When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 117 Not Only Did Obito Fail To Turn Over, He Was Stepped On Twice By Han Guang! (Please Cust

At this moment, Obito was in high spirits.

A strong fighting spirit emerged from his body, as if he had been suppressed for a long time and was finally released.

"Han Guang, I want to challenge you!"

Obito stared at Han Guang closely, and expressed the greatest wish in his heart.

"Are you sure?" Han Guang looked calm.

"Yes!" Obito said firmly.

Then said: "I challenge you, not because I want to be the captain! I just want to prove myself

"I want to prove that my hard work was not in vain!"

"I want you to see that I am no longer the tail of the crane!"

"I! Uchiha Obito! I am the strongest in class 9!"

"Han Guang! Do you dare to accept my challenge?"

Just when Obito made his rhetoric, not far away, the ninth class had already eaten melons collectively.

Even Namikaze Minato folded his arms and waited for the turnaround.

"I didn't expect that Obito opened Sharingan and also had Wood Style between life and death?" Anko was amazed.

"He should be grateful to Han Guang! If Han Guang hadn't helped 04 fuse that white shoulder, he wouldn't have changed so much." Kakashi judged the reason for Obito's sudden increase in strength.

This point, in fact, several people understand.

The reason why Obito changed so much overnight is definitely because of that white shoulder.

"Who do you think will win, Obito or Han Guang?" Namikaze Minato asked with a smile.

"It must be Han Guang." Anko blurted out without thinking.

"Not necessarily! Maybe Obito can win." Kakashi shook his head.

"Oh? Kakashi, do you think Obito can win?" Namikaze Minato looked surprised.

Although Obito has the blessing of Sharingan and has awakened Wood Style, in Minato's view, there is still a certain gap between him and Han Guang.

"Teacher, don't forget, Uchiha Sharingan's illusion." Kakashi reminded.


Anko and the others suddenly realized.


If Obito can cast illusions, it is really possible to defeat Han Guang.

"I think Han Guang will definitely win." Lin said firmly.

"Not necessarily warm!" Yamato shook his head.

He had been told by Lord Danzo that the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan was extremely terrifying.

"Then let's wait and see who can win." Namikaze Minato smiled and looked at the battlefield.


Facing Obito's suicide challenge, Han Guang shook his head.

"Are you scared?" Obito's voice boomed.

"It's okay Han Guang, even if you can't beat me, I won't hurt you." Obito comforted again.

"I was just wondering, should I give you both hands and feet?"

Han Guang opened his mouth lightly.

After his words fell, Obito almost broke the defense.

"Han Guang, you are too much! This sentence should be right for me!"

"Okay, come on!"

Han Guang waved his hand.

Immediately, he folded his arms across his chest.


"Stop inking, come quickly." Han Guang urged.

"Then I'll trap you with Wood Style!" Obito had an idea.


Obito clasped his hands together, and the Chakra in his body churned and poured into the ground.


He drank in a low voice, and the sun-cut branches broke through the ground.

"Obito, you idiot." Kakashi, who was watching the battle, shook his head.

"Indeed, Obito is going to be in trouble." Namikaze Minato nodded.

I saw that the branches on the ground were constantly winding, rushing towards Han Guang quickly.

Afterwards, the branch split into two, seeming to entangle Han Guang.

But the next moment——

The branch that was about to become entangled abruptly turned around and rushed towards the caster Obito.

"Ah! I forgot!"

Obito was shocked and remorseful.

He forgot that Han Guang could restrain Wood Style.

Hastily released Wood Style, Obito was relieved.

"Finished testing Wood Style?"

Han Guang said lightly.

"Hurry up and test Sharingan, it makes me sleepy."


Obito is angry.

His eyes turned into Sharingan again, staring straight at Han Guang.

"Illusion·Mind Control·Fixed Body!"

"Ah~~ha~~" Han Guang yawned.

Obito people are stupid.

"You are not pinned?"

"What do you think?" Han Guang walked up to Obito.


"Is there any other moves?"

"No more..." Obito said weakly.

"Obito, as a human being, the most important thing is to recognize yourself. What do you think?" Han Guang has a lot of meaning.

"Huh? I think you're right." Obito nodded vigorously.

But the next moment, he seemed to think of something.


Obito's expression changed.


"My heart! Something was put on my heart by Uchiha Madara.


Namikaze Minato flashed over with a serious expression on his face.

"What was put there?" He asked hastily.

"I don't know, I look like a piece of paper!" Obito replied truthfully.

"A piece of paper? Some kind of spell?" Namikaze Minato muttered.

Han Guang touched his chin and guessed what it was.

He put his hand on Obito's shoulder.

"Warm?" Obito was taken aback.

"Take out the charm." Han Guang said calmly.

At this moment, a strange scene appeared.


I saw that Obito's chest began to squirm continuously, as if there were countless ants moving in 917.

"I'm so itchy!" Obito felt his chest itch.


The next moment, a spell wriggled out of his chest strangely.

"This?" Obito looked confused.

This is taken out?

"I see." Namikaze Minato guessed Han Guang's method.

Along the way back.

Kakashi moved closer to Minato-sensei.

"Teacher, did Han Guang use the white shoulder to take out the spell?"

"It's not that simple." Namikaze Minato shook his head.

"Then how did he do it?" Kakashi was puzzled.

"Let's put it this way."

Namikaze Minato straightened out his thoughts and opened Shikai to explain.

"Han Guang can manipulate White Zetsu's body, and Obito, just connected to White Zetsu's shoulder.

"After that, the cells of Obito and White Zetsu fused, so Wood Style was born and Sharingan was opened.

"Cell fusion not only brings power to Obito, but at the same time, his body is already filled with White Zetsu's cells.

"In other words, Han Guang, can manipulate Obito's body!"

Hearing Minato's explanation, Kakashi suddenly realized.

After doing it for a long time, Tian Tu turned over and felt lonely!

[Ask for a monthly ticket] [Ask for an evaluation ticket] [Ask for flowers] [I kowtow to you].

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