When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 166 Recommend Han Guang! Han Guang: It Seems My Reputation Is Not Loud Enough! (Please Custo

Secret room.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one dared to stand out.

The main reason is that Han Guang is too TM to pick faults.

The first three people didn't even speak, so he left the stage.

In terms of strength, Han Guang alone can destroy thousands of Rock Shinobi elite troops. There is no doubt about its strength. As for eloquence, I have just experienced it.

So this led to a collective silence.

In the end, Nara Lujiu stood up.

He cleared his throat, then stared at Han Guang without taking his eyes off him.

"What do you see me doing? You're talking." Han Guang urged.

"Cough cough."

Nara Shikajiu coughed and started the campaign speech.

"If I get elected..."

"Wait a moment!"

Han Guang stopped it.

A group of people snickered one after another.

"Don't say it, I won't choose. Lu Jiu simply retreated to the queue.

He could guess the reason why Han Guang wanted to hate him, it was nothing more than his lack of strength.

"You do have self-knowledge." Han Guang rubbed his chin and muttered.

Then he continued: "Who else?"

Looking around at the crowd, Han Guang asked.

As a result, no one stood up anymore.

"Teacher, after cleaning up everyone, it's your turn to play." Han Guang smiled and arched the teacher.

"Okay, it's time for me to say it." Namikaze Minato was also not polite, and stepped out of the queue.

He cleared his throat.

In the arena, everyone looked at Han Guang in unison.

They waited for Han Guang to beat Namikaze Minato.

To the surprise of the group, Namikaze Minato had already started to speak, but Han Guang didn't speak.

"I was going to run for Fourth Hokage. But the Lord

"I've been thinking about it for a long time."

Namikaze Minato's 15 tone is full of emotion.

"If I am elected as Fourth Hokage, the crisis of the Four Great Ninja Villages raiding Konoha will still happen again.

"Because, my ability is not enough for Konoha Village to deter the Four Great Ninja Villages."

Hearing this, others already understood what Namikaze Minato meant.

as expected.

Namikaze Minato looked at Han Guang.

"So, I recommend my disciple Han Guang!"

"You may not understand Han Guang's true strength. But I do.

"He is fully capable of deterring the Four Great Ninja Villages!"

After Namikaze Minato said this, Han Guang was stunned.


Teacher Minato recommended me?

"Wait a moment!"

Han Guang made a sound.

Then said: "Mr. Minato! Even if I am elected as Hokage, I will only sleep in the office."

"It's okay! We will select a Hokage assistant to assist you with official duties. Namikaze Minato gave a solution.

"Then I'm only twelve years old." Han Guang said again.

"Age is not a problem! Even I am ashamed of your schemes!" Nara Lujiu said.

"Hey! Be careful what you say, I'm smart!" Han Guang defended.

"Okay, do you have any questions?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"It's gone." Han Guang couldn't think of any other questions.

"Okay! Now that you have no questions, then you have to talk about what you can bring to the village if you are elected as Fourth Hokage?" Nara Lujiu raised the most critical question.

Han Guang thought for a while, and wished a lot.

"Well... First of all, each family can purchase flying capabilities at an ultra-low price." Han Guang said the first benefit.

"Super low price? How low?" Lu Jiu asked.

"One hundred thousand taels per person." Han Guang gave a jumping price.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

This price is really too low.

They are too low to believe it.

"If I knew this earlier, I would have bought it a few days later."

"Me too! I bought it twice at Han Guang for 74 million taels.

"I only bought it once."

"In the future, it will be once a hundred thousand taels."

"The price dive is too big."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Han Guang cleared his throat.

He continued: "The price of 100,000 taels is limited to members of your various ethnic groups! I hope you understand this point."

They understand very well.

Here, there are great benefits to all ethnic groups.

Not to mention anything else, this ultra-low price alone can rapidly expand the number of people of all ethnic groups.

"It seems that our families are about to usher in an era of many children and grandchildren." Nara Lujiu said with emotion.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Uchiha Fugaku's face was not right.

After all, everyone else has many children and grandchildren, and only Fugaku has only one son.

After everyone calmed down, Han Guang mentioned the second benefit.

"My purpose as a Hokage is different from everyone else's."

"What's the difference?" Namikaze Minato asked just in time.

"It's very simple! That is, only I, Konoha, can bully others, and I can't let others bully." Han Guang solemnly said.

"For example?" Lu Jiu was curious.

Han Guang thought for a while, and made an analogy with Sand Shinobi.

"Take Sand Shinobi, we had a little friction with Sand Shinobi! So what to do?"

Han Guang looked around the crowd and continued: "If I were Hokage, I would definitely capture Kazekage and make him kneel on the ground!"


Everyone is suspicious.

A little friction on the border, and Fengying was captured?

You boasted too much.

Seeing that these people didn't believe it, Han Guang opened his mouth quietly.

"You may not know. When I was negotiating with Tsuchikage before, I hung Tsuchikage up first, and then I started negotiating."


Everyone who listened was stupid.

Han Guang hanging up Tsuchikage to negotiate?

Will Tsuchikage agree?

"Did Tsuchikage not resist?" Nara asked with staring eyes.

"He resisted and defeated my Wood Clone."


