When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 120 Han Guang, Assist Me This Time, And Be The Speaker Of The Next Hokage, I Fully Support Y

It was another morning.

Han Guang scratched his vest and woke up suddenly.

"What's behind me?"

Turning around, Guoguang people are all stupid.

I saw that Kushina was lying on the bed, leaning against herself intimately.

"Master Han Guang! Are you awake?"

The crisp and soft voice sounded, and Han felt goosebumps all over his body when he heard it.

"White Zetsu, transform Laozi back!"

"Oh." White Zetsu said weakly.


The figure changes and returns to White Zetsu.


Han Guang sat on the chair, and White Zetsu squatted on the ground.

"Master Han Guang, I was wrong." White Zetsu looked guilty.

"Where did you go wrong?" Han Guang angrily scolded.

"I shouldn't become what you don't like." White Zetsu replied sincerely.

"Keep thinking!" Han Guang shook his head.

"I became what you like?" White Zetsu's eyes lit up.

"Think again!" Han Guang's head was full of black lines.

"That~~" White Zetsu couldn't figure it out.


Han Guang sternly warned: "Remember! Don't lie on my back!"

"Ah? Oh." White Zetsu nodded seriously.

Han Guang felt tired for a while.

Is White Zetsu lying behind me?

After reprimanding White Zetsu, he found a suit and threw it over.

"I need to wear clothes when I go out in the future! Transformation Technique is fine."

With the experience just now, Han Guang thinks it's better for Bai not to transform.

Moreover, as long as he wears a set of clothes, White Zetsu is not much different from a normal person.

Putting on his clothes, White Zetsu twisted his body.

"Master Han Guang, I think if I wear a mask, I should be a better teacher!"


At this time, an Anbu appeared.

"Han Guang, Master Hokage summoned.


Han Guang looked at the other party, but didn't recognize who it was.


"Yes!" Anbu responded.

"No wonder."

Hokage office.

When Han Guang walked in, he didn't see anyone else from Class Nine.

Is this summoning myself alone?

"Han Guang, come and see this!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked up from the pile of documents and smiled. Throw over a booklet.

【Case of the Will of Fire】

Looking at the name of the brochure, Han Guang was speechless for a while.

"You turn to the first page." Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

Han Guang opened the booklet and was stunned.

【The tail of the crane can also become a strong man!】

【Han Guang, the well-known crane tail, broke the school's lowest graduation record!】

[Such a person has not given up on becoming a ninja. 】

[He silently practiced physical skills, and practiced Chakra's attribute fusion alone. In the end, I became the master of Wood Style!】

【Don't give up! Work hard like Han Guang! Dedicate everything to the village!】

After reading the content, Han Guang would like to say: chicken feathers are not!

"How is it?" Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and asked for his impressions.

"Average." Han Guang shook his head.

"Haha~~ You can be called a strong man now, of course your vision will become higher!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen is not only not angry, but very happy.

He continued: "Han Guang, are you twelve years old?"

"Yes." Han Guang nodded, suspicious.

Ask yourself your age? Do you want to marry yourself?

"Twelve years old, you have another ten years of hard work, and you are fully qualified to compete for the position of Hokage." Sarutobi Hiruzen said with emotion.


Han Guang looked surprised.

He can be sure that Sarutobi is laying the groundwork, and there must be important things behind.

"By the way, I have decided to promote you to Anbu's sub-captain! Responsible for managing the members of the original ninth class." Sarutobi Hiruzen continued.

"You called me here just to say this?" Han Guang frowned.

Anbu branch captain?

Is there any difference between Laozi and the team leader now?

Seeing that Han Guang was still puzzled, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke more bluntly.

"Han Guang, you assisted me in Anbu for ten years. After ten years, I fully support you to be the next Hokage."

Staring at Han Guang, Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone was gentle yet firm.

Han Guang fell into deep thought.

He stroked his chin, always feeling that this sentence was a bit familiar, as if, where had he heard it before?


Suddenly, an Anbu appeared.

"Huh? Didn't you see what I was talking about?" Sarutobi Hiruzen snapped.

He was talking about the critical moment with Han Guang, but he was interrupted.

"Master Hokage! There is a big event!" Anbu hurriedly responded and leaned over.

After hearing Anbu's report in a low voice, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was extremely shocked.

"What? Is this true?"

"Indeed!" Anbu replied.

"Good! Good! Summon Obito immediately."

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very excited.

0...asking for flowers...

Sharingan, Wood Style.

Uchiha Obito has both?

The potential of this young man is much stronger than that of Huang Guang and Yamato.

Thinking of this, he felt a little regretful.

Such a good talent, unexpectedly led by Namikaze Minato to rescue him?

What a sinister intention.

"By the way, Han Guang! Since you don't agree, forget it!" Sarutobi Hiruzen waved his hand, not in the mood to talk to Han Guang anymore.

Why would he choose a defective product when there are better options available?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hasty footsteps sounded, and Uchiha Obito ran in.

"Am I here soon? I knew Lord Hokage was going to summon me." Obito looked smug.

But when he saw Han Guang standing on the side, his heart skipped a beat.

"You, are you there too?" Obito said weakly.


"What do you think?" Han Guang looked calm.

"Obito, ignore him!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

He came over from behind the table and shook Obito's hand affectionately.

To be honest, Obito was a little flustered.

If Han Guang is not around, he can still let go. But the problem is, Han Guang is here!

"Obito~~What is your dream?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked kindly.

"Huh? I, I want to be Hokage." Obito thought for a while, Kaidō.

"Not bad! Very good!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was overjoyed with a smile on his face.

Want to be a Hokage? That would be great.

"Obito, are you twelve years old?"

"I'm going to be thirteen soon." Obito answered truthfully.

"Hmm~~ If you practice for another ten years, I think you can compete for the position of Hokage.


"Of course."

"Then I'll work hard." Obito clenched his fists.

"Obito, you have assisted me in Anbu for ten years, and after ten years, I will fully support you as the next Hokage!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone suddenly became serious.


Obito was thrilled.

But immediately, he glanced at Han Guang on the side, his complexion darkened again.


Obito shook his head.

He knew very well that even if he became Hokage, he would still be handled by Han Guang.

Instead of this, it is better to let Han Guang be the Hokage first, and be the next Hokage himself.

[Ask for a monthly ticket] [Ask for an evaluation ticket] [Ask for flowers] [Ask for an inch on my knees].

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