"Four million less!"

He quickly caught up with the group of blood-eyed bats in front of him and continued to massacre them. A group of god-level blood-eyed bats jumped to the point of anger, but they were helpless because they had no idea where the enemy was.

They could only watch the corpses of blood-eyed bats falling from the sky one after another. The number of dead blood-eyed bats was increasing, but they had no choice but to silently follow the blood-eyed bats in front of them and run forward.

Soon, a battlefield appeared in front of them, where a group of night watchmen were fighting with creatures from the dark world.

"Get down!"

After the blood-eyed bats arrived here, they rushed into the battlefield below without hesitation. The way they thought of was to enter the battlefield and let others attract the killer's attention for them.

When Lin Fan watched the blood-eyed bats rush into the battlefield below, he instantly understood what these blood-eyed bats were thinking. Did they want to divert his attention through the battlefield below? This method is really good.

"Blood-eyed bat!"

On the battlefield below, the night watchmen and creatures from the dark world were fighting. They looked up at a large blood cloud floating in the sky. When they got closer, they realized that it was densely packed blood-eyed bats.

The faces of both sides changed drastically!

The blood-eyed bats do not belong to the Night Watch, nor do they belong to the creatures of the dark world. For the blood-eyed bats, all races in the world are their blood food. Even the creatures of the dark world will be attacked by them and will be killed. They suck the blood.

Therefore, when they saw the blood-eyed bats coming, the people on both sides couldn't help but stop fighting. They looked at the blood-eyed bats warily, fearing that they would be attacked by a group of blood-eyed bats.


On the Night Watch side, the battlefield commander gave the order to retreat without hesitation, staying away from the battlefield as soon as possible to avoid the attack of the blood-eyed bat swarm first.

The creatures from the dark world also retreated immediately. The two sides split into two directions and kept running away. Of course, the group of blood-eyed bats had already targeted them. The blood-eyed bats flew directly into the crowd and mixed with them. , and launched an attack on them.

The blood-eyed bats were furious after being slaughtered by Lin Fan. When they came to the battlefield, they did not hesitate to vent their inner anger on the night watchmen and dark world creatures on the battlefield.

Some night watchmen and dark world creatures were unable to escape in time, so they bit their necks and sucked out their blood.


The blood-eyed bat swarm appeared to be very fragile when encountering Lin Fan, but when they came to the battlefield, they were invincible, especially their terrifying number, which directly exceeded the combined number of the Night Watchmen and Dark World creatures.

As soon as they arrived on the battlefield, there was a one-sided massacre. The densely packed night watchmen and dark world creatures were caught by them and taken to the sky to drain their blood.

Of course, some blood-eyed bats came here and were killed by the night watchmen and creatures from the dark world, but there were too many blood-eyed bats. They were like locusts passing through, leaving behind traces of blood wherever they passed. Mummy, even god-level experts are likely to be killed in this chaotic battlefield.


Lin Fan flew to a group of night watchmen and used the illusion without hesitation. All the blood-eyed bats within a thousand meters fell into the illusion in an instant. Their swooping bodies trembled for a moment, and then they floated sluggishly in place.

When they were suspended in place, the night watchmen next to them seized the opportunity and killed them without hesitation. One by one, the night watchmen attacked frantically. These blood-eyed bats were split into two halves while in a sluggish state. The head was chopped off and the heart was stabbed.


All the blood-eyed bats within a kilometer were killed in an instant. Lin Fan took a deep breath and disappeared again. He came to the other side of the night watchman and used illusion to make the blood-eyed bats within a kilometer fall into the illusion again.

At the same time, attacking the blood-eyed bats within a kilometer would consume a lot of money for Lin Fan, but he could put these blood-eyed bats into a sluggish state and give the night watchman next to him a chance to take action. The blood-eyed bats within a kilometer were killed by the night watchman again. Clean and tidy.

Lin Fan took a breath and used illusion on so many blood-eyed bats at the same time. The consumption was very terrifying. Fortunately, he did not kill the blood-eyed bats himself. If he used illusion while massacring these blood-eyed bats, the consumption would become doubled growth.

He only needs to control these blood-eyed bats and let the night watchmen take action. The consumption of this on him is still acceptable.

He kept changing positions and using illusions to help the Night Watchmen kill the blood-eyed bats. Groups of blood-eyed bats rushed to the Night Watchmen and died immediately. When the number of dead blood-eyed bats increased, other blood-eyed bats also realized You cannot blindly rush into the crowd of night watchmen. Once you enter, you will probably be killed.


Some god-level blood-eyed bats looked coldly at the Night Watchmen below. They had already determined that the person who assassinated them must be someone from the Night Watch!

Because on the battlefield, only the Night Watch side encountered obstruction, and countless blood-eyed bats died, while on the dark world creature side, they were massacred one-sidedly without any effective sniping, so from then on This is certain, the person who assassinated them was the Night Watch, because the other party was protecting the Night Watch army!

"Federal Watch, we remember!"

"We will go to massacre the city later!"

