When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 152 Onoki's Shame And Disgrace! He Was Hung Up By Han Guang And Slapped! (Please Custom

Han Guang's words successfully brought the atmosphere in the field to the bottom.

"Wood Style Han Guang, you are not very old, but your tone is not small!" Ohnoki spit out these words with a sullen face.

This brat is too arrogant, and he is going to give himself a blow before he has negotiated?

"Really? I'm already humble."

Han Guang spread his hands and walked towards the other party.

"Want to use physical skills at close range?" Onogi's eyes were fixed, and Chakra burst out immediately.


A large amount of rock condensed on his arm, turning into a rock arm.

"Oh? If you are like this, then I will not be polite."

Han Guang smiled, and his body disappeared in the blink of an eye.

next moment.

He appeared on Ohnoki's face and put his hand on the opponent's shoulder.

"Your speed?"

Onoki's pupils shrank suddenly, his face paled in shock.

This kid is too fast.

There is still an afterimage in place, and the main body teleports in front of me?

What the hell kind of speed is this?


Han Guang's palm was slightly forceful, crushing the opponent's shoulder.

"Rock." Han Guang was a little surprised.

He has to admit that this Tsuchikage really has a set.

On the surface, only the arms are covered with rocks, but in fact, there are rocks on the shoulders.

Onoki moved.

The rock-covered arm swung out, hitting Han Guang directly on the head.

"Rock Fist!"


Han Guang blocked the blow casually, and his strength exploded.


Suddenly, the rock crumbled.

Onoki's body staggered and was hit by a huge force.

thump, thump.

His body kept retreating to defuse the impact.

"You're too weak! I haven't used my strength yet." Han Guang shook his head, his face full of disappointment.

Too fucking arrogant!

Onoki took a deep breath, ready to go all out.

"Han Guang, you are the strongest physique I have ever seen! But, do you really think that you can defeat me with physique?"

"Stop babbling, hurry up and show your full strength!" Han Guang waved his hand impatiently.

With this time, you should make a move.

"Then I'll let you see my full strength!" Ohnoki jumped up with a fighting spirit.

He wants to fly into the air and use the dust escape to kill Xiao Yu.

But the next moment——

An accident happened.

Ohnogi jumped up and smashed through the roof, and then Zhou came down.

"how so?"

Onoki stood up with a shocked expression on his face.

I can obviously fly, why did I fall down?

"This is your full strength?" Han Guang glanced at the other party with a sneer in his voice.

"It was just an accident."

Onoki made an excuse and jumped up again.


He fell and ate shit.

At the stairs on the second floor, Kenjiro peeked at this scene and almost rolled down laughing.

"I thought Tsuchikage was so strong, that's all?"

Kenjiro suddenly felt that he could also beat Tsuchikage.


Onoki got up and stared at Han Guang.

"It was you, you did it, right?"

He has already determined in his heart that it must be Han Guang's tricks.

"You touched my shoulder just now, you must have performed some kind of sealing technique on me!"

"You talk too much nonsense." Han Guang lost his patience and punched Onoki.


At this moment, a terrifying wind suddenly rose up, instantly evacuating the surrounding air.

Onoki's breathing stopped suddenly.

He was horrified to find that he couldn't breathe?

Under the huge pressure difference, the air outside the store rushed towards the store crazily.

The second floor stairway.

Kenjiro hugged the stairs, feeling a hurricane pushing himself behind.


The hotel made a loud noise and shook violently. Several load-bearing pillars cracked.


A big pit appeared on the ground of the store, and there was a big wild tree half buried in the soil inside.

"Dead, dead?"

Kenjiro was dumbfounded.

Isn’t this Tsuchikage too good? Was he punched to death by Han Guang?

Compared to Kenjiro's reaction, Han Guang shook his head.

"Hiding under the dirt clone for so long, you don't think I don't know?"

"Dust Escape·Primary Realm Stripping Technique!"

As soon as Han Guang finished speaking, Onoki's voice sounded.


A white light shot out from the pit and hit Han Guang straight.

The white light bombarded Han Guang's body, hitting directly.

"Is it finished?"

Onoki's face was overjoyed, and he found that Han Guang was gone.


Suddenly, he felt something was wrong.

He felt that his feet could not move, as if they were bound by plants?

Looking down at the entangled branches, Ohnoki's heart was half cold.

||Is he not dead?"


The branches meandered out, hanging Onoki upside down in the hotel.

"You are too weak!"

Han Guang's voice sounded slowly, appearing behind Onoki.


With a slap, the Ono wooden fan on his back was straightened, and Guang quickly pulled out a wooden chair.

"You, you put me down!"

With his brain buzzing, Onogi did not forget to maintain Tsuchikage's dignity.

"Want to come down? Then it depends on the next negotiation, whether it can satisfy me.

Han Guang crossed his legs and spoke lightly.

"Then you turn me over here!" Ohnoki shouted again, his face was bloodshot.

"As I said just now, you can't talk to me standing up!" The reason is sufficient.

thump, thump, thump.

At this time, Kenjiro ran down from the second floor, holding a lunch in his hand.

"Han Guang!"

"Kenjiro." Han Guang nodded his head (the one who got the money).

At this moment, Kenjiro felt extremely honored and full of strength.

He picked up the front desk and moved it in front of Han Guang.

Then he put his lunch on it.

"Talk while eating."

Winking, Kenjiro ran back to the second floor.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, several Rock Shinobi rushed into the shop.

"Master Tsuchikage!"

Puff puff.

As soon as this sentence was finished, several people fell to the ground.

"This is? What ninja is this?"

Onoki's eyes widened, and his heart was turned upside down.

He saw that a straight sword pierced his subordinate's chest out of thin air, and then the straight sword flew over and landed in front of Han Guang.


Han Guang slapped Onoki again.

"Don't look around! Next, the negotiation begins!"

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