When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 175 Conspiracy! Han Guang: Why Are You Taking Off My Pants? (Please Customize)

After being separated from his disciple Han Guang, Namikaze Minato returned home.

"These ten scrolls are of great importance, so they must be carefully preserved."

Namikaze Minato knew very well that these ten scrolls represented all of Han Guang's combat power. Once they are all untied, they are powerful enough to destroy the village several times.

So, it is important to store it carefully.

After thinking for a while, he had an idea.

Training Ground No. 9.

Walking under the familiar tree, Namikaze Minato dug an extremely deep hole.

Then, he put the scroll in.

"Toad Concealment Barrier Technique!"

Imprints were formed on both hands, and a transparent barrier appeared, covering the pit.


Accompanied by a strange fluctuation, the pothole disappeared without a trace.

This is a hidden enchantment unique to Mount Myōboku, which cannot be detected by even the senses.

"In this way, the only people who can open this pothole are Teacher Jiraiya and me."

Muttering to himself, Namikaze Minato put another Flying Thunder God Kunai into it.

After finishing these, he turned and left.

"Nine Four Three" walked out of the training ground, and Namikaze Minato was taken aback suddenly.

"This feeling?"

He felt a strong tugging sensation.

"Reverse Summoning?"

Having identified the source, Namikaze Minato let go of his guard.


His figure disappeared in place.

Mount Myōboku.

Jiraiya stood in front of him, watching Namikaze Minato being summoned by Gama Bunta.

"Ms. Jiraiya?"

"Minato, Toad Sage wants to see you." Ji Laiyu's tone was quite anxious.


Seeing the teacher's expression, Namikaze Minato did not hesitate and followed the teacher towards the cave.

In a spacious cave.

Namikaze Minato walked into the cave and saw a huge toad.

This toad was smoking a cigarette with a huge pipe in its mouth.

A smoke ring spewed out, and Toad Sage looked at the area.

"Toad Sage!"

"You are Namikaze Minato." Toad Sage's tone was full of emotion.

"It's me! I don't know why you came here for me?" Namikaze Minato said with a straight face.

Toad Sage thought for a moment and looked at Jiraiya.

"What else are you doing here? Get out!"

"Warm?" Jiraiya was taken aback.

Are you just a microphone? Are there any secrets that you can't hear?

Seeing Toad Sage's dissatisfied expression, Jiraiya could only turn around and leave.


Only Toad Sage and Namikaze Minato remain in the cave.

"Minato, there is something I want to ask you, and you have to answer truthfully!" Toad Sage's tone was rare and dignified.

"Excuse me." Namikaze Minato nodded.

"How many scrolls do you have in your hand?" Toad Sage asked quietly.


At this moment, Namikaze Minato paused.

Toad Sage What does this mean?


Is it referring to the scroll that Han Guang gave himself?

"I don't know what you mean?" Namikaze Minato looked puzzled.

"Ahem~~ It's the kind of sealing scroll that can release Wood Style." Toad Sage reminded.

"Wait a minute, how did you know?" Namikaze Minato looked puzzled.

The Wood Style scroll, that was given to him by Han Guang in the afternoon, how would Toad Sage know?

Facing Namikaze Minato's question, Toad Sage blew a smoke ring.

"Just now, I had another dream. I dreamed that you used the Wood Style scroll." Toad Sage explained.

"Is it related to the previous dream?" Namikaze Minato asked.


Toad Sage has no negations.

Then he said: "The Wood Style scroll in your hand is very important! So I want to ask, how many Wood Style scrolls do you have in your hand?"

"Two!" Namikaze Minato said truthfully.

"Only two?" Toad Sage murmured, seemingly, relieved.

It was smoking the pipe again, as if thinking.

After a while.

Toad Sage has a suggestion.

"Minato, these two Wood Style scrolls are very important! I suggest you hide these two scrolls in the Summoning beast."


To be honest, Namikaze Minato didn't understand Toad Sage's suggestion.

Hiding in the body of the Summoning beast is nothing more than hiding in the body of a toad.

But he has already hidden in the No. 9 training ground with a concealment barrier, and no one can find it there.

Moreover, once the village is in crisis, he can use the Flying Thunder God Technique to directly reach the tree. So, why do I have to complicate the steps?

"I don't think it's necessary." Namikaze Minato shook his head.

"You're so arrogant." Toad Sage sighed.

Then he said: "I helped you Konoha predict the future, but you don't believe me."

"No, I just have plans." Namikaze Minato explained.

"Okay! You go." Toad Sage lost interest in talking.

"Then I take my leave."

Watching the back of Namikaze Minato leaving, Toad Sage's huge frog eyes narrowed.

After a while.

Jiraiya walked in.


"Toad Sage.

"Go back to Konoha and find the two Wood Style scrolls hidden by Namikaze Minato." Toad Sage instructed.

"Wood Style scroll?" Jiraiya looked confused.

Since Minato hid it, why did Toad Sage just ask Minato directly? Why do you have to find it yourself?

"Those two scrolls are very important! You must find them and give them to me..." Toad Sage's tone was serious.


Jiraiya nodded.

There is no need to look for such a simple thing. Just ask Minato yourself.

After all, Minato is his own disciple.

Konoha Houshan.

The four women stood in front of Han Guang with bewildered expressions.

"I thought I was attacked, but you did it?" Mrs. Mikoto rolled her eyes.

"But, how did we come to Houshan?" Uzuki Xiyan was puzzled.

"Yeah, I just remember being bound by tree branches, and then appearing here out of thin air. Could it be time and space ninjutsu?" Lin was also puzzled.

"What about you?" Han Guang looked at Hyuga Suzune and asked with a smile.

"I, I know." Ringtone whispered.

"Tell me." Han Guang motioned.

"Your Wood Style was just to touch us, and then you sent us here with your spiritual will." Lingyin looked at Han Guang and made a judgment.

"You are nice! Hyuga Ringtone!"

Han Guang praised it.

As the other party said, just now, Han Guang used his spiritual will to move the four of them to the back mountain.

However, there must be a prerequisite for this. That is to connect to four people with Chakra.

"I still don't understand, did you learn time and space ninjutsu?" Lin asked.


Han Guang shook his head.

He simply explained it a little more straightforwardly.

"I use the Wood Style to connect you, and the spiritual will envelops you along the Wood Style! At this moment, all four of you are wrapped in my spiritual will.

"Afterwards, my spirit returned, and you naturally followed suit."

After listening to Han Guang's explanation, the 4.3 people suddenly realized.

It turns out that spiritual will can still be used in this way?

"I'm so envious, but I don't have the spiritual will." Uzuki Xiyan was envious and regretful.

"Me neither." Lin also echoed.

"This is not something ordinary ninjas can have." Mrs. Mikoto said with a smile.

"But Han Guang has it." Lingyin muttered.

After the four chattered, Han Guang got to the point.

"The three of you are waiting here, Mrs. Mikoto, come with me." With a serious expression on his face, Hikaru gestured.


Although a few people were puzzled, seeing Han Guang's serious expression, they consciously didn't ask.

In the dark sky.

Han Guang brought Mrs. Mikoto to a cave.

As soon as she walked in, Mrs. Mikoto couldn't wait.

Han Guang looked down at Mrs. Mikoto with black lines all over her head.

"Why are you taking off my pants?"

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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