When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 174: Han Guang's Terrifying Backhand! Use Dragon Veins To Travel Through Future Plans!

Inside Hokage's office.

Namikaze Minato looked puzzled.

Han Guang speculates that he will disappear? What is this speculation based on?

Jiraiya was equally puzzled.

How could this kid be missing with such a strong strength?

"How did you disappear? You are Hokage now, just stay in the village." Namikaze Minato couldn't understand Han Guang's brain circuit.

"Yeah, logically speaking, with your strength, how could you be in the hospital?" Jiraiya also echoed.

"Because there is only one possibility."

Han Guang's calm Kaidō.

According to Han Guang's speculation, if Toad Sage's prediction is correct, there is only one possibility——

That is, my age has doubled-!

For Han Guang, doubling his age is just a time to sleep. But for others, it is more than ten years - time.

For such a long time, it is enough for other rural areas to determine their own hospitals.

In this way, it is reasonable for other ninja villages to besiege Konoha.

"I need to think it over."

Leaving this sentence behind, Han Guang left.

back mountain.

by the creek.

Han Guang leaned against the jujube tree with a pensive look on his face.

"The first method is that I will destroy the Four Great Ninja Villages now, but what about after that?"

"After that, I will have the reputation of shocking the entire ninja world!"

"If I'm still alive, there will be peace in the ninja world. But once my age doubles, Konoha Village will become the public enemy of the ninja world!"

"At that time, when I woke up, Konoha Village might be gone."

This is not unfounded for Han Guang, because First Hokage is the best example.

You know, First Hokage treats other ninja villages very kindly, but what happens after he passes away?

"Even if I kill all the ninjas except Konoha, will there really be peace?"

Han Guang secretly shook his head.

He is very clear that human desires are endless.

Even if you destroy all Ninja Villages by yourself, once you disappear, Konoha Village will definitely be in chaos!

The struggle for power is unavoidable. There is even a high probability that it will split.

Rather than disintegrate within the village, Han Guang prefers to let Konoha meet the enemy.

Therefore, Han Guang gave up this idea.

He turned to think in another direction.

"If I know the day when my age doubles. And, my specific attributes at that time, maybe I can find the secret."

Han Guang muttered to himself.

He judged that the doubling of age may have something to do with the four-dimensional attribute reaching a certain critical point.

Or, pure luck.

Thinking of this, he scanned the properties panel.

Name: Han Guang

Age: 12 years old

Power: 7328【Immortal Level】

Physique: 18432(*) [secondary Six Paths level]

Agility: 742【Super Kage-level】

Spirit: 40960【Time · Six Paths Immunity】

Amount of Chakra: 67462

Skills: None

Ninjutsu: Planetary Devastation (Level Six Paths) [Quality Evolution]

Ability: Wood Style god-level control (characteristic: loyalty), ultimate perception (100000 meters)

Comprehensive Strength Evaluation: Genin

After browsing the property panel carefully, Han Guang analyzed it.

"Theoretically, each row on the attribute panel may be doubled. Because this is a daily doubling system!"

"But from the beginning to now, the amount and age of Chakra have not doubled.

"I'm lucky?"


At this time, Namikaze Minato appeared.

He was not in the mood to deal with official business, but came to the back mountain to find Han Guang.

"Han Guang, don't be in a hurry. Think about it carefully, is there anything that can make you disappear?" Namikaze Minato sat aside, with a calm voice.

"Teacher, you have to think about it too, why did you die in battle with the Flying Thunder God Technique?" Han Guang laughed at Kaidō.

"Eh." Namikaze Minato was speechless.

In fact, he could guess the reason for his death in battle.

The high probability is to protect the village.

Otherwise, Namikaze Minato is confident he can escape.

In the entire ninja world, he felt that no one could kill him except Han Guang.

"Teacher, do you know Loulan?"

Suddenly, Han Guang asked.

"Of course I know, I did a mission to Loulan before." Namikaze Minato responded.

"Oh? What mission?" Han Guang was taken aback.

"I helped Queen Loulan seal part of the dragon veins!"

"Part of it?"

"Yes!" Namikaze Minato nodded.

Then he said: "There is a minister in Loulan, named An Lushan. He has developed a method to use the power of dragon veins."

"However, because this method is too rough, it cannot withstand the full power of the dragon's veins."

"So, Queen Loulan asked me to seal part of the dragon veins."

Speaking of this, Namikaze Minato was quite emotional.

"You may not know that Loulan's prosperity is due to the existence of dragon veins."

Hearing Teacher Minato's narration, Han Guang touched his chin.

He stood up and made up his mind.

"Teacher, go get ten seal scrolls.


Namikaze Minato left in an instant.

After a while, he appeared with ten seal scrolls.

Spreading out the scroll, Han Guang clapped his hands on it.

The majestic will and Chakra poured into it, making the sealing scroll tremble continuously.

After a few breaths.

Han Guang let go of his hand.