A group of people admired all five bodies.

Although Han Guang is suspected of bragging, there is a high probability that this matter cannot be wrong.

After all, Han Guang's ability is too weird.

You say he is strong in physical skills, he masters Wood Style, you say he is strong in Wood Style, and he restrains Wood Style! Now, he can also give others the ability to fly.

Moreover, there have been rumors of trees running in the village recently. They feel that there is a high probability that Han Guang made it.

It also seems logical to have Wood Style and let the trees run.

"Han Guang, you are also responsible for the anomaly in the back mountain, right?" Nara asked.

"I just enlightened Houshan to make it come alive." Han Guang said casually.

"No wonder!"

Everyone suddenly realized.

Now, they have discovered a new ability of Han Guang.

Give life to rocks!

"This ability is simply pervert." Nara Lujiu commented.

"It's really pervert! It would be terrible if we add a few more mountains." The head of the pommel horse echoed.

"And Han Guang can control Three Tails!" Namikaze Minato confided.

This time, Han Guang added a lot of points in the eyes of everyone.

The meeting has come to an end here.

"The last thing we want to discuss is Third Hokage!" Nara said the last topic.

Once the Third Hokage is forced to abdicate, what will happen to the Third Generation?

This question fell on Han Guang.

"Han Guang, we know that you are young and energetic! But you have to know that the Third Generation is the Third Generation after all! If you kill him, it will have a great impact on you!"

Hearing Lu Jiu's suggestion, Han Guang nodded.

He made a promise: "I will definitely not kill him! After all, the Third Generation is powerful, and there are many tasks in the village waiting for him to do.


Feng Shui turns.

Han Guang finally had to wait until this day.

"You asked the Third Generation to do the task after he abdicated?" Nara was dumbfounded.

"Of course! Not only the Third Generation, but the entire Sarutobi clan must move!" Xiangguang assured, patted his chest.

Everyone looked at each other.

They figured it out, Han Guang was holding grudges against the Third Generation, and they had been asking him to do the missions.

"That's the end of this meeting."

Nara Shikahisa made the final statement.

"Tomorrow at noon! We ask the Third Generation to abdicate!"

the next day.

early morning.

Rarely, Han Guang woke up at home.

The first thing he did when he woke up, he glanced at the properties panel as usual.

Name: Han Guang

Age: 12 years old

Power: 7328【Immortal level】

Physique: 9216 [immortal level]

Agility: 742【Super Kage-level】

Spirit: 40960 [immortal immunity]

Chakra volume: 58246

Skills: None

Ninjutsu: Planetary Devastation (Level Six Paths) [Quality Evolution]

Ability: Wood Style god-level control (characteristic: loyalty), ultimate perception (100000 meters)

Comprehensive Strength Evaluation: Genin

"Huh? Doubled to ninjutsu?"

"How come this is a sub-Six Paths class?"

Han Guang was speechless for a while.

Walking into the yard, he wanted to water the tree. It turned out that both trees were gone.

"This shit must have gone to the back mountain.

After making some complaints, he left the yard, ready to go to Happy Soup to have a meal.

You get used to this thing after a while.

Han Guang hasn't cooked since Cengfan, and the pots at home are all rusted.

When he came to the street, Han Guang looked suspicious.

He saw a lot of people hanging decorations on both sides of the street in 507, who seemed to be welcoming them?

"Could this be Lu Jiu's handwriting?"

"Prepared for me?"

Touching his chin, he thought it should be so.

After all, he was about to rise to the highest level of the village soon, so he definitely wanted to celebrate.

Happy soup bath.

Han Guang came on time for the meal.


Today's Kushina and others seem to be a little cautious about themselves.

"Han Guang, seat!"

After setting the stool, Kushina wiped the dust off it.

"Han Guang, here are your chopsticks." Hyuga Suzune handed over the chopsticks with a low eyebrow.

"Your meal." Minako pushed the meal away.

"Hey! I'm not used to you guys like this." Han Guang was speechless.

He continued: "Although I will soon become the Fourth Hokage, please don't be restrained, just treat it as the old me.


The three women were stunned.

Han Guang is going to be the Fourth Hokage?

How can this be?

"Han Guang, you haven't woken up yet?" Kushina looked suspicious.

"You must still be dreaming." Lingyin echoed.

"Are you going to be a Hokage?" Minako didn't quite believe it either.

"You don't know?"

Han Guang was dumbfounded.

He asked, "Since you don't know, why are you so reserved?"


Kushina clutched her forehead.

"It seems that you really don't know."

"Is there something else?" Han Guang asked suspiciously.

"This morning, the Hokage office issued a notice! The Shadow of the Four Great Ninja Village will arrive in the village soon.

"We let you eat quickly, and you should protect Third Hokage."

Hearing this news, Han Guang wanted to laugh.

He didn't need to think about it, he knew that this must be an invitation from Third Generation, and all four shadows were invited.

But the question is, how is this possible?

You know, Konoha is under siege now.

The shadows of the four major ninja villages dare to come to Konoha? Aren't they afraid of being wiped out by their own group?

Onoki can come, Han Guang can understand, but how did the other three shadows come?

"It seems that my reputation is not loud enough..."

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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