When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 197 Han Guang: I Was Insulted By Kushina! The Countdown To The Defeat Of The League Of Loser

early morning.

Han Guang woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he froze.

At this time, Han Guang found that he was picking up a beautiful woman with big breasts.

Although the other party turned his back to him, that long red hair deeply betrayed the other party's identity.


Everyone in Han Guang was dumbfounded.

"What did I do last night?"

Trying to recall what happened last night in his mind, Han Guang was surprised to find that he didn't seem to move.

So, it was Kushina-senpai who moved it?

Taking advantage of others! Absolutely taking advantage of others!

Kushina insulted herself while she was asleep?

With a look of anger on his face, Han Guang ran away in a hurry.

It was so sudden that he needed to be alone.

Walking to Teacher Minato's residence, Han Guang walked in.

"Oh, I really didn't move." Sighing, let Guang pick up a photo.

In the photo, Teacher Minato is smiling brightly, and Kushina is also smiling brightly.

Looking at the two people in the photo, Han Guang was in a daze.

he was thinking.

Myself, is it wrong?

Han Guang swears that he has absolutely no unreasonable thoughts about Senior Kushina. However, Kushina has thoughts about herself.

I just carried the other party back out of a caring attitude. Who would have thought-

In the middle of the night, I was insulted by Kushina.

Who does this lead me to reason with?


Sighing again, Han Guang dismissed the matter, not thinking about it for now.

He glanced at the attribute panel, and his eyes lit up.

Agility: 1482(*)【Immortal level】

Seeing the doubled agility attribute, Han Guang's mood suddenly improved.

"It's been so long, and agility has finally come up."

Feeling better, he walked out of the room.


In a flash, Han Guang's speed soared to Ultimate.

Less than two breaths.

He appeared in his yard.

"Sure enough, this is the speed I should have`".

Satisfied with his own speed, Han Guang secretly complacent.

The speed has doubled, which means that his physical strength has increased a lot!

With the blessing of speed, the destructive power of Han Guang's punch is more than ten times stronger than yesterday!

"If I didn't make a mistake in my calculation, my current punch can completely break down a hill.

"Also, I can slap Sarutobi Hiruzen to death just by speed alone."

That's right.

The current Han Guang doesn't need to use Wood Style at all, he only needs to rely on speed and strength, and he is already the pinnacle of the ninja world.

The reason is that his speed has doubled.

"Today is a happy day. It seems that the Fugaku patriarch will be troubled again."

Han Guang walked towards the Uchiha family with strides.

When Uchiha Fugaku learned that he would continue to deal with official duties today, he simply took up his post.

Someone took over, and Han Guang wandered around Uchiha's station.


Finding Obito on the training ground, Han Guang motioned for him.

"Han Guang, you are looking for me." Obito trotted over.

"Go find Shisui! Today I give you an important task." Han Guang said.

"I'll go right away!" Obito was overjoyed and ran away like the wind.

Not for a while.

Uchiha Shisui has arrived.

It seems that in response to this task, when Shisui came, he was full of ninja.

"Obito, look at Shisui, you know how to do the task, and the ninja tools are all ready! How about you?" Han Guang glanced at Obito.

"Huh? I'm going to call him, I haven't had time to prepare yet." Obito pouted.

He could tell that Han Guang was just putting on Hokage's airs.

"Master Hokage, what is the mission?" Shisui asked.

"Go pick someone up!" Han Guang responded with a smile.

Next, Han Guang said the specific task.

"You are going to the Land of Rain. Along the way, there will be White Zetsu clone leading the way. The mission of the two of you is to bring the three of you back."

"Which three people?" Shisui asked.

"White Zetsu!" Han Guang didn't answer, but looked towards the ground.

The White Zetsu clone emerged from the ground.

"White Zetsu will lead you to find those three people! Remember, whoever dares to block the way, kill him!" Han Guang said in a serious tone.

"Relax." Obito patted his chest.

Then he said: "How should I say, I am also the second strongest person in Konoha Village, this kind of escort mission is not difficult!"

"We still have to be careful." Shisui warned.

From Shisui's point of view, Han Guang asked the two of them to pick up the man, so this task must not be easy.

After explaining the task, Xia Guang sent a few people off.

"With Shisui and Obito escorting the three of Nagato, safety should be no problem."

々Next, it's time to wait for Uchiha Madara. "

Han Guang rubbed his chin with a smile on his face.

He believes that Orochimaru and the Third Generation will find Uchiha Madara.

At that time, Mr. Minato, who was in charge of monitoring, could wipe out the Loser Alliance by himself as long as he used reverse Summoning.

"Oh~~ It's not difficult at all."

With emotion, Han Guang started to go deep into the chicken layer again.

The country of thunder.

Mountain cemetery.

Uchiha Madara and Danzo stand outside the cave.

The two fell silent as they stared at a small snake that appeared in the cemetery.

"Danzo, do you want to give me an explanation?" Madara broke the silence and spoke quietly.

"I have nothing to explain." Danzo shook his head.

"Oh? How did this snake come here? Did it get lost?" Madara's eyes were not friendly.

Although Madara has left the Country of Grass, he can still obtain information about the ninja world by virtue of Black Zetsu.

This method of relying on snakes to detect intelligence (male Zhao) is undoubtedly Orochimaru.

Orochimaru, on the other hand, has a very close relationship with Danzo.

Uchiha Madara is well aware of this.

Facing Madara's questioning, Danzo did not respond, but walked up to the little snake and took out a scroll from his arms.


The little snake opened its mouth and seemed to swallow the scroll.

next moment.

The little snake got into the ground and disappeared without a trace.

"Danzo, do you think I'm blind? You pass on information so brazenly, it looks like you're going to betray me." Madara's tone sank.

"Orochimaru is coming to join you!" Danzo turned his head and said surprisingly.


Madara froze.

Now, he is short of manpower. That's not such a bad thing, if it's true, as Danzo says.

The only problem is to control the big snake.

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