At this moment, the most powerful person on the battlefield is the God King, and he jumped into the God King, and he is no longer afraid of anyone.

A terrifying aura vibrated from his body, and the people who were fighting around were stunned. They all stopped fighting and looked in the direction of him.

"Who is the one who led people to evolve to the God King?"

"I don't know if it's one of our people or the enemy. It's not good to have a God King appear at this time!"

"It's just a God King, it can't change the overall situation!"

Lin Fan broke through to the God King, and everyone on the scene felt it.

The God King, after all, is a high-ranking existence, at the level of the ancestors of certain races and organizations!

The appearance of such a person is indeed a huge threat, but there are many God Kings on the battlefield now.

Although a God King is very threatening, it is still difficult to change the situation.

But soon they also found that this God King disappeared, and they could no longer sense it!

Many people kept an eye on it. A God King who suddenly rose appeared and disappeared inexplicably, making them feel vaguely uneasy.

After Lin Fan broke through the God King, he hid himself without hesitation and rushed into the battlefield. Now he had no need to hold back.

He could attack without restraint!

He had reached the God King level in controlling everything. He had few opponents at the God King level, and was almost invincible!

Every God King had a God King Pill in their body. Unfortunately, the God King Pills of the seven or eight God Kings who died before had been taken away by others!

The God King Pill could help people evolve, could help the True God have a glimmer of hope to evolve into the God King, and could also help the God King evolve and become stronger.

And the God King Pill was also a rare treasure for Lin Fan, which could increase his experience points by 100 trillion!

Lin Fan attacked directly, and under the control of everything, the people in front of him died instantly.

Whether it was the True God or other creatures, they all died in an instant, and even a God King was attacked by him.

This God King was originally fighting with a God King zombie, and suddenly his heart ached!

His health bar dropped seriously. Under Lin Fan's full-strength attack, he naturally couldn't resist. His heart was crushed, but he didn't die.

This is the difference between the God King and the True God. The True God will die if his heart is crushed, but the God King no longer relies on the heart to live, but on their brain consciousness!

Even if his heart was crushed, he was still alive and kicking. Lin Fan also frowned. It seems that the God King is indeed different from what he imagined. It is not so easy to kill.

He can only concentrate on attacking the consciousness deep in the brain of the God King.

A controlling force instantly entered the mind of the God King, and there was a powerful consciousness in it.

There is a mini God King in it, which is his real main consciousness. Only by killing this consciousness can the God King be killed.

If this consciousness exists, he will not die even if his body is broken into pieces. In a sense, the God King is actually a bit like a zombie.

Zombies can only be killed by killing the consciousness in their minds, and the same is true for the God King!

The only difference is that zombies are stubborn and the defense in their minds is not very strong.

As long as you enter the zombie's brain area, you can easily kill the zombie.

However, the God King's consciousness has a stronger defense. When it comes to the God King, everyone will protect their consciousness very well.

In the God King's mind, there is a raging flame burning.

The God King's consciousness is deep in the flames, just like the God of Fire. These flames are burning and protecting him.

Once anyone wants to plot against his consciousness, these flames can kill the invader's consciousness.

After the power of control came in, it was attacked by these flames, and Lin Fan also felt a little trouble.

These flames, under his control of the power attack, actually burned his control power to ashes.

His first attack to kill the God King failed. He was stunned for a while. It seems that these God Kings are really good!

The first attack failed, and the God King also reacted. In his mind, more flames appeared, like a volcanic eruption, and the whole mind was filled with this terrible flame.

Lin Fan launched an attack again. This time, his control power was even stronger. As soon as he entered, he was surrounded by flames. It was airtight. Lin Fan also felt a headache.

This flame specifically targets the power of consciousness. The power of control is invisible, but it will be attacked as soon as it enters. It can't cause much damage to this God King at all!

Lin Fan finally understood why these God Kings are so difficult to kill. If it is not to destroy their consciousness with absolute power, then it is not so easy to kill them.

Lin Fan failed in several attacks.

Perhaps he didn't know the fighting method between God Kings, so this God King didn't suffer much damage under his sneak attack, but he also had other ways!

Since he couldn't kill this God King, then he weakened him, so he kept attacking and causing physical attacks on the body of this God King.

The five internal organs of this God King were directly blown up by him, and his body was empty, and even the flesh and blood on his body were disappearing. Lin Fan only left his skeleton and broke his flesh and blood bit by bit.

The God King soon turned into a bloody skeleton, but he was not dead!

The zombies fighting him attacked him crazily, and his health bar was also decreasing.