A tree imprint was left on the scroll.

"In this scroll, my Wood Style is sealed." Han Guang rolled up the scroll and reminded.

"How powerful?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"It can almost cover the whole village!" Han Guang Kaidō.

Then, he continued to speak: "I have poured my will into this technique, and it won't hurt anyone in Konoha!"

Hearing Han Guang's words, Namikaze Minato was extremely shocked.

A Wood Style that can cover an entire village?

Also instilled the will to protect Konoha?

"Han Guang, I didn't expect your Wood Style to be so strong." Namikaze Minato felt sincerely.

"Teacher, I'm afraid you misunderstood." Han Guang shook his head.

"Warm?" Namikaze Minato was taken aback.

"It's just a simple Wood Style that I sealed!" Han Guang looked serious.

"You call this simple?" Namikaze Minato was speechless.

"This technique is called Birth of the Tree Boundary! When needed, you have to cast it in the center of the village, and it can grow a large number of trees [these trees will attack the enemy autonomously." Han Guang explained.

"Birth of the tree world? So it's this technique." Namikaze Minato nodded, indicating that he understood.

Putting the scroll away, Namikaze Minato watched as Han Guang sealed the second spell.


Slapping both hands on the sealing scroll, Han Guang's will surged out again.

Then, the Chakra in his body poured madly towards the scroll.

"Such a huge amount of Chakra? What kind of technique is Han Guang sealing?" Namikaze Minato was shocked.

He can feel that the amount of Chakra output by Han Guang has far exceeded his own amount of Chakra.

This makes Namikaze Minato feel a little inferior.

No need to think about it, this technique is even more terrifying than the first one.

After a while.

The seal is over.

An imprint of a Senju Buddha is left on the scroll.

After winding up the scroll, Han Guang handed it to Namikaze Minato.

"What kind of art is this?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"Well, True Several Thousand Hands!" Han Guang asked.

Then, he continued: "If the village encounters a strong enemy, you can use it again, teacher."

"There is still my will in it, don't worry about it, it will attack automatically!"

"Uh." Namikaze Minato nodded.

He really admired this student.

Seal a ninjutsu and turn it into an automatic attack.


Han Guang sealed seven identical spells in a row.

This made Namikaze Minato's eyelids twitch wildly.

Because, he recognized the mark on the scroll.

"Sir, you must know it too. This is the advanced version of Rasengan you taught me. I named it Planetary Devastation!"

Handed over the seven scrolls, Han Guang explained.

"These seven scrolls are too terrifying." Namikaze Minato muttered to himself, taking it carefully for fear of breaking it.

"The first Wood Style is for defending the village! The second Wood Style is for powerful enemies!"

"As for the seven scrolls, when you use them, teacher, you should stay away from the village."

Han Guang exhorted.

"I understand." Namikaze Minato nodded.

He has personally seen the terrifying power of this technique twice.

That terrifying attraction is still fresh in his memory.

Opening the last scroll, Han Guang poured a lot of will, as well as, the remaining Chakra.

Now, his Chakra is straight to the bottom.


Taking a long breath, he let go of his hands.

An imprint of a figure was left on the scroll.

"This is?"

Seeing this mark, Namikaze Minato guessed the spell.

"Wood Style clone?" he tried to ask.

"That's right!"

Han Guang nodded and handed the scroll to the teacher.

"Teacher, this Wood Style avatar is almost half of my strength!"

"What about you? Are you leaving?" Namikaze Minato stared at Han Guang with a serious tone.

"I won't leave today, I'm going to Loulan tomorrow!" Han Guang said the destination.

Namikaze Minato froze.

He thought for a moment, with horror on his face.

"Are you planning to use the power of the dragon veins to travel to the future?"

"Huh? Teacher, how do you know?" Han Guang looked puzzled.

According to what Mr. Minato said just now, the current Loulan and An Lushan have not shown their feet.

How did Mr. Minato know that dragon veins can travel through time and space?

"Because I overheard a sentence from An Lushan when I went to Loulan last time." Namikaze Minato explained.

"What words?" Han Guang asked.

"He said, Namikaze Minato is an idiot for not sealing all the dragon veins!"

Hearing this sentence, Han Guang couldn't help but laugh.

"When I heard this, I hadn't sealed the dragon vein yet!" Namikaze Minato continued.

"So you judge that An Lushan is from the future?" Han Guang asked back.

"At that time, I was just guessing! I wasn't sure that person was from the future until you said you were going to Loulan.

After hearing the teacher's analysis, Han Guang had to admit that Teacher Minato's wisdom has not improved.

"However, Han Guang!"

Namikaze Minato's face was serious.

"If you go to the future, will you change history?"

"Changing history?"

Han Guang shook his head.

Then he said: "Teacher, if an abnormality occurs in the upstream of a river, then the downstream will definitely be affected! But if an abnormality occurs in the downstream, do you think the upstream will feel it?"

……ask for flowers……


Namikaze Minato suddenly realized.

