Hearing Hanguang’s words, Bofeng Shuimen was extremely shocked.

Danzo actually hides a wooden ninja? The whole village doesn’t know about this.

“Hanguang, are you sure your news is true?” Bo Feng Shuimen’s tone was more solemn than ever.

This thing is too big.

A wooden ninja is absolutely significant to the village.


Hanguang nodded affirmatively.

“Well, from now on, you have nothing to do with this matter.”

After some advice, Bofeng Shuimen left instantly.

“Alas~~ I can’t be blamed for this.”

Cold Light sighed faintly and grabbed another handful of potato chips.

After all, Tuanzo talks about dedication.

Hanguang felt that the other party should lead by example.

Hokage Office.

Bo Feng Shui pushed the door in, and didn’t even knock on the door.


Looking up at the comers, Ape Fei Richo stopped the work at hand.

He saw Watergate’s solemn expression, which showed that the other party must have something important.

“Naruto-sama, I have something big to say.”

“Oh?” Ape Flying Sun corrected the right color.

To make Watergate a big deal must be extraordinary.

“I investigated that Danzo secretly trained a wooden ninja.” The sound of the wave feng shui gate was suppressed.


Ape Fei Ri stood up with an incredulous expression.

Danzo secretly cultivated the Mudu ninja?

How did I not know myself?

“Watergate, is your news true?”

“That’s true.”

“Good! This matter has nothing to do with you, I will handle it personally! “Ape Flying Sun Chopper made a guarantee.

Bofeng Shuimen’s face was a little strange.

How is this phrase so familiar.

The weather in the afternoon was cloudy.

Tuan Zang’s mood was also not very good.

After all, just 100 million slipped out of his hands, and no one was happy.

Walking out of the barbecue restaurant, Tuan Zang’s brows furrowed.

“Danzo! Naruto-sama has a request. ”

A dark member stopped in front of him, his tone cold.

“Talk to me about the war again?” Tuan Zang was dissatisfied.

He always felt that the ability of the day chopping was not very good, and if he had dealt with it himself, he would have already finalized the plan.

“Sure enough, the position of the Hokage is the most suitable for me.”

With a sigh in his heart, he walked towards the Hokage Building.

But while walking, Tuan Zang noticed that something was wrong.

Because he found that there were several dark people around him, faintly guarding himself… Run away?

“What is this doing?”

Dissatisfied, he quickly walked into the Hokage Building.

As soon as he entered the office, Tuan Zang was stunned.

I saw that the ape flew to the sun, turned to sleep Koharu, and Mito Menyan were all there, and the doorway was also blocked by the dark part.

“Danzo, hand over that wooden ninja.”

As soon as he came up, the ape flying sun chop was straight to the point.

“Hinata, I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” Tuanzo shook his head and denied it.

As a high-ranking person, Tuan Zang could not be exposed by such a deception.

“Hand it over, you can still rule the roots, otherwise, you will return to the family to recuperate.”

“Moreover, the advisory board will kick you out.”

In the field.

Tuan Zang’s heart was full of question marks.

The matter of his cultivation of Mudun ninjas, outsiders will never know. Even the few henchmen who were set up with a tongue bane.

So, who the hell betrayed himself?

“It seems that you don’t want to hand it over.” Ape Flying Sun looked disappointed.

Then he said, “In that case, then…”

“Wait a minute!”

Tuanzo interrupted Sarutobi Hibiki’s words.

“I can hand it over! But I want to know, where did you get the news? ”

Loss, Tuan Zang confessed. But he must not spare the traitor who betrayed him.

“How? You still want revenge? ”

“But unfortunately, I won’t tell you.”

Sarutobi shook his head.

If he said that it was Watergate, who would dare to make a small report with himself in the future?

If the time comes, if you are deceived and your rights are usurped, the loss is greatest.

Right now, that’s the best example.

“Then I have a condition!” Danzo made a final struggle.


“That wooden ninja, I recommend him to join the ninth class!”

“Ninth class?”

As soon as he heard this class, Ape Flying Sun was not angry.

Taking advantage of his authority, Tuan Zang has already stuffed two people into the ninth class, and now there are six people in the ninth class.

This is already a serious overnumber.

And now, to stuff people into it again?

“Danzo, have you seen a class, seven ninjas?”

“I don’t care about a few people, this is my bottom line!”

Tuan Zang did not give an inch.


Under the clouds, it started raining showers.

From time to time, lightning strikes by.

Walking out of the Hokage Building, Danzo’s face was extremely gloomy.

“Don’t let me find out who betrayed me, or I’ll plant you in the soil!”

Inside the yard.

As a gold-medal undercover agent, plus the number one culprit who betrayed Tuanzang, Hanguang is hiding under the jujube tree, staring at the soil in front of him.


With his hands folded, his expression solemn.

Mu Dun – the art of small saplings!

Zizi ~~

A sapling broke through the ground and extended upwards crookedly.


Hanguang hurriedly opened the properties panel.

Seeing that there was no display of Mu Dun Ninjutsu, he was relieved.

“This means that I can learn the Wood Secret Technique!”

In a good mood, he touched the leaves of the small sapling.

Sand ~~

The leaf shook and seemed to respond.


Konoha Gozan.

Kiki Kakashi’s figure stood majestic.

The rain soaked his clothes, but he didn’t care.


A bolt of lightning streaked by.

Kakashi’s silver hair was reflected.

“I’m a genius! I can’t stop there! ”

“Even the cold light can cultivate physical arts to that extent, how can my ninjutsu stop?”

Holding out his left hand, Kakashi muttered, his eyes getting brighter.


Arcs burst out from the palm, as if some kind of opportunity was missing.


At this time, another lightning bolt pierced the sky.

Kakashi squeezed his left hand sharply.

“Come out, my ninjutsu!”


His left hand was covered with thunder light, and the sound was like the chirping of thousands of birds.

“Hanguang, I finally caught up with you…”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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