He could only target the God King.

If he calculated based on the 200 trillion experience points he had just obtained, he would need to kill at least 50 God Kings.

Although there were more than a dozen God Kings at the scene!

However, it was very difficult to kill these God Kings, and since God Kings were not like true gods, it was not easy for him to finish them off.

These God Kings would kill instantly at any time in battle.

The battles between masters were not particularly complicated, and the winner was basically decided in an instant!

He could only rely on himself to have enough food and clothing. If he wanted to finish off others when their health was low, it would be almost impossible, because he saw a God King on the battlefield with 30% of his health left, and he was instantly beaten up by his opponent.

He didn't even have consciousness left, and the God King Pill was instantly thrown into his mouth by his opponent. Lin Fan didn't even have time to react and snatch it, and the opponent ate it. Everything happened too fast!

This was the battle between God Kings. There was no residual blood at all. Either the gap was too large and they died instantly, or the two were evenly matched, and they just consumed each other, and no one could do anything to anyone!

Lin Fan looked at the God Kings on the battlefield. Many of them had health bars of around 60-70%, and few were below 50%.

If it was below 50%, there would be danger to life, because no one knew whether anyone had a killer move.

Many people's killer moves, even if you had 50% of your health, you might be killed instantly.

Therefore, everyone was holding back and didn't dare to use all their strength. Every God King had his own trump card.

Unless they were absolutely sure, they would use their trump cards.

Before they were absolutely sure, they were entangled with each other.

This made Lin Fan's idea of ​​harvesting experience points go down the drain. These God Kings were difficult to kill and difficult to make up.

Moreover, they all had trump cards, so Lin Fan became very cautious and tried to harvest the people below as much as possible.

Although it was said that 1,000 true gods could not be found, no matter how small an ant was, it was meat.

A little bit adds up to a lot, and those below the God King were also experience points. As long as enough were killed, the experience points would increase!

He wandered on the battlefield, looking for opportunities. Although he didn't kill many God Kings, his experience points were growing rapidly by killing people below the God King.

Soon, he reached 100 trillion experience points, which was also a good result, but he only collected one tenth of the experience points.

This 18th floor was the final decisive battle, with the largest number of people, but before he came, many people died here, and the ground was full of corpses.

Although these corpses were resurrected by the zombie king later, most of the corpses on the scene were incomplete, and the number of complete ones was very small. Therefore, although the number of zombies doubled, it was not a lot.

Most of them were incomplete corpses. Lin Fan also shuttled on the battlefield and sucked all these incomplete corpses into his domain world.

Let the area of ​​his domain world become wider.

The night watchmen and jailers in the domain world were excited, because the domain world became powerful again in an instant, and the vitality was more intense.

Many people shouted excitedly. At this moment, Changshan finally felt the domain world. Once he felt the domain world, he could enter the realm of true god. He was excited and tried his best to evolve, wanting to seize this opportunity.

Other night watchmen and jailers were also evolving madly. Several of them had evolved to the Nine Gods Realm. They caught this wave of opportunities!

The two immortal lizards in the domain world were also very excited. The little lizard was originally at the peak of the Nine Gods Realm and could enter the True God Realm at any time.

He also felt hopeful, as if he was about to comprehend the domain world and evolve to the True God. As for the True God Immortal Lizard that was raised as meat, he was miserable at the moment.

His body was constantly growing out, and he was desperate. He had controlled the speed, but the life force was too strong and kept pouring into his body, causing him to grow 4 legs and a tail.

But every time it grew out, it would be cut off by Lin Fan.

Although Lin Fan was outside, he still had a trace of his mind in the domain world. Once he saw the immortal lizard grow a body, he would cut it down decisively.

However, after he evolved to the God King, he was no longer worried, because Zhiqi and the others were both true gods. He was worried that the immortal lizard would mess around inside, but now he had evolved to the God King.

The true god immortal lizard was controlled in an instant and could not move at all.

He felt that the master of this domain world seemed to have become stronger and could make him unable to move. He thought of a terrible result.

He was completely desperate. The other party had evolved to the God King, and he really had no chance to leave.

He was so desperate. The God King was also a high and mighty existence for him. Even the ancestor of the immortal lizard would be polite and would not dare to kill him at will.

After all, the God King would continue to evolve to a high level.

The ancestor of the immortal lizard would not tear his face with any God King at will unless it was absolutely necessary, unless the other party violated his principled problem!

Of course, Lin Fan has now touched upon the principle of the Immortal Lizard Ancestor.

But now he is trapped in the domain world and cannot escape at all, and the Immortal Lizard Ancestor cannot know what happened.

