When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 145 Han Guang: Well Digging, I Am A Professional! (Please Customize)

In the yard.

Han Guang and Uzuki Xiyan stood under the tree.

The two stood there quietly, the atmosphere was quiet.

In the end, it was Han Guang who broke the silence.

"Xiyan, do you have anything to do with me?" Han Guang said calmly.

"Well, I bought a piece of clothing and I want you to look at it for me tonight." Uzuki Xiyan said in a low voice with her head bowed.


Han Guang immediately regained his spirits.

"What kind of clothes?" he asked hastily.

"It's for summer." Xi Yan's voice became even softer.

"There are many kinds of summer clothes." Han Guang looked serious.

"The back of the dress has very little fabric, I want you to help me see if it fits. Uzuki Xiyan's head is even lower.

"Then it's a deal! I'll help you take a good look tonight."

Saying that, Han Guang held "190" Xiyan's hand.

He continued: "As the captain of the ninth class, if you try on clothes in the future, feel free to come to me.

"Then it's settled."

Uzuki Xiyan turned and ran away.

Staring at Xiyan's back, Han Guang suddenly froze.

"Why did I agree to another one?"

He regretted for a while.

Sure enough, he is still not firm enough.

"The spiritual attributes are over ten thousand, why do I have no concentration at all?"

Lying on the wooden chair, Han Guang shook his head and sighed.

For three appointments, he needs to plan his time carefully.


Kushina broke into the courtyard.

"Han Guang, it's time to go eat." Leaving this sentence behind, Kushina left.

Sitting on the wooden chair, Han Guang's eyes widened in disbelief.

Why did you come home to urge yourself to eat?

"Everyone is weird today!"

First, the three girls asked themselves out one after another, and the doctor came to eat by themselves.

It seems that, in one day, all these women have changed.

Happy soup bath.

Walking into the store, Guang first looked at a few areas.

Kushina, Minako, Suzune Hyuga and Mrs. Mikoto.

"Stop standing, sit down." Kushina greeted.

Dinner was great.

As soon as Han Guang picked up the bowl, he found that Minako was sending a signal to himself.

Nodding reluctantly, Han Guang picked up the chopsticks.

At this time, Mikotoyin spoke.

"Han Guang, Fugaku said to buy you a drink tonight."


Han Guang looked at Mrs. Mikoto with a surprised face.

"What's the matter? Don't have time?" Mrs. Mikoto said empathetically.

"Maybe there is really no time. Han Guang said truthfully.

"It's okay, a little later." Mikoto said with a smile.

"Okay! Don't blame me for being late."

"how could be."

After the appointment, Mrs. Mikoto gave a sigh of relief.

"Five games in one night, the frequency is not high." Han Guang said to himself.

"That, Han Guang!" Suddenly, Lingyin spoke.


"Our patriarch invites you to be a guest in the clan."



Han Guang's stool fell and the bowl fell to the ground.

"Come on, Lingyin, I have something to tell you."

Han Guang pulled the bell and walked into the room.

As soon as he entered the room, Han Guang closed the door behind his back, and directly put his hand into Lingyin's arms.

"You? What are you doing?" Lingyin was shocked.

"I'll see if you really want to invite me." Han Guang returned.

The bell didn't dare to move.

Because she was worried that Han Guang would not keep the appointment.

In this case, I have failed the patriarch's entrustment.

"It seems that you are sincere."

After a while, Han Guang withdrew his hand.

"Then, did you accept the invitation?" Ling Zhi said weakly.

"Tonight, maybe not. Tomorrow." Han Guang gave the answer.


After eating, Xiaguang left in a hurry.

He already had an order in mind.

Let's start with Uzuki Xiyan.

After all, other people's clothes may not fit well, and you need to correct yourself.

Night fell.

Uzuki Xiyan's home.

Han Guang came to the appointment.

inside the house.

Uzuki Xiyan was wearing a pink camisole with a pink face.

"How about it?"

"Well, if you look at it from the front, you can't see anything." Han Guang commented.

Then said: "How about this, turn around and let me have a look."


Uzuki Xiyan's footsteps turned.

At this moment, Han Guang's eyes lit up

This camisole, the back is actually empty?

Han Guang stepped forward, hugged Xi Yan, and held her in his arms.

"Xiyan, do you need to dig a well?"

Digging a well is hard work.

However, as a professional well digger, Han Guang has never been afraid of hardships.

Lifting the well cover with a shovel, he began to dig the well.

The inside of the well was wet, as if there was seepage from the well water.

However, this is far from enough.

After digging the soil in the well with a shovel, the surrounding walls of the well shook, and water seeped out again.

"It seems that this well is easy to dig."

Full of confidence, Han Guang dug up one shovel after another.

The walls of the well vibrated constantly, and the water performed in waves.

Han Guang was overjoyed.

Apparently, the well is almost done.

He dug and dug and dug.


The well wall shook violently.

Han Guang jumped to the mouth of the well in a hurry.


The well was dug through and water finally came out.

Helping Uyue Xiyan dig the well, Han Guang refused the other party's thanks and rushed to the next battlefield.

After all, there are too many wells to dig tonight.

Anko's residence.

Han Guang stepped into the courtyard.

"Han Guang!" Anko sat on the roof with a look of joy.


Jumping onto the roof, Han Guang took 0.2 Anko into his arms.

"You, hello Haki." Anko whispered.

"Really?" Han Guang smiled.

Then said: "There are more Haki!"


In Anko's exclamation, Han Guang became a well digger again.

"Han Guang, didn't we agree to watch the moon?" Anko's face was extremely pink.

"Is there any influence between the two?" Han Guang had a smirk on his face.

Under the moonlight.

Han Guang lifted the manhole cover with a shovel.

Jumped directly into the well.

Dig and dig and dig.

Dig and dig and dig.

The walls of the well vibrated constantly, indicating that water was about to come out.

half an hour later.


The well water is like a broken dam.

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