What Han Guang wants to travel is the future! Even if the future is changed, it will not conflict with the present!

"Then your purpose of traveling to the future?" Bo

Wind Minato asked.

"Find the reason for my disappearance!" Han Guang said truthfully.

"I see." Namikaze Minato nodded.

He knew that the idea of ​​letting the light be bold! But it worked.

Because in the future, there will definitely be records about Han Guang's disappearance.

"I'll go with you tomorrow." Namikaze Minato had a decision.

"Are you going to the future too?" Han Guang was surprised.

"No! I can break the seal and send you to the future!"

Speaking of this, Namikaze Minato's eyes lit up.

Continued: "And we can agree on a time, when I stimulate the dragon vein again, I can bring you back from the future.

"This is fine." Han Guang nodded.

"The specific agreed time will be decided after we capture Anlu Mountain!" Han Guang added.

"no problem!"

Having finalized the matter, Han Guang summoned the White Zetsu avatar.


The White Zetsu clone emerged from the ground.

"Master Han Guang!"

"Send a message to your main body, just say that I will be away for a while soon.


White Zetsu went underground and disappeared without a trace.

Namikaze Minato on the side looked suspicious.

"What is your purpose for letting the fake Ruri defect?" Namikaze Minato couldn't help asking curiously.

Minato knew about the defection of fake Liuli. It's just that he doesn't know Han Guang's intentions.

"Uchiha Madara!" Han Guang didn't hide.

"Oh? You want White Zetsu to go back to Uchiha Madara?" Namikaze Minato couldn't believe it.

Han Guang's idea is really incomprehensible.


"Of course not! I asked him to use Liuli's identity to infiltrate Madara's subordinate organization.

"I see." Namikaze Minato understood.

He guessed that the routine that Han Guang will use should be exactly the same as that of Anbu.

First send White Zetsu to mix in, and then Han Guang makes a move to make that organization his own.

"Is there anything else you want to explain?" Namikaze Minato asked again.

"Teacher, how do I feel that you've been keeping my secrets?" Han Guang had a strange look on his face.

Seeing that he was misunderstood by the students, Namikaze Minato hurriedly explained.

"Actually, I want to help you! It's just that I can't help you now."

"Although I can't help you in terms of strength, I still have a brain. Maybe I can give you new ideas."

Hearing Teacher Minato's words, Han Guang smiled and shook his head.

"It's fine if you want it! We master and apprentice don't talk about that."

"I'm very pleased to have an apprentice like you." Minato said with emotion.

this moment.

Han Guang was stunned.


"Ms. Minato, go get Senior Jiraiya!" Han Guang urged.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Namikaze Minato looked serious, knowing that Han Guang had something important to do.

With the Instant Body Technique cast, Namikaze Minato disappeared in place.

At this moment, Han Guang's eyes narrowed.

"Loulan, I can wait until the day after tomorrow. When Jiraiya returns to the village, can I find out about Nagato's whereabouts?"

What the teacher said just now made Huang Guang think of Zilai's other three apprentices.

This means that you can find Nagato without White Zetsu!

When he finds Nagato, Han Guang will immediately goug out his eyes.

Of course, as the shadow of a village, Han Guang is still generous. He will replace Nagato with normal eyes.

In this way.

After Uchiha Madara dies, what is used to revive?

After a while.

Teacher Minato is back.

To Han Guang's surprise, there was no sign of Jiraiya.

"I went one step late. Teacher Jiraiya was reversely summoned by the trapped mountain." Namikaze Minato looked disappointed.

"That's it, it's all right!"

Han Guang didn't care.

In this case, then go to Loulan tomorrow.

Having made an appointment with Mr. Minato tomorrow morning, Han Guang left the back mountain.

Back in the yard, he lay directly on the wooden chair and began to sleep.

Until the evening.

Sitting up from the wooden chair, Han Guang stretched.

"Chakra is recovering quickly."

Feeling the Chakra inside him, he was ready to leave some more behind.


Putting your hands together, Wood Style starts.

Oddly enough.

No trees broke through the ground in the yard.


A tree trunk quickly spread underground, heading towards the happy soup bath.

Perceived, Han Guang 'saw' Uzuki Yuyan, Lin, Hyuga Suzune and Mrs. Mikoto.

Happy soup bath.

Uzuki Xiyan squatted on the left side of the massage table and Lin squatted on the right.

The two watched Lingyin's massage technique intently.

On one side, Mrs. Mikoto arranged the essential oils and observed them.


Hyuga Suzune's expression changed when she rolled her eyes.

Before she could make a move.

Poof, poof, poof, poof.

Four branches came out directly from the floor.

The branches trembled and bound the four of them together.

next moment.

The four disappeared into the massage room.

"Warm? Why didn't you press it?" Kushina twisted her body, quite dissatisfied.

【Ask for flowers】【Ask for evaluation tickets】【Ask for monthly tickets】.

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