When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 119 Sarutobi Hiruzen Wants To Tame Han Guang? (Please Customize)

Hokage office.

Namikaze Minato reported on the rescue operation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was calm, and Danzo was silent.


It was Sarutobi Hiruzen who broke the silence.

"Although you didn't report in advance, but in view of the urgency of the situation, you led a team to rescue Obito, so the merits and demerits should be offset.

"Thank you Hokage-sama." Namikaze Minato breathed a sigh of relief.


At this time, Minato thought of White Zetsu again.

"We met Han Guang's lost relatives along the way, so we brought him back temporarily.

"Is the identity clear?" Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned.

"It's clear, born with disabilities, missing organs. Namikaze Minato made up a reason.

He didn't make it up for no reason, he was also inspired by Dai Wang.

Without a penis, isn't this a natural disability?

"Handicapped~~" Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded.

"Then I'll take my leave first."

After speaking, Namikaze Minato left.

He didn't make it clear from the start that White Zetsu was in the ninth class.

This kind of matter can be brought up at 340 tomorrow.


As soon as Namikaze Minato walked on the front foot, Sarutobi Hiruzen punched the table directly.

"I thought you weren't angry?" Danzo said quietly.

"Minato is too presumptuous this time." Sarutobi Hiruzen was dissatisfied.

"Yeah, although he said he rescued Obito from Uchiha Madara, but there is no evidence at all." Danzo shook his head.

Who can say such a thing without evidence.

Danzo also said that he slapped Uchiha Madara to death! Anyway, there is no need for evidence.

Compared to what Danzo said, Sarutobi Hiruzen was more angry that he couldn't punish Namikaze Minato.

It is a serious violation of the regulations to take the ninth class of Anbu away from the village without authorization. But now that Obito has been rescued, he just wants to punish Namikaze Minato, and he has to think about the king.

By punishing Namikaze Minato, it means disregarding the lives of the village ninjas.

Especially now that the village is full of negative rumors.

At this juncture, once Namikaze Minato is punished, the negative rumors will probably become even more turbulent.

"Hey~~ Hiruzen, you are still not tough enough!"

Danzo's tone was scornful.

"If it were me, I would directly destroy a family and kill chickens to make an example to monkeys!"

"Hehe~~ You wish I could do this, don't you?" Sarutobi Hiruzen sneered.

He's not an idiot, this kind of deterrence can't quell the rumors at all, but will push him to the opposite of the whole village.

When the time comes, the first one to jump out and criticize himself must be Danzo!

First bashing himself, then winning a lot of support, and finally taking Hokage's seat.

You are the one who made the decision, and you are the one who stepped on me!

Sarutobi Hiruzen is too clear about Danzo's little thoughts.

"It seems that it's time to have a good talk with Han Guang Yamato about the Will of Fire and strengthen their sense of belonging."

Sarutobi Hiruzen has decided that tomorrow, he will have a friendly dialogue with the two of them.

After all, Hikari was a ninja in the ninja school textbook when he boarded.

As long as you have two Wood Style ninjas in your hands, plus the powerful Sarutobi family, no one can shake their Hokage position.

Exit the Hokage building.

Namikaze Minato walked towards the house.


Suddenly, his expression changed and he stepped back.

"Shadow secret technique?"

Slightly surprised, he turned his head to look at the deep alley.

"Lu Jiu, what do you mean?"

In the secret room of the Nara family.

When Namikaze Minato came here, he saw the patriarchs of many families.

"What are you?"

"We spread the rumors." Akamichi Choza cut to the chase. (aecb)

"You?" Namikaze Minato was taken aback.

Ding Zuo, you are too straightforward, you can't fix me.

"The method is Lu Jiu's idea, we are only responsible for spreading the truth." Ding Zuo spoke again.

"No wonder." Namikaze Minato suddenly realized.

Lu Jiu from the Nara clan offered advice, no wonder the Third Generation couldn't find it after searching for a long time.

"Actually, I just came up with an idea. Without the cover of the Uchiha clan, we can't hide it." Nara Lujiu said surprisingly.

"The Uchiha clan is also involved?" Namikaze Minato was buzzing.

Are these families so united?

Join forces for the Third Generation?

Namikaze Minato still knew why these families did this. It's nothing more than Third Generation's injustice.

Moreover, as early as a few days ago, Han Guang made this kind of speculation. Now it really comes true.

"Orochimaru's defection caused many deaths and injuries to our clansmen on the front line. Originally, we had no complaints."

Nara Shikahisa began to explain to Minato.

"Afterwards, in the three major Ninja Village alliances, our various clans sent many clansmen, and they were ashamed to reach the front line!"

"But at this time, because of the death of the son of the Third Generation, Anbu went out to hunt down Orochimaru, which caused Anbu to almost die."

"Minato, the dead clansmen of our clans are far inferior to a dead Shinnosuke!"

Speaking of this, Jail Liang Lujiu's tone was rather indignant.

Their various races fought life and death on the front line, but none of the Shinnosuke hiding in the village was worth as much?

So, why would they work for such a Hokage?

After listening to Lu Jiu's story [Namikaze Minato understands why they did this.

But he still remembered a sentence from his student.

Does this matter have anything to do with yourself?

Seemingly seeing that Namikaze Minato was unwilling to step into this muddy water, Lu Jiu exchanged glances with the others.

Then, the words are amazing!

"Minato! If we had to choose a new Hokage, we would definitely choose you!"

"Me?" Namikaze Minato froze.

"That's right!" Lu Jiu nodded.

Then he said: "Your strength, character, and connections are all good enough to take the position of Hokage."

"Just a little bit!"

There was a hint of worry in Lu Jiu's voice suddenly.

"The ninth squad you led entered Anbu, and two Wood Style ninjas became the subordinates of Third Hokage.

"If the two of them are tamed by the Third Generation, it will be very difficult for you to rise to the top."

Hearing these words, Namikaze Minato looked strange.

Third Hokage Taming Han Guang?

If it was tame to other people, he didn't believe it. Can light?

"Hope Third Generation doesn't do that."

Namikaze Minato sighed slightly.

"Otherwise, something serious will happen to the village.

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