When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 151: Han Guang Flies Away! Han Guang: I Don't Like It When You Stand And Talk To Me! (P

Today's Obito is an anomaly.

He made a big circle around the village and gathered all the ninth class together.

"Hey, Obito! What do you have to say directly, why do you have to be so mysterious?" Anko shouted with dissatisfaction.

"Weird." Kakashi crossed his arms and spoke briefly.

Before anyone could complain, Obito cleared his throat.

Then he said: "Let me tell you, I saw a person flying away from the back mountain in the morning!"

Class Nine: "???"

A group of people were speechless.

You have been doing it for a long time just to say this?

"Aren't you awake? Think birds are people?" Anko pouted.

"That's not a bird, it must be a person! I still know who it is." Obito explained hastily.

"Who?" Anko asked back.

"It's Han Guang!" Obito affirmed.


A group of people don't believe it.

Seeing that no one believes in himself, Tian has.

"I went to find Han Guang just now, but he's not in the village."

As the words of Obito09 fell, Kakashi reacted.

"Are you sure it was Han Guang who flew away?"

"It must be him! I can see it clearly." Obito nodded.

"Then look for Han Guang, if he is not in the village, it may be him." Kakashi made a judgment.

To be honest, he already kind of believed in the belt.

"Kakashi, you don't really believe it, do you?" Anko looked contemptuous.

Then he said: "Han Guang doesn't know ninjutsu! Could it be that he can fly away with Wood Style?"

Facing Anko's question, Kakashi shook his head.

"Actually, it's not difficult to find out if it's Han Guang."

"Do you have a way to prove it?" Several people asked.

"Just ask White Zetsu."

Anbu base.

The ninth class came to the base hall.

As soon as they entered the hall, they saw the avatar of White Zetsu carrying ninja gear.

Kunai, Shuriken, Short Sword, Taidao, and even a few heavy swords.

"You guys are here, hurry up and help me move things." Liuli was pleasantly surprised.

"Why did you move the ninja tools out of the secret room?" Class Nine was a little confused.

"I want to help Lord Han Guang find something." Liuli said truthfully.

"Looking for what?"

"Handsome ninja gear." White Zetsu described it.

Class Nine was speechless.

Ninja gear, and handsome ones? You can just make a set of ninja costumes.

"By the way, where is Han Guang?" Kakashi asked.

"Master Han Guang flew to the Land of Grass to negotiate with Tsuchikage."

Hearing the words of White Zetsu, Class Nine believed.


Obito wasn't lying. Han Guang really flew away!

Country of Grass.

Kenjiro didn't dare to take a breath.

His plump body was pressed against the corner of the wall, carefully looking at the figure in front of him.

"Are you Kenjiro?" the short figure asked.

"You can just call me little wolf." Kenjiro promised.

"Your intelligence is very good. It was from you that Han Guang destroyed my Rock Shinobi troops." Ohnoki said slowly, with an inexplicable tone in his tone.

Hearing Tsuchikage's words, Kenjiro cursed in his heart.

Obviously, he was betrayed by his peers.

If it weren't for this, Tsuchikage would never have come to find him.

"Well, I also bought the information from Han Guang at a high price." Kenjiro bit the bullet and moved Han Guang out.

That's all he could say, otherwise he was worried that he would be shot to death by Tsuchikage.

"Empty the hotel. I will negotiate with Hokage here later." Ohnoki waved his hand, ignoring Kenjiro.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right away." Kenjiro nodded hurriedly.

But before he could move, several Rock Shinobi rushed in.




The guests in the hotel were thrown out.

The speed was so fast that Kenjiro was stunned.

"It's too overbearing! Han Guang pays for the accommodation, and you Rock Shinobi drive the guests away?"

Kenjiro greeted the eighteen generations of Tsuchikage ancestors a hundred times in his heart.

No wonder Rock Shinobi died so many people, deserved it!

"What are you still doing? Why don't you hurry up and prepare lunch?" A Rock Shinobi glanced at Kenjiro with a threatening tone.

"Ah? Oh." Kenjiro ran away quickly.

At this time, a guard walked up to Onoki.

"Master Tsuchikage, all the surrounding streets are on alert."

"Yeah." Onoki nodded and turned to the front desk.

He bent down and took out a large handful of scrolls from under the counter, and began to examine them.

After reading several pieces of information in a row, Ohnoki lost interest.

"It seems that this Kenjiro should have some kind of deal with Han Guang!"

After thinking about it, he made a judgment.

According to other intelligence dealers, the original Uchiha Madara information also flowed out from Kenjiro.

This is enough to prove that this chubby fat man has a connection with Han Guang from Konoha Village.

It is precisely because of this that Ino chose this place for the negotiation.

His purpose is simple.

That is to intimidate Kenjiro, who also became a partner of Rock Shinobi.

In this way, he will be able to learn the latest information about Han Guang at the first time.


Suddenly, there was a dull noise in the street.


Onoki frowned, and the four guards rushed out.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

As soon as they rushed out, the four of them flew back one after another.

"This is? Physique 367?"

Looking at the blood hole on the guard's body, Onoki looked serious.

Third Hokage is coming?

No! Is it Raikage coming?

next moment.


A figure walked into the hotel.

"Huh? I just said that something is wrong on the street. So the hotel has changed people?"

Han Guang looked surprised and walked into the hotel.

"Are you? Wood Style Han Guang?" Ohnoki's pupils narrowed sharply.

He had read the information on Han Guang many times, and he was already deeply impressed by the boy's face.

"Look at your short figure, Third Tsuchikage?" Han Guang glanced at the other party.

Then, he flicked the dust off his body, and said lightly: "Just now you Rock Shinobi attacked me, you have to give me a satisfactory explanation!"

Hearing Han Guang's words, Onoki was dumbfounded.

It was the first time he saw such a shameless brat!

"Han Guang, let's avoid the trick of turning black and white. Where's Sarutobi Hiruzen?" Ohnoki said in a deep voice.

"He, he has authorized me to negotiate matters, you can talk to me!"

Han Guang smiled, showing his white teeth.

Speaking of this, he continued: "However, I don't like you talking to me standing up."

"What did you say?" Onoki narrowed his eyes.

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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