The dense blood-eyed bats were scattered in all directions, locking the escape exits everywhere. Not even a fly could fly out, and Lin Fan did not dare to act rashly.

He quietly hid in a remote corner. There were many blood-eyed bats flying around, but none of them could see him. He focused on avoiding those blood-eyed bats of the first god level or above.

After being invisible, his figure directly blended into the darkness and shadows, making it impossible for the blood-eyed bats to find him.

He calmly hid in a corner, watching the blood-eyed bats flying around. These blood-eyed bats formed blood-colored clouds, floating in all directions, laying a net of heaven and earth.

In the sky, on the earth, every space has their figures. If other people were here, even a strong man in the third god realm would only die here.

Lin Fan did not expect that there would be dark world creatures such as blood-eyed bats in the outer space of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. There are quite a lot of them. Once an outbreak occurs, it will inevitably be a disaster.

Fortunately, the blood-eyed bats did not obey the command of the dark world organization. They acted freely and only followed their own preferences. Even the creatures of the dark world were their targets of attack. As long as they were hungry, they would suck the blood of the creatures of the dark world, not just the Federation!

Lin Fan hid secretly on the side, silently watching the blood-eyed bats flying around. These blood-eyed bats searched for him in the vicinity. After they couldn't find him, they silently returned to the blood pool below and continued to devour blood water for cultivation.


The blood-eyed bats swallowed the blood water in the blood pool in big mouthfuls. Their stomachs were swollen like a blood-red balloon, but they were still swallowing blood water crazily, causing their stomachs to grow bigger and bigger.

Lin Fan was worried that their stomachs would burst, but no matter how big the stomachs of these blood-eyed bats became, they would not burst. Their aura was getting stronger crazily. The bigger their stomachs were, the stronger they were. One by one, the blood-eyed bats broke through again.

After Lin Fan waited for the blood-eyed bats around him to calm down, he continued to act.

He quietly came to the outermost blood pool, where dozens of blood-eyed bats were devouring blood. Lin Fan used the control of all things without hesitation to control their brains and hearts, which were broken in an instant. These dozens of blood-eyed bats had no power to resist and were killed by Lin Fan on the spot.

Lin Fan came to another blood pool in the distance. This time he learned to be smart. He no longer killed the blood-eyed bats one by one, but kept changing his position. He killed a pool of blood-eyed bats in the east and immediately went to the west. He killed a pool in the west and went to the north to kill.

By constantly changing his position to confuse the audience, even if a blood-eyed bat found that the blood-eyed bat in the nearby blood pool was dead, Lin Fan had changed his position and went to a farther place, so they had no way of knowing where Lin Fan was.

Some god-level blood-eyed bats were very smart. They began to patrol around, trying to protect all the blood-eyed bats below so that they could swallow blood safely. During the patrol, they found that some blood pools were silent. They flew down and saw that the blood-eyed bats in them had been killed.

"He's still there, be alert!"

These god-level blood-eyed bats sent out signals through their special vocal cords. A strange sound came out of their mouths. The blood-eyed bats in the blood pools all raised their heads, their blood-red eyes, and stared around warily. They swallowed blood while staring around.

The blood-eyed bats below the god level continued to stay in the blood pools to swallow blood, while the blood-eyed bats above the god level all flew to the sky in an instant. They kept flying and patrolling at high and low altitudes, looking for enemies in the dark. They soon found quiet blood pools, and all the blood-eyed bats in them were dead.

"Not one person!"

Since these blood pools are distributed in different areas and are very far apart from each other, these god-level blood-eyed bats judged that the enemy was not one person, but many people. They launched sneak attacks on their tribesmen in different areas.

This made a group of god-level blood-eyed bats nervous. They were able to kill so many of their tribesmen under their noses. The opponent was at least a god-level master, and the number was unknown. It was a huge threat.

They must find the enemy as soon as possible, so that they can ensure the safety of their tribesmen and swallow blood to become stronger.

"Is it the federal night watchman, or other dark world creatures?"

This group of god-level blood-eyed bats gathered together and communicated constantly, trying to determine the identity of the enemy in the dark, but Lin Fan did not leave any clues. No matter how they tracked and investigated, they could not determine his true identity.

"The heart and brain were broken almost at the same time. What kind of superpower is this!"

By analyzing the bodies of those dead attracting bats, they found that the brains and hearts of these blood-eyed bats were broken at the same time, and the blood-eyed bats in a blood pool were killed almost at the same time!

"The enemy wiped them out in an instant. Was it done by one person? Or by an organization?"

"The Night's Watch shouldn't have such a combat team. Perhaps it was an organization from the dark world!"

"It is not yet certain who the enemy is, but no matter who he is, as long as we know his identity, whether he is the Night's Watch or an organization from the dark world, we will make them pay with blood!"

