Tons and.

There is a sound that is repeated regularly.

That's at the door of my room, which I reluctantly knock on.

"-!? Alicia!?"

At the same time my consciousness awakened, I called her name.

...... but no reply.

It was yesterday that I cut my mental tone on a regular day off. I was out of school all day today and I slept, but I still didn't get back in spiritual tune with Alicia.

"What the hell's wrong? Alicia…"

Close your eyes and I'll put my hand on your chest. When I was doing this, I could feel Alicia in me.

I stroke my chest down relieved to find out it didn't disappear from inside me.

"Alice, it's okay!? What happened to Alicia? Hey, Alice!

You must have heard me scream, Yuna outside was calling me because she was making the knock hard. I don't have the strength to reply, but I wake up because I can't keep it that way.

I moved to the entrance of the room to drag my heavy body, unlocked it and opened the door.

There stands Yuna, who seems worried.

"Alice...... are you okay?

"…… Alicia is not coming back."

When she tells Yuna the situation in a pale way, Yuna has a sinister look.

- The next moment, I was embraced.

"Alicia's a real sleeper... I'm sure she'll be back soon"

The difference in height makes me fit perfectly in Yuna's chest.

"But Alicia was looking forward to the party this evening..."

"You can postpone it. Originally your birthday was tomorrow, and I don't care."

Smelling Yuna from her soft chest, I pulled out my body and closed my eyes and let Yuna handle herself.


"I'll call everyone."

I honestly appreciate Yuna's offer because I don't feel like having fun partying in Alicia's absence.

... but will Alicia really be back tomorrow?

"Yes, come in because you're taking a bath. I think Alice should relax and reset her feelings now."


To be honest, I didn't really feel like it.

I'm sick from sleeping and I don't feel like doing anything. I always wanted to lie down in bed.

But I think Yuna has a point.

"I don't have a choice...... then, it's been a long time since I've been in there with you"

You didn't see me like that, Yuna says so.

"Yes, fine, is that so!?

"Look, it's fine!

When Yuna broke into the room, she took the change of clothes out of the tank and got ready for the bath. I was pushed away by the momentum, and Yuna took me.

It was the first time I took a bath with Yuna since I layered my skin last year. It doesn't matter to me that I'm confused, Yuna gets naked early with a thoughtful strip.

As always, the limbs, which would surely be the object of the dreams of a male student, were sparingly exposed.

... I feel like I'm getting bigger again.

"Look, Alice too... I'll let you take it off."

Yuna put her hand on my pyjamas.

"J, because I can do it myself!

Get out of my way and turn Yuna's hand away. And I remembered that I had a problem taking off my own pyjamas.

"Hey, toilet!

Panicked and said no to Yuna, I jumped out of the strip.

…… we need to process the napkins.

I put it on my underwear. That's getting a little heavy with the act I did before I went to bed.

Speaking of which, I was falling asleep with the aftermath of the act earlier, couldn't Yuna have sprung it?

"Was it okay with the smell or something......?

I try to sniff myself with my arm on my nose but I'm not sure.

"…… well, okay."

Yuna has seen a lot of embarrassment in me. That was not the case where there was one more.

Handled the napkins in the bathroom, and I went back to the bathroom.

I hear showers and signs of Yona over the cloudy glass in the bathroom. Apparently, he's going in first and washing his body.

"... because there's nothing else to be annoyed about"

I just take a bath with my sisters. We've been in there together many times before, and it's not particularly weird.

As I told myself so, I unbuttoned my pajamas one by one.

"Alice, it was just fine...... come on?

Speaking up and entering the bathroom, Yuna seemed to have finished washing her body quickly, and with her hair wrapped around her head with a towel, she gave me the washroom.

I sat down in the washroom chair while Yuna led me.

"I'll wash you today."

Yuna declares by gazing across the mirror with her hands from her back on my shoulder.

"Mmm... thanks..."

I honestly decided to be sweet with that favor.

Yuna must be worried about me for asking for skinship.

Besides, I think Yuna has her own anxiety. I don't really care about me, but Yona, who's next to me to be close to Alicia, couldn't have been worried about Alicia.

Yuna took the showerhead and combed my hair with a tweezer in her hand as she wet my hair with hot water.

"Alice's hair is really beautiful."

"Yeah, that's right."

I've had a lot of trouble taking care of my hair, and I'm getting attached to my beautiful long silver hair. She also spends several times more than a thousand yen cutting to cut her hair and goes to the beauty salon.

I'm used to the feeling of someone else touching my hair when I was confused at first.

"…… It feels good."

Washed to massage my scalp, I narrowed my eyes to comfort.

"Then wash your body next time."

After washing her hair off, Yuna pressed the pump to get the body soap in her hand.

"Or you can wash your body yourself."

Even when we were in the bathroom together, except for the first time, we were washing ourselves. Because it's ticklish and embarrassing for people to wash it.

"I'll take care of it today."


I can feel it softly on my flank, and I scream small. Yuna's hand, with her body soap on, strokes her skin.

"Yona, hey, no... it's ticklish."

Carefully washed with soft Yuna's hands.

This, this is so annoying! I can't stand it!?

"It's okay, I'll be nice and clean for you"

"Mmm! Mm-hmm!?

I can't wait to hear a strange voice.

It was, like, heavenly hell.

I did wonder if skinship would be good, but isn't this too much!?

If I endured thinking about it, Yuna's hand stopped.

Finally, I thought I was going to open up, and Yuna sucked and laughed.

"I have to wash this place too."

...... what!?

"But now, because I can wash it alone!

And I twisted my body and tried to escape, but it was also difficult with Yuna wrapped up in disappointment from behind.


"... Alice, keep your voice down because Mom and Dad are here."

Yes, Yuna whispered in my ear, panicked and I blocked my own mouth with both hands.


"It's okay, I'm just gonna wash Alice's body for you."

Yuna says so in a gentle voice and twists the faucet.

"No, no... Yuna..."

My exhale is scratched off by the sound of the shower.

Water dripped off his long silver hair, mixed with body soap bubbles and flowed into the drain.

Eventually, Yuna kept washing my body even if the running water ran out of bubbles.

I just bit my voice to death and endured it.

"I'm sorry, at first I was just really going to wash my body, and I watched Alice put up with it, and I followed..."

I was in the hot tub so Yuna could hold me. I have put Yuna's chest as a pillow and kept her body after the earlier interaction.

Yuna's chest was fluffy in the back of her head, and she was really soft with tears.

"……… Are you angry?

"I'm not mad at you..."

It felt good.

But why did Yuna do that all of a sudden?

Though I think Yuna hasn't been able to easily stick around or take a bath with me lately.

"I've heard that to cheer up a guy who's falling apart, eh, how'd it go?

Where does this sister purchase such knowledge from every time?

"…… I'm a woman now."

Besides, what about my sister being the other guy?

I kind of felt a lot wrong.

"…… was ineffective?

"That was... there was, I guess..."

I don't lie.

I am sure that when my skin is touching me like this, I will feel safe.

The feeling of anxiety and anxiety that I have felt since I woke up from sleep has also increased.

Close your eyes and you'll feel Alicia's presence. I'm not gone. So, I'm sure it's okay.

"It's hard to say that you can only wait……………"

The word has weight. Yuna has been waiting for me for a year.

"Alicia, I hope you come back soon."


Yuna's arms were turned to my body, and she hugged me.

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