When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 222 Longevity? Longing For Tsunade And Kushina! (Please Customize)

The appearance of Nine Tails caused quite a stir in the village.

However, the sensation soon subsided.

The reason is that Fourth Hokage Han Guang's combat strength is too strong, and he overwhelmed Nine Tails in an instant.

Happy soup bath.

Han Guang supported Kushina to sit on the stool.

"You pulled Nine Tails out, and Kushina is still alive?" At this moment, Tsunade's face was unbelievable.

Tsunade knows a lot about Jinchūriki. As far as she knows, any Jinchūriki who is drawn from the Tailed Beast will surely die.

But what is the situation with Kushina now?

"You underestimate me." Han Guang glanced at the other party, then looked at Kushina.

"How do you feel now?" he asked.

"I just feel very hungry." Kushina rubbed his stomach and said.

"I'm going to cook." Konan on the side hurried into the kitchen.

"Kushina, don't you feel any other abnormalities?" Tsunade looked carefully and asked.

"No, I just don't have much strength and I'm a little hungry." Kushina responded.

"It's amazing, Han Guang, how did you do it?" Tsunade looked at Han Guang with a questioning face.

"Yangdun Chakra, what's all the fuss about?"

Yang escape?

Tsunade stared blankly, even more puzzled.

Yang escape, bring people back to life?

"No, if Yang Dun can heal wounds, I believe it. But how could Yang Dun Chakra bring people back to life?" Tsunade murmured.

"Who told you that Yang Dun can't be brought back to life?" Han Guang asked back.

"But there's no precedent." Tsunade muttered.

"Isn't this a precedent?" Han Guang said lightly.

Then, he looked at Tsunade's forehead.

Continued: "You sealed a large number of Yin Dun Chakra in your forehead, isn't it also to save your life?"

"I'm different. My Yin Dun Chakra just stimulates the cells to divide rapidly." Tsunade explained.

"It seems that you still have self-awareness." "

When Han Guang said this, Tsunade was not angry, but continued to ask.

"Yang Dun, is it really so magical?"

"That's right."

Han Guang nodded.

Seeing the thirst for knowledge on Tsunade's face, even Kushina listened attentively, and Han Guang could only briefly explain.

"Yang Dun, develop to Ultimate, it is vitality!"

"As long as a person's soul is still there, my Yang Dun Chakra can infuse the life force into the other person's body. In this way, the person will not die.

Hearing Han Guang's explanation, Tsunade was thoughtful.

Kushina suddenly realized.

"No wonder, so you replenished my vitality.


"But, according to what you mean, won't you be able to live forever if you master Yang Dun?" Tsunade asked suddenly.

"Of course not." Han Guang shook his head.

He explained: "Let's put it this way! The foundation of longevity is to master Yang Dun! But mastering Yang Dun doesn't necessarily mean you can live forever."

"Yang Dun just represents vitality! It has nothing to do with longevity. Do you understand?"


Tsunade nodded, indicating that he understood.

Kushina also knew the characteristics of Yang Dun.

"If there is an old man whose lifespan is nearing the end, then Yang Dun cannot extend his lifespan. Is that what it means?" Kushina made an analogy.

"Yes." Han Guang nodded.

He has explained it very clearly.

But Tsunade still caught a problem here.

"Just now you said that the foundation of longevity is mastering Yang Dun? Then what else is needed?" Tsunade looked curious.

"What? Are you interested in longevity?" Han Guang asked with a smile.

"Of course! Which woman isn't interested?" Tsunade touched his face with longing.

If she can live forever, she can keep her current figure forever. This is a great temptation.

"Han Guang, tell me quickly. What are the other conditions?" Kushina also urged.

Being questioned by two women, Guang thought for a moment.

Then, he spit out a word.

"Planet Energy!"

"Warm? Planetary energy? What is this?" Kushina looked puzzled.

"Can you be more straightforward?" Tsunade didn't quite understand either.

This word is actually the answer that Han Guang guessed from Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya took the fruit of the sacred tree and gained a long life.

And the fruit of the sacred tree absorbs the energy of the planet.

"Planet energy is a higher energy than natural energy! It is the essence of our planet."

"I still don't understand." The two women were still a little confused.

For this reason, Han Guang can only explain more straightforwardly.

"Let's put it this way, humans, animals, plants, rocks, soil, and air! Combine these together, and then refine and extract them, and you will get planetary energy!"

*] Huh? This!!!"

"Isn't this eating people? No, eating everything?"

Tsunade and Kushina are unbelievable.

How does planetary energy come from?

If you really want to do this, wouldn't you become a monster?

Seeing these two people so shocked, Han Guang spit out another shocking secret.

"Actually, someone did this thousands of years ago!" Han Guang said softly.

"What? You mean, someone has extracted planetary energy?" Tsunade's eyes widened.

She hurriedly asked: "How did that person refine it? Was it successful? Did that person live forever?"

"That person's name is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya! She planted a giant tree, used the tree to absorb the energy of the ninja world, and tempered it into a fruit." Fei Guang said slowly.

"This, this seems to be really warm?" Kushina murmured.

"Indeed, if the tree is big enough, it can absorb any matter, even corpses, and transform it into planetary energy." Tsunade (Wang Haohao) also thinks it is feasible.

But immediately, she got a question: "Where is that person now? Why is there no record of her?"

"She was sealed by her two sons." Han Guang shook his head and said.

Sealed by two sons?

Tsunade and Kushina looked at each other, feeling reasonable.

They knew it without guessing, it must be because that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya made too many killings, and then the two sons couldn't stand it anymore and sealed the mother away.

After all, it takes a lot of corpses to absorb planetary energy.

"Okay, the science is over, and it's time for me to go to bed."

Standing up, Han Guang yawned.

He glanced at Tsunade, and made a subtle gesture.

"This little pervert."

Tsunade blushed, and understood Han Guang's meaning.

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