
Just as he was heading towards the Night Watch, he suddenly heard a roar from the sky in the distance. In the distant sky, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose, as if some terrifying secret weapon had directly destroyed a city.

Even though they were countless miles apart, Lin Fan felt waves of destructive breath coming towards him. It is conceivable how terrible the destructive power of the city in the central area is.

"That's the direction where the Taotie Rabbit disappeared!"

When the Taotie Rabbit left before, it went to the place where the mushroom cloud appeared. Could it be that the Taotie Rabbit is now in that mushroom cloud? Does this mushroom cloud have anything to do with the Taotie Rabbit?

Lin Fan looked at the mushroom cloud in awe, and then continued to maintain his own rhythm and headed towards the Night Watch area. No matter what happened in the distance, no matter whether it had anything to do with the Taotie Rabbit, his top priority now was to return to the Night Watch area as soon as possible, so that he could be safe.

At the same time, a group of god-level dark world creatures gathered together again. They were in a good mood and smiled.

"The test is out. Lin Fan should not be the secret weapon controlling the Taotie Rabbit. Someone else is controlling the Taotie Rabbit!"

"Yes, if Lin Fan is the secret weapon controlling the Taotie Rabbit, he should have left with the Taotie Rabbit just now, instead of the Taotie Rabbit appearing there alone."

"What a pity, the Taotie Rabbit came too fast, so we killed at least half of the Night Watchmen less!"

"A waste of a world-destroying warhead!"

This group of dark world creatures discussed here. They deliberately led the Taotie Rabbit away. They used the world-destroying warhead to try to destroy a nearby big city.

One world-destroying warhead can destroy a city, including all the Night Watchmen in the city.

When the annihilation warhead was launched, the Federation really summoned the gluttonous rabbit, and used the gluttonous rabbit's terrible devouring power to devour the heavens, the earth, and everything, and directly devoured most of the energy of the annihilation warhead. Almost half of the night watchmen were saved by the gluttonous rabbit from the destruction of the annihilation warhead.

If there was no gluttonous rabbit, the annihilation warhead would be enough to destroy the entire city, including the tens of thousands of night watchmen inside.

Although the gluttonous rabbit saved half of the night watchmen, they killed half of them after all, which was not too bad. The most important thing was that they tested that the Federation did have a secret weapon to truly control the gluttonous rabbit.

And Lin Fan was not the secret weapon to control the gluttonous rabbit.

"Lin Fan and the gluttonous rabbit have separated. Now is the time for us to hunt Lin Fan!"

"Without the gluttonous rabbit, how can he escape? He should still be in the White Tiger City. Capture him alive at all costs. If we can't catch him, kill him!"

"Don't worry, he can't escape. We have established mixed god-level rules around the White Tiger City. Even if he is a god, he can't escape, let alone a level 5!"

"Don't be careless. He can be invisible, fast, and can find us in advance. It's a bit difficult to kill..."

"Then let us go. No matter how invisible he is, no matter how fast he is, he is just a level 5 superpower!"

"Haha, let's have fun with him."

This group of god-level dark world creatures are powerful. Those who come here to hold a meeting are all strong men above the three god realms. They don't take Lin Fan seriously at all. If Lin Fan is not a super superpower who can attract their interest, they will not focus on Lin Fan at all.

"Samoyed, haven't you been hunting down geniuses on the Federation's combat power list? There's a 17th-ranked one here, go out and capture him!"

In a corner, stood a young man with a handsome human appearance, but his eyes were blood red. His pupils were like an abyss, making people addicted to it. He had a sniper rifle on his back.

"Leave it to me!"

Samoyed turned around coldly and ruthlessly.

"This Samoyed is a super genius of the younger generation of snipers. Although he is only a level 5 superpower, he can even kill a god-level strongman. With him, he should be able to bring Lin Fan back."

"Lin Fan is just invisible and faster. He has no resistance in front of Samoyed. As long as he is locked by Samoyed, he will definitely die. I just hope Samoyed will not kill anyone and can be captured alive."

"Samoyed knows the limits. He dare not kill Lin Fan!"

At the same time, Lin Fan was carefully groping towards the night watchman's area in Baihu City. As he groped, he could often see powerful god-level dark world creatures flashing around.

The speed of these dark world creatures is very terrifying. He was almost discovered several times. He is now covered in cold sweat.

Suddenly, many strong men increased at once. It seemed that this place was arranged into a dragnet. He gradually became a little desperate. How could he return to the night watchman area!

"Damn it, the rules again!"

When he came to the edge after going through so much hardship, he found that there were also god-level rules here, and there were many god-level strongmen guarding here. He had no way to get through, and he was desperate...

Chapter 125 I am Lin Fan, requesting support, spatial ability, Samoyed

"I am Lin Fan, a level 5 night watchman, these are my location coordinates, requesting support."

Lin Fan sent his location coordinates to the night watchman commander of White Tiger City. Originally, he didn't want to ask for help, but now the situation is critical, and if he doesn't ask for help, he will die here.

"Lin Fan, how did you run to the core area of ​​the dark world creatures? Wait a minute, I'll send someone to pick you up."

When the Night Watch commander Long Zhan received Lin Fan's distress signal, he was also stunned.

He knew that Lin Fan was the 17th-ranked genius on the battle power list, but he didn't expect Lin Fan to be so brave. He had just come to Baihu City and actually went straight to the core area of ​​the dark world creatures. He was really brave.

Even he didn't dare to go to the dark world creature area.

"Ji Ziyue asked me to take good care of you. I will rescue you. You must hold on..."

Long Zhan murmured. He was entrusted by Ji Ziyue to take care of Lin Fan, but now Lin Fan ran to the core area of ​​the dark world creatures. He was not sure that he could rescue him. He could only pray that Lin Fan could hold on until they arrived.

