When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 146 Busy Han Guang! Sand Shinobi Reacts! (Please Customize)

In Lin's room, Han Guang put away his shovel and dug through the well.

"Do you feel safe now?" Standing up, Han Guang asked.

"Well, I feel a lot safer." Lin's face was pink.

"In that case, I'll go first." Han Guang turned around.

"Can't protect me all night?" Lin grabbed Han Guang's arm.

"I have an appointment with Patriarch Uchiha." Han Guang shook his head and said.

"That's it." Lin let go understandingly.

Walking out of the room, Han Guang first sorted out the order.

"First Uzuki Yuyan, then Anko, Rin. Then it's time to go to the banquet of the Uchiha clan chief.

Touching his chin, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

This order is very important, and it is related to the final safe landing.

Uchiha mansion.

Han Guang pushed open the door of Fugaku's room and walked in.

"Haha, you are not too late."

Seeing Han Guang, Uchiha Fugaku smiled and stood up to greet him.

His wife Mikoto also stood up and nodded.

1"08 Chief Fugaku, I have kept you waiting." Han Guang replied.

It was not too late for him to come.

After all, it's not even late at night yet.

Dinner was great.

But eating is not the point.

"Han Guang, do you know that you are famous now." After taking a sip of wine, Uchiha Fugaku looked mysterious.

"Oh?" Han Guang was taken aback.

"I can tell by the look on your face, you haven't heard yet." Fugaku gestured for his wife to fill up the wine.

Only then did he continue: "In the afternoon, Third Hokage held an emergency Jōnin meeting and told you that you alone wiped out thousands of Rock Shinobi.

"This matter." Han Guang was stunned.

No wonder Hyuga Ringtone invited himself to be a guest of the Hyuga clan.

"No one would have imagined that your Wood Style would be so strong! There are thousands of Rock Shinobi~~" Uchiha Fugaku said with emotion.

This time, he really had a new understanding of Han Guang's strength.

Destroying Rock Shinobi's elite army by one person, this strength is enough to reach the top in the ninja world.

Although Han Guang is surrounded by Namikaze Minato, it still represents the strength of Han Guang's Wood Style, which ranks first in the ninja world.

"Patriarch Fugaku, it's actually nothing." Han Guang said modestly.

"That's nothing?" Uchiha Fugaku looked surprised.

"Actually, you can do it yourself." Han Guang raised the other party's face.

"Huh? Haha! I can't." Uchiha Fugaku shook his head.

If he really had this strength, he would have already been famous far and wide, and he would not shrink back in the security department.

The two were chatting and drinking (pictured).

From Han Guang's strength, we talked about Obito's strength.

As soon as Obito was mentioned, Uchiha Fugaku sighed.

They are both Wood Style, but the strength between the two is very different.

Because, Uchiha Fugaku deliberately tested Obito's strength, and Wood Style played poorly.

half an hour later.

Uchiha Fugaku was drunk as promised.


Hitting his head on the table again, Fugaku passed out.


"Wake up, Fugaku!"

Wife Mikoto started shaking again.

Seeing that her husband was really drunk, she moved to Han Guang's side.

"Mrs. Mikoto, you are getting more and more proficient in this trick." Han Guang couldn't help but said.

"What?" Mrs. Mikoto blushed and leaned into Han Guang's arms.

"By the way, Mikoto is too stressed.


"You are leaning in my arms, why are you still moving your hands?" Han Guang smiled.

"What do you think?" Mrs. Mikoto twisted her body.

"It's not enough to just use your hands."

After speaking, Han Guang stood up.


Mrs. Mikoto was forced to become a faucet repairman and began to repair the faucet.

She wiped the water pipes and inspected every part carefully.

"Why isn't water coming out of the faucet?"

After repairing for a long time, Mrs. Mikoto was sweating profusely.

"It seems that your technique is not good." Han Guang shook his head.

Then said: "Don't repair the water pipes, let's dig them out." 17


late at night.

Han Guang walked out of the Uchiha mansion.

Looking up at the night sky, he couldn't help being filled with emotion.

"Sure enough, the rich wife's ability to accept is strong."

The other party jumped from being reserved at the beginning to being impatient. This opened Han Guang's eyes.

"Next, only the last Minako is left."

Sand Shinobi frontline command post.

Fourth Kazekage Luo Sha stands in front of the map and looks at the map of the Land of Fire.

Chiyo took a pen and drew a line on the map.

"Feng Luo, who was in charge of the back circle, must have been wiped out." Luo Sha said suddenly.

"It's normal! The news of the attack is false, we were tricked." Chiyo's face remained normal, and he didn't care.

She has already learned that it is not only Sand Shinobi who has been tricked, but even Cloud Shinobi and Rock Shinobi have been tricked.

"Who the hell is it? Planned this fake news?" Luo Sha muttered to himself.

"Instead of thinking about this, think about how to break through Konoha's front." Chiyo knocked on the table.

After finishing speaking, she continued: "Luo Sha, any ninja village can do this kind of thing! It could be Rain Shinobi Village, it could be Kirigakure, or it could be other 680 ninja villages. Don't worry about it!"

"Yes." Luo Sha felt the same way.

In the ninja world, each ninja village is more or less connected. It is not difficult to forge the seal of the shadow.

thump, thump, thump.

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps came from Rizhen. An intelligence ninja hurried in.

"Important information from the Country of Grass!"

The Sand Shinobi spoke hastily and handed over the scroll.


Luo Sha and Chiyo glanced at each other, and opened the scroll to check.


"Wood Style Han Guang? He actually wiped out the elite troops led by Huang Tu?"

After reading the information on the scroll, the two turned pale with shock.

According to the intelligence, Han Guang alone destroyed thousands of ninjas in Rock Shinobi!

"How can this be?"

Luo Sha couldn't believe it.

He knows the name of Wood Style Han Guang. But this guy is twelve years old!

At the age of twelve, his Wood Style can destroy thousands?

And it's Rock Shinobi's elite unit.

"This kid, it's terrible!" Chiyo frowned and spit out this sentence.

Then, she turned her head to look at Gu Luosha.

"Withdraw the frontline troops to the country of rivers!"

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