"Kill one of my clan, and you will pay a thousand times the price!"

Blood-eyed bats are very vengeful. After they determine that the enemy is the Night Watch, they will massacre the humans in this world. They want revenge. If a blood-eyed bat dies, they will kill thousands of people and let them be buried with them!

Lin Fan looked at the leaving blood-eyed bats and felt uneasy in his heart. He had just been in a hurry and instinctively protected the night watchman, but he did not expect that his identity would be exposed. Before, these blood-eyed bats had said that once the enemy was identified, If their identity is a night watchman, they will go to massacre the city!

Lin Fan knew that no matter whether these blood-eyed bats did not confirm his identity, they would still massacre the city in the future. Now it was just a little earlier for them to massacre the city!

Watching the blood-eyed bats leave, Lin Fan chased after him without hesitation. Since the incident was caused by him, he naturally couldn't let these blood-eyed bats massacre the city. He opened the map on his phone and found the nearest one. city, and this city happens to be controlled by the Night Watch.

"I am Lin Fan. A group of million-level blood-eyed bats are heading to Qingshan City. They want to massacre the city. Be careful and prepare for war in advance!"

Lin Fan directly sent a message to the commander of Qingshan City through the official website of the Night Watch. His news reached the commander of Qingshan City immediately. In a city not far from Shiwanda Mountain, there was an army of night watchmen guarding it.

On the wall of Qingshan City, Zhan Wuji looked down at the messages on his phone. He raised his head and stared solemnly at the sky in the distance. He vaguely saw a blood-red cloud floating over.

"The whole city is preparing for war!"

Zhan Wuji immediately ordered.

He looked around Qingshan City. Around Qingshan City, they had already built a rule wall, which contained more than a dozen god-level rules. This rule wall was one thousand meters wide and was the first line of defense. Blood-eyed bats If the group wants to enter Qingshan City, they must first pass through this rule wall, but whether the rule wall can withstand the blood-eyed bat swarm is also unknown.

If the number of enemies reaches a certain base, the opponent will have the opportunity to violently destroy the rule wall, so they must be prepared.

"I am Zhan Wuji, the commander of Qingshan City. Millions of blood-eyed bats are about to arrive in Qingshan City to massacre the city. I request support. If the night watchmen of Shiwandashan receive my message, please come to support as soon as possible. We may not be able to withstand it. live!"

Zhan Wuji immediately requested support.

Qingshan City is the nearest city next to Shiwanda Mountain. Although there are quite a few night watchmen in the city, there are only 100,000 people. They cannot block the attack of the blood-eyed bats. They can only ask for support. Fortunately, Shiwandashan is deep in the city. There are countless night watchmen everywhere. If they receive news from him, they may come to provide immediate support!

After Zhan Wuji sent out the message asking for help, he also notified the federal headquarters of the situation in Qingshan City, hoping that the federal headquarters would also send night watchmen to support. The blood-eyed bats were preparing to massacre the city. This was a big deal.

Blood-eyed bats are a terrifying race in the dark world. They came to the real world and although they have not massacred the city yet, according to the information held by the federation, the blood-eyed bats will definitely massacre the city in the later stage, and Qingshan City became their first target for massacre. This pair The Federation is very important, they must stop the blood-eyed bats from massacring the city!

Outside the Shiwan Mountain, many night watchmen received Zhan Wuji's message asking for help, but most of the night watchmen were unable to escape because they had their own missions. Many of them were fighting with creatures from the dark world, and there was no way to escape.

Only a small number of night watchmen left Shiwandashan immediately, preparing to go to Qingshan City to support Qingshan City and prevent the blood-eyed bats from massacring Qingshan City.

And Lin Fan also headed towards Qingshan City immediately. He had part of the reason for this. Although the Blood-Eyed Bat itself decided to massacre the city, he accelerated the pace of the Blood-Eyed Bat's massacre. He had to stop all this. Moreover, the Blood-Eyed Bat For him, it is also experience value.

Lin Fan caught up with the group of blood-eyed bats in front. The previous blood-eyed bats were divided into ten clouds. One cloud had left. Now, the nine clouds were surrounding Qingshan City from different directions.

The cloud that Lin Fan chased after him lost one-third due to the counter-attack by him and the night watchmen and dark world creatures on the battlefield, but two-thirds of the blood-eyed bats were still alive, and they were also fighting against it. Heading towards Qingshan City, prepare to launch a siege on Qingshan City from ten different directions!

After Lin Fan caught up with the group of blood-eyed bats in front of him, he started massacring them without hesitation. He killed batches of blood-eyed bats, and they fell from the sky like dumplings.

However, the god-level blood-eyed bats at the front didn't care about Lin Fan at all. They just ordered all the blood-eyed bats to head towards Qingshan City with all their strength.

They knew that Lin Fan was massacring their people, but they could not stop massacring the city because of Lin Fan. Even if they stop, they still can't stop Lin Fan. It's better to rush to Qingshan City now and kill all the people in Qingshan City. They must massacre the city and let the Federation know the consequences of offending the Blood-Eyed Bat!

