When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 124 Han Guang: Mrs. Mikoto, You Are So Coquettish! (Please Customize)

Taking control of Anbu, Han Guang walked out of the base.

"Han Guang, I'm leaving first."

Obito said hello and disappeared in a flash.

Seeing Obito's abnormal behavior, Han Guang was thoughtful.

Something is wrong.

Something is wrong with Obito.

"After returning from Obito, I have hardly communicated with Lin. Could it be that he wants to open up?" Touching his chin, Han Guang made a guess.

It's not just Obito that's weird.

Even Yamato is eccentric.

Everyone else left, only Yamato, who stayed at the Anbu base, mixed with White Zetsu.

"People's hearts are complicated, and I really can't figure it out."

Shaking his head, Han Guang simply didn't want to.

After glancing at the dim sky, he strolled back to the village and walked towards Happy Tangyu.

"Only there can we find physical sustenance."

Walking into the store, Han Guang realized that he came just in time.

"Did you come here on a pinch?"

Kushina looked surprised.

As soon as they closed their business, Han Guang came.

"It's just a coincidence."

Han Guang smiled and sat down.

Cengfan Well, must be on time.

After a while, Hyuga Suzune came over with an apron tied on, carrying food.

Then, her body froze.

"You, you are here."

With a hint of fear in her tone, she hurriedly put the food on the table and ran away in a hurry.

"Nuan? 143 Have you ever bullied Lingyin?" Kushina asked suspiciously.

"You've been together, how could I bully her?" Han Guang shook his head.

"That's right." Kushina thought it made sense.

Lingyin has been staying in the store, and it is impossible to have conflicts with Han Guang.

But why does Suzune seem a bit afraid of Han Guang?

"Han Guang, you are gone."

At this time, Minako came out from the corridor, still wrapped in a bath towel.

"Hey! Put on some clothes, Minako." Kushina covered her forehead with a helpless expression.

In other words, this is a women's bathing place. Otherwise, Miinako's appearance would attract many men.

After she was seated, Minako glanced at Han Guang, the sparkle in her eyes.

Han Guang received the signal.

The food is ready.

Mrs. Mikoto was not there, there were only four of us.

Hyuga Suzune sat across from Han Guang, keeping her head down.

"Lingyin, do you have a misunderstanding with Han Guang?" Doctor Jiuxin asked.

"No, nothing." Lingyin hurriedly shook her head.

"Then why don't you dare to look up?" Minako also asked.


"It's actually very easy to explain (aebb)!" Han Guang came out to make a rescue.

"Ms. Suzune must be a little embarrassed to see me as a man."

After finishing speaking, he added: "After all, there have always been female guests here."

"Yes! That's it!" Lingyin nodded.

Boom, boom, boom.

Just then, there was a knock on the store door.

"Senior Han Guang, are you inside?"

A child's voice sounded, clear and loud.

Han Guang walked out of the store and saw a three or four year old kid.

"Are you? Mrs. Mikoto's son?" Han Guang was a little uncertain.

"It's me! My name is Uchiha Itachi!" Itachi said innocently.

"What did you come to see me for?"

"My father asked me to invite you, Ma Ma said, you should be here."

"Your mother really understands me~~" Han Guang was stunned.

On the way to the Uchiha station, Han Guang suddenly thought of a problem.

"Itachi, how is Obito in your clan these days?"

"Senior Obito, he is very popular." Itachi's tone was filled with admiration.

"Oh? Very popular?"

"That's right! Many elder sisters in the clan are surrounding Senior Obito, and I'm going there soon."

Hearing this, Han Guang finally understood.

No wonder Obito didn't pay attention to Lin, that's the reason.

what is this?

Gave up a tree and got a whole forest?

Arriving at Uchiha's resident, Itachi ran away, obviously looking for the king.

Han Guang walked to Fugaku's room, opened the door and entered.

"You're finally here."

Uchiha Fugaku got up from the table and came to greet him.

Mrs. Mikoto stood up too, smiling.

"Clan Chief Fugaku, I've kept you waiting." Han Guang said politely.

The meals are exquisite.

Even Mrs. Mikoto brought a bottle of wine.

"Han Guang, this is a daimyo's special wine, it has the effect of helping sleep.

"Unfortunately, you can't drink."

Uchiha Fugaku sighed, feeling a little regretful.

The meal would be even more perfect if Han Guang could drink.

"Clan Chief Fugaku, you can just drink it." Han Guang smiled and didn't care.

As long as you understand it, he doesn't pay much attention to it.


Drink the wine in the glass in one gulp, and the Uchiha Fugaku noodles will linger in the aftertaste.

"It is said that a very precious Hypnosis powder is added to this wine. So it is very effective in helping sleep!"

"After those big names drink, they can enter a deep sleep and wake up the next day with a hundred times more energy."

While reminiscing, Uchiha Fugaku did not forget to explain.

"Hypnosis powder?" Han Guang couldn't help but laugh.

Isn't this a sleeping pill?

Really can talk!

Uchiha Fugaku doubled his drink, and his wife Mikoto filled him up again.

Han Guang substituted tea for wine and drank several cups with Fugaku.

During the period, the two didn't talk about other things, they just talked about some trivial things in life and the changes of the king.


Uchiha Fugaku couldn't stand it anymore.

"Han Guang, come, come..."


Before he finished speaking, Fugaku hit his head directly on the table.

"Warm? Fugaku?" cried his wife Mikoto.

"Wake up, Fugaku." She shook Fugaku's arm again.

Across the table.

Han Guang squinted his eyes, quietly watching Mrs. Mikoto's performance.

"Ms. Mikoto, are you going too far?"

Han Guang is not an idiot, how can he not see Mrs. Mikoto getting Fugaku drunk on purpose?

"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Mikoto stroked her hair with a shy face.

"Mrs. Mikoto, do you know what you look like?" Han Guang said quietly.

"What do I look like?" Mrs. Mikoto was taken aback.

"You are like a dry well!" Han Guang slowly got up.

"What about you?" Mrs. Mikoto rolled her eyes at Han Guang.

"I, I am a stake! It is specially used to dig wells."

Saying that, Han Guang hugged Mikotoin from behind.

He leaned close to his ear: "Until the well is tapped for water!"


Mrs. Mikoto's face was extremely red.

"No need to dig, the well has already come out..." Mrs. Mikoto's voice was as thin as an ant.

"Ms. Mikoto, you are so flirtatious!"

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets] [Kowtow to the readers' fathers].

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