When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 123 King Of Anbu, Han Guang! Taken Sarutobi Hiruzen! (Please Customize)

Bold, bold.

Several Anbus had cold sweat on their foreheads.

"That's the vice-captain, he actually killed the vice-captain?"

"Han Guang is too bold!"

"what should we do?"

Several people looked at each other, their hearts extremely horrified.

It was too late for them to leave, because the ninth squad had already blocked the entrance of the base.

Compared with the reactions of these people, Class Nine was much calmer. After all, they've been through this situation many times.

"Sure enough, Han Guang killed the vice-captain again." Kakashi sighed.

"It's all right now, he's the biggest." Anko said.

"Are you going to kill the other Anbu?" Lin clenched her fists.

"I'll keep an eye on them, and I'll kill anyone who dares to move!" Obito activated Sharingan, eyeing several Anbu.


Han Guang shook his head and turned to look at Obito.


"Warm?" Obito was taken aback.


Hearing the word "Kunai", Obito understood it instantly.

Taking over Kunai, Han Guang glanced at several Anbu.

"Come on, it's time for everyone to stab again."

Throwing the bitterness away, Han Guang spoke lightly.

Several Anbu froze in place, no one wanted to be the first to move.

If they don't intervene, they are still innocent. If they do, it is tantamount to boarding a thief ship.


Suddenly, Han Guang punched out.

The nearest Anbu froze, and his headless body fell to the ground.


The remaining Anbu were shocked.

This is too fast too?

They didn't react at all, and one Anbu's head was gone.

"Secret keepers, safe and sound! Leakers, the whole family will die!"

Looking at the few people calmly, Han Guang spoke slowly.


As soon as the words fell, several Anbu gathered in front of the corpse.

Puff puff.

In the blink of an eye, several blood holes appeared on Liuli's body.

"White Zetsu! The body is handed over to you`" Han Guang gestured.

"Don't worry, Lord Han Guang."

White Zetsu ran over excitedly.

His body split open suddenly, like a mouth opened.

This startled everyone.

"What is this? The body has turned into a piranha?"

"Is it a secret technique?"

"He wrapped the body up."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, White Zetsu wrapped the two corpses and sank slowly into the ground.

After a while.

White Zetsu appeared again.

"Master Han Guang, the corpse has been decomposed. Hiccup~~" White Zetsu patted his stomach and hiccupped by the way.

This made other people's scalps tingle.

Are you sure the body was decomposed? Didn't you eat it?

Of course, it's best to eat it. At least no one can find it.

"Han Guang, even after disposing of the corpse, there is still no way to explain Liuli's disappearance.

At this moment, an Anbu spoke up.


Han Guang smiled.

He continued: "Who said Liuli is missing?"


White Zetsu's body squirmed and turned into a wandering figure in the blink of an eye.

The group of people watching this was dumbfounded.

Several Anbu looked at 'Liu Li' carefully, and they were all shocked.

"I actually sensed Lord Liuli's Chakra?" A ninja sensed it, unbelievable.

what does that mean?

Means, this fake glass chakra is exactly like the real one.

This is simply unbelievable.

"Sure enough, Han Guang's style is still the same as usual." The ninth class was deeply moved.

Liuli is dead, but it is not dead.

Because now White Zetsu replaced Ruri as Anbu's vice-captain.

"White Zetsu, take the position of Anbu's vice-captain for the time being. When you have a position, you are switching!" Han Guang said lightly.

"Okay, Lord Han Guang!" Liuli nodded with respect.

Several Anbu trembled.

They really don't want to hear this conversation.

There are too many meanings involved in this sentence.


Han Guang wandered around the Anbu base.

"What's this?"

Picking up a booklet, he flipped through it.

"This is the roll call." An Anbu whispered.

"Is that so." Han Guang was stunned.

No wonder.

Each page in this booklet has its own name.

"Get him!"

Han Guang threw the booklet to Anbu beside him.

Roll call?

Does Laozi still need roll call? No! Does class 9 still need roll call?

For this kind of thing, let others do it for you.

"Don't come to me if you have nothing to do in the future."

"Unless it's something very important."


Sweeping several Anbu, Han Guang gave the order.

"Okay, okay." Several people nodded.

When Han Guang left the base with the ninth class, several Anbu breathed a sigh of relief.

`~This Han Guang is simply lawless~~" Someone sighed.

"Then you go to report him?" Another person glanced over.

"Uh, forget it! Lord Liuli is not heavy.

"Wait a minute, where is Lord Liuli?"

Suddenly, several people found that the fake Liuli was gone.


At this time, White Zetsu popped up from the ground.

"Are you looking for me?"

Hokage office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is not in a bad mood.

Although the heart-to-heart talk with Obito has no result, Class Nine is still in Anbu.

This is equivalent to still holding two, no, three Wood Style ninjas in his hands.

Not only that.

In the past two days, Anbu has recruited a group of newcomers and injected fresh blood.

"Anbu is recovering steadily, and the rumors in the village have also weakened today."

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed.

He sent Namikaze (Li Zhao's) Minato, Akamichi Choza Kusa Deer Hisashi, and Yamanaka Haiichi to perform S-rank missions.

Up to now, the rumors in the village are obviously much less.

"So, the source of the rumors lies with these few people."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sneered.

"Unite several families to spread rumors, Namikaze Minato, it seems that your courage is getting bigger and bigger!"

Tapping on the table, Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were deep.

Want to shake up your Hokage position?

Still too young.

"Come on!"


An Anbu appears.

"Notify Liuli that the recruitment of Anbu will be accelerated in the past few days! It must be restored to the previous scale."

"Huh?" Anbu was taken aback.

"What? Do you want me to repeat it?" Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and scolded Doshi.

Why is the newly recruited Anbu so dumb?

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets] [Kowtow to the readers' fathers].

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