When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 132 Danzo Was Besieged, Anbu All Ran Away! Han Guang Is The Fastest Runner! (Please Customiz

early morning.

Han Guang woke up.


The trees in the yard swayed in the wind, saying hello.

Stretching, he glanced at the properties panel.

Ability: Wood Style God-level Control (Trait: Loyalty)

"Wood Style doubled again?"

Han Guang felt a little surprised.

In the past few days, all the doublings have been abilities, and none of them have been doubled to attribute points.

"Fortunately, I don't have much ability."

After comforting himself, he walked out of the yard.

village entrance.

When Han Guang arrived, unsurprisingly, he was late again.

Anbu has all gathered at the entrance of the village, even Danzo has arrived.

"Han Guang, you will die from being late sooner or later!" Danzo bluntly said with dissatisfaction.

"Oh? Then I'll wait." Han Guang shrugged, his expression indifferent.

The team set off.

Obito leaned over with a mysterious look on his face.

"Han Guang, did the patriarch entertain you again last night?"

"You know?" Han Guang was slightly surprised.

"Of course I know, Itachi told me." Obito pouted.

Then he asked: "Why does the patriarch keep entertaining you? Do you have a secret? 05"

"You should ask your patriarch." Han Guang Kaidō.

"I'll ask when I get back."

At this time, Kakashi also came over.

"Any suggestions for this mission?"

"Well, it's still the previous standard." Han Guang thought for a while and blurted out.

"The previous standard? What standard was that?" Obito looked confused.

Are there still standards for escort missions? Why don't I know.

"Kakashi, tell him." Han Guang gestured

"Cough cough."

Kakashi cleared his throat and lowered his voice.

"The standard is to stand on the sidelines and retreat as soon as you encounter an attack!"

Speaking of this, he added: "Danzo has the upper hand, we'll just watch. If Danzo is weaker, we'll take his body back."

Following Kakashi's voice fell.

Everyone in Obito was dumbfounded.

What is the meaning of this mission standard and escort?

Is it simply companionship?

Obito is sure that this standard must be formulated by Han Guang, and it cannot be anyone else.

Because only Han Guang can have such a wonderful idea.

"By the way, Kakashi! Inform the rest of Class Nine about this standard."

Han Guang exhorted.

Kakashi flashed to Anko's side, and began to convey the central idea of ​​this mission.


Anko exclaimed and hurriedly covered his mouth.

Then, Lin also screamed, and then Uzuki Xiyan.

Finally, Yamato heard the central idea and trembled with fear.

"It's over, Master Danzo is going to be over this time."

on the way.

Danzo who was on his way frowned when he heard the noise behind him.

"This is Anbu's discipline, it's completely inferior to my roots~~"

With emotion in my heart, I looked around.

Then, Danzo froze.

What about the Anbu people?

Confused, he looked back.

I saw that a group of Anbu were all walking behind him, several meters away from him.

"Is this how you escorted?" Danzo shouted angrily.

He was such an eye opener.

In this formation, is Anbu protecting himself? Or is Anbu protecting Anbu himself?

How about you play here?

"Master Danzo! We Anbu do things, that's it!" White Zetsu said lightly.

"What did you say?" Danzo raised his voice.

I am the assistant of Hokage, the root leader, and now I am being ridiculed by an Anbu vice-captain?

"Master Danzo, we are affiliated to Hokage, so stop talking about it." Anbu spoke again, with a more presumptuous tone.

"You guys are so brave!" Danzo was furious.

But immediately, he forced himself to calm down.

Can't be impulsive.

People like Anbu mocked him so blatantly, someone must be instigating them.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen! I didn't expect you to hide such thoughts."

Without thinking about it, Danzo knew that it must have been arranged by Hiruzen. The purpose is to prevent myself from communicating with Anbu and prevent Anbu from changing jobs.


Danzo kept his face sullen and walked in the front alone.

The dozen or so Anbu were separated by a distance of ten meters and hung behind.

Near noon.

An accident happened.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

More than a dozen ninjas in black robes rushed out from the forest and stood in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Danzo frowned and turned his head subconsciously.

thump, thump, thump.

I saw that a group of Anbu turned around in unison, and ran away without looking back.


Danzo became wary.

Until now, how could he not know that he was sold?

"Han Guang!" Shouted to Anbu who was running away, but Han Guang ran faster than anyone else.

"These bastards."

Danzo gritted his teeth with hatred, wishing he could kill this group of Anbu.

"Danzo, today is your death day." The leading man in black said coldly, his eyes turned into Sharingan.

"Uchiha Fugaku! Do you think wearing a black robe can hide your Sharingan?"

Danzo spoke in a deep voice, and put on a fighting stance.

He must flee back.

As long as he returns to the village, he will make Uchiha and Anbu pay a heavy price.

kilometers away.

by the creek.

Han Guang stuck his trouser pockets, waiting for the result of the battle.

Obito quietly ran over to 330.

"Han Guang, the man in the black robe who takes the lead, I always feel familiar.

"Oh? Who do you think?" Han Guang smiled.

"Could it be the patriarch of our family?" Obito guessed.

"You guessed it." Han Guang nodded.

"Huh? This․.."

Obito looked depressed.

Since the leading brother is the patriarch, the others must be members of his own family.

Why didn't I know about the siege of Danzo beforehand?

"Han Guang, will we be labeled as traitors to the village?" Obito panicked.

Siege Danzo, if word of this reaches the village, they're doomed.

"Don't talk nonsense, Obito!" Han Guang shook his head.

Then he said: "The purpose of our Anbu is to protect Hokage! Danzo is under siege, so what does it matter to us?"


At this time, a figure came running from a distance, it was Danzo impressively.

Behind him, Uchiha Fugaku appears to be wounded, leading a group of clansmen in frantic pursuit.

"Can't you handle this?"

Seeing this scene, Han Guang sighed and picked up a stone.


With a flick of his hand, the stone burst out of the air, blasting the air with a sonic boom.

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