He thought desperately that he might never be able to leave in this life!

In the outside world, the battle between the three parties is nearing its end, and many God Kings are in crisis.

Although the zombie king controlled seven or eight God King corpses at the beginning, these God King corpses were too fragile. If their bodies were blown up, they would be finished!

Lin Fan focused on these God King zombies. Other God Kings were difficult to kill, but these God King zombies still had a chance.

These God King zombies were the same as other zombies. As long as their heads were blown up, they would die.

Lin Fan couldn't kill others, but it was still very easy to kill these God King zombies alone. As long as he saw that the health bar was very low, he would take action.


A God King zombie's head suddenly exploded, and Lin Fan gained 1,000 trillion experience points.

There were a total of 8 God King zombies on the battlefield. Of course, 4 of them had been killed by Lin Fan, and the remaining 4 God King zombies were still fighting with other God Kings.

Lin Fan was also looking for opportunities.

The zombie king was in control of the overall situation on the battlefield at this moment. Although four of his God King zombies died, he didn't care.

Even if all these zombies die, he can create more zombies. As long as he is alive, he can create a continuous zombie army!

On the battlefield, the number of deaths of the God Kings of the Dark World and the Night Watch is also increasing rapidly.

There are still seven or eight people left on the Dark World side, and there are only five people on the Night Watch side, which is a lot less.

Lin Fan is also very sorry. During this period, he only killed a few God Kings, and the rest were blown up.

The God King Pill was snatched away by the opponent, and he had no chance to snatch it. The speed of the God King was too fast!

Of course, he was not in a hurry. Even if he couldn't snatch it, it didn't matter. He just had to kill slowly. One day, he could accumulate enough experience points.

Now, his experience points have accumulated to almost 20 trillion. Although he can't continue to evolve to the next level, he has accumulated almost one-fifth of the experience points!

When fighting, time passes very quickly. Just like this, a day has passed, and the only three remaining Night Watch God Kings finally waited for the last moment.

According to the agreement, today is the moment when all the people in the 18 districts open the passage together.

There is no need for them to continue fighting to the death here, and then they came to the deepest part of the 18th floor.

There is almost only the God King left alive at the scene. Below the God King, whether it is the true God or others, basically all died cleanly.

Most of them died in Lin Fan's hands. Of course, there are more deaths in the fight between each other.

The number of zombies is the largest in the later period, but with Lin Fan, these zombie armies are also decreasing madly.

When all the people below the God King on the 18th floor were killed, Lin Fan's experience value also broke through 30 trillion. He was also quite excited. This is just one of the districts, and there are 18 such places.

There are less than 10 God Kings left at the scene, and even the God King zombies are all dead.

Now, the 10 of them chased to the deepest part of the 18th floor and came to a secret place.

After arriving here, the three Night Watch God Kings did not hesitate to shoot at the sky in front.

The next second, a huge black hole appeared in the sky, which exuded a terrible devouring power.

As if it was going to devour everything between heaven and earth, the moment the vortex appeared, the three Night Watch God Kings rushed into the vortex without hesitation.

The remaining five Dark World God Kings saw the three Night Watch God Kings go in, and they hesitated for a moment.

In the end, they gritted their teeth and rushed over.

The Zombie King also came to the bottom of the vortex.

Chapter 344 God of Darkness

The Zombie King was a very cautious person. Seeing that all the God Kings entered the vortex, he also went in without hesitation.

Lin Fan's figure appeared under the vortex. Seeing that several people went in, he also rushed into the vortex without hesitation.

The moment he entered the vortex, Lin Fan felt the terrifying power of space.

The next second, he walked out of the void and came to a strange place.

It was pitch black here, just like a dark starry sky.

His body was suspended in the air, and he saw 18 vortex channels in all directions, and he was in the middle!

In addition to him, there were many powerful beings at the scene, at least at the level of God King!

In the 18 vortices, at this time, people came out continuously, and the latest ones were all masters at the level of God King.

Slowly, some true gods and people below the true gods rushed out, dark world creatures, jailers appeared, and some strange beings!

The strong men who appeared in the 18 vortices gathered in the starry sky, and then divided into two sides, the dark world side and the jailer side.

Looking at the 18 vortices, Lin Fan also understood that it seemed that these 18 vortices led to the top cages of the 18 districts respectively.

They killed out from the seventh district, and people from other districts also killed out. All people were mixed in 1, and the dark world creatures were also mixed in one, forming a decisive battle here!

There were many powerful God Kings at the scene, and even Lin Fan sensed a stronger breath!

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