When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 196 Kushina's Choice! Minato's Pursuit! Madara's Plan! (Please Customize)

Konoha Village mouth.

With the return of Wood Style clone's spiritual will, Han Guang who was leaning on the tree trunk slowly opened his eyes.

"It seems that the current Nagato's Rinnegan's grasp is not ideal."

Jumping off the tree trunk, he learns what happened to the Wood Style doppelgänger.

Originally, according to the idea of ​​the Wood Style avatar, it was intended to directly deduct Nagato's Rinnegan.

But when the avatar arrived at Yuluoshan, it was discovered that Nagato did not have the ability to revive Yahiko.

Therefore, judging by himself, the current Nagato has not yet mastered the Rinne Tensei Technique!

On this point, Han Guang agrees.

Because it takes time to develop the Rinnegan's abilities.

"If Nagato has mastered the Rinne Tensei Technique now, then Madara will not hide, but will use Nagato to resurrect herself."

Muttering to himself, Han Guang walked towards the village.

Now, Han Guang can perceive the positions of Yahiko and Nagato in real time.

The reason is that these two people have their own Yang Dun Chakra in their bodies.

In his perception, Nagato and the others are heading towards Konoha Village.

"When they get to the village, I'll give Nagato an eye replacement!"

After making up his mind, Guang looked relaxed.

It was getting dark.

Walking around the village for 23 times, Han Guang received a wave of praise from the masses.

This made him firm in the future line.

"It seems that it is still necessary to go to the grassroots frequently."

Wiping the lipstick marks on his face, Han Guang was very satisfied with this time.

eight o'clock.

Han Guang walked into the barbecue restaurant as promised.

"Here!" Kushina in the box beckoned.

"Huh? Just the two of us?"

Walking into the box, Han Guang looked suspicious.

He thought there would be other people, but it turned out that there was only Senior Kushina?

"No one else was there," Kushina explained.

"Oh? No way?" Han Guang didn't believe it.

"Really, Mikoto is in the family, so he didn't go to the happy bath. Suzune also asked for leave. Lin also went on a mission. You arranged it."


Han Guang touched his chin.

Did you ask Lin to do the task?

"Didn't you tell her to go to Senior Tsunade?" Kushina asked in surprise.

"Oh, this matter." Han Guang was stunned.

The matter of finding Tsunade, he was originally assigned to Kakashi. But Kakashi is starting to recruit Anbu, so he sent Lin?


Han Guang and Kushina started chatting while eating.

To be exact, Han Guang was listening, and Kushina was talking to himself.

"Han Guang, I will be alone from now on."

"Minato became like that, what should I do in the future?"

"As you said, you will take care of me."

While eating the barbecue, Kushina drank several glasses of wine by the way.

She also talked more and more.

"Our Uzumaki family is gone, and here, I have no relatives."

"Han Guang, can you understand me?"

"You can understand, because you are alone."

With drunken eyes, Kushina grabbed Han Guang's hand.

"You promised your teacher that you would take care of me, right?"

"Yeah." Han Guang nodded.

Then, he frowned and said, "Senior Kushina, you are drunk!"

"No, I'm not drunk!" Holding Han Guang's hand firmly, Kushina shook her head vigorously.

After a while.

Han Guang was speechless.

He stood up and carried the drunk Kushina on his back.

Walking out of the barbecue shop, Han Guang carried Kushina on his back and walked towards the happy soup bath.

Entering the store, he pushed open the door.

Then, Han Guang found that Kushina was hugging him tightly, and he couldn't shake it off for a long time.

"Are you an octopus?"

Feeling helpless, Han Guang could only lie on the bed temporarily.

into the night.

Han Guang fell into a deep sleep.

At this time, Kushina opened his eyes.

"I'm looking for someone to rely on."

"Han Guang, you are the best thing to rely on."

Mumbling to himself, Kushina made up his mind.

She took off her clothes one by one.

He hugged the sleeping Han Guang.

Within the territory of the Land of Thunder.

Under the moonlight.

A toad came out of the ground.

He looked around and began to bow his head in thought.

"The people of the Sarutobi clan settled in the Land of the Moon, while the Third Generation and Orochimaru entered the Land of Thunder."

"According to Han Guang, they came to join Uchiha Madara.

"Can they find Madara?"

Toad thought for a moment, a little puzzled.

This toad is Namikaze Minato.

He tracked it all the way here, but he couldn't figure out how Orochimaru and the Third Generation would seek refuge with Uchiha Madara.


Suddenly, Namikaze Minato's frog eyes paused.

His body changed for a while, turning into a stone.

I saw several green snakes crawling from a distance and scattered away.

"I see! Orochimaru is using snakes to find Madara?"

With a dazed look on his face, Namikaze Minato escaped into the ground and started heading in the opposite direction.

He doesn't need to follow those green snakes, he just needs to look in the opposite direction to find the location of Orochimaru and Third Generation.

"As long as I monitor the two of them, there will be gains.

Namikaze Minato had an idea.

at the same time.

A mountain cemetery dozens of miles away.

Danzo stood outside the cave, looking up at the moon in the night sky.

Uchiha Madara also came out of the cave, also looking up at the moon.

"You don't go back to the cave to sleep, and you still have time to look at the moon?" 860 Danzo glanced at Madara and whispered.

"Hehe~~" Madara smiled, but did not answer.


Madara's expression changed, and she turned and walked towards the cave.

"I'm getting old, I still listen to your advice, go back to sleep." Madara said quietly, with a late tone.

inside the cave.


Black Zetsu emerged from the ground.

"What's going on?" Madara asked.

"Mission accomplished! Yahiko is dead, Nagato is stimulated, and Gedo Statue is summoned with Rinnegan!" Black Zetsu responded.

"Very good!" Uchiha Madara was overjoyed.

For Nagato's performance, he was really surprised.

A person from the Uzumaki family can really inspire Rinnegan's ability?

This means that my future resurrection plan has succeeded 90%!

As long as Nagato continues to develop Rinnegan's ability, Madara believes that the other party will master the Rinne Tensei Technique sooner or later!

At that time, I will be resurrected in full bloom.

"When the time comes, I will crush that brat Han Guang to death with my own hands! Then I will study the secrets in him.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Madara's face.

"By the way, Master Madara! In order to prevent being discovered by Nagato, we evacuated there in time." Black Zetsu continued.

"You did a good job!" Madara nodded in satisfaction.

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