Thursday, February 9

In the morning, I felt uncomfortable when I woke up.

"Is that it?... Alicia?

No response to the inquiry. Usually a morning greeting should have come back from Alicia. But I can't feel Alicia in me right now.

"It's your day off......... is it? No, right……………"

Wake up your body and explore your memories with a head that hasn't awakened yet. I remember having a day off yesterday. It's Thursday...... it's supposed to be the day we plan to have a birthday party.

"Alicia...... good morning?

Just in case, I'll call you back, but I still won't get back to you.

On the bed, alone, I feel left behind.

"……… Is this a surprise?

Then my family might know something.

With that in mind, for now, I decided to go down to the living room as usual.

"Ohh. Alice, Alicia."

Yuna was having breakfast in the living room and greeted me as usual.

"Morning, Yona."

But there was no usual Alicia greeting, and Yuna immediately seemed to notice the discomfort.

"... that? Is Alicia...?

"That's what I haven't been home for this morning. Yuna hear anything?

When I ask her a question, Yuna answers with a hard look on her face.

"I haven't heard anything..."

Apparently, it wasn't a surprise.

"Alice, is that true?

My mother, who worked in the kitchen, stopped her hand and came to the living room.

"Ugh, yeah. This has never happened before... what's wrong?"

"…… I wonder if Alicia is as good as she is when she is not well. You'll be back when you're feeling better."

"Yes, I guess... but Alicia was looking forward to the party today..."

"Will Alicia ever be back before the party?

"Once I'm out of tune, Alicia can't reconcile until I'm asleep... hey mom. Can I take the day off from school? I want to sleep so Alicia can come back when she's feeling better."

"…… you have no choice. It's special today, isn't it?

"Well, I'm worried about Alicia, so I..."

"Yona can't. Go to school."

"... hey"

Yuna's attempt to take a ride and leave school was immediately dismissed by her mother. Yuna shrugs her shoulders.

"I can't help it. I'm going to ask for Alice's class."

"Thank you, Yuna."

"Say hello to your sleeper Alicia. Then why don't you have breakfast and go to school?"

Yuna resumed her meal. I'll have dinner at the table, too. I decided not to go to school so I don't have to rush like I always do.

Yuna, who cleaned up her breakfast early, dipped her dishes in the sink and headed to the washroom for morning support.

I take my time eating and watching Yuna, who is not busy. For Alicia's sake, I felt a little guilty when I said I was off school even though I wasn't sick.

"Then I'll go!

I heard butterflies and footsteps coming down the stairs, and Yuna's voice from the hallway. When I returned my mother and I were there, almost simultaneously there was the sound of the door closing between Batan and the front door, and the rushing air passed away.

I usually feel strange because I'm on the side of the hustle.

"Because I put hot cocoa in it. Drink this and get some rest."

Mother said so and put the mug in front of me.

Thank you, Mother.

Just after I finished my meal, I held the cup with my hands and put my mouth on the cocoa. The flavorful sweet smell flourishes and the relieving taste spreads into my mouth.

"……… Alicia would have been happy to be here."

Alicia loved chocolate and sweet things.

There has been a lot of tension here lately because of the vibrant decorations for Valentines wherever they go.

"But the cocoa-rich chocolate I ate last time was bitter and sighing..."

When I think about what happened then, I naturally spill a grin.

... Well, I didn't like the taste either, so I looked sinister when I ate it.

After I finished my meal, I told my mother to take care of the dishwashing. Because I lost my school, it depends on me trying to at least help with the chores.

When I finished helping, I stopped by the washroom and toilet and returned to my room.

When I get back to my room, I fall straight into bed.

As it was, it moved in the first place and entered the futon, which had remained rolled. I can see my body cheering for a reunion with the still slightly warm futon.

"By now, I wonder when school started……………………"

And yet I'm trying to sleep in the futon twice.

Such disloyalty was a spice, accelerating happiness.

"Nha…… good night…… Alicia…………"

I leave myself to the fluffy comfort that has come as I receive the morning sun shooting in through the window.

Think about what to say and make fun of Alicia when you wake up.

…… but.

When I woke up again after lunch, I knew Alicia hadn't come back.

I went down to the living room and told my mother that Alicia wasn't back yet. My mother must have encouraged me to come back, but she seemed worried about doing it.

Have a light lunch and return to your room.

"……… I can't sleep"

Anyway, I didn't sleep until just now.

Besides, the anxiety that came here and pushed me into my chest leaked out.

... What if Alicia doesn't come back like this?

When Alicia was out of tune before, she always came back as she had been told.

Yet why today...

Alicia herself is still in me. If I closed my eyes and concentrated my consciousness in myself, I could feel Alicia's presence.

Has it lost sync for any reason?

If you hadn't come back like this...

When consciousness is awake but nothing is done in the futon to sleep, a lot of bad imaginations come to mind and my chest is tightened.

This is a bad trend.

I don't think I can sleep like this. I had to sleep to get Alicia back in time for her birthday party at night.

"Any good way... ah..."

I came up with one.

But I wonder what it's like to leave school in the middle of the day...

"... you can't help but sleep."

Once I realized it, I felt like my body was hurting, and when I said that, I remembered that it was before my period.

I felt guilty at such a time. But I also have a pardon for Alicia.

"If you touch it lightly enough from the top of your underwear..."

I put napkins on it just in case it's okay to come, so it won't make me sick if I fall asleep.

I touch myself from the top of my clothes. Keep your left hand in your chest and your right hand in your pyjama pants.

"Huh... Huh..."

I immersed myself in the act like I was drowning.

Because I'm glad I didn't have to think about it while I was doing that.

As a result, it became more intense than usual and reached many times.

And eventually I fell asleep following the drowsiness I had visited with fatigue.

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