the existence of this world, if the true demon lord is living here in peace in the first place.

Though a part of me considers that I have to put him under surveillance, and being her daughter helps me to keep an eye on him that secretly whether he will try to destroy the world or not. Or that's how one of the storyline of the novel goes which I read ages ago.

But honestly, when mother is around all he can do is end his sentences in 'yes' and submit to her whims. That is truly unbecoming of demon lords that I would not like to see and cannot accept. He should be ruthless, or out of anger destroy a wall, order his subordinates to do the bidding, imprison those who oppose him. Not that I am one to talk, when I inherited his title.

Wouldn't it be much better if I help him in becoming just like the demon lords we read in book? Speaking in an old mythical ruler's lines while standing in shadow, ordering subordinates, mass-killing people, ravaging wars, luxurious life with a harem….hmm…if mother hears about it, then I guess his life will be over the next instant. For now I will give the first two options a try.

As for mother it seems that for some reason she really likes to pamper me, while always trying to hug me or pat my head. I actually like it. But it really becomes uncomfortable when she gets rough or sometimes asks me to turn into my demon form to fondle my horns and wings.

Usually in my demon form, it's not that I actually don't like it. The wings are good for flying around and boost my speed and at the same time the horns allow better vision and perception of magic in the surrounding. But I would rather stick to my human form, which is the most closest to my previous life.

Father has been recently teaching me about controlling magic, new magic spells {though seeing them once is fine to imitate them and not use the chant} and as well as about magic circles.

I am also reading new books on different languages. And as per Al's prediction it would seem like I will be done with it real soon. The books are not tough to memorize with my analyse skill, and at the same time I like reading.

It seems that from the beginning of this world the most common language is that of human tongue and almost every race can speak it. Then there are other races that had their own separate languages, but they have all become ancient and lost. Reason being mass-extermination of species during the Great War, while the humans survived as the majority. So other speaking-languages were shifted to the minority side and became invisible to the masses. Their thinking was that why bother learning two language when you are well off with just one.

But I can't go with that line of thinking anymore. To not hurt innocent people or engage in a fight with them, I need to be able to talk in every language and improve my negotiation skills.

Mother said that she would start my training from next week. Yeah it seems that this world too has twelve months and seven weeks in a day. Though a thing like leap year doesn't exist. The names of months and days - I would rather keep the same in my mind for my own convenience.

I looked outside the window of the reading room which is in the tower and it was already night. I had just now finished reading books on dragons. The dragons in this world are at least the same I thought. They are noble and like to live in seclusion, like a hidden village nest of dragon land. How wonderful and interesting.

Unlike the gold digger dragon I met in the dungeon was barbaric. Attacking strangers when they did nothing to him in the first place, is very rude.

I was about to pick up the next title on Magitite ore, I had been rearing to read about them and know their significance in this word. Form father's point of view, it's the highest quality naturally occurring magical ore you can find anywhere in this dungeon but might be a bit rare in the outside world.

"Alicia…. Here you are…"

I heard mother calling out my name as she barged into the room, without knocking. I don't mind if its mother or father.

She sounded a bit angry but had a concerned look on her face.

"What have you been doing here all this time? I told you to take it easy."

"I was just reading book." I then tried to look in other direction, surely I knew what was about to come.

"Continuously for one and a half day." Mother completed my statement. Has it been that long? Knowing more about a new magical world can never be boring.

"You don't need to worry. You know I can't feel fatigue, sleep or hunger. I can't even get sick now."

"Ohhh, Alicia any mother would be happy to know if their child will never get sick. But don't forget that you wanted to be in your human form by choice. You shouldn't use the authority of you title immortality if you want to live like a normal human. Having a long life span is fine since it allows you to travel more around the world and discover new things that you will enjoy. But you should sleep on time, eat when you are hungry and take rest when you are tired. That's when you can actually enjoy your work. Even if you like reading books, doing it non-stop would only bring monotony later."

"I understand." I was a bit sad. But what she said was true. If I want to retain my personality I needed to experience things. Maybe Al can have an answer to this question. Since it has the ability to create pseudo-consciousness, I can perhaps use it on myself to induce such feelings automatically. Then I will be fine.

Mother then slowly hugged me, maybe she understood the reason why I was sad and quickly came up with a solution.

"Okay Alicia mother will sleep with you today."

I was so relieved to hear that I again replied in my unusual childish manner.


She held my hand again, while we started walking towards my own room, a real room with a window and an inbuilt washroom {so I don't get lost in mansion while searching for it}. Maybe she knew that I still don't know my way around to the room. And probably that could be one of the reason I did not move from this place.

But there was that uneasy feeling still in my heart…

Mother was suddenly making a scary smile on her face and I understood she had other ulterior motive beside as she slept while using me as a cover pillow while holding me tightly in her arms.

She was tall and I would say she would probably work as a model now back in my world despite her age currently. Her skin is so soft and warm, that I would like to stay like this for as long as she wanted to hold me.

Maybe she always felt so close to me that I was easily able to accept her as my mother and comfortably settle here in a single day. Without even being told or said, she understood how I felt. And this place became my home too.

That at present I feared that this roof and protection would vanish if I close my eyes for too long. I was still not strong enough to become a pillar to hold the roof alone.

I still wanted to live under this protection, where I didn't have to worry about what lied outside.

Maybe that's what parents are for.

But one day, I will have to seek that power and venture outside…


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