A group of god-level blood-eyed bats left before. They went to find a way out. Some people found the battlefield, and some people found Qingshan City. They also found out the details of Qingshan City and knew that all the people in Qingshan City were the Night Watch army. Therefore, these were also blood-eyed bats. The reason for preparing to massacre Qingshan City.

They want to pay with blood!

Lin Fan killed too many of their blood-eyed bats, and they had to massacre the city to save their lives!

On the outskirts of Shiwanda Mountain, powerful night watchmen rushed towards Qingshan City. On the way, even if they encountered enemies, they would choose to take a detour. The top priority was to rush to Qingshan City as soon as possible to prevent the blood-eyed bats from slaughtering the city.

When Lin Fan assassinated the blood-eyed bats, his power was very small, and the group of blood-eyed bats did not care about him at all. Therefore, he had no way to stop these blood-eyed bats from heading to Qingshan City.

Castle Peak.

Zhan Wuji stood behind the rule wall, looking at a blood cloud in the distant sky. This was the third blood moon that had appeared so far. He didn't know how many blood clouds there were, but these blood clouds, Each one represents countless blood-eyed bats, and they are surrounded.

Zhan Wuji looked down at his cell phone, which was filled with countless messages from night watchmen, asking him to hold on. They were on their way to provide support.

Seeing that there were so many night watchmen, ready to come to support Qingshan City, Zhan Wuji breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were not alone, but his heart was always full of uneasiness. Although many night watchmen came, but... The number is too small. Facing millions of trusting bats, they have no chance of winning!

"what to do!"

Zhan Wuji looked up at the blood cloud in the distance, clenching his fists. He had managed to defend Qingshan City. If the city was slaughtered by the blood-eyed bats, then he would become the first commander in the history of the Federation to be massacred. Later generations will read If you read the history books, you will know his name. He does not want to bear such a reputation. He must break the situation and save Qingshan City. He cannot be the first to be massacred!

At this time, he received news from the federal headquarters.

"We have approved your application. We will send a task force to deliver the things to Qingshan City. You need to hold on. When the task force arrives, the crisis in Qingshan City will be solved!"

Zhan Wuji looked at this message excitedly. He looked up at the blood cloud, his inner self-confidence rising wildly. The federal headquarters had dispatched a special service team and was delivering the secret weapon!

As long as he can make Qingshan City persist until the arrival of the task force, he can solve the crisis in Qingshan City as soon as the secret weapon arrives.

Therefore, he immediately ordered the 100,000 night watchmen in Qingshan City to prepare for battle. They must hold on for at least a few hours and wait for the task force to arrive. Then they will be safe!

"Be sure to hold on for three hours!"

Even if a task force is dispatched from the federal headquarters, it will take at least three hours to arrive even with special transportation. After all, this is a mountain of 100,000 mountains!

Traffic fortresses in many places have been destroyed, and the sky is also very dangerous. There are many flying dark world creatures. If they use the sky, the task force will probably be wiped out. They can only reach Qingshan through some special methods. city!

Zhan Wuji was also praying in his heart that there would be no accidents while the task force was on the road. Once the task force was attacked and killed on the road, the secret weapon would not be able to reach Qingshan City.

The only way for their Qingshan City to be massacred was to massacre them, so he hoped that the task force would arrive safely!

"You go to pick up the task force and be sure to pick them up safely!"

Zhan Wuji felt a little uneasy. He planned to send a group of strong men out to meet the task force and wait on the way for the task force to help them clear obstacles and ensure that they could arrive unimpeded.

Groups of powerful night watchmen teams left Qingshan City. They are not needed to fight for the time being. They left Qingshan City to pick up the task force. They left quietly through special channels. If the number is small, even if they are discovered by the blood-eyed bats , they can escape in time.

Zhan Wuji clenched his fists and looked at the sky in the distance. The fifth blood cloud appeared. His heart became more and more uneasy. Each of the five blood clouds contained at least one hundred thousand level blood eyes. Bats, with such a huge number, Qingshan City is too dangerous.

Moreover, the strength of these blood-eyed bats is very terrifying. The weakest blood-eyed bat is stronger than the average night watchman of Qingshan City!

Because blood-eyed bats are different from other creatures in the dark world. As long as blood-eyed bats eat blood, they can continue to become stronger.

According to the information they received, these blood-eyed bats have swallowed enough blood on different battlefields in Shiwanda Mountain. They have been secretly swallowing blood and developing insignificantly. The overall strength of the blood-eyed bats has already reached a terrifying level. .

Not to mention the millions of blood-eyed bats coming, even if there were ten thousand blood-eyed bats, Zhan Wuji was not sure he could resist them, because the blood-eyed bats' individual combat capabilities surpassed those of the night watchmen!

A blood-eyed bat would probably need to be resisted by several night watchmen at the same time before it could be killed. One hundred thousand night watchmen on their side would not be able to resist a million-level blood-eyed bat.

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