When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 165: Han Guang Attends The Meeting, Everyone's Scalps Are Numb! (Please Customize)


Han Guang was called away by Mr. Minato.

"Teacher, I'm still waiting for Cengfan, where are you taking me?" Han Guang looked suspicious.

"Take you somewhere." Namikaze Minato didn't say much.

The secret room of the Nara clan.

When Han Guang walked into the secret room, he was quite shocked.

Nara, Akamichi, Yamanaka, Aburame, Hyuga, Uchiha, Horse

Scanning the people present, Han Guang found that almost all the patriarchs of the various clans were present.

"Is this a rebellion meeting?" Han Guang asked in surprise.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Namikaze Minato quickly covered Han Guang's mouth.

He was really convinced by this student, he dared to say anything without any scruples.

The faces of the others froze, not knowing how to describe Han Guang.

"Okay! I brought the person. Let's start next." Namikaze Minato hurriedly entered the main "697" question [for fear that Han Guang would say something inappropriate again.

After Minato's voice fell, Nara Shikahisa came out.

He cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Everyone! Third Hokage has repeatedly compromised with foreign enemies, disregarding the interests of the village and the lives of ninjas of all races.

"We cannot allow him to continue in power."

"Even if we win the war, with the character of Third Hokage, we will still compromise with the outside world."

"So, what is the significance of our struggle? What is the significance of our people's sacrifice?"

"If this continues, the enemy's desire for aggression will not stop, but will increase again and again.

"We want to force the Third Hokage to abdicate! Choose a Hokage who truly cares for all ethnic groups and for the village!"

Listening to Nara Lujiu's speech, Han Guang had to admit that what the other party said made sense.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's external compromise will not only break the hearts of all ethnic groups, but will also encourage other ninja villages to have a stronger desire for aggression.

"I have said what should be said! Now is the time for everyone to take turns to speak!"

Looking around at the crowd, Nara said the rules.

"Everyone here can run for Fourth Hokage! However, you have to tell your own advantages, and what will you bring to the village after succeeding Hokage?"

Lu Jiu's meaning is very clear.

To become a Fourth Hokage, one must bring enough benefits to the village.

If not, how is it different from Third Hokage?

Although, this is only an internal selection where all ethnic groups gather together.

But this is basically the final choice after the showdown with Third Generation.

Han Guang didn't come out, but folded his arms and looked at the others.


Hyuga Hiashi came out first.

He cleared his throat, ready to start his campaign manifesto,

"Wait a moment!"

Han Guang stopped it.


Hyuga Hiashi was taken aback, not knowing what Han Guang meant.

Others also looked over one after another, waiting for Han Guang's explanation.

"I think Patriarch Hiashi, you can go back to the queue!" Han Guang looked serious.

Hyuga Hiashi: "???"

Laozi hasn't spoken yet, so you let me queue up?

Han Guang what are you doing kid?

"Han Guang, do you have a problem with me?" Hiashi asked with a frown.

"Chief Hiashi, friendship belongs to friendship! But you are really not suitable to run for Hokage!" Han Guang shook his head.

"Why?" Hiashi felt dissatisfied.

He didn't even allow himself to say in the election manifesto, Han Guang is obviously messing with himself.

"You first equalize your family's main family and branch house, and then choose.

Han Guang's words were astonishing.

Hyuga Hiashi was speechless.

Others nodded one after another.

"It's true that your own family is not equal. If you become Hokage, wouldn't we all become inferior?" Uchiha Fugaku echoed.

"That makes sense." The others agreed,

that's all.

Hyuga Hiashi wrote a full-page speech, and was forced to leave without reading a single word.

"I even treated you to dinner." Standing beside Han Guang, Hiashi whispered.

"I'll invite you later!" Han Guang said indifferently.

He has hundreds of millions of dollars to spend now, isn't it just a little rain for a dinner.

Not to mention Hiashi alone, but the entire Hyuga family, he didn't even frown.


With the defeat of the Hiashi patriarch, a second contender entered the field.

Uchiha Fugaku stepped out of the queue.

He cleared his throat and picked up the speech in his hand.

"Wait a moment!"

Han Guang spoke again..

Uchiha Fugaku's hand trembled, and the speech fell to the floor.


Looking at Han Guang, Uchiha Fugaku looked ugly.

"Han Guang, do you have another opinion?" Namikaze Minato asked while covering his forehead.

"Of course!" Han Guang nodded.

Then he said: "Clan leader Uchiha! The Hokage we selected must have vigor and Haki! Can you understand?"

"I...." Uchiha Fugaku froze.

He picked up the speech paper on the ground and returned to the queue without saying a word.


Others were puzzled.

What's the reason for Han Guang? Why didn't the Uchiha patriarch not be elected?

But Nara Lujiu seemed to understand and agreed with Han Guang's words.

indeed. Hokage, you can't let a eunuch do it.

There are too many uncertainties here.

Uchiha Fugaku walked to Han Guang's side, his tone low.

"Han Guang, I treated you to drinks several times.

"I invite you later." Han Guang shrugged.

With the failure of the second candidate, everyone looks at me and I look at you.

Finally, the head of the pommel horse came out.

He has no speech.

Clearing his throat, the head of the pommel horse first glanced at Han Guang.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the other party didn't respond.


"Wait a moment!"

Han Guang made another 4.1 sound again.

"Just tell me, why can't I choose?" the head of the pommel horse asked with an ugly face.

"Clan head of the pommel horse, Hokage is a very tiring job. Practice more gymnastics, and you can choose next time!" Han Guang said softly.

Following Han Guang's words fell.

Others agreed.

As Han Guang said, the physique of the pommel horse clan is too poor.

If this makes the head of the pommel horse a Hokage, it is estimated that the lumbar disc will protrude soon.

After all, Hokage was supposed to be in the Hokage building on business, not in the hospital.

Three candidates in a row were all sent back by Han Guang.

This caused the field to fall into silence for a while, because no one came out.

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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