Get up early in the morning and open the window, and feel good.

Bed together, the cold light example scanned the properties panel.

Spirit: 1280 (*) [Ultimate Immunity].

“Today is doubling the spiritual attribute ah~~”

Closing the panel casually, the cold light walked into the courtyard.

Sand ~~

Sand ~~

He glanced at the small sapling, and then swept over the jujube tree, with a look of surprise on his face.

“You two don’t even want to stay together?”

“I owe you so close.”

Talking to himself, the cold light uprooted the small sapling and moved it a few meters away.

Sand ~~

Now, the little sapling was happy.

Even the date trees are cheering.

“Alas, it’s all plants, why should it be so far away.”

With a sigh, Hanguang turned his head and went back to the house.

Originally, today was supposed to be a day to lie flat, but the gathering signal came again.

“Just came back from the mission yesterday, this is the gathering again?”

Unsurprisingly, this gathering, the cold light was late again.

Training ground No. 9.

When the cold light was late, he was stunned by the crowd.

“Why so many people?”

At this time, the training ground was crowded with ninjas, just like a bazaar.

Hanguang turned his head to look at the sign and found that this was indeed the No. 9 training ground.

“That’s awesome!”

“Is this Mu Duan?”

“He’s only six years old, right?”

“Could it be the next First Hokage?”

The surrounding ninjas erupted into a burst of discussion, which aroused Hanguang’s curiosity.

He hurriedly squeezed in and turned into a bystander.


In the central clearing, a six-year-old boy was half-crouched on the ground, two pieces of wood condensing from the palm of his hand.


The wood stretches rapidly, as if two snakes are intertwined.


The extended wood slammed into a stone, shattering the stone in an instant.

“What a destructive power.”

“Wood breaks stones, this is the power of Mu Duan.”

“This imp is the hope of our village.”

“How did such a genius enter the ninth class?”

The surrounding ninjas were amazed again, extremely jealous of the ninth class.

They had never heard of seven ninjas in a squad.

“Cold light, here!”

Lynn waved her hand in the crowd.

Cold light squeezed left and right, all the way to Rin’s side.

“What’s the situation, our squad has added people again?” The cold light is full of question marks.

Yamato, he knows, but how did this guy come to the ninth class?

Didn’t Tuanzo say that six people is the limit?

“yes, and we’ll be on the field in a moment.” Lynn responded.

“Playing on?”

“Well, our ninth shift is going to take turns playing and playing against him.”

Hanguang was speechless.

What is this?

If you can’t hide it, you will make it public? Still want to show the strength of Mu Duan?

The ninth class, on the other hand, was obviously reduced to a background board.

Sweeping past the surrounding ninjas, Hanko spotted Watergate-sensei, the third generation of Hokage, and Danzo. There were even patriarchs of various ethnic groups.

“This little ghost, the wooden dun who has the original Hokage~~” In the crowd, Uchiha Fugaku squinted and muttered to himself as he stared at the little ghost in the field.

“That’s a good thing! Once this little devil grows up, maybe our village can threaten the entire ninja world. The patriarch of a small family thought.

“The ninth shift has arrived, and it should be possible to start.” Bofeng Shuimen saw the cold light and turned his head to face Sandai Dao.

“Then let’s start the competition.” The three generations of Hokage nodded.

The central clearing was enlarged in a circle, and the surrounding ninjas retreated one after another.

“I’m going on.”

Rin cheered herself up and walked out into the clearing.

Cold Light didn’t cheer, because he knew that Rin would soon be defeated.

Sure enough.

After a dark part shouted ‘start’, Lin was directly put on the abdomen by a piece of wood, and the whole person flew upside down.


Cold Light jumped up and hugged Lin down.

“I lost.” Lynn’s stomach hurt and her tone was lost.

“It’s normal to lose.” Hanguang signaled to Lin not to be too disappointed, after all, it would be hell if she could win.

“I’ll come!”

A voice sounded, and Obito squeezed out from the crowd.

“You’re hiding very hidden, I didn’t even find you.” The cold light was amazed.

“Cold light, Rin, look at me!”

Obito jumped into the clearing and took a fighting stance.

As soon as the ‘beginning’ of the dark part was spoken, Obito immediately sealed his hands.

“Fire Escape – Hao Fireball Technique!”


As soon as his fireball spewed out, just like Rin, it was flown by a piece of wood.

In mid-air, Obito yelled.

“He sneaked attack!”

“He sneaked up on me~~”

“Hey ~~”

The cold light is full of black lines.

It’s not scary to lose, it’s scary that you still make excuses if you lose.

Isn’t this losing the face of the ninth class?

At this time, not to mention the disgrace of the ninth class, even the teacher who led the team, Bofeng Shuimen, faced a lot of ridicule.

“It seems that the ninth class led by Watergate still needs to be honed~~” Tuan Zang mocked in time.

In this regard, the three generations of Hokage have no objection.

This ninth class is indeed too crotch-pulling, except for Kakashi, it is simply a bunch of waste.

“Really?” Bofeng Shuimen smiled.

Then he looked at the cold light.

“Cold light! Dequeue! ”

As these words sounded, Kakashi, who was about to step out, was stunned and retracted his steps.

The teacher let Hanguang fight? That’s okay.

“Ambiguous? Up to me? ”

Hanguang was surprised.

According to the rules, shouldn’t you, as the captain, be the finale?

Azuki Dou, Yuyan Yuyan, and Kakashi didn’t appear, why did they let themselves on?

But since the Watergate teacher named himself, Hanguang could only end this competition in advance.


Walking to the clearing, Hanguang beckoned to Yamato.

“Use all your strength to defeat me!”

Glancing at this six-year-old little ghost, the cold light gave the other party the opportunity to strike first.

After all, the other party is young.

“I was underestimated.”

Yamato could see the contempt and confidence on Hanguang’s face.



With his hands folded, Yamato cast an even more powerful Wooden Secret Technique.

Mu Dun – The Art of Four Wood Attacks!

Zizi ~~

Four wooden pillars condensed from his arm, ‘whoosh’ towards the cold light.

“There were only two pieces of wood before, but this time it has become four?” The surrounding ninjas were surprised.

This time, Mu Duan’s power is obviously stronger than before, and the speed is much faster.


Hanguang looked strange, staring at the incoming wood.

Originally, he still wanted to get it with one punch, but now, it seems, he didn’t have to shoot at all.

Because he felt it!

Feeling it, rushing towards his Mu Duan, with great resistance.


Mu Dun attacked, approaching the cold light.

The next moment.

A scene that puzzled everyone appeared.


At the moment when the cold light was about to be hit, Mu Dun began to tremble violently, and immediately, he suddenly turned a corner and rushed towards the caster.

Bofeng Shuimen: “??? ”

Three generations of Hokage: “??? ”

Tuan Zang: “??? ”

Class 9: “??? ”

Watching ninjas: “??? ”

Yamato: “⊙o⊙”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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