When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 122: Han Guang Kills Vice Captain Anbu! Class Nine Stands Firm! (Please Customize)

The barbecue dinner continued into the afternoon.

The ninth class was full of satisfaction and hiccupped.

The one I eat the most is White Zetsu. Next is Lin.

Walking out of the rotisserie, Han Guang held Fugaku's min.

"Clan Chief Fugaku, I've cost you money."

"What is this? If you like it, we will continue next time." Uchiha Fugaku said politely.

"Then it's settled!" Han Guang looked serious.

"Uh, hehe, okay!" Uchiha Fugaku froze.

He was just being polite, Han Guang actually took it seriously?

After Han Guang and the others left, Uchiha Fugaku wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"This Han Guang is more courageous than me."

Looking at his back, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help feeling emotional.

To take revenge on Danzo himself, it was carried out secretly, even if it was suspected, there was no evidence.

But what about Han Guang?

Openly disobeying Anbu's orders, completely ignoring Anbu's vice-captain's orders.

It's almost like slapping Third Hokage in the face.

What shocked Fugaku even more was that Anbu had left for so long, and there was no more text?

what does that mean?

unimaginable. 04

"I don't know who asked him to join Anbu?"

Shaking his head, Uchiha Fugaku had a deep understanding of Han Guang's guts.

"Fugaku, in my opinion, please invite Han Guang alone next time." Uchiha Mikoto made a suggestion.

"It makes sense." Fugaku thought for a while, and felt that his wife was right.

In the ninth class of Anbu, Han Guang is obviously the main one. Even Obito adores Han Guang.

"Then invite him alone next time!"

"By the way, I remember that there are daimyo's special liquor at home." Mikoto said again.

"Han Guang is underage." Fugaku frowned.

"Then you drink, he drinks tea." Mikoto said with a smile.

"That's fine." Fugaku nodded.

To befriend Han Guang is to befriend Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Kushina, and even the entire ninth class. All benefits and no harm.

on the street.

The ninth class formed a row and took a walk in the street.

"I always feel that under the leadership of Han Guang, we are like a village bully~~ Obito speaks quietly.

Hearing Obito's emotion, several people nodded one after another.

They feel the same way.

"In the beginning, I was threatened. But now I have fallen into the pit and can't climb out. Nuan Hongshi also interjected.

"Me too." Yamato weakly agreed.

He was the youngest, not only threatened by Han Guang, but also almost buried alive.

Now, Yamato felt that he had turned black and purple, and he couldn't wash it off even if he jumped into the river.

Listening to several people choreographing themselves, Han Guang ignored it.

Because, he thought of one thing.

"By the way, did Anbu ask us to gather just now?" Han Guang looked puzzled.

Class Nine fainted collectively.

People notified at noon, "It's almost evening now. Did you just remember?

Anbu Base Hall.

Shanshan from the ninth class came late.

As soon as they entered the hall, several newly joined Anbu all looked over in unison.

"The one in the middle is Han Guang, right?"

"I heard he's the team leader."

"This man is not easy to mess with.

"Master Liuli is here."

Several Anbu shut up one after another.

Liuli walked to the hall and looked towards the fifth class.

"Han Guang! As the captain of the Anbu branch, you took the lead in disobedience. Do you have anything to explain?" Liuli asked with a serious tone.

"My stomach is still a little bloated~~" Han Guang rubbed his stomach and sat down in front of the stone table.

As for Fire Glass's questioning, he ignored it.

"Come on, there are not enough empty seats here. What are you doing standing up? Sit down." Han Guang waved his hands at several people, and signaled.

Kakashi and the others sat down one after another without saying a word.

They knew that the light was about to get the deputy captain to leave.

in the hall.

Ignored by Han Guang, Liuli's face suddenly became angry.

"Han Guang! Do you know my identity?"

"Vice-captain." Han Guang responded lightly.

"Since you know, you still dare to disobey?" Liuli's voice was raised.

Now Anbu doesn't have a captain, which means that Fire Glass is the highest authority.

If she doesn't rectify Han Guang, her prestige will plummet.


Han Guang smiled and stood up.

"Fire Glass, right? I heard that you escaped from the Sand Shinobi army?"

"What do you want to say?" Liuli faintly felt that something was wrong.

Han Guang paced forward and continued.

"If I'm not wrong, you ran into Baki and Ye Cang on the way to escape."

"Then, for my sake, the two of them let you go!"

"Am i right?"

Staring at the glass of fire, Han Guang waited for the other party's answer.

"So what? I already asked Namikaze Minato to thank you on my behalf." Liuli countered.

It's just that when she said these words, her prestige dropped a lot.

"It turns out that Han Guang indirectly saved Lord Liuli?"

Several Anbu understood.

No wonder Han Guang dared to disobey his order. He turned out to be Lord Liuli's benefactor.

"Baki and Hakura?"

Class Nine suddenly realized.

Those two Sand Shinobi, were scared to death by the real light.

Such a comparison, it seems that the strength of the glass of fire is also average.

Liuli's face was ugly.

Because she found that the eyes of other Anbu watching her had changed.

This means that his prestige has been discredited.

Therefore, she has to intensify the counterattack.

"Han Guang! This is not a reason for your disobedience. As long as I report to Lord Hokage, you will definitely be punished."

"You have no chance to report it." Han Guang shook his head.

"What did you 900 say?" Liuli was startled.

No chance to report?

Is Han Guang going to betray the village?


Han Guang's eyes were full of disappointment.

His tone became calm.

"You ungrateful thing! Without my face, you would have died long ago!"

"So, where are you so bold to talk to me like that?"


Holding Liuli's neck, Han Guang's expression was indifferent.

"you you?"

"Without a grateful heart, your life is a waste!" Han Guang shook his head.


He crushed Liuli's neck, Han Guang didn't even look at it, his body suddenly bent.


His hand directly penetrated the ground, and grabbed another figure from inside.

"Warm? Another glass?"

Everyone couldn't believe it.

Similarly, Fire Glazed couldn't believe it either.

How could one's own secret technique be seen through?

That is the avatar of the physical fire. Even if the clone dies, there will be a delay before it disappears.

"Wait a minute, Han Guang..."

"Wait for you!"


Han Guang's eyes were indifferent, and he broke the opponent's neck again.

In the lobby.

fell into silence.

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for a monthly ticket] [Ask for an evaluation ticket] [I kowtow to you].

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