"Come on, pass my order, prepare for battle!"

Originally, the Night Watch and the dark world creatures had been separated for a short time and were in a truce, but for Lin Fan, Long Zhan decided to take the initiative to start the war.

All the night watchmen in Baihu City received the order at the first time. They began to gather towards the biological area of ​​the dark world and launched an attack at the first time.

"God-level rules!"

When the night watchmen came to the biological area of ​​the dark world, they found mixed god-level rules here. These rules blocked their way. If they wanted to kill their way in, they had to break these rules.


A group of powerful god-level night watchmen rushed out. They rushed into the rules with weapons that could break the rules. After personally testing and determining the types of these rules, they prescribed the right medicine. Any kind of rule can be cracked, but it just takes time.

"Lin Fan, hold on. We are breaking the rules on the edge. Once the rules are cracked, you should find a way to escape." Long Zhan sent a message to Lin Fan again, asking him to be ready to break out at any time.


Lin Fan, who was hiding in the corner of the dark world area, was very moved when he heard that Long Zhan brought the night watchmen to rescue him. He just wanted to give it a try.

I didn't expect that Long Zhan would go to such a big trouble for a level 5 Night Watchman. Originally, the Night Watchman couldn't beat the creatures of the dark world, but in order to save him, Long Zhan actually took the risk to bring the Night Watchman army to save him. He remembered this favor firmly in his heart.

He looked around, and more and more god-level dark world creatures appeared. He had a hard time, and he didn't even dare to shuttle at his own speed. His speed might expose his position and identity.

He was hiding in the basement of a building on the edge. He didn't dare to move casually, because there were god-level dark world creatures everywhere. If he moved casually, he might be discovered accidentally.

It was safe here for the time being. There were no god-level masters within two kilometers. Once a god-level master appeared within two kilometers, he would change his position and hide in a secret place.

He looked at the edge. He originally wanted to get closer to the edge of the rules. Once the rules were broken, he could rush out.

But at the edge of the rules, there were god-level masters everywhere. He didn't dare to get close at all and could only keep a safe distance of two kilometers.

Of course, the distance from the rules has no effect on him. He can now reach a speed of 90,000 meters in an instant. As long as the rules are broken, he can get out instantly.

He now slowly moved to a place two kilometers away from the rules, where he could see all the details of what happened at the rules.

As long as he saw a loophole in the rules, he would get out instantly.

He saw that the dense army of night watchmen gathered on the other side of the rules, and a large number of soldiers gathered on the side of the dark world creatures and came to the rules. The two armies confronted each other across the rules, and the night watchmen were frantically attacking the rules.

In addition to finding the weaknesses of the rules and breaking the rules, attacking the rules with a force beyond the rules can also violently destroy the rules.

On the night watchmen's side, two methods were used together. On the one hand, some god-level strongmen entered the rules to try to find a way to crack them, and on the other hand, all the night watchmen launched an attack at the same time, attacking a certain rule point, trying to destroy it with super power.

"It seems that Lin Fan is very important to the Night Watch! The Night Watch came to rescue him at all costs, so we can't let him go."

"The more excited they are, the more it shows that Lin Fan is very valuable. Maybe Lin Fan is not just a super-powered person. We must capture him alive. He is too valuable for research."

"Pass the order down, try to capture Lin Fan alive, don't kill him, he is so important to the Night Watch, we can't let him die easily."

A group of powerful god-level dark world creatures are communicating with each other. When the Night Watch army came to attack the rules, they were also shocked.

According to their thinking, although Lin Fan is the seventeenth genius on the combat power list, he is very important to the Night Watch.

But the Night Watch will definitely not make a big fuss for him, a level five Night Watch, but things are completely the opposite of what they imagined!

The Night Watch army actually came to attack them to save him, a level five Night Watch.

This shows that Lin Fan is very valuable!

The more intense the reaction of the Night Watch, the greater their interest in Lin Fan. In the Dark World area, all the god-level powerhouses were dispatched, wanting to find Lin Fan and capture him alive. They wanted to find Lin Fan before the Night Watch army broke the rules.

One after another, terrifying god-level masters appeared around, and Lin Fan was in despair. Although the Night Watch Army was attacking the rules, they were god-level rules and could not be easily destroyed. If the Night Watch Army was there, the rules would not be destroyed in time.

Some god-level masters had appeared around him. He had changed several positions, but there were god-level masters in every place. These god-level masters were far and near from him, which made him tremble with fear. If a very terrifying master appeared, he could be found a thousand meters away, and he would be in danger.

"Hurry up..."

His eyes were fixed on the rules. The Night Watch Army was doing its best to destroy the rules, but it would take time to crack the rules.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in his sight. This was a young man carrying a sniper rifle. He was only a level 5 mutant, but for some reason, when Lin Fan saw this young man, he felt a creepy feeling.


When he was staring at the young man, the young man suddenly turned around and looked in his direction. Under the function of the shadow world, Lin Fan saw that the pupils of the young man's eyes were blood red, just like the abyss. Staring at his eyes might fall into it.

"He sensed me?"

Lin Fan instantly retreated several hundred meters and distanced himself from the young man. He was very surprised. Even those god-level strongmen could not sense his position at two thousand meters, but the young man seemed to vaguely sense him.

He changed his position and approached the young man by two thousand meters. When he looked at the young man again, he found that the young man was still staring at the place he had looked at before.

Just when he was confused, his eyes kept staring at the young man. The young man seemed to sense it again and suddenly turned his head to look in his direction.

He had to change his position again. This time, he did not keep staring at the young man, but glanced at the young man casually and found that the young man was staring at the position where he was before, not looking in his direction.

He immediately understood that he could not keep staring at the young man. Once he stared at the young man, he would be sensed by the young man.

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