"Kill one of us, and we will kill hundreds or thousands of them!"

"If the Night Watchman did it, we will massacre the city and kill all the humans in this world!"

The god-level blood-eyed bats roared in a low voice one by one. Their voices were very loud. Lin Fan, who was hiding in the distance, also heard it. When he heard that these blood-eyed bats were trying to massacre the city and kill humans in the real world, his eyes flashed. A hint of murderous intent!

Maybe these blood-eyed bats came to the real world and wanted to massacre the city. They just needed an excuse!

They are picking up bargains here in Shiwanda Mountain, and become stronger by absorbing corpses and blood from the ground. In the future, they will definitely invade the real world. The huge human base in the real world is their blood food, and they will suck it ruthlessly. It is inevitable to dry human blood and turn them into mummies!

There are too many ordinary people in the real world. Although they have accepted the copying of superpowers, many of them are only low-level first-level superpowers and cannot resist these blood-eyed bats. These blood-eyed bats can become stronger by swallowing blood. It is completely possible. Easily massacre human cities one after another!

Lin Fan is not the savior, but he cannot just watch the blood-eyed bats massacre the city. Although those humans have nothing to do with him, as a human race, he does not want humans to be exterminated!

With this in mind, he took action without hesitation, secretly killing pools of blood-eyed bats. Countless blood-eyed bats died in his hands, and his experience points were also increasing crazily.

"who is it!"

"get out!"

Because he killed too many blood-eyed bats, those god-level blood-eyed bats roared angrily, and the whole world was filled with their roars, but Lin Fan remained unmoved, as if he had not heard them, and was just silent. Killing blood-eyed bats, batches of blood-eyed bats died in his hands.

"No, we have to leave here, he's targeting us."

Seeing more and more blood-eyed bats dying in Lin Fan's hands, those god-level blood-eyed bats realized the seriousness of the problem. They continued to stay here and could not find Lin Fan, so Lin Fan could continue to slaughter them.

Over time, their tribesmen will be killed continuously. Although the blood here is rich and enough for them to eat for a while, they do not want more tribesmen to die here.

The god-level blood-eyed bats roared one by one, and the blood-eyed bats in the blood pool flew up reluctantly, preparing to leave this place. They were preparing to go to the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains to find other battlefields. As long as there is a battlefield, there must be blood. They can change places to swallow blood and become stronger.


The blood-eyed bats that covered the sky flew into the sky, forming a large blood-red cloud, and floated towards the depths of Shiwan Mountain. Lin Fan calmly looked at the leaving blood-eyed bats, and he did not give up the pursuit. , but followed him.

He flew behind this blood-red cloud, controlling everything, and constantly killing the outermost blood-eyed bats. These blood-eyed bats were like dumplings, falling from the sky one by one, and their hearts and brains were broken. .

"he came!"

"Damn it, he's actually chasing us!"

When Lin Fan killed the outermost blood-eyed bats at the back, those god-level blood-eyed bats roared angrily. Then, they scattered around the blood-red cloud, with one person suspended every hundred meters. In this way To protect the entire group, when these god-level blood-eyed bats came over, Lin Fan had to step back, not daring to get too close to them.

His eyes were calm, silently staring at these god-level blood-eyed bats. After their formation was completed, Lin Fan rushed into the group of blood-eyed bats in an instant. He came to the deepest part of the blood-red cloud. There was no God-level blood-eyed bats, he was here to kill, batches of blood-eyed bats, falling from the sky like dumplings, wherever Lin Fan passed, not a single blood-eyed bat could resist, and was mercilessly wiped out!

"He's in there!"

The outermost god-level blood-eyed bats flew into the depths of the blood-eyed bat swarm without hesitation. They realized that protecting the outermost circle alone was useless. Lin Fan could massacre their tribesmen deep in the blood-eyed bat swarm.

Densely packed god-level blood-eyed bats flew into the blood-eyed bat swarm. There was a person standing every 100 meters, setting up a dragnet to ensure that every area was protected by god-level blood-eyed bats. This made it impossible for Lin Fan to continue to attack easily.

But Lin Fan is not worried. Most of the god-level blood-eyed bats around him are only in the First God Realm. Only the Blood-eyed Bats in the Second God Realm or above can pose a threat to him. Theoretically, these Blood-eyed Bats in the One God Realm are also his. Attack the target.

Therefore, he calmly came to the vicinity of a single-god-level blood-eyed bat, and without hesitation controlled the other person's brain and heart to break. The god-level blood-eyed bat struggled for a few seconds before falling from the sky to the ground. on the ground.

Following his death, there was a commotion among the blood-eyed bats around him. In an instant, they fell into an illusion, and their bodies were suspended in place. Then, Lin Fan used his control over all things to easily shatter their bodies. Hearts and brains, these blood-eyed bats fell from the sky in an instant.

