When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 106 Han Guang Was Framed Again! (Please Customize)

The ruins of the Hokage building.

Sarutobi Hiruzen listened to the report of the six wounded Anbu with a sullen face.

"Master Hokage, it's all done by that Han Guang."

"He threw dozens of detonating charms!"

"This man is too dangerous, he has no scruples at all."

"This is the Hokage building, how dare that Han Guang?"

"Master Hokage! Please arrest Han Guang immediately."

The tone of several Anbu's was extremely indignant, wishing to kill that damned guy immediately.

Since entering Anbu, they have never seen such an arrogant ninja.

After listening to the reports of several people, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned.

The building that Han Guang fried?

Just for the scrolls?

No matter how you look at it, this reason is too far-fetched.

"Come on, call Class Nine..."

Before Sarutobi Hiruzen finished speaking, Class Nine "400" appeared in sight.

Seeing Han Guang's appearance, the six couldn't believe it.

"They didn't run away?"

"Dare to come back? How courageous."

"Master Hokage, catch them immediately."

Several Anbu's expressions were tense, and they spoke out to remind them.

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at the few people around him, but did not move.

It is impossible for him to only listen to the one-sided words of these six people, but also to listen to the speech of Class Nine.

The ninth class is here.

As soon as he walked in, Anko pointed to six Anbu.

"Master Hokage! They blew up the building, catch them quickly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "???"

Several Anbu: "???"

Sarutobi Hiruzen is a little tired.

In the field, the two sides accused each other and sprayed each other for a while.

"Hmph! You blew up the Hokage building and slandered us. I think you're just jealous of our ninth class." Anko yelled with his arms akimbo.

"Little devil, don't talk about people! It was obviously Han Guang who fried it! You are rebelling against our Japanese Anbu.

"You fart! Han Guang didn't bring a detonator, so how did he blow up the building?" Lin added at the right time, speaking righteously.

"He took it from you, do you think we are blind?" Anbu glared.

"Nonsense! Lin didn't bring a detonating talisman either. Just talk nonsense." Uzuki Xiyan also joined.

"Her detonator has exploded, of course it's gone."

There are more and more ninjas around.

Namikaze Minato also arrived.

Danzo also rushed here under the escort of several root ninjas.

What they saw was the ninth class against six Anbu.

Everyone's brains were buzzing, and they couldn't tell who did it.

Because, both sides insist on their own opinions.

"Hiruzen, test them directly!" Danzo suggested.

"That's the only way." Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded.

In full view, six Anbu and Han Guang were called together.

"You identified Han Guang as the murderer who bombed the Hokage building, right?" Danzo asked in a deep voice.

"Yes! He was the one who blew it up." The six of them nodded in unison.

"very good."

Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at each other and turned to the crowd.

"Hai Yi! I'll trouble you next."

Among the crowd, Yamanaka stepped out.

"It's troublesome." Namikaze Minato, who was not far away, thought inwardly.

He knows Han Guang's character well. It might be possible to blow up the Hokage building.

The language confrontation may confuse the public, but once they are detected by the Yamanaka family's secret technique, they will definitely show their feet.

"If Han Guang really did it, I can only rescue him secretly."

Calmly took out a handful of kunai, Namikaze Minato tensed up.


Danzo looked at Han Guang.

"I didn't fry it." Before Danzo could speak, Han Guang shook his head directly.

Danzo froze.

I haven't asked yet, why are you rushing to answer?

"In that case, let's do a lie detector.

With a wave of his hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen signaled that it was time to start.

I see.

Yamanaka made a strange imprint, and spread his hands outward, like a technique of turning around with his heart.


He nodded.

This means that his technique has been successfully cast, and he can detect lies at any time.

At this time, one of the six Anbu came out.

"Han Guang! You're done! You'll..."

"Get to the point!" Sarutobi Hiruzen yelled angrily.

Being scolded by Hokage, this Anbu is not worried, because immediately, he will be cleared of suspicion.

"Han Guang! Did you blow up the Hokage building?" Anbu asked sharply.

"It wasn't me, it was obviously you who bombed it! You want to plant it on me!" Han Guang shook his head, speaking in a serious tone.....

The Anbu laughed.


With the Yamanaka family's secret technique lie detector, you fucking dare to lie?

You are finished, you are completely finished! Han Guang!

this moment.

Everyone looked at Yamanaka Haiyi.

With so many ninjas watching, Yamanaka Hiichi was a bit of an idiot.

However, as the newly appointed head of the Yamanaka clan, he still withstood the pressure.

"Han Guang didn't lie!"

The voice fell.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Puchi puchi, puchi.

Several root ninjas sprang out from the surroundings and killed six Anbu at an extremely fast speed.

"Me! Nima..."

Anbu, who was standing in front of Han Guang, only spit out three words and knelt down.

"Ah~~ You really took great pains to frame me."

Han Guang shook his head, put his pockets in his pockets and left.

"Huh! Justice always exists." Anko shouted, followed Han Guang and left.

"We are finally cleared, ah bah! Finally innocent." Yamato was very excited.

"These six people, why did they frame Han Guang?" Kakashi said to himself and left.

"Wait for me." Lin also chased after her.

"And me." Uzuki Xiyan was the last to follow.

in ruins.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at the six corpses, lost in thought.

He heard Kakashi's doubts just now, and this is also his 4.3 doubts.

These are six Anbu, why did they collectively frame Han Guang?

Who instigated it?

Wait a moment!

Sarutobi Hiruzen was taken aback suddenly.

These six people seem to have been killed by the roots?

Involuntarily, he looked at Danzo.

"In order to silence?" Sarutobi Hiruzen narrowed his eyes, feeling a crisis in his heart.

"The purpose of framing Han Guang is to completely eradicate Anbu, and after that, you will move on me?"

He couldn't help but think otherwise.

Looking at the whole village, the only one who can cause the six Anbu to rebel collectively is Danzo.


Danzo just turned around and met Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Hiruzen, you Anbu is already dead in name only! Why don't you let Han Guang's team switch to the root..."

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