When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 108 Let You Be Anbu, Hokage Is In Bad Luck! Lynn's Abalone Signal! (Please Customize)

Konoha Village is 70 miles away.

More than 20 root ninjas all died, their corpses were scattered all over the place, and some were even hung on the branches of trees.

Third Hokage and Danzo stared at the scene and fell silent.

As Anbu's ninth class, he received a notice before finishing the barbecue, and escorted the two rulers here.

Along with them, there are Uchiha Fugaku and Namikaze Minato.

"Fugaku, tell me how you found it." Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and broke the silence.

As the discoverer of the corpse, Uchiha Fugaku was naturally questioned.

"My people found it when they returned to the village from the front line." Uchiha Fugaku's answer was short.

"I'm curious!" Suddenly, Danzo interjected.

"You Uchiha are defending the Mist Shinobi line to the east, how did you find the roots to the north of the village?"

indeed so.

Because the direction is wrong.

Even if the Uchiha tribe returned to the village from the front line, it would be impossible to detour here.

This point is very clear to everyone present.

"My people are lost." Uchiha Fugaku said quietly.

For this reason, the audience was silent.

"Hey, Han Guang, this Uchiha patriarch is out of his mind." Anko whispered.

"Yeah, I think so too." Lin felt the same way.

They felt that if the Uchiha patriarch had one-tenth of Han Guang's wisdom, he wouldn't have found such a lame excuse.

"Something's going to happen," Kakashi asserted.

As Kakashi said, after the silence, Danzo exploded.

In the field, Danzo was staring at Uchiha Fugaku, his left eye almost narrowed into a line.

"Uchiha Fugaku! You know what happens when you kill the roots!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Fugaku shook his head.

Then, he asked back: "I would like to ask you, Danzo, if you use my Uchiha people as experimental materials, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

The two questioned each other.

One has a gloomy face and the other has a calm expression.

"Are we going to fight?" Anko put his arm around Han Guang's neck, ready to play.

"In case of a fight, who shall we help?" Lin asked quickly.

"That's right, help Danzo or Fugaku patriarch?" Uzuki Xiyan also asked.

"No one will help." Han Guang said lightly.

"Isn't that too good?" Yamato said weakly.

"We are Anbu, protecting Hokage! Understand?"

When Han Guang said this, several people were stunned.


The ninth class is now Anbu, as long as Hokage is okay, they can continue watching the play.

Namikaze Minato, who has always been quiet, also nodded secretly, feeling that this student has a big picture.

"What if Hokage also fights?" Suddenly, Kakashi asked a question.

"Hmm~~ If Hokage has the upper hand, we won't move!" Han Guang thought for a while and said seriously.

"What if it's a disadvantage?" Anko asked curiously.

"Then we'll take Hokage's body back and arrest the perpetrators!"


Namikaze Minato:"

They really convinced Han Guang's brain circuit.

In this case, what is the point of being Anbu?

Don't do anything with advantages, don't do anything with disadvantages, you have to wait for Hokage to die, Tuanmin?

Hokage made you Anbu, really bad luck.

"It seems that I still don't know much about Han Guang's character~~" Namikaze Minato couldn't help but laugh.


The atmosphere was tense, very much like the scene where the ninth squad confronted the six Anbu in the Hokage building.

The difference is that neither side did anything.

"Sigh~~ Patriarch Uchiha is still not brave enough." Han Guang shook his head and sighed.

If he is the Uchiha patriarch, he will give Danzo a few big mouths first, and disrupt Danzo's rhythm. Then talk about things.

"You think everyone is like you?" Anko pouted.

"Xiaohong, do you like me? Why do you pick me up so tightly?" Han Guang said lightly.

"You're talking nonsense!" Anko blushed and pulled his arm out hastily.

"It's time to do it!" Suddenly, Kakashi reminded.

Several people hurriedly stared at the battlefield.

Danzo moves.

His killing intent was condensed to the extreme, and he directly displayed the Instant Body Technique.


In the blink of an eye, Danzo was behind Uchiha Fugaku, and a Wind Style blade emerged from his palm.

Unfortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen also came in an instant and grabbed Danzo's wrist.

"Hiruzen, you?"

"This matter needs to be carefully investigated." Sarutobi Hiruzen said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Danzo went mad.

This TM is still checking a fart! It is clear that Uchiha Fugaku led the team to do it.

Han Guang! You take the corpse back to the village. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly issued an order to eliminate this conflict.

"Ah~~ Is this the end?"

Class Nine was collectively disappointed.

They still want to see the big scene, but this is the result?

The body was delivered quickly.

Han Guang ordered Yamato to make an extra-long stretcher out of Wood Style, and several of them carried all the corpses back to the village at once.

After getting rid of the corpse, Class Nine was temporarily disbanded.


Han Guang and Lin walked into the happy soup bath again.

To his surprise, there was one more woman eating in the hall?

"Come on, the seats are reserved for both of you." Kushina waved and smiled.

Han Guang and Lin sat down and looked at Hyuga Lingyin at the same time.

Doesn't this masseur of the Hyuga family work three hours a day? Why is he still here?

"Don't keep staring at him." Kushina covered her mouth and smiled.

"I'm just curious." Han Guang looked serious.

"It's like this, Lingyin will live here in the future." Minako said.

"That's it." Han Guang was stunned.

"And tonight, Ms. Suzune will give me a massage." Minako said again.

Han Guang understood.

Minako secretly reminded herself, tonight, no.

"Some things happened in my family, so I went back after dinner." Mrs. Mikoto also interrupted and explained to Kushina.

Han Guang understood again.

This is also a signal.

"Then can I sleep in a separate room tonight?" Lin's eyes lit up, and she glanced at Han Guang inadvertently.

Han Guang touched his chin.

"Have I become a signal receiver?".

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