When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 107 Anbu Withers! The Roots Are Dying Too! (Please Customize)

on the street.

The ninth class took a proud step.

Having saved himself from danger this time, Han Guang has risen from the captain of the team to the soul of the team.

And his wisdom has become the biggest doubt for several people.

It's fine once or twice, but every time Han Guang can solve the problem, which aroused the great curiosity of several people.

"Han Guang, did you take some medicine to become smarter?" Suddenly, Anko asked in a low voice.

Although her voice was not loud, who was not hearing and seeing? All of them stretched out their ears to eavesdrop.

"Medicine? No." Han Guang shook his head.

"That is to say, you ate other things?" Kakashi's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked.

"Kakashi, you are very smart." Han Guang said.

"Han Guang, tell me quickly, what did you eat? Let's eat too." Anko couldn't help it.


Han Guang rubbed his chin with a perplexed expression on his face.

"Tell me quickly! We will definitely keep it secret." Uzuki Xiyan made a promise.

"Don't worry, Captain Han Guang! I will never say anything." Yamato patted his chest.


Seeing how curious these people were, Han Guang spat out two words.

"Roast!" 31


"Eating barbecue makes you smarter?"

"Are you talking nonsense?"

Several people looked suspicious.

If eating barbecue can make you smarter, wouldn't the Akamichi clan be all geniuses?

Obviously, Han Guang is fooling people.

"What I say is true, it's up to you to believe it or not.

"That's right! Anko!"

Han Guang suddenly remembered one thing.

If it wasn't for the word 'medicine' that a few people said just now, he would almost have forgotten it.

"Nuan? You called me?" Anko stretched out his head.

"Have you disposed of your bottle of snake venom?" Han Guang asked in a low voice.

"That, I threw it away a long time ago." Anko looked relaxed.

"Where did you throw it?"

"The back mountain, it seems to be a little to the left, there is a pine forest.

Hearing that it was thrown to the back of the mountain, Han Guang thought about it and felt that there was no problem.

"That, Captain!" At this moment, Yamato raised his hand.


"I know that pine forest." Yamato said weakly.

"You know?" Han Guang frowned.

"Yes, the entrance to the root base is there."

Han Guang:



After a long time.

"Anko, you are a talent." Han Guang had a deep meaning.

Anko looked confused.

Does she think the throwing position is wrong?


At this time, Namikaze Minato appeared.

"Come to the barbecue restaurant box.

A short sentence shocked the spirit of Class Nine.

Because, it's time to test the theory that eating barbecue makes you smarter.

Barbecue box.

The ninth class sat together, gobbling up one by one.

Only Namikaze Minato and Han Guang did not move.

"Han Guang, I already know the mission you are going to perform." Namikaze Minato spoke first.


Han Guang was taken aback.

The others also stopped their chopsticks.

"It's over, we seem to have forgotten the mission!" Lin exclaimed.

"Yeah, I didn't think about it either." Uzuki Xiyan covered her face.

"Don't worry, it's okay to go after dinner." Anko didn't care.

After all, it's an S-rank mission, so it's reasonable to make more preparations.

"Teacher, if you don't say it, I really forgot." Han Guang replied solemnly.

"That's just right, we don't need to go on this mission." Namikaze Minato smiled.

Don't need to go?

"Is that Fire Glass dead?" Han Guang asked back.

"No, she just came back.

Class Nine looked at each other face to face.

The glass of fire is back?

Now that he is back, the mission will naturally be cancelled.

"I met her just now, and her reaction was very strange." Namikaze Minato looked strange.

"Teacher, is she weird? Does it have something to do with us?" Han Guang was puzzled.

I don't know that person at all.

"It has nothing to do with others, but it should have something to do with you."

This sentence, Namikaze Minato said a lot.

This confused Han Guang.

Something to do with yourself? How is this possible?

"The first time she met me, she asked me to tell you and say thank you!" Namikaze Minato said surprisingly.

Han Guang: "???"

If you are sick, you must be sick.

This is Han Guang's judgment on the glass of fire.

The ruins of the Hokage building.

Liuli stood beside the ruins with a dazed expression.

"This is?"

"Accident!" Sarutobi Hiruzen answered briefly.

Then he said: "Liuli, you are very good! Although you didn't get back the information, you were able to retreat from the Sand Shinobi army, which is enough to prove your strength!"


Suddenly, Sarutobi Hiruzen's words stopped.

"Master Hokage? But what?" Liuli asked in confusion.

"However, Shinnosuke died." Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone was lonely.


Liuli froze in place.

Although, she has no feelings for Shinnosuke, and she is not yet married, but these means Hokage's direct marriage.

I just went on an S-level mission, and Shinnosuke died after returning?

After talking with 710 for a while, Ruri knew that it was Orochimaru who killed Shinnosuke.

Not only that.

There are not many people in Anbu now.

According to Third Generation, apart from himself as the vice-captain, there are only six newly joined Anbu members in Anbu.

"Liu Li, your next task is to expand the recruitment of Anbu!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone was extremely serious.

"Anbu is weak and the roots are strong, which is dangerous.

"I see."

Liuli nodded and left.


Suddenly, Danzo appeared.

This startled Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In the past, Danzo seldom used the Body Flicker Technique, and he used it once suddenly, which made him a little uncomfortable.

at this time.

Danzo's face was extremely gloomy.

"Hiruzen! Something big happened."

"Huh?" Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart skipped a beat.

The Hokage building was blown up secretly by you Danzo, what else could happen?

"The roots I sent out are all dead." Danzo whispered.

"Root? Did you send someone to hunt down Orochimaru?" Sarutobi Hiruzen figured it out after a little thought.

"No! I just sent Genbu to look for him! But just a few dozen miles away from the village, they were all intercepted and killed."

"All? They were intercepted?" Sarutobi Hiruzen's pupils constricted sharply. .

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