When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 164 Disable Third Generation? Let Him Go Through Sick Leave? (Please Customize)

The battle on the Mist Ninja battlefield ended quickly.

return journey.

The huge iron gate was flying in the air, and it was full of people.

They are puzzled.

Because Han Guang didn't take Three Tails away, but released it back into the sea.

Namikaze Minato opened his mouth, but finally did not speak.

He couldn't figure out the student's intentions, but Namikaze Minato knew very well that since Han Guang let Three Tails go, he must have a purpose.


The group returned to the village.

"Wait a minute! Why do I feel like something is missing in the village?~" Obito looked suspicious.

"It's true that something is missing! The Hokage rock is gone." Namikaze Minato looked at the back mountain and muttered to himself-.

"The back mountain fell?" Uchiha Fugaku couldn't believe it.

They just left for a day, why did the back mountain collapse?

It's not just that the mountains are dumping.

The buildings near the back hill were also damaged a lot, even the Hokage building was in ruins.

"It looks like something went wrong."

Han Guang touched his chin and walked towards the back hill.

He remembered that he enlightened Houshan, and it stands to reason that he shouldn't be dumped.

Across the block, many people are rebuilding houses, even the Hokage building is being built.

Ignoring these people, Han Guang walked to the back mountain.


As soon as I arrived at the back mountain, many trees moved one after another.

Han Guang touched the trunk of a tree and began to understand the whole story.

After a while.

He couldn't help but laugh.

"So it turned out that Zaoshu rescued Might Guy and was chased by the seven Wunin. So it asked Houshan for help?"

"Trees can communicate with rocks, and I have overlooked this."

Thinking of this, let the light walk to the fallen stone wall.

Touching towards the stone wall, there was approval in his eyes.

"You are very good! Know how to protect trees."

"For that alone, you deserve more features.


Han Guang's will surged, and he blessed Houshan with a third characteristic.



Suddenly, the stone wall shook, bringing up a large amount of gravel.

Immediately afterwards, countless broken stones began to condense, turning into two huge stone legs.


There was a violent vibration, and Houshan stood up like this.

Standing at the top of the mountain, Han Guang stopped delivering Chakra.

at the same time.

The Hokage building, which had just been half built, was shaken again, and it didn't last for a second before collapsing again.

"Worri, how did Houshan stand up?"

When many people saw this scene, their eyes almost popped out of shock.

After the mountain collapsed, they could understand.

After all, it has collapsed twice before, and people can understand that the internal structure is unstable due to wind and sun.

But now, the back mountain unexpectedly grew huge stone legs, standing up alive?

This is simply unbelievable.

"You can sit down."

Han Guang communicated with Houshan, and his will was transmitted.

Immediately afterwards, he disappeared in place with a 'whoosh' sound.

The village is fried.

Everyone was talking about this weird scene.

Even, Sarutobi Hiruzen personally led the team and went to the back mountain to investigate the situation.

In the yard.

The jujube tree is very quiet, with branches scattered to shield the owner from the sun.

Han Guang sat on a wooden chair with a huge cash box in front of him.

"So much money, how should I spend it?"

With a sad face on his face, he suddenly felt that the money was useless.

After all, it is enough to have this yard by yourself, and it does not need to be too spacious.


Suddenly, Namikaze Minato appeared instantly.

As soon as he came, he saw hundreds of millions of large banknotes in the cash box.

"You're rich now." Namikaze Minato smiled.

Then, he asked, "Did you do the back mountain?"

"I just straightened the back mountain." Han Guang shrugged.

"I knew you did it" Namikaze Minato was not surprised.

He has seen Han Guang control Three Tails to fly, it is not difficult for Houshan to stand up.

"I came to you to buy the ability to fly." Namikaze Minato explained his purpose, and took out a silver ticket from his pocket.

"Others will definitely have to pay, but you don't have to, teacher." Han Guang refused.


Han Guang tailored three characteristics for Namikaze Minato.

Float, fly, and go super fast.

After testing these three characteristics, Namikaze Minato is extremely satisfied.

"You are truly amazing."

Floating down from mid-air, Namikaze Minato couldn't help admiring.

No wonder.

He saw a lot of ninjas chipping in.

Needless to say, those people want to buy the ability to fly.

"Are you all right?" Han Guang stretched, ready to go to bed.

‥ Ask for flowers...

"Yes." Namikaze Minato's complexion suddenly became serious.

He continued: "Han Guang, I just received news that the Third Generation may have to deal with you."

"Really?" Han Guang was overjoyed.

This made Namikaze Minato look weird.

Han Guang's reaction, is it normal?

"Teacher, tell me quickly, how is he going to deal with me?" Han Guang urged.

"He sent people to contact the various families, probably to drive you out of the village. However, the patriarchs of each family have bought your flying ability, and no one has responded to the main generation." Namikaze Minato Kaidō.

"No more?" Han Guang was suspicious.

"Also, the Third Generation secretly sent several clansmen to leave the village, and their whereabouts are unknown."

Hearing this, Xia Guang was disappointed.

What did he think the Third Generation could do?

As a result, TM made such a little noise?

"Teacher, get ready!"

"I'm going?" Namikaze Minato was puzzled.


"What am I going to prepare?"

"Fourth Hokage!"

Until he left Han Guang's yard, Namikaze Minato was very upset.

How could he never have imagined that his student would actually plan to take down Third Generation tomorrow?

And the method is more direct

That is to disable the Third Generation, and then let it abdicate by means of illness.

To be honest, when Namikaze Minato heard Han Guang say this way of abdicating, he was a little hard to accept.

Threatening to abdicate is fine, but what does it mean to call Third Generation?

"Let me succeed Fourth Hokage, do I have the ability?"

Along the way, Namikaze Minato thought about this question.

Regardless of age, he thinks Han Guang is the most suitable candidate for Hokage.

"Whether it's strength, means, or strategic vision, I can't compare to this student..."

"When I do Hokage, the most I can do is defend the village. But if Han Guang is allowed to do Hokage, he may be able to dominate the ninja world."

"And he doesn't even know how famous he is in the village now...

The more he thought about it, the more Namikaze Minato felt that he was not worthy of the position of Fourth Hokage.

"To end the long war in the ninja world, only Han Guang can do it.

With an idea in mind, he decided to take the whole family for the student.

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly ticket inches].

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