When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 163 The Terrifying Use Of Han Guang's Will Character! (Please Customize)

Mist ninja battlefield.

After the seven members of the Mist Ninja bypassed the battlefield and went deep into the territory of the Land of Fire, Qing became the temporary captain.

The prudent Qing immediately ordered the Mist Ninja troops to retreat to a safe distance.


Kirinin witnessed the Tailed Beast Bomb hitting Konoha's line, and then being bounced back.

See this scene.

Qing didn't even think about it, and hurriedly ordered the troops to use the hidden trap to deceive Konoha Shinobi.

The thick fog rose, and the fog ninja ran away.

Facts have proved that his decision is correct.


Three Tails jumped out of the huge pit, with hundreds of Konoha Shinobi standing on top of them.

"Oh? Mist Ninja runs very fast." Han Guang swept across the battlefield, quite surprised.

Seen from a height, there was no one on the front of the Kiri Ninja, only a thick white mist.

"Indeed, there are no people in sight." Namikaze Minato laughed dumbfounded.

"This group of guys must have been scared away." Obito looked regretful.

"It's hard to chase." Shisui shook his head.

"Difficult? Not difficult at all!"

Han Guang smiled.

Then, he will communicate with Three Tails, and by the way, help One Tail to print the characteristics of floating and flying.

"I suddenly feel like I can fly!" Three Tails said softly.

"Don't resist, fly with this feeling." Han Guang communicated with Three Tails.

next moment.

Three Tails Jifu jumped up and floated in the air.

"Catch up with that fog ninja." Han Guang ordered.

"no problem!"


Three Tails—820 rushed out, and a huge shadow swept across the ground.

"Can this fly too?"

Three Tails rocked the top of their heads, and a group of people couldn't believe it.

"My layout is still too small." Uchiha Fugaku regretted a bit.

He originally thought that the huge iron gate he built was already considered a big picture, but now it seems that he is still a frog at the bottom of the well.

"What is your ability?" Namikaze Minato couldn't figure it out until now.

It's only been two days since I saw him, why does this student of mine have strange abilities again?

"Teacher, you actually know." Han Guang smiled at Kaidō.

"I know?" Namikaze Minato was taken aback.

His brain thought fast and finally came to an idea.

"I see! Your Rasengan was able to lift into the air before, isn't that the ability?" Namikaze Minato said.

"Huh? No." Han Guang shook his head.

"No? What's that?"

"It's the will!" Han Guang explained briefly.


Namikaze Minato looked suspicious.

Will He knows that a strong man who has experienced battles can suppress the weak by virtue of his will.

If this kind of person releases a trace of murderous aura, the will of the weak will be disintegrated and they will lose their combat effectiveness.

But the question is, how does the will allow the tailed beast to fly?

Is there a connection between the two?

"This can only show that Senior Han Guang's (bbbg) will has become unbelievably strong!" Shisui explained.

Seemingly feeling that this explanation is not perfect, he added: "This will is so powerful that it can interfere with reality.

Hearing Shisui's explanation, Namikaze Minato still couldn't believe it.

"Can a person's will really be so strong?"

"Okay." Uchiha Fugaku took over.

Continued: "Minato, think about it, Three Tails was manipulated by other people just now! Isn't it the best evidence?"

Reminded by Fugaku, Namikaze Minato suddenly realized.

"Yeah, who the hell controls Three Tails? Not even Shisui's illusion can get in there.

"I have to ask the Fugaku patriarch." Han Guang said quietly.

"Could it be Uchiha Madara?" Fugaku tried to ask.

"It must be the old guy!" Obito looked resentful.

Then said: "Madara controls Three Tails and intends to wipe us out. If Han Guang didn't block the Tailed Beast Bomb, we would all suffer.

"As Uchiha, it seems that Madara doesn't care about your lives." Han Guang echoed.

Being surrounded by Obito and Han Guang, Fugaku's face changed constantly.

The other Uchiha also gritted their teeth.

"My grandpa once said, Madara, is a disgrace to the family!" Shisui thought of what his grandpa said.

"He's not from my Uchiha!" Fugaku said with a final word, and fired Madara.

As Obito said, if Madara still remembers Uchiha, how can he manipulate Three Tails to press on them:

This is clearly aimed at destroying Uchiha.

"Catch up!"

Suddenly, NVC pointed to the ground.

I saw dozens of Wuren fleeing frantically in the woods.

They looked up in horror, apparently seeing Three Tails chasing after them.

"The number is wrong, it seems that they scattered and fled.

"What are you waiting for? Get rid of them first!"

"Jump down!"

Hundreds of Uchiha ninjas leaped from the head of Three Tails and rushed into the Lord of the Woods.

Han Guang did not participate, but sat on top of Three Tails and communicated with Three Tails.

"I'm imposing two characteristics on you now! Do you feel anything unusual?"

"I just feel like I can fly." Three Tails responded.

"Then do you want to have a third characteristic?"

"Can you?" Three Tails was overjoyed.

"Of course, as long as you can bear it!"

"Then I want to grow bigger!" Three Tails Jifu blurted out.

"Bigger?" Han Guang was dumbfounded.

You are so big, you want to change the sky?

"Are you sure?" Han Guang asked again.

"Yes, I want to grow bigger!" Three Tails said firmly.

"Okay, I'll do it for you.

After finishing speaking, Han Guang condensed his will and imprinted 'becoming bigger' on Three Tails's body.


At this moment, the will in Han Guang's mind trembled for a while, and nearly half of it was directly consumed.


Feeling the sudden loss of his will, Han Guang was stunned.

"Is this willpower consumption so much?"

You know, he now has more than 40,000 spiritual attributes.

This TM just fell in half?

"I feel it! I really feel it!"

At this moment, Three Tails is extremely excited,

This human being has really done it, can really make himself bigger.


When it fell to the ground, Three Tails let out a roar of excitement!

Immediately afterwards.

Its body swelled suddenly.

Originally, the size of Three Tails Jifu was already giant. But now, its body is expanding rapidly, and it has become more than several times bigger?

"How is this going?"

Seeing this scene, the people around were all dumbfounded.

They looked up, but they couldn't see clearly the top of Three Tails Jifu's head.

"Is this too exaggerated?"

“Three Tails is still getting bigger!”

"Its claws are coming."

"Get out of the way!"

Everyone avoided.


What they saw most intuitively was a claw of Three Tails, which swelled like a hill.

"What did Han Guang do?" Namikaze Minato couldn't help but think of Han Guang.

Because, the mutation of Three Tails is too weird, except for Han Guang, no one else can do this kind of thing.


Three Tails was still getting bigger, and let out an ear-splitting roar.

Han Guang had a strange expression on his face.

He recognized it, Three Tails stroking the voice, not excited, but frightened!

"I can't stop! Human, save me!"

"I really can't stop."


Three Tails Jifu's consciousness trembled violently, and he asked Han Guang Yuanhao for help.


With a speechless expression on his face, Han Guang put the fourth characteristic into Three Tails' body.


this moment.

Three Tails Jifu's Qingtian body shrank extremely rapidly, like a deflated ball.

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