When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 133 Uchiha Fugaku: It's Just An Inch Or Two! (Please Customize)

Unremarkable stones burst out of the air, breaking the air with the sound of a sonic boom.


The explosion sounded suddenly, which shocked the ninth class.

next moment.

Danzo, who was galloping forward, only felt his right arm loosen and his body staggered.

"Wori!" Obito opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

"How did he lose his arm?" Kakashi was dumbfounded.

"Danzo was attacked?" Anko was also puzzled.

They didn't see what hit Danzo at all, only heard a pop, and then, Danzo's right arm fell off.

Blood spurted out, Danzo lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Someone sneaked up on me in Anbu!"

In an instant, Danzo made a judgment call.

Because that impact came from Anbu's direction.

"Damn it! This group of Anbu stopped here, clearly trying to block me!"

"Not only blocking me, but also sneak attacking me!"

Getting up from the ground, Danzo was very excited.

He glanced at Anbu, his face extremely gloomy.

"Anbu, you wait!"

Labeling Anbu as a must-kill in his heart, Danzo glanced at the severed arm on the ground and didn't pick it up.

Because he didn't have time to pick it up.

Staggering into the woods on one side, Danzo continued to run.


Uchiha Fugaku led the charge into the woods.

"Han Guang, where is the stone in your hand?" Suddenly, Obito asked.

"Huh? You have good observation skills." Han Guang looked surprised and turned to look at King Dai.

At this moment, Obito had already activated Sharingan, and was staring straight at himself.

Han Guang was speechless.

Just watching the battle, is it necessary to open Sharingan?

"If Danzo escapes back to the village, we'll be in trouble." Kakashi said in a deep voice.

"Why?" Han Guang remained calm.

"He will definitely expose us." Obito said anxiously.

"What did he expose us for?" Han Guang laughed.

"Han Guang, don't say you don't know! Isn't this obvious?"

They don't believe that Han Guang doesn't know the consequences of Danzo's return to the village.

Colluded with Uchiha, leaked Danzo's whereabouts, and blocked Danzo's back road. The sum of these items is enough to make the ninth class fall into the abyss.

Seeing that several people were very worried, Han Guang shook his head.

"We Anbu are innocent, so we Anbu will not accept anyone's slander!"

"What if someone slanders?" Anko asked.

"Then get rid of the slanderers!" Han Guang looked serious.


Suddenly, a loud noise erupted in the woods.

The ninth class looked together.

I saw a huge creature faintly appearing in the forest in the distance.

"It should be Danzo's Summoning beast." Kakashi made a judgment.

"It looks like there will be a result soon."

indeed so.

After a few minutes, the fight was over.

Uchiha Fugaku led his tribe out of the woods with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"I was careless! I didn't expect Danzo to use the Summoning beast to escape."


Hearing this result, the ninth class was speechless.

So many of you Uchiha besieged a Danzo, but he didn't run away?

"Han Guang, I'm afraid you Anbu will be implicated next time." Uchiha Fugaku apologized.

Anbu put the water in like this, and he still didn't kill Danzo? This made Fugaku feel very ashamed.

"Clan Chief Fugaku! I think you must have misunderstood." Han Guang reminded.

Then he said: "From the beginning to the end, you were the ones who did it, so what does it matter to us, Anbu?"

"Also, I suggest you stop the bleeding immediately!"

His eyes fell on Uchiha Fugaku's lower body, and Han Guang looked strange.

"It's okay, it's only an inch or two." Uchiha Fugaku waved his hand.

After a brief meeting, Uchiha Fugaku led the people away.

Only Anbu was left in the field.

"What should we do?" Obito panicked.

"What should we do? Pick up that arm and let's go back to the village." Han Guang said flatly.

"Wait a minute, Han Guang, how do we repay when we go back?" Kakashi asked.

"It's very simple."

Han Guang touched his chin with a relaxed expression.

"We, Anbu, escorted Danzo along the way, but were attacked by strange ninjas!"

"And then?" Kakashi pressed.

"Then, Danzo left us alone and escaped using the Summoning Technique alone."

Class Nine: "...

They are skeptical, is it really okay to say that?

"And what about the arm?"

"It's because Danzo suddenly lost an arm, so he left us~"


Hokage office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the severed arm on the table and fell silent.

According to reports from Liuli and Class Nine, Danzo was attacked by a stranger and suddenly broke his right arm. Only then did he use the Summoning Technique to escape.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen found a loophole in it.

The attackers didn't attack you?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Han Guang and the others.

"No!" Several people shook their heads in unison.

"How many were the attackers?" he asked again.


After asking, Anbu left.

Sarutobi Hiruzen tapped on the table and guessed the attacker's identity.

"The Uchiha Clan!"

"They don't attack Anbu because Obito is in Anbu!"

"However, Uchiha is simply too bold."

Exit the Hokage building.

Class Nine is disbanded.

Han Guang walked towards the house.


Walking to the door, Han (Hao Nuo's) just saw a stranger poking his head at the entrance of the alley.

"Han Guang! Your letter."

Seeing Han Guang, the man looked surprised and hurriedly spoke out.

"Oh? My letter?" Han Guang was slightly surprised.

Does it seem like you have no relatives?

Did it come from the Pure Land?

In the yard.

Han Guang lay on the wooden chair and took it apart.

【Han Guang, I found a very strange thing!】

[Rock Shinobi's large army originally passed through our country of grass, but suddenly withdrew back! 】

[There must be something wrong here!]

[This information is worth a life. 】


After reading the content, Xia Guang smiled dumbly.

Crushing the letter casually, he fell into deep thought.

"The Rock Shinobi army raided the border, why did they retreat?"

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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