Lin Fan noticed that although he could only be killed by killing his consciousness, his health bar also decreased by 10 percentage points after his body turned into a skeleton.

But it was not fatal. The God King was indeed very difficult to kill and was very similar to zombies!

Lin Fan was not in a hurry. After all, he had just evolved to the God King level. He just needed to learn to fight the God King slowly.

He also observed the battles of other God Kings. These God Kings were attacking each other. In addition to physical attacks, the most important thing was mental attacks.

Lin Fan also felt that the battlefield was full of dangers and terrible mental attacks. If he was not careful, he might become a corpse.


The body of the God King in front was blown up. His opponent was very scary and directly blew up half of his body. Even without half of his body, the God King was not dead. As long as his consciousness was not destroyed, he would not die!

But with only half of his body left, his combat effectiveness decreased a lot. His opponent was very strong and blew up half of his body again.

This time, his head was also blown up. Lin Fan was stunned for a moment. With his head destroyed, he could not turn into a zombie.

This caused him to suffer heavy losses. In his opinion, all the people on the God of War were his experience points. Now that the God King was blown up, he did not even have the chance to make up for it.

The most important thing is that the God King is dead and cannot turn into a zombie.

This time, he felt that he had lost 200 trillion experience points, and he was heartbroken.

But at this moment, he found that although the God King was blown up, there was a white God King Pill at the scene.

And he began to run away. Lin Fan was stunned. He did not expect that the God King was not dead. His consciousness wrapped in the God King Pill and ran away.

God King Pill, so this is how it came from!

Lin Fan also saw a blood bar on the God King Pill. The blood bar showed only about 20%. The God King was not dead. Lin Fan was overjoyed. This time he would get the God King Pill no matter what.

Therefore, he quietly went over, and the opponent of the God King Pill also chased him down. Lin Fan did not hesitate to take action in front of this person to snatch food from his mouth.

He was in stealth mode, and this person did not find him. He easily grabbed the God King Pill before this person caught the God King Pill, and directly fled away from the scene.

When he came to a safe position and directly entered his own domain world, there was a miniature man on the God King Pill he caught, which was the consciousness of the dead God King!

Lin Fan looked at the man in surprise, and the man looked at Lin Fan in horror. Lin Fan did not hesitate to take action and directly wiped out the man.

The man was wiped out in an instant, and Lin Fan got 100 trillion experience points in an instant.

Sure enough, the God King would only die if his consciousness died, and Lin Fan also got experience points for this consciousness death.

Looking at the God King Pill in his hand again, this God King Pill can also bring him 100 trillion experience points if he eats it.

He threw it into his mouth without hesitation.

The next second, he got another 100 trillion experience points.

This is equivalent to him getting 200 trillion experience points, which is the value of a God King!

The only pity for Lin Fan is that the body of this God King was blown up and could not turn into a zombie.

It seems that there are more gods who died on the battlefield than he imagined. The seven or eight God Kings who turned into zombies on the battlefield did not have any damage to their bodies, but their consciousness was killed. This is very lucky.

Lin Fan also regretted that he was not at the scene. If he was at the scene, he could make up for it and take the God King Pill, and he could get more experience points!

Of course, he had fought with these God Kings and knew that these God Kings were not easy to kill. It was difficult for them to leave their bodies. This God King was killed because his body was blown up.

If the body is not blown up, their body is the best defense.

Lin Fan left the domain world and came outside to continue looking for opportunities. The experience points he needs now are very terrible. After the God King is the Lord God.

The Lord God is the most terrifying existence between heaven and earth, except for the Supreme God, and is also the most powerful person who has appeared so far.

The Reincarnator and the Crimson Son, they are all the Lord Gods, the top existences in the entire Seventh Prison!

At this moment, there is no Lord God on this 18th floor!

The God King is the most powerful existence here, and Lin Fan does not have to worry about being attacked by the Lord God!

Here, he is one of the most powerful existences, although it is difficult for him to kill other God Kings.

But below the God King, he can kill at will, so he does not hesitate to attack, whether it is a dark world creature or a zombie.

Large swathes of death, countless people died in his hands, and his experience value is also growing rapidly.

However, the experience value he has learned now is too terrifying. He upgrades alone to control everything. The next upgrade also requires more terrifying experience value. At least he has to kill a thousand true gods!

However, so far, the true gods he has encountered are at most about 100 people in total. Where can he find 1,000 true gods to kill.

The later the level, the more terrifying the experience value required, and the higher the level, the scarcer the number.

So far, he has only seen about a hundred true gods, and now he needs 1,000 true gods. This is a difficult problem for him!

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