When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 116 Sarutobi Hiruzen's Suspicion! Obito: Han Guang, I Surpassed You! (Please Customize)

Konoha Village.

Hokage office.

After correcting the documents on the desk, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the sky outside the window.

"It's already so late, Class Nine of Anbu hasn't found any clues yet?"

Frowning tightly, Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered to himself.

He is in a bad mood today.

Since the morning, the news of the mutiny of the frontline ninja squad has spread, and by night, it has been known to everyone.

This made Sarutobi Hiruzen feel a strong sense of crisis.

That's why he sent Anbu's ninth squad to investigate.

But the problem is, it's been a whole day, and there is no news at all.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, hurried footsteps sounded, and Danzo pushed the door open and walked in.

"Hiruzen, can you still sit here?" Danzo reminded in a deep voice.

"I know why you're here. I, Seven Two Three, have sent the ninth squad to investigate the spreaders of rumors." Sarutobi Hiruzen responded briefly.

"Class Nine? You still mention Class Nine?" Danzo almost laughed angrily.

"What?" Sarutobi Hiruzen wondered.

"My subordinates investigated the village for a day, but they didn't see Class Nine at all."

As Danzo's words fell, Sarutobi Hiruzen was dumbfounded.

Haven't seen Class Nine?

where did they go

"Come on!"

Summon the guards at the gate, Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered.

"Go and call back Anbu Class Nine!"


The guard left in a hurry.

At this moment, Danzo sighed and shook his head.

"Hiruzen, you used to send Anbu to find someone. Now you are so confused as to send someone to find Anbu?"

"If it really doesn't work, take the ninth class to the root and forget it.

To be honest, Danzo was not in a good mood at first. Seeing that Hiruzen was even more down and out than himself, his heart immediately felt balanced.

At the very least, the few remaining members of him are still loyal. But Class 9 of Anbu just played with his hand and disappeared, obviously not listening to Hiruzen's order.

"Danzo, you just want to put Han Guang and Yamato under your command, don't think about it." Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

Sarutobi Hiruzen will never allow this kind of poaching of his own corner to happen.

Anbu is dead when he dies, just recruit again. But the two Wood Style ninjas must be firmly in their own hands.

Not settled.

The two fell into silence.

half an hour later.

The subordinate hurriedly ran back.

"Master Hokage, Class Nine was not found."

"What?" Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't believe it.

did not find?

Where did the ninth class go?

"But I inquired about it." The subordinate continued.

"You just said it completely." Sarutobi Hiruzen almost couldn't help yelling.

"The security department said that the ninth squad left the village early in the morning." The subordinate answered cautiously.

Then said: "Even Namikaze Minato has left."

Sarutobi Hiruzen froze.

Ask Class Nine to check for clues, but it turns out they went outside the village?

No matter how you look at it, this is unlikely.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is convinced that the black hands who spread the rumors must be people in the village, otherwise the whole village would not know about it.

"Then what does the ninth class leave the village mean?"

"Even Minato left?"

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly found that he seemed to have lost control of Class Nine.

"Hiruzen, it seems that Namikaze Minato's order is bigger than yours~~" Danzo saw the needle.

Without Hokage's consent, Namikaze Minato took Anbu's ninth team out of the village directly. This is a very clear signal.

Anbu, instead of carrying out Hokage's order, carried out Namikaze Minato's order.

Danzo almost said: Namikaze Minato has considered himself Hokage.

"You go down first."

Waving his hands at his subordinates, Sarutobi Hiruzen lowered his head.

At this moment, his face was changing.

Early in the morning.


"Han Guang! Wake up! Hey!"

Obito shook vigorously, waking up the light.

"Huh? Can you move? Can you talk?"

Han Guang rubbed his eyes with a look of surprise.

Last night Obito was dying, and he was about to die, why did he recover this morning?

Senju Hashirama possessed?

"Are you alright?" Han Guang reconfirmed while looking at Obito.

"Of course, it's great." With a mysterious face.

"Tell you, I've caught up with you."

This sentence, Obito said with full confidence.

"What did you say?" Han Guang plucked his ears.

"I said, I have caught up with you! No! I have surpassed you!"

Obito looked confident.

Han Guang rubbed his chin and thought Obito is sleeping, who is stupid?

Laozi ran ten laps around the ninja world, ran behind your buttocks, you indeed passed me.

"Come on, show it!"

Han Guang waved his hand as a gesture.

He wanted to see how Obito surpassed himself.

"You are watching!"

Obito Haki announced, eyes slightly closed.

next moment!

He flung his eyes open.

The originally dark pupils disappeared and turned into a jade Sharingan.

"Huh? Have you opened your eyes?" Han Guang was surprised.

What happened to Obito last night?

"Hey~~ Did you see that? Sharingan!"

Obito looked proud, hands on hips.

"Han Guang, how fast can you be? In my Sharingan, your movements are invisible!"

Speaking of this, Nao Wang was even more excited.

My self-cultivation was not in vain, and finally the pain came. Now, I have become the strongest in the ninth class!

"Do you really think that with your Sharingan, you can surpass me?" Han Guang glanced at the other party, his tone flat.

"Of course not!" Obito shook his head.

Continued: "My Sharingan, just catch up with you in 2.6! If I add another ability of mine, it will surpass you!"

"Come on, continue to show." Han Guang signaled.

"Looking good!"

Obito looked excited, and clasped his hands together.

"Huh? Damn it!"

Seeing this familiar movement, no matter how calm Han Guang was, he couldn't help it.

No way?

Obito open?



Obito shouted in a low voice, and Chakra rushed to the ground.


A sapling broke through the ground and rose from the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Just a moment.

The tree soared to a height of nearly ten meters.

Letting go of his hands, Obito looked smug.

"Han Guang! Now I declare that the strongest person in the ninth class is me -- Uchiha Obito!".

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