"No, he is stronger than we thought. We must get rid of his pursuit!"

Some powerful three-god realm blood-eyed bats saw that those one-god realm blood-eyed bats were also dead. They realized that this enemy in the dark was much more terrifying than they imagined.

Moreover, the other party can be invisible and start slaughtering the blood-eyed bats. If this continues, their entire tribe is likely to be killed by the other party, and they must find a way out!

"This is a terrible killer. Is it the Night Watchman or the killer organization in the dark world?"

These god-level blood-eyed bats were thinking about countermeasures while guessing Lin Fan's identity. They thought about the killer organizations in the entire dark world, and there was no killer like Lin Fan. They thought of the invisible people. The invisible people are the most famous killer organization in the dark world. They can assassinate the enemy silently.

But the weapon of the invisible people is the death sickle. Their usual method is to cut the enemy's throat or pierce the enemy's heart with one knife.

The assassination method of the killer they encountered now is completely different from that of the invisible people. It can be ruled out that the invisible people are assassinating them. Moreover, the invisible people dare not attack them rashly. After all, they are blood-eyed bats!

"Is it a member of a hidden killer organization?"

The dark world is very wide, and no one knows how many races and organizations are hidden in it.

Although the blood-eyed bats are powerful in the dark world, there are still many hidden races and organizations with terrifying strength. They generally don't take action easily, but every time they take action, they will set off a bloody storm.

The situation at this moment reminds them of some hidden killer organizations. These killer organizations generally don't walk in the world easily, but when their members appear, they will cause terrible killings!

A group of god-level blood-eyed bats became nervous. They suspected that they were members of some hidden killer organizations and regarded them as prey. They must get rid of this terrible killer as soon as possible.

Some god-level blood-eyed bats began to disperse, leave the tribe, and search in the depths of the 100,000 gods. He must find a way out.

With the departure of this group of god-level blood-eyed bats, the remaining blood-eyed bat group began to separate. They split from a complete blood-red cloud into ten blood-red clouds, and then left in ten different directions, preparing to reduce losses in this way.

If there is only one enemy, then he can only choose one cloud to chase and kill, and the remaining nine clouds can leave safely. Although this method is likely to lose a cloud, it is the best way they can think of at present!

Ten clouds suddenly appeared, and Lin Fan could only choose one cloud to chase and kill. He chose the largest blood cloud without hesitation, flew over, and continued to slaughter the blood-eyed bats in this blood cloud.

The other nine clouds flew quickly to different areas. They were very fast, just like running for their lives. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared at the edge of the sky, while Lin Fan frantically slaughtered the largest blood cloud.

"There is only one person!"

As the nine blood clouds left, the blood-eyed bats also tested that the enemy was indeed only one person, because only one cloud was attacked, and the remaining nine clouds were safe and sound.

Then, they let the nine clouds continue to escape, disperse, and find a safe place to hide, while they tried to go back to save the largest cloud.

After leaving some of the god-level blood-eyed bats to protect the nine clouds, the remaining god-level blood-eyed bats flew towards the largest blood cloud, and soon they caught up with it.

At this moment, this blood cloud was shattered by Lin Fan's impact. It was originally a complete cloud, but now it was divided into more than a dozen clouds. These clouds also began to flee in different directions. They were afraid of being killed by Lin Fan.

There were countless corpses of blood-eyed bats on the ground. When the god-level blood-eyed bats who came to support looked at the corpses on the ground, they were extremely angry, roared wildly, and flew towards the cloud in front.

Lin Fan was killing red-eyed. His experience has exceeded the five million mark. These blood-eyed bats are his experience points.

Although these blood-eyed bats are running away crazily, even countless blood-eyed bats are no longer in a group, but are running for their lives, but Lin Fan's speed is very fast. No matter how these blood-eyed bats escape, he can catch up in an instant and use the control of everything to directly wipe them out.

Batches of blood-eyed bats fled in separate groups, but this was more conducive to Lin Fan's pursuit.

Lin Fan's figure appeared among a group of blood-eyed bats. In a flash, these blood-eyed bats fell into an illusion, and then their hearts and brains were shattered by the master of all things. Their bodies fell from the sky.

Some nearby god-level blood-eyed bats saw the bodies here and flew over without hesitation. Of course, they were too late. Lin Fan had already left and continued to slaughter blood-eyed bats in other areas.

At this time, some god-level blood-eyed bats flew over from the distant horizon. They had left before to find a way out. Now they came back and roared without hesitation. Using the unique language of blood-eyed bats, they found a way.

"Follow us!"

This group of god-level blood-eyed bats led the way in front, and the other blood-eyed bats followed them madly and flew forward.

Lin Fan calmly glanced at the blood-eyed bat group that suddenly turned around. He didn't care. He just slaughtered silently and accumulated experience points continuously. His experience points broke through the six million mark again!

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